Ugh, mantras are like wizards. Self-healing with the power of thought. Amulet against car accidents

Esoteric science of wizardry

is an esoteric science created on the basis of general cosmic principles of the existence of space and matter. She studies such phenomena of human existence as contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, manifestations of parallel worlds, Divine revelations and human superpowers.
Visardics is an applied science. She has a number of energetic keys that can change the existing reality. Vizardika studies how energy-information exchange occurs in the human body and in nature, how one can communicate and interact with the unknown.
Vizardics has various directions of development: cosmovizardics, psychovisardics, hypnovisardics, karmavisardics, sexovizardics, astrovisardics, ethnovizardics, businessvisardics and others, affecting almost all areas of human life. Our lives are spent in constant interaction with each other, with ourselves and with the world around us. At the level of feelings, emotions, thoughts, images, we constantly participate in the mechanism of interaction of the Universe, as we communicate with nature, animals, objects, other people, G-d, and phenomena.
Some people limit themselves to communicating with wallets and saucepans, while others also communicate with Extraterrestrial intelligence, spirits, and the energy of the Earth and Space. And even if a person interacts only at the everyday level, this does not mean that he is isolated and closed from the Cosmos. Interaction still occurs with the entire Universe, but only on a different level, semi-conscious, unconscious, informational and energetic. Every person is in constant communication with internal and external reality.
Each of us, as an inseparable part of the entire universe, during interaction with other living or inanimate objects, astral entities, with residents of other levels or parallel worlds, automatically exchanges our information. And, in order not to gain negative information, communication at the highest energy level should be chosen especially carefully and carefully. The desire for spiritual growth, the suppression of unbridled fears and base instincts, emotional and mental discipline, and the correct implementation of ritual practices allows us to touch other worlds, another reality, other types of human existence.
By using Vizardiki performs self-healing with the power of thought, a person comprehends himself as a part of the Universe through the mechanism of cosmic interaction, naturally understands existing circumstances, and improves health. attracts good luck, helps to fully realize oneself. You can communicate with any creatures in almost any period of time and at any distance. And you shouldn’t overestimate your own importance, since man is just one species out of billions of creatures located in the endless visible and invisible Cosmos.
G-d created not only us in his image and likeness, but also all other creatures. When worshiping G-d, a person is obliged to be worthy of his world and to see the Divine in everything: animals, plants, stones and especially other people.
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Laws of Vizardiki

1. During interaction with other forms of life or with people, we comprehend the Universe and develop.
2. All atoms in the Universe are connected to each other, so any information is instantly transferred to any distance and at any time.
3. Since the main place of Power is in our head, any change in information entails a complete change in information.
4. Nature allows you to enjoy its benefits in proportion to the corresponding efforts expended.
5. Nothing passes without a trace and does not disappear anywhere, everyone is responsible for their own destiny and their actions. As we work on ourselves, this is how we get life.
6. Every action we take must be carefully thought out. Random actions cannot be performed.
7. You need to control your thinking, because a thought, like an action, is an action.
8. Each of our external influences has consequences directed towards us. This must be taken into account when preparing your action. Carry out external influences for the purpose of self-improvement.
9. Initially, each person is given the living conditions necessary for his self-improvement. Very often, factors that are harmful and negative, in our opinion, are actually necessary for our internal growth.
10. We determine our future ourselves, attracting certain situations with the frequency of our energy vibrations.
11. For everything that happens to us, we thank the universe and constantly increase our awareness.
12. Only teaching can lead us to true knowledge and freedom.

Speech circle for self-healing with the power of thought for every day

Morning address to the Sun:
Rejoice God, who illuminates the Earth, Ruler of Light, who brings fire! We stand on Your palms, before You, like Your fingers. We sound from Your volcanoes, praising You like Your sounds. We look from the top of Your head, recognizing You, like Your glances. Those gifts that we carry for You, we give to You to take for ourselves, praising You. Master and Master, our Heavenly Father, our Great God, for You is the life of any of us. For you alone. Touch with your Light. Enter our world at sunrise. We are humble servants. We are Your children. We are Yours!
Appeal to Earth:
Mother Gaia, who gave birth to and raised us, who floats in the ocean of stars and lives at the behest of her heart, we bow to You, expressing our love and our helplessness before Your breath. All who came before us walked across You in the rays of their glory. All who come after us will bow to You and to us,
just as we bow to You and to those who bowed before us. Glory to You, caring and enchanting Goddess, amazing and surprising with her beauty every moment! We dissolve in the stream of Your incomprehensible truths, and, lying on You, we look into the sky to see our reflection in it.
We are Your children. And You are our happiness. We are Yours!
Appeal to your Family:
My family, going into the depths of eternity, rooted in the earth, and supporting the sky with its crown, I praise You, and accept the gift of merit. Your strength is in my breath. Your wisdom is in my movement. Your will is in my heart. I worship and pay homage to my ancestors. They lead me to God. They are my rays and torches indicating the path of the stars. They are my helpers and mentors. They are me in the future. Teacher of my descendants, I kindle the flame; I carry my light in my chest, and my word. I honor nature and give thanks. God dwells within me, and my race is marked by mercy. So be it, and cannot be changed!
Appeal to the Teacher:
Glory to my Teacher, who has given me the path to God; who revealed to me the stream coming from Heaven and from the center of the Earth, forming my inner light. Glory to my Teacher, who explained to me the structure of the world; who showed me other worlds and their inhabitants; who initiated me into the secret knowledge of the ancients; changed my whole life. Glory to my true Teacher. Thanks to Him and the Lord God! Let it be so!
Evening address to the Sun:
A luminary that leaves before the morning, a meeting with You portends good luck. Tomorrow will bring warmth and blooming clouds. Your rays flashed like a red stripe and went out in the depths of the sea, and this day went with them to look at us next. What happened today are life lessons for which we are grateful. The experience received from You, our Lord, is beyond all rewards. We surrender to Your Will and accept our Destiny. We give You honor and bring gifts. Your light, Great Father, is reflected at night from the eye of the Moon. You look at us from the heights of your kingdom and see our path. Rejoice and come again! We are Your children. We are Yours!

Vizardika - conspiracies to promote the Teaching

I thank You, Lord, for Your Teaching, for Your Power coming through it, and Your Knowledge. For Your understanding, and Your all-forgiveness, helping and giving me. For Your grace and Your skill.
For Your patience and Your protection, and for Your glory, and for Your joy. As a humble servant, I accept Your instructions and Your decrees. And I bring Your love, and Your warmth, and Your word in gratitude to You for Your prayer before Your whole world for Your Teaching.

Praise to the Lord G-d

Glory to my Lord, the All-Seeing and the All-Hearing! Omniscient, All-pervading and All-present! Uniting people and nations, Raising to Light from the depths of spiritual darkness, Creating and Helping his children. Glory!
Glory to my Lord, Who has risen at the head of the angels and Revives traditions and lost knowledge, Gathers Power and Gives eternal wisdom, Calls the souls of the chosen to help those who seek, Reveals earthly blessings for the spiritual and spiritual blessings for the earthly. Glory!
Glory to my Lord, the All-Grower and the All-Creator! Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omnipotent! Renewing and strengthening the body of the planet, Directing the development of life, and Forgiving all sins and diseases, Liberating from their presence and from all filth, Punishing enemies and Bringing justice. Glory!

Vizardika - conspiracies about spiritual growth

Just as there is a lot of sand in the deserts, there are so many of Your disciples and followers, Lord; As there is much water in the seas, so there are many of Your disciples and followers, Lord; as there are many stones in the mountains, so many are Your disciples and followers, Lord; as there are many trees in the forests, so there are many of yours
disciples and followers, Lord; As there are many stars in the sky, there are so many of Your disciples and followers, Lord.
And I am Your student and follower, coming to You and leading behind me.
Add strength to me for Your ascent! Grant me knowledge and Your wisdom!
Open for me the path that will lift my spirit!
I thank the earth! Thank heaven! Thank God! Let it be so!

Vizardika - conspiracies for guidance

Open up, Lord! Come into my life, fill it with light and joy.
Let luck, for Your glory, come to me and stay.
Let me understand my purpose and, following my path, find peace and balance.
Let me see You, and see myself, seeing through Your eyes. Let me hear You, and hear myself, hearing through Your ears. Let me know You and know myself, knowing through Your heart.
Let me be like You, bearers of Knowledge like You.
Show yourself, Lord!

Vizardika - conspiracies for forgiveness

Lord, forgive me for everything. For offending someone; thought something bad about someone; envied someone; and despised someone.
Forgive me for not hearing your prompts in time and not accepting Your instructions. Forgive me for doubting Your wisdom and Your power. Forgive me for being weak and not worthy of Your participation.
But I strive, I try, I do, I improve, I follow Your path that You have prepared for me. I am clumsy, helpless, sluggish, but I swear, Lord, I am trying with all the strength that You also give me.
I am completely in Your hands, Lord. I trust You with my body and soul, and I ask you to teach me to understand You. Shed your healing light on me, direct my feet in the direction you need. Accept my prayers and my requests.
I bow before You, Lord, and wait for Your promptings in my life.
Glory to You! And may all people be in happiness and balance, in peace and quiet. May disagreements and illnesses, anger and hatred, fear and betrayal disappear. Let Your gardens flourish in the sons and daughters of men. May all my sins and mistakes be forgiven me. May we enjoy love for each other and everything around us. And let us pray to You and bow to You, my Great Lord.
Yes it will be so and cannot be changed.

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Today, many modern people strive for self-improvement, that is, they try with all their might to learn to control their inner world and energy. If someone says that this is impossible, they will be mistaken. There is a wizard.

Many people think twice when the term “visardics” is uttered. What is it and how does it work in practice? There are elementary answers to all these questions, which are gathering more and more supporters of this unique teaching.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that this term is translated as “cosmic shamanism” and “supermagic”, and carries a colossal semantic load. This is a teaching unknown to many, which can be comprehended by every person who has a great desire to become invulnerable. But what is known about this completely new science?

Each person has energy channels that must be regularly replenished for normal functioning. It is thanks to them that there is an expansion of perception, a noticeable improvement in the quality of life, as well as spiritual development and self-knowledge.

In addition, such powerful energy allows you to improve your destiny, find a way out of any situation, and tirelessly train your superpowers.

In this teaching, one comes to the full realization that each person is unique in himself, and he already has magical abilities at the subconscious level. They must be trained regularly to gain unique strength and a kind of “immortality.”

It becomes clear that the wizard is omnipotent, at the same time capable of working miracles and giving people superpowers, but any skill requires long-term training.

If you practice this science, you can become the strongest magician, for whom there will be no closed doors in the future. However, such power does not exist innately, so it is extremely important to gain invaluable knowledge, experience, skill and practice, and for this it is recommended to find a spiritual mentor.

When knowledge is obtained, there comes a full realization that thought is material, and is brought to life depending on the desires and aspirations of each person.

However, a vizardas should not direct his energies to bad actions, but first of all he simply must learn to control his thoughts and actions. It is extremely dangerous for him for aggression and emotions to take over, but peace of mind is precisely the key to success.

By the way, a vizardas is a person who has comprehended this unique teaching and acquired magical abilities solely through long-term work and self-improvement.

However, energy channels, like space programs, can be very diverse and selected solely based on the life situation. Simply put, such magical science also studies the magician, guiding him on the true path, opening his eyes to a completely unfamiliar world.

So now it’s clear who Vizardas is and how he influences the world and the people around him. There is nothing harmful or terrible in his actions, and in peaceful conditions such powerful energy is aimed exclusively at good and inner peace. So harmony with oneself is the main rule of the wizard.

In conclusion, we can only add that magicians are not born, but become through long-term work on oneself. So anyone can comprehend such a unique science as wizardry.

"By choosing God, we choose fate." (Virgil)

Founder- Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich (shaman)

What is Vizardika? It is an esoteric science based on the general cosmic principles of the existence of matter and space. The scope of her study includes various phenomena of human existence, such as manifestations of parallel worlds, contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, human superpowers and Divine revelations.
Vizardics is an applied science and has a number of energy keys that can change the existing reality. She studies energy-information exchange in nature and in the human body, methods of communication and interaction with the unknown.

Wizard's Laws:
1. Everything in the Universe is interconnected, interdependent and interpenetrates each other;
2. Man is one of the forms of life;
3. By interacting with other forms of life and people, we develop and comprehend the world;
4. There are no problems. There are only tasks that require solutions and attitudes towards them;
5. Fate is the conditions of life that can be changed;
6. There is neither good nor evil - there are energy-informational spectra;
7. Man proposes, but God disposes.

In Visardik it is prohibited:
1. Kill a person not for the purpose of defense or self-defense;
2. Kill animals not for the purpose of defense, self-defense or food;
3. Robbery, robbery, theft, cruelty, deliberate infliction of physical injury not for the purpose of defense or self-defense;
4. Social and personal arrogance, anger, slander, meanness;
5. Spiritual and physical laziness;
6. Reluctance to receive education and comprehend life;
7. Slave psychology and humility, imposing one’s own stupidity on other people.

The main virtues of a Vizardiki person:
1. Be able to adapt, live and survive;
2. Be able to communicate and interact;
3. Be able to regulate mental and physiological processes;
4. Be able to wait, set goals, achieve them and enjoy new opportunities;
5. Be able to be aware of your actions and consciously change your perception of the world or worlds;
6. Engage in creativity, science, medicine or other socially useful activities.

Wizard Wizard Rules:
1. Love yourself and through this love feel and enjoy nature;
2. Be responsible for all actions taken, i.e. build your destiny, satisfying your needs as needed;
3. Monitor your state of consciousness, energy, physical body and, if necessary, correct this state by all available means: creativity, energies, rituals, physical exercise, communication;
4. Receive joy and pleasure from life, that is, live according to the call of your heart, trying not to do anything that causes internal discomfort or tension;
5. Cooperate with external natural sources: spirits, energies, creatures, talismans, maintaining a balance of intellectual activity and figurative-emotional thinking;
6. Always act and act in such a way as to have your own benefit: love, money, luck, help, social growth, knowledge, favors of other forms of life, that is, to build karma.

Dedication - you will need paper, pen, candles (any color except black), incense, a new knife, spring water, gifts and offerings (sweets, bread, cereals, cookies, milk and beer) to God. The dedication ceremony is carried out facing east at any time time of day, full or waxing moon. Think of a name for yourself in advance, take a shower, place candles in the shape of a five-pointed star right in front of you. Light them, starting from the top of the figure, and burn the incense. Take paper and pen. Write your magical name on it, saying it out loud. Burn this paper and break the pen in half. Take a knife in your hands and draw a five-pointed star in front of you in the air. Turn right and do the same. Repeat your design, turning to the right again, and again, thus turning clockwise around its axis, seal the entire room with this magical symbol.
Holding a gift to God in your hands, say:
The sunrise sounds like a song of songs.
Blessed be Vizardas.
The sun shares its joy with us.
Blessed be Vizardas.
The wind bows to the mountains.
Blessed be Vizardas.
The sea listens to the beat of the heart.
Blessed is Vizardika.
People believe in their destiny.
Blessed be Vizardas.
You need to open your soul.
Blessed be Vizardas.
Time knows its limits.
Blessed be Vizardas.
Our world is full of miracles.
Blessed be Vizardas.
May luck find us.
Blessed be Vizardas.
A person declares: I am!
Blessed be Lord Vizardas.
Put the gift aside, burn another incense and read the Creed:
I believe in the harmony of nature and its love, and in the power of the Earth, which raised and educated us. And the human mind, capable of accomplishments and knowledge of the world, and its improvement. And into the ancient God, God of Gods, Father of Fathers, Progenitor of progenitors, Creator of Universes, Patron of time, Creator of life, the Only Supreme, Recognized and Superior-God Vizardas. For the sake of us, people, and our happiness, Who returned from wanderings, and His children - the famous gods who enlightened and calmed them, and gave them each their own place. According to the merits of the One who rewarded and distributed.
The gods could not make people happy, give them what they asked for and deserved. We couldn't see the beauty. They failed to maintain their importance.
They forgave where there should be no forgiveness. They punished where it was possible to forgive. We were far from people in difficult times. They did not hear the prayers addressed to them. They didn't pay attention to requests. They fought among themselves. They allowed the destruction of temples. Cultivate fear. Humiliate and maim. Worship money. Laugh at the prophets. They did not heal diseases. Wars were encouraged. They did not stop the violence. Good people were taken early. The bad ones were allowed to live long. They did a lot of things until Vizardas came.
I confess His faith, and carry His power, and now I live and enjoy Him.
I believe in the rebirth of the Spirit. I believe in the kingdom of Light, the awakening of people from sleep and their return to their roots and origins.
I bow to my Lord, I praise my Lord. He alone is now the Master. Forever and ever.
I fall down to Him. I create my eternity. My heart is open.
The world is transforming, making me happy. Let it be.
Khantaa ular.
Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine on your mental screen the Red or Yellow Sun with rays coming from it and say:
“Your strength and greatness will save many. Will help me!"
Wait a few minutes and start reading the magician's oath:
I, (name), embark on the Path of spiritual self-improvement and comprehension of truths.
I am fully aware of the responsibility that falls on my shoulders, but I have firmly decided to do this, and my desire is adamant.
I vow to treat the person who taught me everything with respect and gratitude!
I devote myself to the great Cause and declare my readiness to meet the Force face to face.
I open my heart and go out towards the rising Sun.
I swear to be worthy of the knowledge acquired and to use the opportunities given to me for the sake of my personal benefit and the benefit of all humanity.
I swear to make every effort to strengthen and spread the Tradition.
Help me with this, Vizardas, and my higher self!
From now on and forever! Khantaa ular!
When all the candles and incense have burned out, the ceremony can be considered complete.
Put your magic items in a safe place. They may be useful to you in other magical rites and rituals. Take food intended for spirits outside, place it under a tree, or give it to homeless animals. Either place the gift to God in a prominent place in the room, or hide it until the next ritual.

from the book Estrin, A. M.

Is wizardas one of the pseudonyms of the devil? and got the best answer

Reply from Lady Leo? Bright-eyed?[guru]
There is a concept of God in general. There are - about specific gods. But little is known about “God Vizardas, the Ancient Lord of the world, the Father of the gods, who allegedly left the Earth many millions of years ago to create worlds similar to ours in different parts of the Galaxy. About God, who allegedly returned to our planet to help His children: gods and people find peace in the soul and restore the balance lost due to the inability of the gods to control people and the inability of people to call upon the gods for this help. There is a book on how to pray to this God, how to interact with Him, how to turn to Him for help, and how to ask Him to grant love and happiness.
Modern people are accustomed to praying to relatively young gods: Buddha and Jesus, Yahweh and Ahuramazda, Allah and Krishna. Someone prays to Zeus and Hera, someone to Wotan - Odin, someone to Isis and Osiris. To what extent are people's prayers heard by these gods? How responsive are they to people's requests to take part in their lives, how close and friendly are they to us? Everyone answers these questions differently, in their own way, based on their life experience, joy or pain. Satisfied and blessed are those whom these gods helped, who feel their love and sense their unity! But what should those who feel that they belong to another God do? And there are many such people. They suffer from doubt, which begins with a complete denial of divine providence and ends with spiritual despair, the inability to find for themselves the only Source that was lost by their ancestors... they suffer spiritually, but cannot find their roots, and therefore become either complete atheists or continue to worship gods who are alien to them. Why? Because it’s easier, it’s so familiar, it’s so familiar, many people do it. Many, but not all! There are those who have found their God, who see real changes in life and health, turning to their Great Mentor and Patron, who pray to the Father of the gods, the One to whom the gods themselves pray, the Prime Creator and Creator of life, the God of the Universes, who has the Name - Vizardas.
These are people who see the future, build it and know about the advent of the Unity of Faith - the era of cosmic unity. These are those who strive for eternal life not through self-restraint and denial of life, rejection of scientific achievements and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations, but through their own freedom and receiving pleasure from the very process of life. The result is important - the immortality of the soul, but it is achieved through a process! These are those who deny the psychology of slavery and consumerism, the unimportance of the material world, acquisitions and complaints and recognize and preach the arch-importance of physical existence, the importance of physical existence, and the ability to build your happiness in the present time! These are those who recognize the practical application of the fullness of spiritual experience to build their own destinies, and the destinies of the people around us in the thick of life itself, and choose an active life position that allows them to influence various levels of existence, not only material, but also subtle-material. These are those who understand their life as a means of serving God, who wants us to be happy and fulfilled in this world, since, by His Will, we are here! Who believes that the soul only benefits from the fact that the body enjoys all earthly blessings, and not vice versa, as other religions claim. Who does not preach universal love, abstract and illusory, but truly loves those who walk next to us through life. Who is ready, for the sake of their family and friends, to respond to their enemies with all the strength and mercilessness inherent in us, and not turn them the other cheek for a second slap. These are those who do not take for granted what other people say, but, using their reason, intuition, and, most importantly, experience, are convinced of the correctness or falsity of certain statements and beliefs, determining for themselves their picture of the world based on no one else’s - either words or from the words of the sacred scriptures, but based on the culture and education of your heart."
The teaching is called “visardika”. Vizardas is a space wanderer, the Ancestor of pure energy. He is the son and the father, and birth, space and time."

"By choosing God, we choose fate." (Virgil)

Founder- Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich (shaman)

What is Vizardika? It is an esoteric science based on the general cosmic principles of the existence of matter and space. The scope of her study includes various phenomena of human existence, such as manifestations of parallel worlds, contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, human superpowers and Divine revelations.
Vizardics is an applied science and has a number of energy keys that can change the existing reality. She studies energy-information exchange in nature and in the human body, methods of communication and interaction with the unknown.

Wizard's Laws:
1. Everything in the Universe is interconnected, interdependent and interpenetrates each other;
2. Man is one of the forms of life;
3. By interacting with other forms of life and people, we develop and comprehend the world;
4. There are no problems. There are only tasks that require solutions and attitudes towards them;
5. Fate is the conditions of life that can be changed;
6. There is neither good nor evil - there are energy-informational spectra;
7. Man proposes, but God disposes.

In Visardik it is prohibited:
1. Kill a person not for the purpose of defense or self-defense;
2. Kill animals not for the purpose of defense, self-defense or food;
3. Robbery, robbery, theft, cruelty, deliberate infliction of physical injury not for the purpose of defense or self-defense;
4. Social and personal arrogance, anger, slander, meanness;
5. Spiritual and physical laziness;
6. Reluctance to receive education and comprehend life;
7. Slave psychology and humility, imposing one’s own stupidity on other people.

The main virtues of a Vizardiki person:
1. Be able to adapt, live and survive;
2. Be able to communicate and interact;
3. Be able to regulate mental and physiological processes;
4. Be able to wait, set goals, achieve them and enjoy new opportunities;
5. Be able to be aware of your actions and consciously change your perception of the world or worlds;
6. Engage in creativity, science, medicine or other socially useful activities.

Wizard Wizard Rules:
1. Love yourself and through this love feel and enjoy nature;
2. Be responsible for all actions taken, i.e. build your destiny, satisfying your needs as needed;
3. Monitor your state of consciousness, energy, physical body and, if necessary, correct this state by all available means: creativity, energies, rituals, physical exercise, communication;
4. Receive joy and pleasure from life, that is, live according to the call of your heart, trying not to do anything that causes internal discomfort or tension;
5. Cooperate with external natural sources: spirits, energies, creatures, talismans, maintaining a balance of intellectual activity and figurative-emotional thinking;
6. Always act and act in such a way as to have your own benefit: love, money, luck, help, social growth, knowledge, favors of other forms of life, that is, to build karma.

Dedication - you will need paper, pen, candles (any color except black), incense, a new knife, spring water, gifts and offerings (sweets, bread, cereals, cookies, milk and beer) to God. The dedication ceremony is carried out facing east at any time time of day, full or waxing moon. Think of a name for yourself in advance, take a shower, place candles in the shape of a five-pointed star right in front of you. Light them, starting from the top of the figure, and burn the incense. Take paper and pen. Write your magical name on it, saying it out loud. Burn this paper and break the pen in half. Take a knife in your hands and draw a five-pointed star in front of you in the air. Turn right and do the same. Repeat your design, turning to the right again, and again, thus turning clockwise around its axis, seal the entire room with this magical symbol.
Holding a gift to God in your hands, say:
The sunrise sounds like a song of songs.
Blessed be Vizardas.
The sun shares its joy with us.
Blessed be Vizardas.
The wind bows to the mountains.
Blessed be Vizardas.
The sea listens to the beat of the heart.
Blessed is Vizardika.
People believe in their destiny.
Blessed be Vizardas.
You need to open your soul.
Blessed be Vizardas.
Time knows its limits.
Blessed be Vizardas.
Our world is full of miracles.
Blessed be Vizardas.
May luck find us.
Blessed be Vizardas.
A person declares: I am!
Blessed be Lord Vizardas.
Put the gift aside, burn another incense and read the Creed:
I believe in the harmony of nature and its love, and in the power of the Earth, which raised and educated us. And the human mind, capable of accomplishments and knowledge of the world, and its improvement. And into the ancient God, God of Gods, Father of Fathers, Progenitor of progenitors, Creator of Universes, Patron of time, Creator of life, the Only Supreme, Recognized and Superior-God Vizardas. For the sake of us, people, and our happiness, Who returned from wanderings, and His children - the famous gods who enlightened and calmed them, and gave them each their own place. According to the merits of the One who rewarded and distributed.
The gods could not make people happy, give them what they asked for and deserved. We couldn't see the beauty. They failed to maintain their importance.
They forgave where there should be no forgiveness. They punished where it was possible to forgive. We were far from people in difficult times. They did not hear the prayers addressed to them. They didn't pay attention to requests. They fought among themselves. They allowed the destruction of temples. Cultivate fear. Humiliate and maim. Worship money. Laugh at the prophets. They did not heal diseases. Wars were encouraged. They did not stop the violence. Good people were taken early. The bad ones were allowed to live long. They did a lot of things until Vizardas came.
I confess His faith, and carry His power, and now I live and enjoy Him.
I believe in the rebirth of the Spirit. I believe in the kingdom of Light, the awakening of people from sleep and their return to their roots and origins.
I bow to my Lord, I praise my Lord. He alone is now the Master. Forever and ever.
I fall down to Him. I create my eternity. My heart is open.
The world is transforming, making me happy. Let it be.
Khantaa ular.
Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine on your mental screen the Red or Yellow Sun with rays coming from it and say:
“Your strength and greatness will save many. Will help me!"
Wait a few minutes and start reading the magician's oath:
I, (name), embark on the Path of spiritual self-improvement and comprehension of truths.
I am fully aware of the responsibility that falls on my shoulders, but I have firmly decided to do this, and my desire is adamant.
I vow to treat the person who taught me everything with respect and gratitude!
I devote myself to the great Cause and declare my readiness to meet the Force face to face.
I open my heart and go out towards the rising Sun.
I swear to be worthy of the knowledge acquired and to use the opportunities given to me for the sake of my personal benefit and the benefit of all humanity.
I swear to make every effort to strengthen and spread the Tradition.
Help me with this, Vizardas, and my higher self!
From now on and forever! Khantaa ular!
When all the candles and incense have burned out, the ceremony can be considered complete.
Put your magic items in a safe place. They may be useful to you in other magical rites and rituals. Take food intended for spirits outside, place it under a tree, or give it to homeless animals. Either place the gift to God in a prominent place in the room, or hide it until the next ritual.

from the book Estrin, A. M.