Phrases that irritate men. Women's phrases that irritate men Phrases for people that irritate

Without a more detailed explanation: what, where and until what time, this phrase sounds to a woman like an offensive message to go to hell and can provoke an immediate showdown “on principles”.

“Well, what do you want from me?”

This phrase is a man’s white flag at the final stage of a quarrel, when he realized that the enemy army was advancing on all fronts and now he could only wait for the terms of surrender.

"It's starting again..."

A typical male reaction to returning to a topic that they really didn’t like, but the reason to talk about it never disappeared. At the next stage, it is accompanied by the phrases “Come on, stop this nonsense” and “Don’t be stupid.”

"Yes, good"

The cornerstone of the male vocabulary, which allows them to characterize everything in the world - the impression of a vacation or her new dress, the state of a sore stomach or their own mood. For some reason they are too lazy to go into details - it’s better to silently delve into the computer screen.

“Who will marry you if you don’t know how to cook?”

This phrase usually triggers a smart woman’s “sensor” on a mama’s boy, with whom it is better not to deal further, unless, of course, difficult teenagers and a ton of homework are not her favorite hobby.

"Yeah, now"

A universal male answer to most common everyday requests, but this very “now” can last for years, and only on the condition that he heard you.

"Can I kiss you?"

Hey men, they don’t ask that! If you have learned to flirt beyond the phrase “Should I buy you something to drink?”, then you will know exactly when to do it, without question.

“Any man would dream of screwing her over”

The disgusting male manner of defining female attractiveness in the categories of “wowed/not blown away” seemed to have to end with school times, but many of the “macho men” (especially in the male team) still speculate on this unpleasant phrase, and often!

“Why torture yourself with these heels?”

Good question, men! Even the fashion industry has thought about this topic, but it’s not your business to analyze the “torture devices” of a woman’s wardrobe.

“Who taught you to park so well?”

Mentally imagining a woman behind the wheel as a monkey with a grenade, some of the stronger sex still do not understand that both women and men are taught to drive by the same thing - experience.

“That’s what you heard, not what I said.”

An effective male way to pretend to be a good and polite gentleman of the strictest rules, who in reality (for example, after three rounds of “vodka-beer”) experiences verbal diarrhea and conceptual diarrhea.

“Maybe I should have dinner and watch a movie?”

A standard invitation to first sex, which could have been formulated in a more specific phrase if some men were not distinguished by teenage shyness and the belief that all women are innocent virgin nuns at heart.

“How sentimental you are!”

By their standards, this should sound like a compliment, because if a girl cries, then she has feelings. Just try to tell him the same thing in response - he will be irrevocably offended.


It sounds sickening both as an address to a woman and as a “nickname” for the female genital organs. Although men who stared at Beavis and Butthead at school still adore this word.

“Are you having PMS?”

This disgusting phrase allows men to connect a woman’s situational hysteria with the biological functions of her body and is analogous to the phrase “The sperm hit his brain.”

Or overtime due to a colleague’s forgetfulness or inability to plan deadlines. This behavior is not entirely tactful and not at all professional, and is also very angry.

When working in conjunction with another person, it is important to think not only about yourself, but also about your colleague-partner. It is likely that he has other tasks waiting to be completed. But because of someone’s carelessness, he will now be forced to abandon them and then finish them at the last moment.

2. I'll try, but I don't promise anything.

At work, everyone has certain responsibilities that it is advisable to perform on time. Most likely, these are regularly repeated tasks that are known in advance. And the employee either does them or doesn’t. There is no third.

Imagine this situation: during an interview, a candidate asks a future manager about the amount of expected salary. And this is what he answers: “Should I pay you forty thousand every month? Well, I’ll try, but I don’t promise anything.” What kind of stability and confidence in the future can we talk about here?

3. I didn’t touch anything, it just broke!

“It just broke” is the worst way to admit guilt for something. As practice shows, something breaks on its own in extremely rare cases. More often than not, someone helps the breakdown happen. It is extremely absurd to make excuses and refer to unknown destructive forces in such a situation.

If you are truly at fault, it is better to admit it honestly and apologize. You can, for example, say: “Yes, guys, I broke it. Sorry, I’ll fix everything now.” It is advisable to do this yourself and immediately, and not sit in the corner until the last minute, hoping that no one will notice.

4. I didn’t expect that they would entrust this to you!

A colleague shared his small achievement and clearly expected to receive a little praise in return, rather than a derogatory tirade. It would be much more appropriate to rejoice at the employee’s successes without trying to find some kind of catch in the situation. You could say “Congratulations!” or “Wow, great!” or just remain silent if it’s really offensive.

5. I heard you

The impression from the phrase “I heard you” is extremely contradictory. There is nothing particularly bad about it - the interlocutor understood what he was told and even answered. But the initiator of the conversation clearly expected to receive a more animated reaction, and not just an indifferent confirmation that his opponent did not have hearing problems. One gets the feeling that the interlocutor simply wants to get rid of the conversation quickly.

6. I don't get paid for this!

A great phrase to evade the unpleasant or unnecessary additional burden that some people for some reason always want to puzzle others with. It also says a lot about the person who pronounces it.

Most often, this turns out to be some petty character who demonstratively proves to the whole world that he doesn’t spend his time at work in vain. And he is not distracted by any nonsense that does not concern his direct duties. And in general, he values ​​his precious time, not like compassionate colleagues, everyone around him is free.

7. Send us a brief and we’ll brainstorm

Oh, these linguistic mutants. Sometimes you really can’t do without borrowing, but when work communication turns into simultaneous translation, this is a reason to think about it. Or use a dictionary.

8. I did everything I could! I do not like? Find someone who will do better

There are no irreplaceable employees. Maybe in some companies it will be possible to pull off such a trick painlessly, but the chance is slim. Most likely, management will listen to the advice of a short-sighted employee and simply find someone better for his position.

9. I told you so! I knew it! I told you so!

No matter how great the temptation is to say this sacramental phrase out loud, hold on. A person who complains about difficulties or failures does not want to hear an unfounded triumph in response. If you think about it, being right that everything will be bad is an extremely dubious pleasure.

10. Calm down! Relax! Do not mind it!

For a person who is in trouble, this phrase and all its derivatives are like a red rag for a bull. One hundred percent rage is guaranteed.

11. It’s a shame not to know!

There is no shame in not knowing something; it is a shame in not wanting to learn anything. Even the coolest professional may not understand something. Reproaching for ignorance is the last thing. It’s better to just take it and give it a hint, especially if you’ve already been asked for help.

12. I don’t care how you do it

No comments. Mutual support and assistance to each other at work? No, that won't happen.

13. If you are in my place, you will decide, but for now keep quiet

A favorite phrase of arrogant leaders or people with the slightest influence. Is it worth reminding that few people like arrogant people? It would be much more effective to use power for the benefit of someone, but not in order to harm or supposedly put someone in their place.

14. Nothing personal, just business

This phrase sounds forced and inappropriate from everyone except Al Capone. So if you are not the leader of the Chicago or some other mafia, then it is better to moderate the degree of insolence. In a situation where you need to do something beneficial for yourself, but bad for others, it is important, first of all, to remain human and not throw around such phrases, trying to justify your immoral behavior.

15. Your humble servant wishes everyone a good day

The times of servants and masters are long gone, but for some reason stupid figures of speech remain. Science has never been able to figure out why “your humble servant,” “good day,” “this is the place to be,” and other monstrous cliches are still used in speech.

What phrases from your colleagues irritate you? Share in the comments.

To make it easier to find a common language with their significant other, men should say less “We’ll see,” “Now,” and “You didn’t tell me that.”

Most men do not suspect that phrases that seem ordinary to them irritate women no less than scattered socks, bottles of beer after another Premier League match or endless computer games.

Female users of LiveJournal have compiled a rating of the most dangerous male phrases. By excluding them from their vocabulary, it will become much easier for men to find a common language with their other half.

So, we offer 10 typical phrases with which a man can, without realizing it, offend or anger a woman.

"Let's see"

The absolute leader of the rating. A woman hears this word when a man doesn’t like the prospect of going to the theater or inviting his parents to visit. He cannot refuse, knowing that refusal is tantamount to inciting an international scandal - he has to limit himself to a modest “We’ll see.”

The second most popular phrase when wanting to avoid a direct answer is “I don’t know.” ""What do you want for dinner?" - "I don't know." "Where would you like to go on vacation?" - "I don't know." "Did the child eat?" - "I don't know." "Where is your passport?" - “I don’t know.” “Did you buy a gift for your parents?” “I don’t know,” bloggers give examples.

"And my ex-girlfriend..."

A phrase is the best way to destroy a marriage. The most active LiveJournal bloggers even composed several successful responses to such a statement, for example: “And where is your ex-girlfriend now?”

You can also offend your other half by simply comparing her to some famous person. It is highly recommended not to repeat that Heidi Klum weighs 54 kilograms every time the missus decides to snack on a sandwich or bun. Weight reminders are one of the most painful reminders.

"But mom cooks it differently"

A passphrase that can instantly make a woman furious. “I didn’t add enough salt again”; “I ate this yesterday, I won’t today”... Having heard this, a woman who has spent several hours at the stove after a hard day of work, at best, will say everything she thinks about domestic slavery and mother-in-law, at worst, she will reach for a cast iron frying pan


A universal male response to any request to do something. Men often overuse this phrase, not realizing that their “now” lasts forever. During the wait, dinner managed to get cold, my favorite movie ended, and most importantly, my mood soured.

“Synonyms” of “now” can be phrases such as “already on my way”, “I’ll be there soon”, “I’m approaching”, etc., etc. Also, women are annoyed when men refer to being busy at work (in Friday evening), traffic jams, an important conversation with a colleague and a bad mood.

"You didn't tell me that"

Sometimes men completely forget about the promise made earlier: “He often forgets such things: that we need to buy something, or that we have some plans, or something else. Sometimes I later prove to him that I told him (sometimes it was by email or I remind you of the details of where we stood, what he replied, etc.) But this does not in any way affect the next time he convinces me that I didn’t tell him anything like that, he would remember.” .

The language of the Internet is ubiquitous, but irrelevant when it comes to communication between men and women. Nothing irritates a woman more than a two-letter answer to a long message on ICQ. The meaningful “Mdaa” is no less annoying: “Like it, don’t like it, hot, cold... Try to figure it out?”


Silence for men is a sign of consent, for women it is primarily indifference:

Sunny, what are you having for dinner?

- (silence)

Would you like me to make fish and salad or pasta with mushrooms?

- (silence)

Okay, I'm making fish.

Say something, otherwise I’ll hit you with a frying pan and go buy myself a beautiful black dress!

A? What? Did you say something?

"Take it and do it"

According to John Gray, author of the bestselling book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, women simply don’t know how to ask. Instead of saying, “Please do that,” they ask, “Could you take out the trash?” For a man, this is just a question, not a request.

"Can you take out the trash?" Of course he can do it! The question is whether he will agree to this. Perceiving the question as an insult, he may refuse to fulfill the request simply because you have irritated him,” the author writes.


“Well, how was lunch? - Normal. Do you like my new blouse? - Normal”... By uttering these words, a man, without meaning to, causes irreparable damage to a woman’s pride.

“Every day I can wear the same dress, and every day I will hear the question “New?”,” says one of the LiveJournal users. Other options: “Let’s take it if you like it” (when asked if these shoes suit me). Or to the question “How do you like my new shoes?” – answer: “The main thing is that you like it.”

It is no coincidence that in order for spouses to maintain interest in each other, psychologists strongly recommend that men learn to give compliments. Thus, they not only please women, but also simplify their lives. In turn, women need to learn to accept compliments without making excuses or answering them in monosyllables.

"Where are my socks?"

How often do women hear the phrase about socks (slippers, tie, etc.)! At the beginning of family life they don’t notice it, but after three years of living together it becomes unsafe to pronounce it. Psychologists have found a simple solution to this problem. They advise not to be irritated, but also not to run to your husband for help at his first call. Let him figure out for once where his clothes are. If you do not constantly interfere in all of a man’s endeavors, he will be more independent. Even if he prepared the food incorrectly or did not wash the dishes properly, you should not point out the shortcomings. On the contrary, you need to praise him so that in the future there will be an incentive to help with housework.

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Has it ever happened to you that you are communicating with a pleasant person, but suddenly he causes you extreme irritation with one word? Although all he offered was a “yummy treat,” for example, “enjoy some cottage cheese.” Surprisingly, some words can infuriate us just by their sound, and this is not always so obvious. And since there is never a second opportunity to make a first impression, it is better to know the enemy by sight.

Editorial website Together with users of the The Question portal, I have collected for you the most striking words and expressions that you should forget if you do not want to annoy people.

The word “testicles” really infuriates me, especially when the emphasis is on the first syllable. It's just chills on the skin. It's like a bearded stinking toad is reaching out to me with his tongue: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

  • I can’t stand it when words denoting food products are used with diminutive suffixes: cucumbers, cake, cutlets, cognac, cookies, seagulls, sausages, dumplings. When I hear the words “ice cream” and “pie”, the vessel on my forehead swells with blood pressure. Now I’m writing the phrase “eat potatoes with meat or other yummy food” - and I feel as if a furry caterpillar is crawling inside my stomach towards the esophagus: a disgusting tickle, a harbinger of nausea.
  • “Your order will be a day later, the tiles haven’t been delivered yet” - about 500 kg of building materials!
  • The word "mommy". Lately it has been applied to women who have managed to give birth to a child. And more often than not, these same women sculpt him. The word carries some kind of superhero connotations and automatically ranks you almost among the saints.
  • Snot - snot. No comments here. I barely wrote it.

To the point of gnashing of teeth - when words are distorted for the sake of abbreviation. Mazik (mayonnaise), milk (dairy products), CH-THREAD

  • The same story with manifestations of politeness: “thank you” or “thank you”, “see you soon”, “kind”, “pleasant”. The morning after this ceases to be good, and the appetite disappears completely. It seems that the person is too lazy to move his lips for another millisecond or is sorry for a breath of air.
  • Manik (manicure). It is difficult to 100% accurately determine the cause of dissatisfaction; it probably smacks too much of illiteracy.
  • I get angry when they say “IMHO” at the end of a sentence. Why can't you say "in my opinion"? Although, in fact, in general, they don’t ask for your opinion, but it’s still better than IMHO.
  • When they say “no” instead of “no” and “let’s go” instead of “let’s go.” It sounds like a curse word. And it's simply wrong.

“His” and “his” We bet you didn’t immediately guess what they mean?

  • "I miss you". One day, a correspondent on local television asked a schoolboy: “Do you miss school?” It was so unbearable that I called the studio and asked to teach the girl to speak correctly. I'm not an evil person, but people simply have to be literate if they choose such a profession.
  • “For” looks the strangest in names. For example, “for sports” or here is the name of the newspaper that was published at the Smolensk Medical Academy: “For medical personnel.” When you see this on paper, it always seems as if someone is making a toast at the table. “Well, for medical personnel!” or “For sports!”
  • The eye begins to twitch when they say “I love it very much” and “I hate it.” Firstly, because it is wrong and directly hurts the ear. Secondly, I perceive these phrases not as a great degree of love or hatred, but as obsession and morbid fanaticism.
  • When feminists are used inappropriately and tastelessly and do not feel the difference between “writer”, “actress”, “artist”, “artist” and “director”, “doctor”, “trainer”, “producer”. Creepy.

The expressions “growing right before our eyes” and “after reconstruction they opened a whole hotel”: you immediately imagine surreal pictures with overgrown eyes and half-shaped buildings

  • The epithet “delicious”, which is applied to everything, is annoying. “Have a delicious summer!”, “tasty and juicy texts to order”, “delicious life”. Immediately the author introduces himself, having 7 years of education, a tortured C in the Russian language and a meager vocabulary.
  • “He is a creative person!” Read: slacker.
  • When a husband and wife call each other “mom” and “dad”. For what? Why?
  • Why do they say “from the word “absolutely””? For example: “I don’t have money from the word “at all””, “I don’t know how to cook from the word “at all”. In my opinion, this is something from a Russian language course about words with the same root.

    How do you feel when instead of “good” or “understood” they use the word “good” or the monster phrase “I heard you”? And “to resolve issues” generally looks like criminal slang.

  • When someone finds something “on the Internet.” And it’s even worse when people use “your humble servant” instead of the short “I”. It seems to be out of modesty. But what kind of modesty can we talk about if instead of 1 letter you used as many as 16 for yourself?

“Luxury” - I don’t know why, but it physically feels as if tuna was smeared over a fur coat with a golden spatula

  • Another from the same opera: Mom, talking about the candy-bouquet period with Dad, says the word “got married.” I can't even accurately describe how I feel about this word.
  • There was a girl I knew, a fairly literate girl, but apparently she had recently learned the phrase “double-edged sword.” She pronounced it “a double-edged sword,” inserting the expression into place and out of place.

    In my opinion, there is nothing worse than when a small child is called a “lilya”. For example: “I heard you got married. When are you planning a doll?” “Positive”, “negative” and “creative” are also infuriating.

    It’s hard for me when they say “that” instead of “what.” For example, instead of “Ivan said that the meeting was cancelled” - “Ivan said that the meeting was cancelled.” I don’t even know how to put a comma in this sentence correctly: it’s simply unviable, like a two-headed calf.

When instead of “damn” (as a replacement for a swear word) they use “mlin” or “plin” - this is some kind of hypocrisy in cube

  • When they replace the word “pretty” with “pretty”: how can a word, where “sweaty” occupies a large part, personify something pleasant, cute?
  • For me, the intentional deformation of nouns simply “for humor” (which is not in this) is unbearable - after it you won’t understand what we’re talking about at all: “tybloko” (instead of “apple”), “pizhmak” (jacket) and the terrible “lipisin” (orange ). “Tyrkalka” and “chirikalka” (remote control and pen, respectively).
  • When names are deliberately distorted. For example, one of my friends, when going on vacation to Turkey, always says that she will go to Turland.
  • It’s annoying when people talk about the benefits or benefits of something.
  • And also the word “woman” in relation to a girl under 40 years old and 90 kg. I saw a boy about 12 years old who had a “woman” of the same age. My bewilderment cannot be expressed in words.

For some reason, the word “date” really confuses me. I seem to be an adult, but I would rather go to a meeting, see someone, than go on a date

  • When instead of “salary” they say “pay”: in my understanding, this word gives off some kind of irresistible sadness and hopelessness, plus it is more from the Soviet vocabulary. For some reason, a picture immediately appears in my head that a person who works for pay is a serf.
  • Apart from a completely understandable dislike for all sorts of baby talk and abbreviations, I really don’t like the word “society”. It immediately brings to mind the image of an aunt of unknown age with blue eye shadow and size 6 breasts in some government office.

What words and expressions irritate you? Share in the comments, and perhaps a new list will appear soon - according to readers website.

and the tongue is like a snake..."

(Laroche Foucault)

My experience as a woman, the experience of my “lovelace” friends, the experience of my psychologist friends eloquently testifies to the fact that men, in fact, are not as “thick-skinned” as is commonly believed. They (it turns out!) also have a soul (no less subtle than ours), a healthy egoism (no more than ours sometimes), a sense of self-worth (an alternative to our pride), and a desire to please their woman, to be understood by her, loved and respected woman of his dreams... And we, no offense intended, often forget about this and rudely click our sharp heels on the deeply suspicious and trembling “ego” of our men, chop from the shoulder with phrases that insult men’s ears, wound with razor-sharp women’s words to their very heart...

I remember now how one day, after another verbal duel with my mother, my poet father sat down at his desk, where from his pen the following sad lines quickly appeared to the world:

...Tenderness is broken on the stone of everyday life,

Broken again by an acute angle,

a careless unnecessary word...

Maybe we can learn to be more careful in choosing our words and sentences when we talk to our men? Am I not addressing those women who deliberately want to cut off their next admirer with a “skillful” phrase and send the “wounded man” out of their lives forever? I “keep up” an approximate set of phrases that men don’t like for those ladies who WOULD LIKE TO KEEP A MAN AROUND THEMSELVES for as long as possible, without spilling his feelings of love and tenderness for them.

So, the phrases I (and not only me) noticed that men do not want to hear from us, hate, are afraid of, which irritate them extremely and which they are wary of... They can be:


*I spent all my youth (years, life) on you!

(As if at that time he did not spend any of the above on you. The woman does not achieve with this phrase what she wanted to achieve with it - shame, awkwardness, participation, anxiety from the man. Only irritation and quiet anger...)

*My mother was right about you!

(As an analogue - “My mommy was right!”. Just as you would be annoyed by “mama’s boys”, he is also unpleasant that your mother’s opinion is paramount for you. By the way, after such words, you question a good relationship between your mother and husband. Is this what you wanted?)

*What are you thinking about now?

(Yes. They sometimes want to “go inside” and think about something of their own. Your person does not have to occupy all his thoughts. Such questions are an encroachment on what belongs only to him. He himself will tell you what he considers necessary “ give away" from your thoughts)

*This series is so cool! Listen, I'll tell you what happened in the previous episodes!

(Women love to retell TV series, movies, and novels they’ve read to men, without worrying too much about whether they want to load their heads with such information at the moment...)

*Just look at what you and I have turned into!!!

(Why did she transform? Slowly and surely. If she didn’t want to, she wouldn’t transform! Claims are in the wrong place...)


  • Again this football of yours (hockey, boxing, fishing)?!
  • (An even more incorrect expression is “What do you find in this?”. Firstly, no matter what the “child” amuses himself with.... Well, he loves his football! Well, he devotes two hours of television time to it and the whole day off, when goes to a cup match with friends. Do you want him to have another hobby? Not so harmless?)

    *Your mother is calling, talk to her yourself!

    (Even if you don’t like your mother-in-law (future or present), don’t show your negative attitude towards her so clearly. For a man, this is a very unpleasant, painful fact. And he will be indignant within himself not at his mother, but at your attitude towards her... )

    *Did you love your ex?

    (Or similar: “Tell me how it was with your ex-girlfriend.” Believe me, you don’t need this information at all! Don’t drag his dark past into your bright present. He still won’t tell you the truth, and even if will say “something” - it won’t add much benefit or good mood to you.)

    *How many women did you have before me?

    *Which of your women was the best in bed?

    (Same thing. Read above.)

    *So what if your He is small, but how deftly you handle Him...

    (The topic about the size of manhood, especially if a man has nothing to boast about, is simply taboo. Even if you wanted to “give” him a compliment with such a phrase, then consider that you “slapped him in the face.” This is where it is better to remain silent than to speak!)

    …Tense (frightening)

    *Do what you want...

    (...and an indifferent shrug of the shoulders at the same time. If we translate your hidden threat into understandable language: “Just try to do as you want. Later you will pay for it...” And what man would not be bothered by such a feminine phrase?)

    *When will you introduce me to your mother?

  • Why did you turn off your mobile?
  • Do you know what I came up with?!
  • (analogue – “I just thought”...)

    *Are you not listening to me? Is that what I just said?

    (These above phrases still frighten and irritate the stronger sex. For simple and understandable reasons...)

    *We need to think about the seriousness of our relationship.

    (Or another, more targeted: “Yesterday Lenka called. You know, she and Stas decided to get married...” Do you think he doesn’t understand what you’re getting at and where you’re dragging him into? Naive!)

    ... Causing anxiety (excitement)

    *Don't you notice anything new in me?

    (He may not notice your new tuft of artificial hair on your head or plucked eyebrows. And this does not mean at all that he does not care about you. Men just have a slightly “different” vision, different from women.)

    *Have you forgotten what day it is today!?

    (And they have complete frustration with memory. Take it for granted...)

  • Are you hiding something from me?
  • Just don't be scared!
  • I have something very important to tell you!
  • (No comments…)

    *Let's go shopping tomorrow?

    (This is torment for them. Tested! Even the “green market”, even a trip to recently opened boutiques. Therefore, do not be surprised if this phrase immediately causes genuine despondency in him.)

    *Darling, do you want to please me?

    (It’s clear that now you’ll be “begging.” I wonder if his bankruptcy will be proof of his exorbitant love for you?...)

    *What kind of lipstick is that on your shirt?

    (Yes, I sympathize with both you and your man at such a moment...)

    ...Offensive (and the most “deadly” for male psychology)

  • You can't even hammer a nail!
  • (Men give up after such accusations, honestly!)

    *Not today... I have a headache.

    (Have you heard the saying? “A brother loves a rich sister, but a healthy wife.” Have you had a headache for a couple of months now? Go to the doctor. Hmmm... You shouldn’t have gotten married! If only you didn’t have a headache...)

    *Don’t pester me, I’m tired of it already!

    (It’s about marital duty, and you’re like this, right? I’ve offended you! Much! It’s hard to imagine a more offensive expression for them...)

    *All husbands are like husbands!

  • You are just like everyone else!
  • What can you do anyway?!
  • (Sorry, I leave all the phrases you said above without comment. Only stupid/inexperienced/short-sighted women could say something like that...)

    ... Stupid (funny, naive)

  • Do you love me?
  • (Then it is assumed: “How much? Prove it! Why don’t you tell me so much about this?” So? It’s no wonder that he talks so little and so rarely about it. As much as he can and wants to say, he says as many words about love. Not every man is able to express “in words”, but cannot stand behind “deeds.”)

    *Do you think I haven’t gained weight?

    (Deal with the changes in your figure yourself. A man needs to know this and, moreover, does not need to focus on it. You will not be satisfied with any of his answers, but he will take it, and after your question he will look at you more closely... Eh? That’s it ...)

    *Tell me, haven’t you loved anyone as much as me?

    (Well, of course! Before he met you, he was standing on the counter, among the toys, wrapped in beautiful packaging, waiting for you to come shopping and finally turn your attention to him!)

    "My tongue is my enemy". This is about ours, women's. You can't say more precisely. No matter how difficult it may be, let’s still follow our playful tongue and not turn it into our worst enemy and forked sting...

      Rufina Ugryumova-Drat especially for

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