Download the presentation on the topic Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. Stages of biography and creativity. The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

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Presentation on the topic: Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich. Biography

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GONCHAROV Ivan Alexandrovich (1812-91), Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1860). In the novel “Oblomov” (1859), the fate of the main character is revealed not only as a social phenomenon (“Oblomovism”), but also as a philosophical understanding of the Russian national character, a special moral path opposed to the vanity of all-consuming “progress”. In the novel “An Ordinary Story” (1847), the conflict between “realism” and “romanticism” appears as a significant conflict in Russian life. In the novel “The Precipice” (1869) the search for a moral ideal (especially female images) and criticism of nihilism. The cycle of travel essays “Frigate “Pallada” (1855-57) is a kind of “writer’s diary”; literary critical articles (“A Million Torments”, 1872). Portrait by I. N. Kramskoy

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Biography pages Goncharov was born into a merchant family. He received his initial education at a private boarding school, where he learned French and German. In 1822 he was sent to the Moscow Commercial School, and in 1831 he entered the literature department of Moscow University. After graduating from university (1834), he briefly returned to Simbirsk, then moved permanently to St. Petersburg, where he began serving in the Ministry of Finance, continuing to study literature in all his free time. Goncharov entered literature hesitantly, experiencing deep doubts in his abilities: “with piles of written paper... ... lit the stoves." In 1842 he wrote the essay “Ivan Savich Podzhabrin”, published only six years later. In 1845, Goncharov worked hard on the novel, which he handed over to V. G. Belinsky “for reading and deciding whether it was suitable.” This novel - “An Ordinary Story” - caused an enthusiastic assessment of the critic and his circle.

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Biography pages In 1852, Goncharov, as secretary of Admiral E.V. Putyatin, set off on a circumnavigation of the world on the frigate Pallada. Secretarial duties took a lot of energy, however, already during the expedition “there was a desire to write.” The notes were eventually compiled into a book of essays, published in 1855-57 in periodicals, and in 1858 published as a separate publication called “Frigate “Pallada”. Upon returning from the trip, Goncharov decided to serve in the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee. The position of censor, as well as the invitation he accepted to teach Russian literature to the heir to the throne, turned the writer into “an object of indignation among liberals.”

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Pages of biography Goncharov's idea for a new novel was formed back in 1847. Two years later, the chapter “Oblomov's Dream” was published - “the overture of the entire novel.” But the reader had to wait another ten years for the appearance of the full text of “Oblomov” (1859), which immediately won huge success: “Oblomov and Oblomovism... spread all over Russia and became words forever rooted in our speech” (A.V. Druzhinin ).

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“The Precipice” (1868) was conceived back in 1849 as a novel about the complex relationship between the artist and society. By the 1860s the plan was enriched with new problems born of the post-reform era. At the center of the work was the tragic fate of revolutionary-minded youth, represented in the image of the “nihilist” Mark Volokhov.

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Biography pages After the “Cliff”, Goncharov’s name rarely appeared in print. He limited himself to publishing only a few memoir essays and literary critical articles, among which stands out the “critical study” “A Million Torments” (1872), dedicated to the production of “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, which became a classic analysis of the comedy. Goncharov quietly and secludedly spent the rest of his life in a small apartment of 3 rooms on Mokhovaya, where he died on September 15, 1891. He was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Goncharov was not married and bequeathed his literary property to the family of his old servant.

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GONCHAROV Ivan Alexandrovich (1812-91), Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1860).

In the novel “Oblomov” (1859), the fate of the main character is revealed not only as a social phenomenon (“Oblomovism”), but also as a philosophical understanding of the Russian national character, a special moral path opposed to the vanity of all-consuming “progress”.

In the novel “An Ordinary Story” (1847), the conflict between “realism” and “romanticism” appears as a significant conflict in Russian life.

In the novel “The Precipice” (1869) the search for a moral ideal (especially female images) and criticism of nihilism.

The cycle of travel essays “Frigate “Pallada” (1855-57) is a kind of “writer’s diary”; literary critical articles (“A Million Torments”, 1872).

  • Portrait by I. N. Kramskoy
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    Biography pages

    Goncharov was born into a merchant family. He received his initial education at a private boarding school, where he learned French and German.

    In 1822 he was sent to the Moscow Commercial School, and in 1831 he entered the literature department of Moscow University.

    After graduating from university (1834), he briefly returned to Simbirsk, then moved permanently to St. Petersburg, where he began serving in the Ministry of Finance, continuing to study literature in all his free time.

    Goncharov entered literature hesitantly, experiencing deep doubts in his abilities: “with piles of scribbled paper... he stoked the stoves.”

    In 1842 he wrote the essay “Ivan Savich Podzhabrin”, published only six years later.

    In 1845, Goncharov worked hard on the novel, which he handed over to V. G. Belinsky “for reading and deciding whether it was suitable.” This novel - “An Ordinary Story” - caused an enthusiastic assessment of the critic and his circle.

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    In 1852, Goncharov, as secretary to Admiral E.V. Putyatin, set off on a circumnavigation of the world on the frigate Pallada. Secretarial duties took a lot of energy, however, already during the expedition “there was a desire to write.” The notes were eventually compiled into a book of essays, published in 1855-57 in periodicals, and in 1858 published as a separate publication called “Frigate “Pallada”.

    Upon returning from the trip, Goncharov decided to serve in the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee. The position of censor, as well as the invitation he accepted to teach Russian literature to the heir to the throne, turned the writer into “an object of indignation among liberals.”

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    Oblomov and Zakhar

    Goncharov formed the idea for a new novel back in 1847. Two years later, the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” was published - “the overture of the entire novel.” But the reader had to wait another ten years for the appearance of the full text of “Oblomov” (1859), which immediately won huge success: “Oblomov and Oblomovism... spread all over Russia and became words forever rooted in our speech” (A.V. Druzhinin ).

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    “The Precipice” (1868) was conceived back in 1849 as a novel about the complex relationship between the artist and society. By the 1860s the plan was enriched with new problems born of the post-reform era. At the center of the work was the tragic fate of revolutionary-minded youth, represented in the image of the “nihilist” Mark Volokhov.

    • "Cliff" .Vera
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    Biography pages

    After the “Cliff”, Goncharov’s name rarely appeared in print. He limited himself to publishing only a few memoir essays and literary critical articles, among which stands out the “critical study” “A Million Torments” (1872), dedicated to the production of “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, which became a classic analysis of the comedy.

    Goncharov quietly and secludedly spent the rest of his life in a small apartment of 3 rooms on Mokhovaya, where he died on September 15, 1891.

    He was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

    Goncharov was not married and bequeathed his literary property to the family of his old servant.

    “Literature of the Gonchars” - Still from the film “A few days in the life of Oblomov.” Novel "Oblomov". Illustration for the novel. This is not the peaceful corner where our hero suddenly found himself. One of the brightest representatives of Russian literature is Ivan Goncharov. To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov’s dream take us? Oblomov and Zakhar. Portrait by I.N. Kramskoy. 1884

    “The Work of Goncharov” - It is in the village that the characters are revealed most fully. Sick and lonely, Goncharov often succumbed to mental depression. Paths that Oblomov did not choose. However, I finished it. “The Cliff” became Goncharov’s last major work of art. Famous writers, musicians, and painters gathered here almost every day.

    “The life and work of Goncharov” - Message on the topic: “MYSTERIOUS RUSSIAN SOUL.” Nikolai Nikolaevich Tregubov, godfather of the writer. Avdotya Matveevna Goncharova, mother of the writer. Portrait of I.A. Goncharov by the artist G. A. Gorbunov. Petersburg. 1880s Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891). SANYA TREYGUT, student of I.A. GONCHAROVA.

    “Biography of Goncharov” - Upon returning from his trip, Goncharov decided to serve in the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee. After the “Cliff”, Goncharov’s name rarely appeared in print. Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich. "Cliff." By the 1860s the plan was enriched with new problems born of the post-reform era. "Cliff" .Vera. Goncharov was born into a merchant family.

    “Writer Goncharov” - Born on June 18 (6) in Simbirsk into a wealthy merchant family. Photo 1856 Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891). Objectives: Lesson summary. From 1847 to 1858. published in 1859. A series of essays “Frigate “Pallada”. Novel "Break" ("Artist"). Tasks. N.N. Troegubov, godfather. Formation and formation of the writer’s personality.

    “The Life of Goncharov” - GONCHAROV WAS ONE OF THE BRIGHTEST REALISTS OF THE GOGOL SCHOOL. House-monument to Goncharov in Ulyanovsk. Frigate "Pallada" under sail. “Our audience has been waiting for ten years for Mr. Goncharov’s novel. Autobiography. Life and art. V.G. Belinsky. N. Dobrolyubov “What is Oblomovism?” Lecture plan. UNIVERSITY OF MOSCOW. 30s of the 19th century.

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    Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891) SERIOUS ART, LIKE ANY SERIOUS BUSINESS, REQUIRES YOUR WHOLE LIFE. I. Goncharov

    The writer was born in 1812 in Ulyanovsk in the family of a wealthy Siberian merchant. The father died early, leaving the family a large fortune “Our house was, as they say, a full bowl... A large yard, even two yards... Our own horses, cows, even goats and rams, chickens and ducks - all this inhabited both yards... in a word, a whole estate, a village..." Goncharov House-Museum in Ulyanovsk

    Avdotya Matveevna Goncharova I am proud... that I had such a mother, my thoughts about nothing and no one are so dim, my memory is not so sacred as about her. I. Goncharov - sister A.A. Kirmalova, May 5, 1851

    Nikolai Nikolaevich Tregubov After the death of our father, he became more and more accustomed to our family, then he took part in our upbringing... the good sailor surrounded himself with us, took us under his wing, and we became attached to him with children’s hearts, forgot about our real father. He was our mother's best adviser and the leader of our upbringing. I. Goncharov. Memories This is how merchant children received a typically noble upbringing

    Education 1) Private boarding school for the priest of Trinity 2) Moscow Commercial School (1822) 3) Moscow University (1831)

    We, young men... looked at the university as if it were a sanctuary, and entered its walls with fear and trembling. I. Goncharov. Memoirs of V.G. Belinsky N.P. Ogarev M.Yu. Lermontov K.S. Aksakov

    Maikov Nikolai Apollonovich In 1834, having moved to St. Petersburg, he entered the service of the Ministry of Finance as a translator of foreign correspondence. He is actively preparing himself for writing. He is getting close to the family of the famous artist Maykov, whose sons he teaches literature and Latin. Participates in the publication of the handwritten almanac “Snowdrop”, being the author of romantic poems.

    L.N. Tolstoy I.S. Turgenev D.V. Grigorovich A.V. Druzhinin A.N. Ostrovsky I.A. Goncharov Editorial board of Sovremennik, 1856

    1846 - acquaintance with V.G. Belinsky and the beginning of cooperation with the Sovremennik magazine, which, however, did not become friendship, since in his political views Goncharov was a very moderate liberal. 1849 - a chapter from the future novel, “Oblomov’s Dream,” appeared in the “Literary Collection of Sovremennik” magazine, which suffered from the censor’s pencil. This darkened Goncharov’s mood and suspended his work on the novel for a long time.

    1856 - moves from the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Education to the position of censor 1865 - member of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs 1867 - retires with the rank of general In the last years of his life, he often travels abroad for treatment Photo of 1861. Further service

    “An Ordinary History” 1847 “An Ordinary History” shows “the breakdown of old concepts and mores - sentimentality, caricatured exaggeration of feelings of friendship and love, poetry and idleness” I. A. Goncharov

    In 1852, Goncharov, as secretary of Admiral Putyatin, set off on the frigate Pallada on a circumnavigation of the world. Returning from a trip, the writer formalizes his impressions in a book of essays “Frigate “Pallada”

    “Oblomov” 1847 - 1859 “The story of how the good-natured sloth Oblomov lies and sleeps and how neither friendship nor love can awaken and raise him is not God knows what an important story. But it reflects Russian life, in it a living, modern Russian type appears before us, minted with merciless severity and correctness...” N. Dobrolyubov “What is Oblomovism?”


    TWO WAYS PATRIARCHAL BOURGEOISE Feudal orders, inertia and monotony of landowner life An active attitude to life, a manifestation of outright selfishness A trilogy about Russian life These novels reflect the essential aspects of the life of Russian society of the 40s - 60s. They are united by the characters' character traits and issues.

    The life path of the heroes "An Ordinary Story" Alexander Aduev, a nobleman adapts to life and is reborn into a bourgeois "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a nobleman capitulates to reality "Cliff" Alexander of Paradise, a nobleman leaves life, being carried away by art

    1891 September 27 – died of pneumonia. Monument to Goncharov in Simbirsk Monument-bust to Goncharov Oblomov’s sofa and slippers


    1848 – first version of “Oblomov’s Dream” March 1849 – first publication of “Oblomov’s Dream” 1852 – work interrupted due to travel November 29, 1855 – almost completed the first part of the novel June – July 1857 – “Marienbad miracle” "(west of the Czech Republic): the novel is almost completed January - April 1859 - the magazine "Domestic Notes" introduces readers to the new novel by I. A. Goncharov History of creation

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    The presentation on the topic “The Life and Work of I.A. Goncharov (Biography)” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 14 slide(s).

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    Goncharov Ivan Alekseevich

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    Ivan Goncharov was born on June 6 (18), 1812 in Simbirsk. His father Alexander Ivanovich (1754-1819) and mother Avdotya Matveevna (1785-1851) (nee Shakhtorina) belonged to the merchant class. The future writer spent his childhood in the large stone house of the Goncharovs, located in the very center of the city, with an extensive courtyard, garden, and numerous buildings. When Goncharov was nine years old, his father died. In the subsequent fate of the boy, in his spiritual development, his godfather Nikolai Nikolaevich Tregubov played an important role. It was a retired sailor. He was distinguished by his open-mindedness and was critical of some phenomena of modern life. “Good sailor” - this is how Goncharov gratefully called his teacher, who actually replaced his own father.

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    Goncharov received his initial education at home, under the supervision of Tregubov, and then in a private boarding house. At the age of ten he was sent to Moscow to study at a commercial school. The choice of educational institution was made at the insistence of the mother. Goncharov spent eight years in school. The rest of the time I was sick. These years were difficult and uninteresting for him. Goncharov's spiritual and moral development, however, took its own course. He read a lot. His true mentor was Russian literature. Meanwhile, studying at school became completely unbearable. Goncharov managed to convince his mother of this, and she wrote a petition to exclude him from the list of boarders. Goncharov is already eighteen. The time has come to think about your future. Even in childhood, the passion for writing that arose, the interest in the humanities, especially in literary arts, all this strengthened his idea to complete his education at the Faculty of Literature of Moscow University. A year later, in August 1831, after successfully passing the exams, he was enrolled there.

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    Life after university

    Having graduated from university in the summer of 1834, Goncharov felt, by his own admission, a “free citizen”, before whom all paths in life were open. First of all, he decided to visit his native land, where his mother, sisters, and Tregubov were waiting for him. Simbirsk, in which everything was so familiar from childhood, struck the matured and matured Goncharov, first of all, by the fact that nothing had changed. Everything here resembled a huge sleepy village. This is exactly how Goncharov knew his hometown in childhood, and then in his youth. The governor of Simbirsk persistently asked Goncharov to take the position of his secretary. After thought and hesitation, Goncharov accepts this offer, but the task turned out to be boring and thankless. However, these vivid impressions of the mechanism of the bureaucratic system later came in handy for Goncharov the writer. After eleven months of stay in Simbirsk, he leaves for St. Petersburg. Goncharov decided to build his future with his own hands, without anyone’s help. Upon arrival in the capital, he applied to the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance, where he was offered the position of translator of foreign correspondence. The service turned out to be not very burdensome. She to some extent provided Goncharov financially and left time for independent literary studies and reading.

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    The beginning of creativity

    Gradually, the serious creativity of the writer begins. It was formed under the influence of those sentiments that prompted the young author to take an increasingly ironic attitude towards the romantic cult of art that reigned in the Maykovs’ house. The 40s marked the beginning of the heyday of Goncharov’s creativity. This was an important time in the development of Russian literature, as well as in the life of Russian society as a whole. Goncharov meets Belinsky and often visits him on Nevsky Prospekt, in the House of Writers. Here in 1846 Goncharov reads criticism of his novel Ordinary History. Communication with the great critic was important for the spiritual development of the young writer. Goncharov himself testified in one of his letters what role Belinsky played for him.

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    Voyage around the world and the frigate "Pallada"

    In October 1852, an important event happened in Goncharov’s life: he became a participant in a trip around the world on a sailing warship, the frigate Pallada, as secretary to the head of the expedition, Vice Admiral Putyatin. It was equipped to inspect Russian possessions in North America - Alaska, which at that time belonged to Russia, as well as to establish political and trade relations with Japan. Goncharov imagined how many impressions he would enrich himself and his work with. From the very first days of the trip, he begins to keep a detailed travel journal. It formed the basis for the future book “Frigate Pallada.” Goncharov’s trip can only be considered a trip around the world. He returned to St. Petersburg on February 13, 1855, and the first essay appeared in the April book of “Notes of the Fatherland.” Subsequent fragments were published in the Marine Collection and various magazines for three years, and in 1858 the entire work was published as a separate publication. The cycle of travel essays “Frigate Pallada” (1855-1857) is a kind of “writer’s diary”. The book immediately became a major literary event, striking readers with the richness and variety of factual material and its literary merits

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    Creativity flourishes

    In 1859, the word “Oblomovshchina” was used for the first time in Russia. In the novel, the fate of the main character is revealed not only as a social phenomenon (“Oblomovism”), but also as a philosophical understanding of the Russian national character, a special moral path opposing the bustle of all-consuming “progress”. Goncharov made an artistic discovery. He created a work of enormous generalizing power. The publication of Oblomov and its enormous success among readers secured Goncharov’s fame as one of the most outstanding Russian writers. But Goncharov does not give up his writing and begins his new work - “The Cliff”. However, the writer had to not only write, but also earn money. Having left the post of censor, he lived “on free bread.” In mid-1862, he was invited to the position of editor of the newly established newspaper Severnaya Poshta, which was an organ of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Goncharov served here for about a year. Then he was appointed to a new position - member of the press council - and his censorship activities began again.

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    Having finished the third part of “The Precipice,” “I wanted to leave the novel entirely without finishing it.” However, I finished it. Goncharov was aware of the work of what scale and artistic significance he was creating. At the cost of enormous efforts, overcoming physical and moral ailments, he brought his “child” to the end. “The Precipice” thus completed the trilogy. Each of Goncharov’s novels reflected a certain stage in the historical development of Russia. For one of them, Alexander Aduev is typical, for another - Oblomov, for the third - Raisky. And all these images were components of one overall holistic picture of the fading era of serfdom. In the mid-19th century, the rivalry between the Russian Empire and the United States of America for influence in the Asia-Pacific region began. By the way, at that time in Russia it was customary to call the United States not as it is now, but somewhat differently - the North American United States, abbreviated as the USA.

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    The last years of the life of Ivan Goncharov

    All three of Goncharov's novels were devoted to depicting pre-reform Russia, which he knew and understood well. According to the writer’s own admissions, he understood the processes that took place in subsequent years less well, and he did not have enough physical or moral strength to immerse himself in their study. But Goncharov continued to live in an atmosphere of literary interests, intensively corresponding with some writers, personally communicating with others, without abandoning his creative activity. He writes several essays: “Literary Evening”, “Servants of the Old Century”, “A Trip along the Volga”, “Across Eastern Siberia”, “The Month of May in St. Petersburg”. Some of them were published posthumously. Goncharov was left completely alone and on September 12 (24), 1891, he caught a cold. The disease developed rapidly, and on the night of September 15 he died of pneumonia at the age of eightie. Ivan Alexandrovich was buried at the New Nikolskoye Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (in 1956 he was reburied, the writer’s ashes were transferred to the Volkovo Cemetery). The obituary published on the pages of Vestnik Evropy noted: “Like Turgenev, Herzen, Ostrovsky, Saltykov, Goncharov will always occupy one of the most prominent places in our literature.”

    Tips for making a good presentation or project report

    1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
    2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
    3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
    4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
    5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
    6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
    7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
    8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.