What is an isolate? What is protein isolate, how is it useful and how to take it correctly? What does protein isolate mean?

So, you've started achieving some of your fitness goals and know that in order to maximize the benefits of your workouts, you need to provide your body with the nutrition it needs to build muscle and recover properly. But which is the best, and most beneficial for your health and overall well-being? The answer is whey protein, specifically whey protein isolate.

Protein isolate is a nutritional supplement created by separating milk components and containing the highest percentage of pure protein - about 90-95%. By using an isolate protein shake in your diet, you can truly optimize your workout, lose fat, and reap the health benefits as protein is the key to getting that perfect body. Find the best protein to truly optimize these results and help you reach your athletic goals, improve your workout performance, and benefit your body and health.

What Is Whey Protein Isolate is protein in the form of a polypeptide (as a complex protein molecule is called) that contains no extra sugar or calories to help you reach your fitness goals faster. Isolate protein is formed during the separation of milk components. Milk consists of two proteins: casein and whey. Whey is a by-product of the cheese and curd production process and we can separate it from casein ourselves.

Whey can be processed to produce various forms of protein in three main forms for use in sports nutrition:

  • concentrate;
  • hydrolyzate;
  • isolate.

While all supplement forms have their benefits, polypeptide isolate is the purest of the three and offers the most benefits.

Please note: Isolate differs from protein concentrate in that it has non-protein components, such as fat, removed to “isolate” the whey protein.

Many concentrates contain 80% protein on a dry basis. Polypeptide isolates are typically about 92% protein (dry basis), which means you'll be taking more protein per equivalent dose. The same 100g of protein isolate provides fewer calories (about 370 calories) but with more protein (92g) and significantly less total carbohydrate, lactose, and fat than concentrate. In hydrolyzate, milk protein is exposed to heat, acid, or enzymes that break the bonds that hold the amino acids together. This makes it taste more bitter, but also allows it to be absorbed faster than concentrate or isolate.

Concentrates and isolates also digest quickly, so a hydrolyzate that digests as quickly as possible may not be worth the flavor and extra cost for the small benefit. The isolated polypeptide in any form has excellent digestibility and amino acid profile. Because isolates and hydrolyzed proteins are more expensive, most whey supplement manufacturers add very little of them to their formulas.

Why do they take it?

The undenatured (i.e., not destroyed by heat) polypeptide is one of the best researched sports nutrition supplements on the market today. Thanks to these studies, we can see how beneficial whey is, as it has high nutritional value and many health benefits that contain all the benefits of protein foods.

Essential amino acids

Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey and is the purest protein. It contains all the essential ingredients your body needs for muscle recovery in sports. Since essential amino acids are not produced by our bodies, we must seek out additional foods and supplements in order to take in the nutrition we need. Failure to take them from the diet can lead to muscle loss and problems with muscle recovery. To reduce tissue damage as well as fat and increase performance, it is important to have these essential amino acids in our diet.

No fat or carbohydrates

While so many foods are so loaded with excess fat and carbohydrates, the isolated polypeptide itself is free of these substances. This will provide your body with the protein you need without the extra fat and carbs that can slow you down.

Low lactose levels

The isolated polypeptide contains less than 1% lactose. Because this number is so small, you can consume it even if you are lactose sensitive or intolerant. However, you will still need to consult your doctor before doing this.

Easy to digest

The isolated polypeptide can be easily digested by your body, so you have every chance of achieving the body of your dreams. This protein will be quickly absorbed and processed, especially when consumed in liquid form.

Please note: Glutamine is a precursor to gamma-aminobutyric acid, which helps maintain calm and reduce anxiety.

How to take protein isolate: Immediately after training, mix a measuring cup of protein isolate in a shaker with water or other liquid. It is also taken between meals and, if necessary, in the morning on an empty stomach.

Why is it dangerous?

For most people, concentrated whey protein supplements in recommended doses do not pose any health risks. In fact, studies have shown that taking protein isolate can improve blood cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and other health factors. Like any supplement, however, isolate is not effective for everyone, especially if you take it in large quantities.

Side effects

Please note: If you are lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy, the isolated polypeptide is less likely to cause harm than whey concentrate, but it is still a milk-derived protein and as such may bother the stomach.

Tracing toxins

According to a series of tests conducted by Consumer Reports and published in 2010, several isolated polypeptide supplements on the market contained traces of harmful heavy metals, including lead, cadmium, arsenic or mercury. At recommended serving sizes, metals do not pose a health risk. If you consistently use polypeptide supplements that contain heavy metals on a long-term basis, you may be at increased risk of chronic low-level heavy metal toxicity, symptoms of which include muscle and joint pain, fatigue, headaches, and constipation.

Excess protein

Sports nutrition protein isolate is typically at least 90% polypeptide by weight, so a standard 30g dose contains about 27g of protein. This is half or more of the recommended daily dose, which is 46 g for women and 56 g for men.

Important! Therefore, regular release of the polypeptide may increase the risk of health problems associated with consuming too much protein, such as dehydration, kidney disease, kidney stones, osteoporosis and cancer.

Poor nutrition

If you use polypeptide as a substitute for other protein-rich foods, you may end up developing nutritional deficiencies. Whey powder cannot act as a base for natural products because it cannot match their nutritional quality, even if it is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, try to get most of your daily protein from whole food sources rather than supplements.

Protein isolate (from the English “protein”, which translates as “protein”) is the best sports supplement that is a source of protein. The desired white powder is obtained from ordinary milk by ion purification or step-by-step filtration. To begin with, it is cleaned of fats, after which it is deprived of carbohydrates, lactose, cholesterol and other substances unnecessary for the athlete. The final stage is micro or ultrafiltration - the isolation of a quickly digestible protein isolate, which is so in demand by visitors to fitness rooms.

Types of proteins

On the modern sports nutrition market, there are a lot of supplements that promote weight gain, fat burning, and increasing the productivity of the training process. And, on top of everything else, protein and many of its varieties have become widespread (egg, whey, hemp, pea, rice, casein, as well as gainers - mixtures of protein with carbohydrates). In the sports literature, as well as in research, you can find many classifications, but we will consider the one that divides protein concentrates according to filtration technology.

  • “Whey protein concentrates” are the least pure protein on the sports supplement market, as they contain a fairly high percentage of particles that do not completely leave the concentrate. It is obtained by filtering whey with ceramic membranes that allow fats, carbohydrates and lactose to pass through, but retain larger protein particles. It is they who are cleaned off (mainly by hand) in the form of plaque, subjected to heat treatment and turned into powder. The maximum protein content in such concentrates does not exceed 80% from the best manufacturers.
  • “Whey protein hydrolysates” - as the name suggests, such protein supplements are obtained by hydrolysis, namely the breakdown of molecules into separate fragments. In theory, this is what the human digestive system should do. Therefore, hydrolysates are very quickly absorbed by the body and are considered the fastest proteins. The thing to be most wary of is low-quality whey - they are produced in “economical” ways, which reduces the protein content to 30-50%. This product can be distinguished by its bitter taste.
  • Whey Protein Isolate is the purest form of protein powder. We wrote about the production method earlier. It is only worth noting that you need to be very careful in the purchasing process and read what is written on the package: protein isolate contains from 85% to 98% concentrated protein. Anything below these indicators is a mixture of all three types of serums, or simply products of poor-quality filtration that are not isolates.

So why is protein isolate so good?

  • First of all, the speed of absorption. All this is due to the fact that the best protein isolate contains a protein concentration of up to 95-98%, and 90% of it is absorbed in less than 3 hours. Thus, the body practically skips over several stages of processing incoming food and immediately begins to absorb nutrients.
  • In fact, you determine and take the required dose of protein, avoiding unnecessary components. It’s very simple: previously, to gain muscle mass, you (or you) created an individual nutrition program, which would include meat, fish, chicken breasts, nuts and dairy products. However, when consuming protein isolate, you more carefully control the daily protein intake required for the body and do not overload yourself with complex diets.
  • Reducing catabolism and increasing anabolism. In simple terms: during physical training, muscle structures are destroyed in the body. Due to this, new tissue fibers are formed, which lead to an increase in muscle mass. Protein isolate helps reduce the breakdown threshold and increase the percentage of tissue growth.
  • In the absence of an allergy to protein foods and congenital lactose intolerance, there is absolutely no harm to health. And this is a very powerful argument, especially for people who are unable to eat nuts, chicken and fish.
  • Ease of preparation. Indeed, what could be easier than pouring protein isolate into a shaker and diluting it with water? This can be done anywhere convenient: at home, at work, in the gym, subway, on the street...
  • Convenient storage. Imagine a protein diet: a few chicken breasts, a handful of nuts, a couple of packs of cottage cheese, a piece of red fish and a kilogram of meat. At least several shelves of the refrigerator will go under this. Now imagine a jar of protein isolate powder that fits on the top shelf of your kitchen, in your desk cabinet, or in your fitness club locker room. The space savings are obvious!
  • A reason to buy yourself a shaker. No, really: The image of a sporty modern person needs to be complemented with such things - buy protein isolate and a stylish shaker for it!

When, in what quantities and how to take protein isolate?

Protein isolate is probably the most studied and proven sports supplement on the sports nutrition market. That is why there are clear algorithms and admission programs. So, the dosage depends entirely on your weight. Based on this, it is worth considering that if you now weigh 85 kilograms, and a month later you become 89, then the amount of protein consumed should increase. On average, this is about 1.6-2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. It all depends on the concentration of protein in the powder. It is worth reading about this on the packaging label - that is where you will receive the most accurate instructions for use.

Having decided on the dosage, we move on to consumption. Undoubtedly, it is best to consult with a personal trainer who will write out an individual intake program for you. However, if this is not possible, and the ultimate goal is to gain muscle mass, then there are the following intake intervals:

  • Morning. This is the time of awakening of the body, which simply craves a hearty breakfast, but has not yet fully launched the digestive system. It is during this period that the first portion of protein should occur.
  • Windows between main meals. It’s very convenient when you need a quick snack but don’t want to break your routine.
  • 1 hour before training to gain strength and energy before physical activity.
  • Immediately after training. It is during this period that your body experiences a deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates. With the help of protein isolate, you compensate for the loss of substances important for the body.
  • Before bedtime. A time when you need even more muscle mass. The body rests after training and recovers, tissue fibers grow together, and protein isolate accelerates and optimizes these processes as much as possible.

Myths and facts about protein

Popular rumor contains many rumors, conjectures, contradictions and misconceptions about the effects of sports supplements. That's why it's worth understanding the main points before you decide to buy protein isolate:

  • The most common misconception: protein negatively affects the male reproductive system, as well as the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Completely false misconception. It is based on a time when the sports nutrition market in Russia was very poorly developed and only steroids of chemical origin were available. Protein isolate is a sports supplement that is produced from milk without the use of chemicals or foreign substances.
  • Disruption of the digestive system. As previously mentioned, protein is produced from milk, which implies the presence of lactose, which is not well digested by all people. However, this only applies to slow proteins. A number of protein isolate manufacturers offer a supplement that is completely lactose-free.
  • Migraines, headaches and high blood pressure. It's quite simple: by taking protein isolate, you're essentially eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, which causes your blood sugar levels to drop. This effect can be easily avoided by simply choosing a brand with the addition of chocolate, strawberries, banana or other carbohydrate-containing product. Well, which protein isolate is better in terms of protein percentage, it’s up to you to judge.
  • Dehydration of the body. Not a myth, but rather a lack of proper proportions when mixing protein isolate with water. Just add more water and there will be no problems!

Protein sources are more popular today than ever. They are used by athletes and ordinary people, those who want to gain weight, build muscle mass and even lose weight. In addition, whey serves as an excellent support for the body during the most difficult periods: post-operative recovery of the body, when strength is greatly needed, but it is still impossible to eat regular food. Today we decided to focus on whey proteins, because they are the most in demand on the market.

Protein in its purest form

Surely at least once you have wondered how whey protein gets into the sports nutrition store. Isolates and concentrates, hydrolysates - all of these are essentially the same thing. These products differ only in the subtleties of the production process. In general, whey protein is a byproduct that remains after milk has curdled.

However, the person who recognized its properties began to use it widely. It should be noted that this is not one, but a whole group of proteins, such as albumin and globulin, alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin. We will not consider them all separately, but simply combine them under the name whey protein. Isolates are obtained using membrane filtration, but more on that below.

What is this product

So what are whey proteins? It is complete, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids. Moreover, unlike casein and some other relatives, it easily dissolves in a liquid medium, any aqueous solution, providing an excellent basis for making homemade cocktails. Due to its properties, this protein is the basis for the production of skim milk, cottage cheese and cheese.

Popularity in the market

Indeed, whey protein (isolates and hydrolysates) occupies a leading place among sports nutrition products. This is due to the fact that whey itself contains a lot of protein, lactose, minerals and practically no fat. But it is the presence of fats that makes many dairy products undesirable on an athlete’s table. Low-fat dairy products have an extremely positive effect on health and achievements.

Whey proteins are produced by passing the raw material through several membrane filtration methods using different methods, the choice of which depends on the desired result. After filtration, the protein is spray dried, resulting in a light powder that serves as the basis for preparing various mixtures and is actively used by sports nutrition manufacturers. Special flavors, dyes, defoamers and other additives are introduced into the product.

Types of Whey Protein

Today in stores you can find sports nutrition mixtures that include three types of protein. The first is whey concentrate. It produces the cheapest protein solution, which contains fats and carbohydrates in significant quantities. This is a big minus for the athlete. In addition, if you have, then this option is not for you.

The second type is whey protein isolate. This is a highly purified form, which differs slightly in price, but is the choice of most people involved in professional sports. This product is in demand due to the fact that it contains a very small percentage of fat and carbohydrates (about 10%), being an excellent source of protein.

Finally, the third form is whey protein isolate hydrolyzate. This is an expensive luxury product that consists entirely of protein molecules. The special formula supplies the body with semi-digested protein, which makes it possible for its immediate absorption. It is precisely because of the wide variety on the market that you need to have a good understanding of what each of them represents.

What is the difference between isolate and whey protein?

In fact, we have already answered this question. Whey protein, or concentrate, is the simplest whey purification. It is absorbed by the body within two hours, which means it is perfect for evening use after training and before bed. This supplement will provide long-term nutrition to your muscles.

Isolates are the most purified proteins, the absorption of which occurs in no more than 30 minutes. That is, they are recommended to be consumed immediately before class. And hydrolysates are completely broken down to the level of amino acids already in the laboratory.

Platinum Hydrowhy

We got a little carried away with the theory. Surely our reader is interested in the rating of whey protein isolates, so that based on this information one can draw conclusions and make a decision about purchasing a particular product. And first on the list, based on athletes' choices, is Platinum Hydrowhey. The developers tried to make the purest and fastest protein of all previously created, and they fully succeeded.

It is essentially a hydrolyzed whey protein isolate. It has a high absorption rate, while it is distinguished by the purest and most finely ground protein particles. To understand the exclusivity of this product, you need to understand its composition in more detail. Pure hydrolyzed isolate is delivered to the muscles almost instantly, providing the material for growth and strength for training. Substances such as lactose, cholesterol and sugar are completely excluded from the composition. And for better absorption, the product contains digestive enzymes.

The cost of a large package (1590 g, or 40 servings) is 4440 rubles. To get one serving of protein, you need to mix one scoop of powder with 360 ml of water and shake in a shaker. Each serving provides 30 g of pure protein, and the consumption rate is calculated based on the formula: 2 g of protein per kilogram of weight. Judging by the reviews, this supplement is great for nourishing muscles during and immediately after a workout.

Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100

Let's take a look at another great whey protein isolate that is highly rated by athletes. This is a product of the highest quality with excellent biological value. In order to support the athlete's activity, the composition includes a complex of amino acids with a branched side chain (leucine, valine, isoleucine). In addition, an additional portion of glutamine and taurine has been added to the composition. This makes the supplement a unique product with increased biological value.

Many aspiring athletes may say that there are cheaper protein supplements on store shelves. This is true, however, when you compare them to Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100, you will immediately understand the difference. This is the highest quality whey isolate, refined to perfection. The composition contains 100% protein, which has passed five stages of quality control. The cost of a large 2.2 kg package is 7,300 rubles, but this is 81 servings, each of which is prepared by dissolving (1-2 scoops in water or juice). You can use the product 2-3 times a day. Reviews from professionals say that if you need athletic achievements, then you definitely can’t do without such a supplement.

The most economical option

Unlike the previous ones, this whey protein isolate is much cheaper, but at the same time retains all the characteristics of the world's leading brands. We are talking about It is also characterized by excellent quality, high protein content in each serving and at the same time a complete absence of fats, carbohydrates and lactose. Judging by the reviews of leading athletes, this is a really good supplement, since it is based on Promina, that is, the highest quality isolate, which has proven itself among other supplements.

Key Features of Syntrax Nectar

Today this is the most popular whey, athletes say that with it, training becomes several times more effective. Each serving contains 23 g of pure protein without any fat or carbohydrates. Plus, the powder mixes and dissolves instantly in water, and the drink tastes amazing. Fruit additives give you the complete feeling that you are drinking aromatic nectar. Many are suspicious of the sweet taste, although no carbohydrates are indicated in the composition. In fact, it comes from a precisely calibrated dose of sweeteners that have no nutritional value.

A package weighing 957 g contains 144 servings. The cost of one package is 2,700 rubles. To prepare the drink, you need to mix one and a half scoops of powder and 100-300 ml of water, milk or juice. You can take 2-3 servings a day, preferably immediately after waking up. Judging by the reviews, this is the best price-quality ratio that can be found on the shelves of sports stores.

Zero Carb by VPX

This is the most advanced product to date, which is ideal for anyone who has decided to take care of their figure. While taking this drug, it is much easier to build muscle and lose weight, get rid of fat mass and support the body during periods of high physical activity. The manufacturer offers us a truly excellent protein that meets all quality requirements. It contains neither carbohydrates nor fats. That is, this particular protein option is the basis for a low-calorie and at the same time high-protein diet.

Judging by the reviews of athletes, this is the king among proteins. Such a whey isolate allows you to very quickly feel the changes in your body, while it is not at all expensive. In addition to the fact that the supplement is a source of protein, it also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which are extremely important during periods of high stress. These are vitamins A and B12, B2, B6, B2, as well as sodium and calcium, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and iron. Dilute the additive in water using one measuring spoon and 200-300 ml of water. The cost of one package is 4,000 rubles. For a quality product today this is the average price.

Sports nutrition should include many different components necessary for effective and safe training. And one of these components is protein. What is an isolate? Why is it needed, how to use it correctly?

What it is?

So what is an isolate? In general, this name comes from the word "isolation", which practically describes the technology for obtaining this substance, or rather, its final result. At its core, the isolate is almost pure protein (its content exceeds 90%), that is, completely free of fats and carbohydrates. It is obtained by numerous filtrations or microfiltrations or by ion exchange.

What is an isolate?

In fact, isolate can be obtained from almost any protein, for example, from egg, soy, dairy, meat, fish, and also vegetable. But the best one is undoubtedly whey protein isolate, which is obtained from the whey produced during cheese production.

Why is pure whey protein considered optimal? Because, firstly, it has the highest degree of absorption, that is, it is processed by the body in the shortest possible time. Secondly, such an isolate contains important and essential amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of many important body systems.

Why is it needed?

Why take an isolate? First of all, for effective training and muscle building. It is used by many bodybuilders, arm wrestlers, professional athletes and amateurs.

The isolate has an effect in several directions at once:

How to use?

The dosage of the isolate will depend on the purpose for which it is used. For example, if you want to strengthen your immune system, then 25 grams per day is enough. If you start training, the dose will be about 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of your body weight. At lower volumes, training will not achieve the desired results. If the loads are intense, then the amount can be increased to 3-4 grams.

The method of admission is simple. Since most isolates come in powder form, they simply need to be dissolved in any liquid, such as water, kefir, whey, juice or skim milk.

What can be replaced?

What can replace the isolate? How to get protein in other ways?

  1. The first method is the so-called protein concentrate. It is more affordable due to the relative simplicity of the production technology. It contains about 60-85% protein, which, of course, is lower than in isolate. However, there is no substantiated evidence and confirmation that the properties and action are different yet. But still, in this category, in addition to protein, carbohydrates may be present, although sometimes they are necessary, including for successful workouts.
  2. The hydrolyzate has the best properties, as it is obtained by hydrolysis (destruction) of the isolate. But due to the difficulty of obtaining such drugs are quite expensive, but they are absorbed much faster and more correctly.
  3. There are also various combined agents, that is, mixtures consisting of enzymatic matrices, kesain, isolate, hydrolyzate and concentrate.
  • To choose the most suitable isolate, you should seek the advice of your doctor. It will help identify intolerance to certain types of proteins (for example, milk)
  • Do not exceed the allowable dosage, as a large amount of isolate is a serious burden on the liver.
  • Give preference to drugs from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation.

Now you know exactly why isolate is needed, what effect it has, and also how to use it correctly.

Providing the body with almost pure protein. There are different types of protein supplements: isolates, concentrates and hydrolysates.

Protein isolate is the highest purity form, which contains more than 85-90% (sometimes up to 95%) protein compounds, lactose (in the case of whey), fats, cholesterol and other components of the primary product are almost completely removed from it. Isolated proteins are one of the most effective forms for gaining muscle mass, so their use is widespread in sports. The type most often used by athletes is whey protein isolate.

Types of proteins in sports nutrition

Protein is the main building material for muscle fibers and many other organic tissues. It’s not for nothing that life on Earth is called protein. In sports, food supplements are often used to provide additional intake of this essential nutrient to the body.

Proteins have different origins: they are obtained from plants (peas), milk, eggs. They differ in their effectiveness, as they have varying degrees of biological value. This indicator indicates how well the protein is absorbed by the body, as well as the amino acid composition and quantitative content of essential amino acids.

Consider the various, their pros and cons.

Type of squirrel Advantages Flaws Digestibility (g/h) / Biological value
It is perfectly absorbed and has a balanced and rich amino acid composition.Quite a high price. Finding high-quality, highly purified isolate is quite difficult.10-12 / 100
Rich.Contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance; it is slowly absorbed, unlike whey protein.4,5 / 90
It takes a long time to digest, so it provides the body with amino acids for a long time.It is absorbed rather slowly, slows down the digestion of other types of protein compounds, suppresses appetite, and has a mild anabolic effect.4-6 / 80
Contains a lot of essential amino acids and supports healthy cholesterol levels. Soy contains a large number of vitamins and elements necessary for the full functioning of all organs and systems.Low biological value. Soy proteins have estrogenic activity (with the exception of isolates).4 / 73
Contains a huge amount of amino acids necessary for muscle growth, almost no carbohydrates. It is not advisable to take it at night.The product is quite expensive due to the complex technological process.9 / 100
ComplexMulticomponent protein supplements contain a rich set of amino acids and can provide the body with energy for a long time. Some manufacturers add useless components.It may contain a large amount of soy protein, which has low biological value.Absorbed slowly, no quantitative data available. / Depends on the ratio in which different types of proteins are present in the composition.

Making Whey Isolate

Whey protein isolate is produced by ultra- or microfiltration of whey, the bulk of which consists of milk sugars (lactose), harmful cholesterol and fats.

Whey is the liquid remaining after milk is curdled and strained. This is a residual product formed during the production of cheeses, cottage cheese, and casein.

Isolating protein from whey is more cost-effective than isolating other types of protein compounds, as the process is quite cheap and simple.

Operating principle

To build muscle fibers, the body requires proteins. These are complex molecular compounds consisting of various amino acids. When proteins enter the body, they are broken down into their constituent molecules. They are then folded into other protein compounds suitable for the construction of tissues. The body can synthesize a number of amino acids on its own, while others are obtained only from the outside. The latter are called essential: they are extremely important for the full course of anabolic processes, but cannot be formed in the body.

Taking isolated protein allows you to get a full range of essential amino acids, including essential ones. This is extremely important for athletes, who in the process of physical activity consume a lot of nutrients, the supply of which must be replenished.

Attention! Heavy metal contaminants have been found in some supplements. Their quantity is small, but such elements have cumulative properties, therefore, with prolonged use, additives can accumulate in the body, having a toxic effect on tissues.

Manufacturers who value their reputation guarantee the quality of their products. For this reason, it is better to purchase products from reputable brands and carefully check the supplements so as not to waste money on counterfeits.

Whey Protein Isolate Composition

Whey protein isolate is 90-95% protein molecules. Supplements contain minimal amounts of carbohydrates (sugars and dietary fiber) and fat. Many manufacturers include an additional complex of amino acids to make the protein even more saturated and easily digestible. Also, most isolates contain useful macroelements - sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Beneficial properties, possible harm, side effects

Sports supplements are developed and produced in such a way that, when used correctly, they do not cause negative side effects.


Whey Protein Isolate Benefits:

  • high protein content compared to concentrates;
  • During the production process, almost all carbohydrates, fats, and lactose are removed;
  • the presence of all essential amino acids, including essential ones;
  • rapid and almost complete absorption of protein by the body.

Taking isolated protein is suitable for both weight loss and muscle gain. When cutting, such supplements help burn fat without losing muscle mass and making muscles more prominent. For those looking to lose weight, taking whey protein isolate helps provide the body with essential amino acids while minimizing carbohydrate and fat intake.

A rich and balanced amino acid composition allows you to successfully inhibit catabolic processes during intense physical activity.

Disadvantages and side effects

The disadvantages of isolated proteins include their high price. Since the process of obtaining pure protein is high-tech and requires professional equipment, this is reflected in the cost of the final product.

Another disadvantage is the synthetic additives, sweeteners, and flavors that some manufacturers add to sports nutrition. They are not dangerous in themselves; they are added to the composition to improve the characteristics of the product. However, for some people, certain types of such food additives can cause digestive disorders, increased formation of intestinal gases, and headaches.

Despite the high content of useful and necessary substances, protein supplements do not provide the body with all the necessary compounds. If a person is overly addicted to sports supplements and does not pay attention to a balanced diet, this can lead to the development of various diseases caused by a deficiency of certain compounds.

Contraindications to the use of whey proteins in any form are kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

You should not take sports supplements while pregnant and breastfeeding. This diet is also not recommended for people under 18 years of age.

Drug interactions

Protein supplements have almost no interaction with medications, so there are no special restrictions when taken together. When consuming protein isolate, the absorption of some compounds from medications may be reduced. Therefore, medications at prescribed dosages will not be as effective when combined with isolated proteins.

If your doctor has prescribed any medications, be sure to tell him or her about the use of dietary supplements. Most often, experts recommend either stopping taking protein isolate for the period of treatment, or making temporary breaks in taking medications and sports nutrition.

The optimal regimen is to take medications 2 hours before or 4 hours after consuming the supplement.

Protein isolate can significantly reduce the bioavailability of antibiotics, drugs against parkinsonism (Levodopa), bone resorption inhibitors (Alendronate). This is because isolated protein supplements contain calcium. This element enters into active interaction with the active compounds of medicinal preparations, which significantly affects their quantitative penetration into tissues.

Admission rules

It is prescribed to take the supplement in such dosages that for every kilogram of weight there are 1.2-1.5 grams of protein.

People leading an active lifestyle can take isolate in the morning. Thus, it is possible to compensate for the lack of polypeptides that occurred during sleep. During the rest of the day, it is better to get protein compounds from food.

Best Isolated Whey Protein Brands

Isolated whey protein is supplied to the market by various well-known sports nutrition manufacturers. Let's look at the most popular supplements in this category.

  • Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100. Contains isolated protein (25g per 29.2g serving) and no fat or carbs. The supplement contains the elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins A and C.

  • RPS Nutrition Whey Isolate 100%. Available in various flavors. Depending on the taste, each serving (30 g) contains from 23 to 27 g of pure protein, 0.1-0.3 g of carbohydrates, 0.3-0.6 g of fat.
  • Lactalis Prolacta 95%. This supplement contains 95% purified isolated protein. Carbohydrates no more than 1.2%, fats - maximum 0.4%.