Feng Shui by Gua number. How to determine the best sectors and directions for a person. Gua Number

The Gua number is a key indicator that characterizes a person in the Ba Zhai technique. It is calculated based on the date of birth. It is very important to take into account the Gua number of a given person when assigning and implementing Feng Shui recommendations. A favorable direction for one person can be disastrous for another.
The Gua number is the basis of the Ba-zhai - Eight Palaces technique, based on the Ba-gua - Eight Trigrams. The Ba-zhai technique takes into account that a person is influenced by the direction of his home, i.e. those energies that penetrate the house from the side of the world to which it is oriented. The basis for this calculation is the back side of the house, i.e. opposite the facade. Accordingly, both dwellings and people are divided into groups - Eastern and Western. In addition to the standard Ba-zhai, dividing space into 8 sectors of 45 degrees, there is also an extended Ba-zhai, dividing space into sectors of 15 degrees, referring to the 24 Mountains technique.

IMPORTANT: Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if the final result is 5 when counting, then the Gua number for men is considered to be 2, and for women - 8.

NOT LESS IMPORTANT: If you were born between January 1 and February 4-5 (New Year's Day according to the Chinese calendar), then you need to carry out calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

For a man- first add up the four digits of the year of birth. If you end up with a two-digit number, then add its digits again until one digit remains. Then subtract the result from 11.
For woman- add the four digits of the year of birth in the same way, bring the result to one digit and add the number 4.
If a boy was born in 2009, then his Gua number is 9.

Favorable Feng Shui directions for Gua numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

Sheng Qi: Success The most favorable direction according to Feng Shui with the best type of energy. It ensures success in absolutely any endeavor, brings money, fame, and a high position in society. It is ideal to rotate the desktop in this direction. If the front door to the apartment and the office “looks” the same way, then it will be just wonderful!

Tien-I: Health If the entrance door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are directed in this direction, or when eating food, you will face it, then this will have the most beneficial effect on your health and increase vital activity.

Yan-Nian: Love Helps create harmonious relationships in the family for a long life together. For this purpose, installing the bed with the headboard in the Yan-Nian direction will be especially useful. If you are single and dream of a life partner, then this direction is the best for you.

Fu Wei: Stability Perfect for developing internally, it gives clarity of thinking. This promotes professional development and, as a result, career growth. It would be good to direct your workplace in this direction.

Gua NumberSuccessHealthLoveStability
Eastern group
1 SoutheastEastSouthNorth
3 SouthNorthSoutheastEast
4 NorthSouthEastSoutheast
9 EastSoutheastNorthSouth
Western group
2 NortheastWestNorthwestSouthwest
6 WestNortheastSouthwestNorthwest
7 NorthwestSouthwestNortheastWest
8 SouthwestNorthwestWestNortheast

Unfavorable directions

Using them leads to various problems.

Ho-Hai: Obstacles- unpleasant, but of the bad ones it is the weakest. Means "minor failures" and minor problems. It's not that bad, but it's best to avoid it if possible.

Liu-Sha: Six Assassins. If your desk or bed is facing in this direction, then serious conflicts may arise in the family and at work, and legal problems may suddenly arise in business.

Wu-Gui: Five Ghosts This direction threatens accidents and loss of money. Fires and thefts are possible. If you sleep with your head in this direction, you can become seriously ill or depressed.

Jue-Ming: Complete collapse. This is the most unfortunate and harmful place. Avoid him at all costs, do not sit facing him during work or important meetings. The head of the bed should not be in this part of the house, otherwise you will have bad dreams and you simply will not be able to get enough sleep. This is also an undesirable place for the front door, since every time you leave the apartment, you attract negative energy along with failures.

Gua NumberComplete collapseSix KillersFive GhostsObstacles
Eastern group
1 SouthwestNorthwestNortheastWest
3 WestNortheastNorthwestSouthwest
4 NortheastWestSouthwestNorthwest
9 NorthwestSouthwestWestNortheast
Western group
2 NorthSouthSoutheastEast
6 SouthNorthEastSoutheast
7 EastSoutheastSouthNorth
8 SoutheastEastNorthSouth


Personal favorable and unfavorable directions have a cumulative effect. They gain greater strength only when repeated several times.
Try to sleep with your head in a direction that is favorable to you
Sit at your desk in such a way that you face in a favorable direction.
Try to ensure that your successful directions are repeated as often as possible in the house.

If it so happens that a favorable direction for one of the spouses is unfavorable for the other, then it is better to position the matrimonial bed with the headboard in the favorable direction of the one who needs it more. And so that other factors are favorable.

The popular Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offers several ways to change your life. For example, you can calculate the Gua number, thanks to which you can make adjustments to your life and understand in which direction you should develop and where changes are needed.

What is Gua number?

The personal number associated with the cardinal directions is usually called the Gua number. To calculate it, only the date of birth is used. The resulting value helps you understand how you need to place objects in your home and at work in order to change the situation in different aspects of life. The personal Gua number provides additional information for self-improvement, attracting material flow, finding a soul mate, advancing in your career, and so on.

How to calculate Gua number for women?

To make the calculation, you need to take into account your year of birth. Important - if a woman was born in January or February 1-5, then the previous year should be used, and in other cases you need to take your actual date. To calculate the Gua number for women, use the following diagram:

  1. At the first stage, you should find the sum of the last two digits of your own year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, then they also need to be added. For example, 1989 = 8+9=17, 1+7=8.
  2. For those who are interested in how to calculate the Gua number, at this stage you need to add 5 to the result obtained. For the example under consideration: 8+5=13, 1+3=4. It is important to consider that those with a birthday after 2000 should take 6, not 5.

Gua Number 1

The unit belongs to the eastern direction, the element Water, and its color is white. Gua number 1 for women means that its owner is reserved, cautious and independent. It is easy for her to interact with other people and find herself in different situations. They consider a few to be good listeners, but loners. Gua Number 1 is best compatible with 6. Positive Directions:

  1. For personal growth – north. The symbol to be activated must represent the person's purpose.
  2. For wealth - southeast. To activate, you must use two important elements: wood or water.
  3. For love - south. Singles must place a figurine of a phoenix bird in the south, and women must choose the male. It is better for people who are already in a couple to use mandarin ducks.
  4. For health - the east. It is important that this sector is bright and positive. To improve health, units should position the bed with the head of the bed facing east.

Gua Number 2

Twos belong to the Western group, the element Earth, and the main color can be yellow or red. Gua number 2 for women means that its owner is reliable and capable of sacrifice for the sake of others. You can entrust her with any task, knowing that she will handle it 100%. Twos do not like changes in life. Women with this Gua number can build an ideal union with 7. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth – southwest. The main goal of twos is to create a happy relationship. To activate, use Fire symbols, indicating the area in which you want to achieve success. Place the bed so that the head of the bed is in this direction.
  2. For wealth - northeast. Twos will use their intellectual abilities to achieve material stability. It is recommended to place a ceramic round vase here.
  3. For love - northwest. This is a suitable side for a bedroom. In this room you can put icons or love talismans.
  4. For health - the West. For twos, it is recommended to use unconventional methods for treatment. This is a great dining area.

Gua Number 3

Threes belong to the eastern group, the element Wood, but the suitable color for them is blue and green. The number 3 for women indicates sensuality, straightforwardness and quick temper. They are distrustful and responsible, so they try to do everything on their own. Such women always strive for self-improvement. Threes are ideal for sevens. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - east. For women of threes, family is of great importance, from which they draw inspiration. It is recommended here to use symbols of well-being that relate to the element Water, for example, an aquarium or a fountain.
  2. For wealth - south. If the calculation of the Gua number shows three, then the woman must clearly determine in which area she wants to achieve success. It is allowed to put a couple of money talismans: a toad on coins and others.
  3. For love - southeast. To activate the direction, use the attributes of the elements of Wood or Water, and Fire should be avoided.
  4. For health - north. This is a suitable place for the dining room and the entrance door. To avoid health problems, you need to sleep with your head facing north.

Gua Number 4

Fours belong to the eastern group, the element Wood, and the appropriate colors are green and blue. Gua number 4 for women means the presence of the following character traits: openness, independence and changeability. Fours love to fight injustice, and they are also caring and patient. For women with this Gua number, 9 is ideal. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth – southeast. The Four woman knows how. Suitable talismans for this zone: fountain and “double luck knot”.
  2. For wealth - north. Suitable direction for the workplace and the entrance door.
  3. For love - the east. It is allowed to use any traditional love talismans.
  4. For health - south. Suitable area for dining and sleeping areas. You can use different talismans, but only with the element of Fire you need to be careful.

Gua Number 5

Fives are suitable for the Western group, the element is Earth, and the best colors are red and yellow. Gua Number 5 for women indicates a love of adventure, self-sufficiency and perseverance. For such people there are no barriers to achieving their goals, and they are always looking for an option for self-development. For women of fives, men with the same Gua number are also ideal. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth – northeast. It is recommended to organize a workplace, workshop or bedroom here.
  2. For wealth - southwest. Gua Number 5 does not recommend using a lot of love symbols and it is better to simply decorate this area in a suitable color scheme.
  3. For love - the West. Socialists recommend placing and organizing a bedroom here.
  4. For health - northwest. For good health, it will be useful to place the entrance door or dining room in this area. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing northwest.

Gua Number 6

Sixes belong to the Western group and the element Metal, but the appropriate colors are white and yellow. Gua number 6 for women indicates traits such as self-sufficiency, rationalism and organization. Sixes are demanding of themselves and others. People with Gua number 1 are ideal for them. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth – northwest. It is important to place a talisman in this zone, symbolizing success in the chosen field.
  2. For wealth - the West. To activate this direction, you can use crystals, a horseshoe and objects that indicate a suitable creative sphere.
  3. For love - southwest. The head of the bed should face the direction indicated. Choose any talismans of the Earth elements.
  4. For health - northeast. To activate this zone, use owl, snake and lotus figures. When decorating the interior, focus on suitable colors and their shades.

Gua number 7

Sevens belong to the Western group and the element Metal, but the appropriate colors are white and yellow. Gua number 7 for women indicates prudence, sociability and hard work. These ladies are friendly and not afraid of problems. Two-piece men are ideal for them. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the West. This area must be decorated in a suitable range, using different shades. Use horseshoes and crystals.
  2. For wealth - northwest. It is recommended to place here an icon of the patron saint or an image of a guardian angel.
  3. For love - northeast. Experts advise placing beds on this side, as well as organizing a lot of light and space.
  4. For health - southwest. To maintain health, a dining room should be organized in this direction, and in case of chronic diseases, a private room.

Gua number 8

For eights, the assigned Western group is the element Earth, and the appropriate colors are yellow and red. Gua number 8 for women indicates perseverance and self-sufficiency of a person. Such ladies are conservative, secretive and their beliefs practically do not change. For them, the ideal couple would be a person with a Gua number of 2. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth – northeast. Arrange this area in a suitable color scheme. It is recommended to use talismans here that symbolize the chosen goal. The figurines of a snake and an elephant are universal.
  2. For wealth - southwest. It is not recommended to oversaturate this area with money talismans. Feng Shui experts are against placing a workplace in this area.
  3. For love - the West. To activate this zone, it is not recommended to use talismans associated with fire. Ideally, the front door will be located in the west and the head of the bed should be placed in this direction. An icon of the patron saint would be an excellent talisman in the West.
  4. For health - northwest. It is important to rearrange the bed so that the head of the bed is in that direction. It is recommended to place an icon here and periodically use incense.

Gua Number 9

For nines, the eastern group is intended, the element is Fire, and the appropriate colors are red and green. Gua number 9 for women indicates impulsiveness and vanity. They are sociable and have a good understanding of people. Nines are easily attracted to new things, but can quickly lose interest in them. Good compatibility of Gua number 9 with 1. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth – south. Coincidence with the fame sector means that nines will easily achieve recognition. It is recommended to place the front door and talismans of the elements of Fire and Wood here.
  2. For wealth - the east. This zone should contain talismans symbolizing financial well-being.
  3. For love - north. It is prohibited to place love paraphernalia associated with fire, such as candles. You can place the bed with the head of the bed facing north.
  4. For health - southeast. To promote health in this direction, it is recommended to arrange a dining room and use a bamboo style.

We already know that a person and everything that surrounds him are constantly influenced by the magnetic forces of the earth, and it is the study of these energy flows or, in other words, Qi energy, as well as methods of influencing them, that the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui is engaged in.

The movement of these energy flows in space occurs in a certain way, assigning different characteristics to each of the 8 compass directions of light. And depending on a person’s personal energy, some of the directions will be favorable for him, helping to attract good luck and prosperity into life, strengthening health, vitality and relationships, and the other part, on the contrary, will have an adverse effect on life.

So, it is precisely in order to determine which of the directions will be favorable specifically for a particular person and the Gua Number is calculated - the number that determines his personal energy. With its help, you can position yourself and important objects in space so that the energies of the Earth have the most beneficial effect, bringing more vitality, health, opportunities, strengthening relationships with loved ones and increasing luck in the necessary areas of life.

Important details for calculating Gua Number

Calculating the Gua Number is quite simple and does not require special skills and knowledge, however, certain nuances must be known and taken into account.

1. The calculation formula depends on the year of birth.

The calculation of the Gua Number will differ depending on whether the person was born before or after the year 2000.

2. The calculation formula for women and men is different.

For women and men, the calculation is made differently, again taking into account the year of birth (before or after 2000).

3. In certain cases, it is important to take into account the birthday.

According to the Chinese solar calendar, the New Year does not begin on January 1, as we are used to, but on February 4-5. Therefore, if a person’s date of birth falls on the period from January 1 to February 4-5, then the figures from the previous year should be used in the calculations.

4. Gua Number 5 does not exist

If during the calculation you received a result equal to the number 5, then for a man in this case it will be equal to two (Gua Number 2), and for a woman - eight (Gua Number 8).

Well, now, knowing all the important details that should be taken into account, you can begin the calculations themselves.

Calculation of Gua Number for men.

The beginning of calculating the Gua Number is the same for those born before 2000 and after: we add the last 2 digits of the year of birth until we get one digit (that is, if the addition results in a two-digit number, we also add them together).

Then, for men born BEFORE 2000 of the year subtract the result obtained out of 10.

And for men born AFTER 2000- subtract out of 9(important note!: if our man was born in 2009, then it is clear that the Gua Number cannot be equal to zero. In this case it is equal to 9).


Considering that according to the Chinese calendar the year has not yet begun, we will make calculations as if the year of his birth was 1986. So:

— add the last two digits of the year: 8 + 6 = 14

— we reduce the result to one figure: 1 + 4 = 5

- subtract it from 10: 10 - 5 = 5

So, as a result of calculations, it turned out that the Gua Number of this man is 5. But as we know, such a Gua Number does not exist, accordingly his Gua Number will be equal to 2.

A similar calculation is made for men born after 2000 only ( I'll remind you again!) with the only exception - the result of adding the last digits of the year is subtracted from 9.

Calculation of Gua Number for women.

The same scheme is used to calculate the Gua Number for women, and the difference lies only in the last stage: for those born BEFORE 2000 the number is added to the result of adding the last digits of the year 5, and for those born AFTER 2000- number 6 .


For example, let's calculate the Gua Number for a woman born in September 1994. In this case, we do not need to worry about the Chinese calendar and we make calculations with the data that we have. So:

— add the last two digits of the year: 9 + 4 = 13

— we reduce the result to one figure: 1 + 3 = 4

- add 5 to it: 4 + 5 = 9

Thus we got the Gua Number equal to 9.

Let's not forget that if the calculation is made for a woman born after 2000, at the last stage we add not 5, but 6.

Depending on the Gua Number obtained, a person can be classified into the Western or Eastern group. The difference between these groups lies in the fact that that part of the directions that will be considered favorable for one will have the opposite meaning and influence for the second. And vice versa. Thus, by calculating our Gua Number, we get information about our favorable and unfavorable directions and can use it to arrange vital objects (such as bed, desk, kitchen table, etc.) in such a way that in these places we faced or lay our heads in a direction that would benefit us. Or to be able to make an adjustment if any of the important objects, for example, a door, is in a direction that is unfavorable to us.

People whose Gua Number is 1 , 3 , 4 And 9 belong to the eastern group. The directions east, southeast, north and south will be favorable for them. Those who, during the calculation, received as a result 2 , 6 , 7 And 8 belong to the western group and their favorable directions are west, northwest, southwest and northeast.

However, one definition of “favorable” or “unfavorable” is not enough to understand what impact this or that direction has on a person and his life, because each of them has its own type of energy. And we will just find out the characteristics of all directions and what to do to get the maximum benefit from our favorable directions.

Read with this article

In Feng Shui, all people, depending on their personal trigram (Gua number), are divided into two groups - Western and Eastern.

Directions that are favorable for representatives of one group are not suitable for representatives of the second.

Description of favorable and unfavorable directions for people of the Eastern and Western groups.

The table below indicates which directions are favorable for people of the eastern and western groups.

To determine your Gua number you can use

You can determine your Gua number using the table

People whose trigram Kun (Gua 2), Gen (Gua 8), Dui (Gua 7) and Tian (Gua 6), refer to the so-called Western type. In general, the following four directions are more or less favorable for them: northeast, southwest, west and northwest.

People whose trigram Kan (Gua 1), Shun (Gua 4), Zhen (Gua 3) and Li (Gua 9), refer to the so-called oriental type. In general, the following four directions are more or less favorable for them: east, north, south, southeast.

Location of favorable and unfavorable directions for people of the Eastern and Western groups.


Western group

Eastern group

Favorable directions.

Shen Qi

Tian Yi

Yan Nian

Fu Wei

Unfavorable directions.

Ho Hai

Wu Gui

Liu Sha

Jue Ming

Description of directions.


Direction influence

Shen Qi

The most favorable of directions is favorable for everything. Vibrating, life-giving and health-giving energy. Great authority and political power. Brings good luck in financial matters. Brings good luck in business and personal life. Direction helps you get rid of routine and add activity to your life. Favorable for harmony in romantic relationships.

Tian Yi

Good for health. Long life. Good health and helpful friends. Saves you from failure. Rewards hard work. Brings help from other people.

Yan Nian

Makes people more sincere and open, therefore it is favorable for establishing harmony between people at work and at home. Good relationship with children. Calms disagreements. Helps you find a partner. An ideal direction for creating rapport.
Directions for the head of the father's bed in case of problems with the birth of heirs.

Fu Wei

This is our own direction, which doubles our strength and makes life more measured. Gives good luck, health, good relationships. Good for managers and executives. Suitable for spiritual practices. Provides clear thinking, decision making, stability, peace, stamina and resilience. Brings good luck in general. Can be used to improve marriage relationships.

Ho Hai

Minor troubles and failures. Obstacles and difficulties at work. Minor financial problems. Brings stupidity and despondency.

Wu Gui

Scandalous energy. Health problems. Disputes, gossip, emotions. Those sleeping with their heads in this direction will have a very tired body. Direction brings a lot of human interference, deception, betrayal. Court cases.

Liu Sha

Energy of quarrels. This place should be avoided as the direction of the door or the head of the bed. The direction provokes endless discussions, the breakdown of relationships, addictions associated with sex and gambling, and relationship problems. Gossip, litigation, protracted ongoing problems and illnesses.

Jue Ming

Broken fate. The most unfavorable of directions. Brings suffering and disaster. Unhappiness, failure in money, failure in business. Robbery. Legal problems. Bloody disasters, accidents, injuries.
Serious illnesses, disharmony, family breakdown, children leaving their parents. A lot of effort that doesn't bring results.

The main characteristics of personality types depending on the Gua number can be viewed

Many people have probably heard about such a concept as the Gua number, but not everyone can correctly answer the question: “What is it?” However, we all want to have good health and good luck in all areas of life, but often we don’t know how to achieve what we want. If you also suffer from this ignorance, we suggest you turn your attention to the ancient art of Feng Shui, which is closely intertwined with the Gua number.

Why do we sometimes make truly titanic efforts, but still fail to achieve what we want? What stands in the way of achieving our dreams? What if no one actually puts obstacles in our way, and we are just using our energy incorrectly?

If we consider the Chinese one, then the Gua number helps to establish the positive and negative sides of the world in the Bagua grid - a magical hemisphere that personifies our World and divides our space into certain areas. If you live and work in favorable areas, your life will become more successful, you will be able to easily get everything you want.

How to Calculate Your Gua Number

To calculate the Gua number, you should use only your date of birth. And if your birth month is January, then the past year is taken into account.

  1. First, the last two numbers of the year of your birth are added, and then you need to get their sum. The sample year is 1994: 9+4=13; 1+3=4.
  2. For representatives of the stronger sex, the final number should be subtracted from ten. Using our example, we get: 10-4 = 6. But if a man or guy was born in the twenty-first century, then replace the ten with a nine.
  3. For the fair half of humanity, five must be added to the number. We get: 4+5=9. And if the girl was born in the 21st century, we replace the five with a six.
  4. If in the final calculation you received a two-digit figure, then you will need to add it again, and what you get as a result will become your personal Gua number.

As a sample for a girl born in 1990 = 9+0=9, 9+5=14, 1+4=5.

And for a guy of the same year = 9+0=9, 10-9=2.

Eastern and western subspecies

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, all people according to the Gua number can be divided into Eastern or Western categories.

  • Eastern– consists of people whose Gua number is equal to one, three and four or nine
  • Western– those whose Gua number is two, five, six, seven and eight.

Feng Shui teaches that the West and the East are constantly at war. Therefore, it is quite difficult for people belonging to different categories to find a common language with each other. The opposite side of the world also has a negative impact.

For example, if you are a representative of the Western group, then you should not place the head of the bed on the east side, and should not work, eat or perform other activities with your face facing the east side. The same rule applies in exactly the opposite way for the second category.

You can also highlight positive or negative directions in the Bagua grid for each group.

So, for “eastern” people (1,3, 4, 9) the positive directions are:

  • Eastern;
  • Southeast;
  • South;
  • Northern.

And for the “Western” (2, 5, 6, 7, 8) representatives the following have positive energy:

  • Western direction;
  • Northwestern;
  • Northeast;
  • Southwestern.

This video will tell you more interesting information about the Gua number.

Positive and negative directions according to Gua number

They, along with the directions of light, are located in the Bagua grid. But they, based on a specific Gua number, correspond to different regions of the world and for this reason are there in a different order.

Any Gua number has 4 main positive and negative areas:

  • Area of ​​Wealth (money);
  • Area of ​​Love (sphere of love relationships, family zone);
  • Health Area (provides a high level of health);
  • Area Personal (self-realization, career growth).

And among the unfavorable zones the following stand out:

  • The Area of ​​Misfortune is the most negative sector in your home. Staying in it for a long time, a person becomes irritable, and various troubles and disappointments begin to happen to him.
  • Area of ​​the Five Spirits – it provides troubles in the personal sphere.
  • The area of ​​the Six Murders is a sector of 6 failures that together fall on a person. Represented by monetary losses, pathologies, loss of reputation, death of relatives, separation from children, problems with the law.
  • The Area of ​​Loss is the place of the most serious misfortunes, which include death, complete bankruptcy, and fatal pathologies.

You probably already got scared, but, fortunately, the situation can be improved. If the positive zones coincide with the zones of influence in the Bagua grid, then these are the areas that have the main influence on your life, and in them you will be successful.

If the same thing happens with negative zones, it is worth making significant efforts if you want to improve their condition. They drag you down.

The main task for you is to determine in what places in your home these hidden enemies are hidden, and what areas of your life they control.

How does the Gua number work?

To determine the location of these places using the Gua number, you should draw a beautiful octagon and put it on top of the plan of your home.

At the same time, combine the directions of light in this order with their analogues in the home:

  • The highest edge is answered by the South side;
  • Nizhny – Northern;
  • To the right - Western;
  • To the left - Eastern.

And in the middle of them there will be North-East and North-West, as well as South-East and South-West directions.

Each personal Gua number has its own typical positive and negative areas, which are located in different sectors of the geometric figure. In addition, directions in the Bagua grid are also located in good or bad sectors for a given number.

By comparing the dominant areas in the art of Feng Shui with favorable and unfavorable ones - according to the Gua number, you will be able to activate or neutralize the influence of these zones. Special talismans help to do this.

Calculation of negative directions is necessary in order to competently navigate in space in everyday life, performing certain actions.

Features of the personal Gua number

The final aspect that you need to understand for yourself in order for your personal Gua number to take effect is how the areas of influence are located based on the directions of the light.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the general characteristics of all 9 numbers:

  • Hidden place. Influences career, study, material success.
  • Longevity. It is a more favorable zone, which is responsible for money and harmonious relationships.
  • Heavenly healer. It acts as a very powerful zone that controls the sphere of health and material wealth.
  • Origin of Qi. The most powerful of all positive zones. It promotes success in material affairs and increases a person’s authority.
  • Misfortune. Not too pronounced, it attracts failures and unfortunate incidents into a person’s life.
  • Six Sha. Has a negative impact on family and work.
  • Five Spirits. Provokes quarrels with thefts and fires.
  • Losses. Causes pathology and death.

And this is how the described sectors are distributed for specific Gua numbers in ascending order (from the least pronounced to the most powerful).

Gua number unit

  • Northern – is the Hidden Sector (represents the Work Zone);
  • Southern - acts as a zone of Longevity (this is also the Glory sector);
  • Eastern – Supreme healer (family sector);
  • Southeast – Origin of Qi (sector of material success);
  • Western – Misfortunes (creative sector);
  • Northwestern - Six kills (sector of those who help you);
  • Northeast – Five Spirits (area of ​​knowledge);
  • Southwestern – Loss (Love sector).

Gua number two

  • Southwestern - is the Hidden Sector (relationship zone);
  • Northwestern – Longevity (aid sector);
  • Western - Heavenly healer (creative abode);
  • Northeast – Origin of Qi (field of knowledge);
  • Eastern - Misfortune (family sector);
  • South – Six kills (Glory sector);
  • Southeast - Five Spirits (material well-being);
  • Northern – Losses (career sector).

Gua number three

  • Eastern - acts as the Hidden Sector (family zone);
  • Southeast - Longevity (material wealth);
  • Northern – Supreme healer (realization in career);
  • Southern – Origin of Qi (Glory);
  • Southwestern - Unhappiness (area of ​​happy relationships);
  • North-Eastern – Sixes of Sha (your Helpers operate here);
  • Western – Loss (creative area).

Gua number four

  • Southeast – acts as the Secret Sector (Material Region);
  • Eastern – Longevity (family);
  • Southern – Healer of Heaven (equivalent to the area of ​​Glory);
  • Northern – Origin of Qi (career sector);
  • Northwestern - Misfortunes (your Helpers reside here);
  • Western – Six Sha (creative zone);
  • Southwestern - Five of Spirits (love area);
  • Northeast - Lost (similar to the Poznanie region).

Calculate Gua number for women five

  • Southwestern - Sector of Riddles (Love);
  • Northwestern - Longevity (Help);
  • Western – Supreme Healer (Creative Energy);
  • Northeast - Revival of Qi (Knowledge);
  • Eastern - Misfortune (Family);
  • Southern – Shestm Sha (Glory);
  • Southeast - Five Spirits (Money Sector);
  • Northern – Loss (Career).

Gua number 5 for the stronger sex

  • Northeast - is the Mystical sector (Knowledge);
  • Western - Longevity;
  • Northwestern - Supreme Healer (Help);
  • Southwestern – Revival of Qi (Love);
  • Southern - Misfortune (Glory);
  • Eastern – Six Sha (Family);
  • Northern – Five Spirits (Career);
  • Southeast – Losses (Money area).

Gua number six

  • Northwestern – Hidden place (Help);
  • Southwestern - Longevity (Love Sector);
  • Northeast - Supreme Healer (Knowledge);
  • Western - Revival of Qi (Creative Energy);
  • Southeast – Misfortune (Monetary sector);
  • Northern – Six Sha (Career);
  • Eastern – Five Spirits (Family);
  • Southern – Loss (Glory).

Gua number seven

  • Western - Hidden sector (Creative);
  • Northeast – Longevity (Area of ​​Knowledge);
  • Southwestern – Heavenly healing (Love);
  • Northwestern - Revival of Qi (Help);
  • Southern - Misfortune (Glory);
  • Southeast – Six Sha (Financial);
  • Northern – Five of Spirits (Career);
  • Eastern – Loss (Family).

Gua number eight

  • Northeast – Mystical sector (Knowledge);
  • Western – Longevity (Energy of Creativity);
  • Northwestern – Heavenly healers (Help from above);
  • Southwestern - Origin of Qi (Love);
  • Southern - Misfortune (Glory);
  • Eastern – Six Sha (Family);
  • Northern – Five of Spirits (Career area);
  • Southeast – Loss (Wealth).

Gua number nine

  • Southern – Hidden place (Glory sector)
  • Northern – Longevity (Career area);
  • Southeast – Heavenly Healers (Wealth);
  • Eastern – Origin of Qi (Family);
  • Northeast – Harm (Cognition);
  • Southwestern – Six Sha (Love);
  • Western – Five of Spirits (Creativity);
  • Northwestern – Losses (Helpers).

By learning the correct location of good and bad zones in your home, you can protect yourself from various troubles. It also becomes possible to improve life by activating those areas that are not working well enough, as well as neutralizing the negative ones.