Specialty "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" (residency). "Laboratory diagnostics" is a specialty that is in demand at all times. Laboratory diagnostics - who to work with?

Medical professions always remain in demand. The work of laboratory assistants plays a very important role in medicine; it consists not only of working with microscopes and test tubes, but also providing the most accurate information about the health status of a particular patient. And this is the basis for identifying the nature of the disease and determining an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, the specialty of clinical laboratory diagnostics is a very important link in the treatment of patients.

Specialty laboratory diagnostics training

At the moment, the specialty of laboratory diagnostics is higher education or specialized secondary education. You can get it in medical universities and colleges after 9th grade or graduating from high school. But there will be differences between these professions.

Thus, the areas of university training are medical biology or biochemistry - extensive scientific activity and more in-depth study.

After the 9th grade, you can only receive secondary specialized education in this direction in the areas of preparation of laboratory diagnostics.

The difference is that laboratory diagnostics, a medical specialty, involves a narrower range of subjects studied and, accordingly, work not in all structures.

But you can go for higher education in the same field after already obtaining a specialty. In addition, there are even advantages for such students - for example, they can skip the first course, since they have already taken it in medical college.

Laboratory diagnostics specialty where to get

You can study in this area in almost all medical colleges and universities in the country. For example, “Medical College No. 1” in Moscow or “Medical Academy” in Krasnodar. In the region of the country you can find a training program in this area.

After graduating from an educational institution, you are issued a certificate in the specialty of laboratory diagnostics, with which you can safely go and get a job in an institution that interests you.

You can get a specialty in laboratory diagnostics part-time or full-time, but the first option usually takes longer.

Professional retraining in the specialty of laboratory diagnostics is also possible for those who already have a medical education, but have decided to change their occupation.

As for achieving career heights, in our time it has long been proven that material wealth depends only on personal aspirations. A young but ambitious specialist can easily find a prestigious job and achieve the desired level of income, the main thing is love for the profession and desire.

Specialty laboratory diagnostics where to work

This profession is one of the most in demand, like most medical professions. Any medical institution, including private clinics and laboratories, requires a laboratory technician.

After graduating from the specialty 02/31/03 laboratory diagnostics, you will independently choose your place of work, since there are always plenty of vacancies in this area.

The determining factor here will not be your connections, but your preparation, your attitude towards studying during the process, and your work experience. If you positively establish yourself as a specialist, you will not have any problems finding a job.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Medical College" trains nursing staff in their specialty Laboratory diagnostics” on the basis of secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational and higher education.

Qualification: “Medical laboratory technician.”
Duration of training: 2 years 10 months

The number of laboratory tests used has increased dramatically in recent decades. This is due to changes in the course of many infectious and non-infectious human diseases and the introduction of high-tech techniques into medical practice. According to WHO experts, laboratory tests provide up to 85% of objective diagnostic information about the patient. The progress of laboratory medicine is determined, in turn, by the progress of fundamental sciences: physics, chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, information technology.

One of the main conditions for conducting high-quality and timely laboratory diagnostics is a high level of professional skills by all participants in laboratory production.
At the same time, medical laboratory technicians are responsible for directly conducting tests, which includes the following elements:
1) sample preparation: taking material from the patient or, much more often, receiving material delivered from the patient, conducting the pre-analytical stage of the study;

2) processing and disposal of containers in which the material was delivered;

4) recording the research results;

5) participation in the formulation of research results;

6) handing over the results of the study or sending it to the patient’s place of treatment;

7) entering test results into an information database; use of ready-made database results.

The laboratory diagnostics department of the college arose more than 28 years ago according to the needs of the diagnostic and treatment process, highly professional personnel possessing both general medical knowledge and special skills. Although small in number, the department is unique, somewhat elite. Future laboratory diagnostic specialists master practical skills literally from the first months of training in specialized laboratory health care facilities (medical and preventive institutions of the RF Presidential Administration system). Students of the second and third years of study spend up to 80% of their educational time directly at their future workplaces. Laboratories of three main profiles are available to those learning the basics of the profession:
– clinical and diagnostic;

– microbiological;

– biochemical.

The operation of the equipment of more highly specialized laboratories and highly professional employees take part in the formation of a medical laboratory technician.

Having the opportunity to use modern laboratory technology and employ the work of unique specialists, diagnostic laboratories conduct research at the level of world requirements. Students especially note the value of acquiring practical skills in laboratories:

– central laboratory of clinical microbiology;

– express diagnostic laboratories;

– clinical endocrinology laboratories;

– histological laboratory.

Located mainly on the territory of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration, the laboratories provide territorial accessibility and facilitate the provision of visual material for classes in the college classroom.

Qualification – medical laboratory technician.

Today, medicine knows a great variety of diseases. Often, pathologies have similar symptoms, and without appropriate tests it becomes impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, the development of an effective treatment regimen for the patient directly depends on the results of research. “Laboratory diagnostics” is the specialty most in demand in the medical industry. Graduates can work in any laboratory in various areas.

Where to apply?

To work in the specialty “laboratory diagnostics”, a higher education is not required. A future student can apply to any medical college. The duration of training varies depending on the number of classes of secondary education (9 or 11) and the form of study (full-time, part-time, evening).

You can master the profession of “clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor” only at medical universities. The difference between specialties is that in the first case the employee’s activities are somewhat limited. In the second, it involves participation in the development of the scientific field and possession of a wider range of knowledge. In any case, after receiving an education in the specialty “laboratory diagnostics”, you can submit documents to the university. As a rule, such students are immediately enrolled in the second year, since they have already listened to the lectures of the first year in college.

Who to work with?

Graduates who have mastered the specialty “laboratory diagnostics” can work as a “medical technician”. This is a responsible position that involves performing important tasks.

A medical laboratory technician must know:

  • laws of the Russian Federation and provisions of other regulatory documentation regulating the activities of any medical institutions;
  • internal regulations, labor protection and fire safety;
  • methods of providing emergency care, including the ability to apply them in practice;
  • basics of the laboratory assistant profession;
  • principles of collecting biological material from a patient;
  • operating conditions of medical equipment;
  • rules for working with biomaterial containing pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • morphology of opportunistic microorganisms;
  • methods for preparing the necessary reagents;
  • rules for sterilization of instruments and disinfection of materials.

The job responsibilities of a person who has received the specialty “laboratory diagnostics” include:

  • carrying out a study of the patient’s biological material (blood, urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.);
  • use of established diagnostic techniques;
  • timely and high-quality implementation of tasks set by senior management;
  • compliance with internal regulations, safety regulations, and sanitary standards.

The specialist has the right:

  • voice ideas to senior management, the implementation of which will help optimize and improve the industry;
  • demand assistance for the quality performance of their job duties;
  • receive timely information from medical facility specialists to help improve the work process;
  • undergo certification, upon completion of which he is assigned the appropriate category;
  • symposiums, if during them issues related to his professional activities are raised;
  • have full rights to use all provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employee is also responsible for the high-quality and timely fulfillment of his work obligations.

Where to work?

“Laboratory diagnostics” is a specialty in demand at all times. Graduates of medical educational institutions in this profession can work in:

  • clinics and hospitals of any level;
  • laboratories at universities;
  • blood transfusion stations;


Today, in the medical industry, professionals with the specialty “laboratory diagnostics” are in great demand. Reviews from graduates of educational institutions are the most positive - the risk of being left without work is reduced to almost zero. And this is justified - a medical laboratory technician plays a very important role in diagnosing diseases, which further helps the attending physician accurately diagnose and create the most effective treatment regimen for the patient.

Control figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of the budget of the Moscow region in 2019. for branches of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Moscow Region " (Order Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region dated December 13, 2018 No. 2002

GBPOU MO "Moscow Regional Medical College No. 5" carries out admissions for the 2019-2020 academic year

Specialty code

Name of specialty

Qualification Level of study Duration of training Number of students

Budgetary basis of training (full-time) on the basis of basic general education






Budgetary basis of training (full-time) on the basis of secondary (complete) general education, NPO.











Extra-budgetary training basis (full-time and part-time) on the basis of secondary (complete) general education, NPO, VPO, VPO











Control figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of the budget of the Moscow region in 2019. by branchesGBPOU MO« Moscow Regional Medical College No. 5"



Based on the main
general education
Based on average (full)
general education
Nursing General Medicine Nursing Pharmacy

Full-time education. Budget

"MOMC No. 5"

125 75 50 - -

"MOMC No. 5"
Meshchersky branch

75 50 - 25 -

"MOMC No. 5"

50 - - 50 -


250 125 50 75 -

"MOMC No. 5"

50 - - 25 25

Number of applications submitted to study inGBPOU MO
« Moscow Regional Medical College No. 5"as of August 5, 2019



Based on the main
general education
Based on average (full)
general education
Nursing General Medicine Nursing Pharmacy

Full-time education. Budget

"MOMC No. 5"

265 187 78 - -

"MOMC No. 5"
Meshchersky branch

210 164 - 46 -

"MOMC No. 5"

69 - - 69 -


544 351 78 115 -

Part-time and part-time education. Off-budget

"MOMC No. 5"

99 - - 65 34

Application forms for applicants:

1. 02/34/01 “Nursing” 9 classes (Serpukhov)
2. 02/31/01 “General Medicine” 11 classes (Serpukhov)
3. 02/34/01 “Nursing” OOO (Serpukhov)
4. 02/33/01 “Pharmacia” OZO (Serpukhov)

Entrance test results:

Student admission plan 2019 Serpukhov

Department "NURSING"

Part-time (evening) form of education (Extrabudgetary)

Speciality - Generalist nurse.

If you have not chosen a specialty to your liking and you need some more time to decide, then we advise you to enroll in the department "Nursing" and get a specialty Nurse. A nurse can work in any medical institution in our country and abroad, undergo specialization according to his interest and get a job in the following departments: surgical department, operating room, anesthesiology, intensive care, sanatoriums, fitness clubs, massage rooms, physical therapy rooms, beauty salons and many others.
But the main thing is that the years of study at the school will not be in vain: you will always be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired in everyday life - give an injection for free (intramuscularly or into a vein), put mustard plasters or cups, provide first aid for diseases and injuries, care for seriously ill people and bedridden relatives. What about caring for a newborn baby? What about first aid for him in case of illness or injury before the doctor arrives? There's a lot to think about here! By the way, working in a beauty or massage parlor is impossible without basic education and a diploma Nurse.


Specialty – Paramedic
The paramedic receives patients at the clinic, health center or when visiting the place of call. His main task here is to determine the patient’s condition, establish a diagnosis, and provide him with first emergency care. The presence of many professional skills allows paramedics to be physician assistants during operations, conduct tests and research, and maintain various medical documents. In addition to receiving patients, the paramedic should monitor the seriously ill and the increase in morbidity in the population. This universal specialist also carries out procedures prescribed by the doctor and gives vaccinations. The duties of a paramedic may include monitoring the sanitary condition of the housing of disadvantaged families.

First of all, a paramedic needs to be responsible for the health and lives of patients. He is often forced to work in extreme conditions, so he needs to be emotionally stable and be able to make decisions quickly. It is important for this specialist to find an approach to each patient; for this he requires friendliness and sociability. A paramedic must be prepared to work under irregular schedules, because he can be sent to a patient at any time of the day.

Department "PHARMACY"

Speciality - Pharmacist .
If you have not chosen a specialty to your liking and you need some more time to decide, then we advise you to enroll in the department "Pharmacy" and get a specialty - Pharmacist .
Pharmacist can work in any pharmacy institution in our country and abroad, and undergo specialization according to his interest. But the main thing is that the years of study at the school will not be in vain: you will always be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired in everyday life - give an injection for free (intramuscularly or into a vein), put mustard plasters or cups, provide first aid for diseases and injuries, care for seriously ill people and bedridden relatives. What about caring for a newborn baby? What about first aid for him in case of illness or injury before the doctor arrives? There's a lot to think about here!


In accordance with the list of entrance tests for admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions and specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 12, entrance tests are carried out at admission to study in the following specialties of secondary vocational education:
02/31/01 General medicine – psychological testing is carried out;
02/34/01 Nursing – psychological test is conducted.
The entrance test is carried out in the form of computer testing, documented in a protocol in which the scores given by the computer are recorded.

The results of entrance tests are assessed according to credit system. Successful completion of entrance examinations confirms that applicants have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities necessary for studying in the relevant educational programs.

1. Download the application for admission (see above). Fill it up.

2. Scan all the documents necessary for the admissions committee and have them certified by a notary, incl. completed application.

Qualification - medical laboratory technician

The level of education- basic training

Form of training - full-time (day)

Training period- on the basis of secondary general education (11 grades) - 2 years 10 months, on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) - 3 years 10 months

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates

  • clinical, microbiological, immunological and sanitary-hygienic laboratory tests in healthcare institutions and research institutes

Objects of professional activity of a graduate

  • biological materials;
  • objects of the external environment;
  • Food.

Main types of professional activities

  • Conducting laboratory general clinical studies.
  • Conducting laboratory hematological studies.
  • Conducting laboratory biochemical studies.
  • Conducting laboratory microbiological and immunological studies.
  • Conducting laboratory histological studies.
  • Conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic studies.



Clinical and laboratory diagnostics is an elite profession in medicine, relevant to any industry in healthcare. It is laboratory tests that make it possible to identify the pathological process and assess the degree of risk of developing a particular disease.

The constant expansion of the scientific and technological base of laboratory research creates fundamentally new approaches in the diagnosis and monitoring of many diseases.

Graduates of the specialty “Laboratory Diagnostics” work in clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories of public and private medical institutions, forensic medical examination departments, pathological and anatomical bureaus, laboratories of research institutes, and private diagnostic centers.

The accuracy of the diagnosis, and therefore the success of treating sick people, largely depends on the activitiesmedical laboratory technician.

Medical laboratory technician

Type and class of profession

The profession of a medical laboratory technician belongs to the “Man - Nature” type; it is associated with the study of biological materials. This work requires attentiveness, stability, aptitude and interest in working with living and non-living objects of nature.

Also, this profession belongs to the “Man - Technology” type, as it is associated with working with technical equipment and instruments, the need to understand technical means, be painstaking, and have a penchant for manual and technical work.

The profession of a medical laboratory technician belongs to the “executive” class; it is associated with the execution of decisions, work according to a given pattern, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, and requires organization and diligence.

A medical technician works in medical institutions of state and non-state health care systems.

The work of a medical technician includes:

Carrying out laboratory tests in accordance with established qualification requirements;

Preparation for work of reagents, chemical glassware, equipment, disinfectant solutions;

Registration of biological material entering the laboratory for research, processing of the material and preparing it for research; collection of tests;

Sterilization of laboratory equipment; maintaining the necessary documentation (registration, entries in journals, forms of analysis results, etc.);

Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological regulations, etc.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

To successfully work as a medical laboratory technician, you must have the following professionally important qualities: a high level of concentration, accuracy, a penchant for working with natural objects, a penchant for service work, a penchant for manual labor, a penchant for working with information, emotional stability.

Working conditions

A medical technician can work either independently or in a team that may consist of several specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work indoors. These can be laboratories, offices of medical institutions. Work occurs primarily while sitting, using a computer and special tools.