Bazarov's state of mind after meeting Odintsova. How and why does Bazarov change throughout the novel? “Fathers and Sons” Turgenev I.S. Love and Nihilism

Stages of development of the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova:

1.Background of acquaintance

Rumors that reached Bazarov about Odintsova

“Are there any pretty women here? - For example, Odintsova, she’s not bad. It’s a pity that she has some kind of reputation.”

“Clever, rich, widow. I'll introduce you"

Bazarov's interest in Odintsova

2.Acquaintance and development of love relationships

2.1 Bazarov’s first impression of Odintsova

“What kind of figure? The woman is not like the rest" (individuality)

“One gentleman here told me that this lady is oh-oh-oh.”

2.2 Bazarov became interested in Odintsova

“You say that she is cold. After all, this is where the taste lies.”

“Who were you standing with?”

“Only she has such shoulders as I haven’t seen for a long time.”

3. Meeting between Bazarov and Odintsova (in her room)

“Arkady introduced Bazarov to her and noticed with secret surprise that he seemed embarrassed.”

"spoke with exaggerated swagger"

“clearly trying to keep his interlocutor busy”

“It was difficult to guess from Anna Sergeevna’s face what impressions she was experiencing.”

“Bazarov’s behavior in the first minutes of the visit had an unpleasant effect on her... but then she understood his embarrassment, and it even flattered her.”

“He noticed that his friend was blushing”

“Such a rich body! At least now to the anatomical theater"

“They said - first class!”

4. Second visit to Bazarov

“I talked more and more with Odintsova”

"woman with a brain"

“And that one is a grated roll”

Opinion about Bazarov:

“She liked Bazarov... because of his harsh judgments.”

“she... maybe she would rush into battle, recognize passion”

“Odintsova was indifferent to nature, just like Bazarov”

5. Bazarov’s love for Odintsova

“A feeling that tormented and infuriated him”

“To his amazement, he did not have the strength to turn away from her. His blood burned easily as soon as he remembered her; he could have easily dealt with his blood, but something else took possession of him, which he never allowed, which he always mocked, which outraged all his pride.”

“He struck Odintsova’s imagination, he occupied her, she thought a lot about him”

“She turned pale, as if something had pierced her heart, and it pierced her so much that she was surprised and thought for a long time about what it meant.”

6. Farewell

"I'll be bored when you leave"

“Her eyes met Bazarov’s eyes, and she blushed a little”

“His heart was breaking”

“It seemed to him that her face had turned slightly pale during the night.”

7. Recognition

“So know that I love you, stupidly, madly... This is what you have achieved”

“A strong and heavy passion, similar to and perhaps akin to anger”

8. Before death

“The thought that she wouldn’t feel the same way if she really loved him.”

Russian literature is famous for the depth of its works. One of these is “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The main theme is the birth and cultivation of new progressive ideas, the vector of which is ignoring art in favor of the exact sciences. In the circle of nihilists there is no place for feelings and old truths. But whatever essence the author puts into the novel, for readers the love story of Bazarov and Odintsova comes first.

"Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev

The novel was written in the 60s of the 19th century and immediately conquered the world with its youth ideas. Then, as now, Bazarov is an example of a new, modern person. But, as the author showed, this is not the example we should strive for. However, the main character captivated the hearts of many readers. He always had something to say, his lines were clear, and his dialogue was intriguing. The important thing is that in the novel Ivan Sergeevich showed how easily life can be destroyed due to incorrect interpretation.

It’s not for nothing that the work is called “Fathers and Sons.” The main character is dismissive not only of his elders, but also of his parents. In his thoughts he respects many adults, but in reality he is insolent. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” showed how the ideals of different generations differ and how young people degrade every year.

meeting the hero

Events begin on May 20, 1859, upon Arkady’s arrival home with his friend Yevgeny Bazarov. The latter is a harsh, proud and quiet person. He draws weak-willed people into his nets like a magnet, but against his will. Those who are ready to argue automatically become his enemies. Bazarov in his soul despises love, poetry and his people. He is a nihilist who professes belief in liberal and conservative ideas.

The birth of feelings

But Bazarov’s meeting with Odintsova sets new priorities. The young, beautiful and rich widow Anna immediately captivates Evgeniy. The feelings, it seems to him, are mutual, but the woman decides to remain calm and not develop love. The hero, captivated by his rules, also decides to remain true to his principles. He runs away from love for his parents. But high feelings defeated life stereotypes. Bazarov's love for Odintsova forces him to return to Arkady's house.

Out of sadness, the hero seduces another woman, for which he is challenged to a duel. As circumstances go, everyone is happy except Evgeniy. Anna does not return her feelings, and readers lose hope that the pair of Bazarov and Odintsov will work out. Relationships are not improving, so the hero finally says goodbye to his beloved and friend, burns bridges and returns home.

The end of a story that never began

At home, Bazarov drowns in work for several days. But sadness and feeling catch up with him and little by little become the essence of life. Due to inattention, he becomes infected with typhus from the deceased and realizes his imminent death, so he decides to ask his beloved to come and say goodbye to him.

In his dying conversation, the hero admits that the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova did not work out largely because of his character. He realizes that he was prevented from building relationships, but the young man expresses little regret about this. Leaving this world, the main character is not satisfied with what he spent his life on. But if fate had given him another chance to rewrite his history in a new way, he, apparently, would not have changed a single view. The relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova was doomed from the very beginning. After this sad event, several weddings take place in the novel. But the feelings seem staged. Anna Sergeevna is getting married again for convenience.

As a result, only old and suffering parents, whom he did not respect so much during his lifetime, come to Bazarov’s grave.

Evgeny Bazarov: the role he carried throughout his life

One of the main characters of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is Evgeny Bazarov. Reading the work, one gets a double impression of the character. Moreover, the dual perception of this personality haunts immediately after meeting. On the one hand, we see his cold, dry character, on the other, intuition constantly tells us that the figure is not fully developed. The taste that somewhere deep down Bazarov will surprise us with his chivalrous deeds remains. But the ambiguous assessment keeps us in suspense until the end of the book. Later, some explanations are given by the love of Bazarov and Odintsov.

The hero's appearance fully matches his face. A pointed nose, large green eyes, a wide flat forehead on a thin face framed by sideburns, dark blond hair and a smile that poorly disguises a bright mind, self-confidence and dignity. This is how the character appears before us for the first time. His image attracts a certain mystery.

And everything would be fine, but later another, real Bazarov appears before us, whose character traits were at first invisible. He looks down on everyone, proudly, does not recognize the sanctity of marriage and love, does not believe in authority and considers it beneath his dignity to prove his point of view to a friend or enemy.

However, we can observe new outbursts of character immediately after the romance between Bazarov and Odintsova broke out. The relationships that have arisen between young people change the world they are accustomed to.

- challenge, punishment and reward for Bazarov

In the space in which the main character lives, there was no place for love until he met Anna Sergeevna. A cold, calculating widow - Bazarov in a female form.

The aristocrat whom Eugene fell in love with is proud and smart. The deceased old husband left her a large financial fortune. This allows her to live independently and do as she pleases.

You cannot find two more such similar and different people in world literature. The love story of Bazarov and Odintsova - review of the book “How not to live.” A young woman, attractive, has no She exists between time, not distinguishing between day and night.

A barely noticeable smile and - Odintsova, like Bazarov, knew how to present herself effectively. But unlike the main character, the woman really does not know how to love. Or did her heart turn to stone as a child? Or perhaps the reason was new trends in society? The only important thing is that Bazarov did not immediately admit his feelings, and Anna’s love never arose.

The fact that the heartless woman was indifferent is also evidenced by her attitude towards the young man. He is fun for her. The indifference to his death frightens readers. For Odintsova (even the surname itself speaks volumes) such feelings as grief and joy were far away. The novel ends with her marriage to a new profitable party.

In the world of literature

There are clichés by which main characters are written. And it is these heroes who subsequently become the most popular. Turgenev's heroes were also created under this line. These are soulless young boys and girls who do not dream of love.

There were men who were colder and more withdrawn than Evgeny. Many lovers of world literature were different from each other: Darcy and Lizzie Bennet, Rochester and Jane Eyre, Rhett Butler and Scarlett, among them Turgenev’s heroes - Bazarov and Odintsova. The relationship between the latter was doomed to failure. The walls they built could not be destroyed even with the help of love.

Criticism on the choice of the main character

The attitude of Bazarov and Odintsova to life was received ambiguously by critics. On the one hand, young people remain true to themselves, and behind them there are new grandiose theories. Bazarov is a representative of a new society, independent, free from artificially implanted authorities. He and his supporters nurture ideas that are ahead of their time. To refuse them would mean the impossibility of developing freely.

On the other hand, the height of love has been tested for thousands of years. It was this wonderful feeling that inspired me to create. Therefore, the hero’s choice in favor of the so-called progressive society is low and unreasonable. Bazarov could definitely achieve great results by abandoning his theory.

Feelings that change the world

Probably the hardest thing a person can go through is their own principles. But it’s even worse to be left alone with your rules, ignoring love.

Throughout the entire work there is an unusual, non-everyday line of sympathy between the two characters. These main characters are Bazarov and Odintsova, whose relationship flares up brightly and gradually goes downhill.

The beauty of the character is definitely contradictory. By all the criteria of the world at that time, it does not reach the standard of perfection. But as soon as he opens his mouth, which, we note, he does quite rarely, the flow of his thoughts, the strength of character in his words and the confidence that he is right conquers. Despite the coldness emanating from the main character, Bazarov and Odintsov, whose relationship was very complex, still managed to spark feelings for each other.

Bazarov is faced with a choice: remain true to his principles or fall to the state for which he always despised people. To be romantic and happily in love is to be low. “This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art,” Bazarov somehow expresses his thoughts to a friend.

Unfortunately, Bazarov and Odintsova did not pass the test of love. However, in “Fathers and Sons” the eternal theme of the large and broad human soul is clearly expressed.

Anyone who enjoyed attending literature classes while studying at school will definitely remember the work of I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” and its main character, Yevgeny Bazarov. Surely most readers, when asked who he is, will answer that this character is a nihilist. However, to remember what it was like for most of us it will take some time to retrieve from memory what was read. Some people became acquainted with this work five years ago, and others twenty-five years ago. Well, let's try to remember together what Bazarov says about love.

Love and Nihilism

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

All of Evgeniy’s ideas about love change after he meets Eugene’s feeling for this woman, breaks into his heart and takes over his mind. It contradicts everything. Bazarov’s attitude towards love goes against his ideas about how things should be.

Anna Sergeevna attracts Evgeny's attention at the ball, he admires the beauty and article of this beautiful woman, but asks about her with feigned negligence.

Relations between Bazarov and Odintsova

Anna Sergeevna also became slightly interested in Evgeniy. She invites him to stay at Nikolskoye, her estate. Bazarov accepts this invitation, this woman interests him. In Nikolskoye they spend a lot of time walking around the neighborhood. They talk a lot with each other and argue. Evgeny Bazarov, in Odintsova’s eyes, is a very interesting interlocutor; she sees him as an intelligent person.

What about our hero? It must be said that after the trip to Nikolskoye, love in Bazarov’s life ceases to be only something that does not rise above the level of physiology. He truly fell in love with Odintsova.

Tragedy of the Nihilist

So, a change has occurred in Bazarov’s soul that refutes all his theories. His feeling for Anna Sergeevna is deep and strong. Initially he tries to brush it off. However, Odintsova challenges him to a frank conversation while walking in the garden and receives a declaration of love.

Bazarov does not believe that Anna Sergeevna’s feelings for him are mutual. Nevertheless, the love in Bazarov’s life instills in his heart hope that she will be disposed towards him. All his thoughts, all his aspirations are now connected with one single woman. Bazarov only wants to be with her. Anna Sergeevna prefers not to give him hope for reciprocity, choosing peace of mind.

The rejected Bazarov is having a hard time. He goes home, trying to lose himself in work. It becomes clear that Bazarov’s previous attitude towards love is forever in the past.

Last meeting

The main character was destined to meet his beloved again. Being terminally ill, Evgeniy sends a messenger for Anna Sergeevna. Odintsova comes to him with a doctor, but she does not rush into his arms. She was simply afraid for Bazarov. Evgeniy dies in her arms. By the end of his life he remains absolutely alone. Bazarov is rejected by everyone, only the elderly parents continue to selflessly love their son.

So, we see how much Bazarov’s attitude towards love changed when he met his feminine ideal in the person of Anna Sergeevna. The tragedy of this hero turned out to be very similar to the love disappointments that probably everyone experienced. We meet a person whom we consider ideal, but he turns out to be unattainable for some reason. We suffer from lack of attention, not noticing that loved ones are ready to give a lot for us. Towards the end of his life, Bazarov finally begins to understand the power of parental love: “People like them cannot be found in our world during the day.” However, such an important understanding comes to him too late.

How did Bazarov change after meeting Odintsova?)) and received the best answer

Answer from Lena Volga[guru]
In his bitter feeling for Odintsova, he reveals himself as a strong, passionate, deep nature. And here his superiority over the people around him is manifested. Pavel Petrovich's romantic love for Princess R. was humiliating and fruitless. Arkady's feeling for Odintsova was a slight sentimental infatuation, but his love for Katya was almost the result of only the subordination of a weak nature to a stronger one. And what about the attitude of the Kirsanov brothers towards Fenechka? Pavel Petrovich himself exclaims in delirium: “Oh, how I love this empty creature!”
Bazarov loves differently.
His views on women and love are sometimes called cynical. Is it really? In his attitude, for example, towards Fenechka there is more humanity and respect than in Pavel Petrovich’s absurd passion for her. It was not for nothing that Fenechka felt trust in Bazarov. “In her eyes, he was an excellent doctor and a simple man.”
Before meeting Odintsova, Bazarov obviously did not know true love. His first words about Odintsova are rude. But this rudeness, caused most of all by an aversion to “beautiful” words, should not be confused with cynicism and vulgarity. The attitude of the provincial “society” towards Madame Odintsova, which pursued her with dirty gossip, was cynical. Bazarov immediately saw in Odintsova an extraordinary person, felt involuntary respect for her and singled her out from the circle of provincial ladies: “She’s not like the other women.” Bazarov's swagger and "breaking" in a conversation with a new acquaintance were evidence of his embarrassment and even timidity. Clever Odintsova understood everything, “and it even flattered her. Only the vulgarity repulsed her,
and no one would blame Bazarov for vulgarity."
Odintsova is worthy of Bazarov in many ways. And this also elevates him. If he fell in love with an empty, insignificant woman, his feeling would not inspire respect. Bazarov willingly expresses his views to Odintsova, seeing in her an intelligent, understanding interlocutor. In his conversations with her there is no anger, sarcasm, or exaggeratedly harsh judgments, as in arguments with Kirsanov.
The background against which Bazarov’s explanation with Odintsova takes place is a poetic picture of a summer night. Nature is depicted in Bazarov’s perception. It was the dark, soft night that looked at him, it was the freshness of the night that seemed “irritable” to him, it was he who heard the mysterious whispering. To Bazarov, a materialist, a biologist, the rustling of leaves and night rustles seem mysterious! The romantic feeling of high love illuminates the world around us with a new light. But does Bazarov give up? Does he change his beliefs? No, he just becomes spiritually richer, his feelings become deeper.
In the scenes of Bazarov’s explanation with Odintsova, one is captivated by his stern directness, honesty, and lack of any kind of panache. Directly, without mincing words, he calls her an aristocrat, condemns in her what is alien to him. When asked by Odintsova whether he could completely surrender to the feeling of love, he honestly answers: “I don’t know, I don’t want to brag.” Meanwhile, we see that he is capable of great feeling. The condition “life for life” seems fair to him. But from his words, Odintsova could conclude that this man, no matter how much he loved, would not sacrifice his beliefs in the name of love. Isn’t this what scared Odintsova away? After all, her beliefs were fundamentally at odds with Bazarov’s. And if for him convictions are more valuable than love, then for her peace and comfort are more valuable than love. Bazarov’s love for Odintsova reveals his masculinity and determination.
Some critics who wrote about the novel “Fathers and Sons” argued that in the story of Bazarov’s love for Odintsova, Turgenev debunks his hero. Is it so? No, Turgenev only argues with Bazarov’s views, shows the inconsistency of his “anti-romantic” beliefs, but at the same time, Bazarov’s love story reveals the remarkable qualities of his personality, makes him even more attractive, shows how much higher he is than the “district aristocrats”, including the smart one and the charming, but mentally cold and selfish Odintsova