What is the procedure for microchipping the population? Microchipping people: myths or terrible reality? Application problems and limitations

In the near future, all residents of the Russian Federation should be implanted with so-called “electronic devices for multifunctional purposes” or microchips.

Meanwhile, the order to implant chips in the brains of Russian citizens has already been signed by the Government of the Russian Federation. We are talking about Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 311 of August 7, 2007 “On approval of the Strategy for the development of the electronic industry of Russia for the period until 2025” and the attached “Strategy for the development of the electronic industry of Russia for the period until 2025”.

Volumes and sources of financing for the Chipization Strategy 2007-2025 (in prices of the corresponding years), including:
Stage 1 49442.22 million rubles, including: (2007 - 2011) 30478.32 million rubles. federal budget;
Stage 2 63,250 million rubles, including: (2012 - 2015) 38,916 million rubles. federal budget;
Stage 3 115000.0 - 135000.0 million rubles, (2016 - 2025) including: 70000.0 - 80000.0 million rubles. federal budget.

Which path will chipization take in Russia?
1. The very first stage is the creation of a document with a chip on which a number of information about the person will be stored, under the auspices of convenience, there is no need to collect certificates, have 10 documents, such a personal key for everything.
2. Gradually, the chip will be able to pay for goods and services. Credit cards are a convenient thing, why not tie it to a chip?
3. The implantation of a chip into the human body may appear simultaneously with the possibility of paying for goods and services. Yes, it’s a little controversial, but now the ambulance will immediately have complete information about a person’s health, and in the event of a cataclysm, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will find you using Glonass.
4. Universal chipization. Receiving a salary, buying groceries in a store, paying for a taxi or subway - all through the chip. Why do you need money if you can buy everything with loans? Everything is fast and convenient.

Electronic implants

Electronic implants (Latin “plantatio” - transplant) are electronic devices implanted into the body of a biological being (human, animal).


The first implants appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Two world wars intensified the development of medicine, and the invention of polymers made it possible to produce artificial bones and joints, which in their properties are slightly inferior to real ones.

In 1956, Soviet scientists at the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetic Construction of the USSR Ministry of Social Security created a model of a “bioelectric hand” - a prosthesis that was controlled using the biocurrents of the muscles of the stump. This device was first demonstrated in the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Brussels.

In the sixties, researchers at the University of Massachusetts General Surgery Hospital tried to treat epilepsy by implanting electrodes into the brain, which, when heated, burned brain tissue in those areas that cause epileptic seizures. The results turned out to be very encouraging, but not enough to continue the experiments.

In the seventies, they began to “implant” implants (“artificial cochlea”) into the inner ear of people with serious hearing impairments. In 1964, the US National Institutes of Health, on the initiative of Michael DeBakey, founded a development program related to the artificial heart. In 1982, at the University of Utah, 61-year-old patient Barney Clark had his diseased heart replaced with an artificial one. A man with an artificial heart lived for 112 days.

Until now, so-called “stitches” are used for people with alcoholism: implantation of an ampoule-implant into the body. Silicone implants are in constant demand, especially among women in highly developed countries, to increase the volume of the mammary glands, buttocks, lips...

Tejal Desai of the University of Illinois at Chicago has developed a capsule containing cells that produce insulin. The pores in the surface of the capsule are only 7 nanometers in size. Therefore, they allow insulin to pass out, but prevent antibodies produced by the immune system to fight the transplant cells from entering the capsule. The capsules also contain a 100 micrometer chip for transporting the medicine.

The Roslin Institute has created a 2-millimeter silicone microchip filled with drugs. The device, which can be swallowed or implanted under the skin, is programmed to release targeted doses of medication at specific times. The microchip can have 34 reservoirs containing 25 nanoliters of various substances in liquid and jelly-like states. In the meantime, they plan to use this chip to relieve pain in cancer patients and control blood glucose levels in diabetics.

James Auger and Jimmy Loiseau developed a microcircuit for a radio receiving unit installed under a dental filling. The radio receiver can be connected to a mobile phone using the Bluetooth interface, after which you can listen to messages and even talk to yourself.

Cochlear implantation can restore hearing to a patient even in the most advanced cases, and can also help infants with congenital deafness: an electronic device perceives sound, encodes it using a sound processor and transmits electrical impulses to the auditory nerve through flexible multichannel electrodes implanted into the cochlea of ​​the inner ear. There is also the possibility of direct connection to a TV or audio system to improve the quality of the transmitted sound. Currently, about 219,000 people in the world have cochlear implants.

To date, a large number of artificial vision systems have been developed, and several successful implantation operations of these systems have been carried out (some of them even under local anesthesia).

In December 2002, an operation was performed, as a result of which 39-year-old Marc Merger regained the ability to walk. 15 electrodes were implanted into the nerves and muscles of his legs, connected to a processor in the abdominal cavity. Now he can control his gait using buttons on his crutches that serve as a remote control. Six countries were involved in the development of electrodes: Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, and France.

Electrodes implanted in the brain help patients get rid of very acute pain.

Philip Kennedy and Roy Buckeye from Emory University in Atlanta implanted a microcircuit in the brain of paralyzed 52-year-old John Ray, who thanks to this was able to communicate and control surrounding devices directly from the brain. Synthesized substances were used that caused the microcircuit contacts to become fouled with nervous tissue. Implants of this kind are already being used to combat Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, sclerosis, nervous tics and neuroses. Scientists at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, led by Theodore Berger, intend to test a silicon chip that acts as an artificial hippocampus (a part of the brain that processes data from human experience in such a way that it can be stored in the form of memories).

On December 19, 2001, ADS (Applied Digital Solutions) first introduced the VeriChip chip implant measuring 12 "Æ2.1 mm, based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology, which can contain up to six lines of information - medical or any other. Modified a version of the chip with built-in GPS (Global Positioning System), according to manufacturers, will help in the search for kidnapped people. The chip can be implanted by any doctor under local anesthesia using a special device, and there is no need for stitches at the implantation site. ADS has also developed a line of devices (some of which - implants) under the name "Digital Angel". On July 17, 2003, ADS began the "chipping" of Mexico: a year later, 10,000 residents of this country began to wear implants in their bodies, and 70% of hospitals had devices that read chip information.


Areas of application of electronic implants:

Medicine, Healthcare
authentication, cash payments
communications, access to information
army, special service
self-expression, art.

Application problems and limitations

There are a number of problems in the development of electronic implants:

Physical and technological

Biological compatibility (2-3% of people develop a chronic infection at the implantation site, the treatment of which requires the use of powerful antibiotics);
- self-healing of the implant in case of damage (now in such cases surgical intervention is required);
- power sources (prototypes of batteries have already been created that use glucose contained in the blood, but so far they are ineffective);
-implant dimensions;
-exchange of information with the body of the implant carrier (connection to the nervous system has been mastered to some extent, the use of hormones has not yet been studied);
-implementation and standardization of information exchange interfaces with external devices and other implants;

Psychological and social

Legal (some of the technologies under consideration, in particular the combination of RFID and GPS, makes it possible to have total control over people, contrary to human rights);
-xeno- and technophobia, non-perception of the new (the “Movement against Biotechnology” is already active in a number of highly developed countries).

Theologian A.I. Osipov is convinced that humanity will inevitably face universal slavery in the future, “and such as has never happened in history. Previously, it was possible to escape, it was possible to reach an agreement, to raise an uprising, but here nothing is possible. Any word will be recorded and it will not be possible to come to an agreement with anyone.” He is convinced that moral freedom is not so much important for Christians as physical freedom. And he, turning to scientists who, in his words, “will not lie,” asks the question whether the technical capabilities of electronic implants, influencing the consciousness and will of a person, allow him to voluntarily deprive him of this moral freedom, leading to the loss of the possibility of “free choice.” between good and evil"? At the same time, he believes that people who have lost their freedom through involuntary implantation are not responsible before God.


Childhood 2030 is an international socio-political foresight project initiated in Russia.

The project manager is the chairman of the board of trustees of the My Generation Foundation, head of the Office of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation A. F. Radchenko.


The foresight project “Childhood 2030” was initiated in April 2008.

In May 2010, the foresight project represented Russia in Shanghai at the international exhibition Expo 2010 as an innovative strategy for the future of Russia.


The stated goal of the project is to identify possible scenarios and priority directions for the development of the institution of childhood for Russia - those areas in which the efforts of society, business, the state and other interested parties are necessary and relevant.


The main tasks in working on the project are as follows:

A change of ideology and paradigm in society: a change of priorities, attitudes towards the topic and problems of childhood, a change in outdated positions in the public consciousness.
-Monitoring of structural changes in society.

Project strategy

As part of the foresight project, a step-by-step development scenario for the foresight project road map “Childhood” until 2030 has been developed.

The plan touches on a number of issues that were received ambiguously by the Russian public, including:

In education, the transition to chipization of children’s brains “for communication with global information and control networks”;
-genetic modification of a person in order to increase his abilities;
-children grow up in educational communities
-abolition of the traditional family with replacement by a variety of forms of family life


Among the announced opportunities for 2020:

-“any profession can be mastered in virtual reality”
-“children can work and earn income on the Internet”

Among the announced capabilities for 2025:

-“a child’s abilities can be increased through genetic modification and chipization”
-“instead of children, you can have robots or a virtual child”
-“robots can raise and care for children”
-“you can program the abilities and characteristics of children.”

Expert review

An article by the analytical Internet resource Expert Online notes that the foresight project contains many “fashionable” words, and a significant part of it is devoted to their interpretation. The author of the article calls Childhood 2030 “an exemplary helicopter made of branches and leaves.” According to the article, the content of the project, which claims to be original, contains some “simple slaps in the face of public morality.”

Ph.D. Fomin M.S. believes that from a pedagogical point of view, some provisions of the project are very revolutionary. In particular, he highlights the idea of ​​​​creating robotic children who, according to the project, can replace real children. He doubts the advisability of their use given the unfavorable demographic situation in Russia. At the same time, Fomin M.S. is not sure that a robot can replace a real, living child, who requires a far from playful approach to himself. At the same time, he asks the question of “what value and ideological shift will occur in the consciousness of the adult part of the Russian population, who will be offered essentially virtual parenthood, exposing them in fact to real personal failure.”

Ecology of life. The company "Applied Digital Solutions" (ADS) announced that Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting microchips produced by this company under the skin of children. ADS launches high-radio frequency microchips the size of a grain of rice

Well, here we go?... Everything that was predicted in the Bible has begun.

Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) announced that Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting microchips produced by the company under the skin of children. ADS markets high-frequency microchips the size of a grain of rice that can track everything from goods to people. This “miracle of technology” is called “Verichip”.

Back on October 23 last year, the US Department of Defense announced that it was beginning to use radio frequency identification devices (RFID), and this year RFID will begin to be installed on goods sold in the stores of the largest American retail chain, Walmart. It is difficult to doubt that this will soon be followed by an attempt use "Verichips" to identify first children, and then adults. The Department of Defense claims that RFIDs allow for more efficient inventory of Army equipment, and therefore they will be attached to everything that comes into the Army's possession, with the exception of sand, gravel, liquids, etc. Soldiers will not be implanted with microchips yet. At least not in the United States. But in other countries, Verichip is already widely used to track people.

The ADS company has a program that, translated into Russian, is called “VeriChild”. As part of this program, children are implanted under the skin with a syringe "Verichip", which sends a radio signal at a frequency of 125 kilohertz. This signal is sent to special scanners, which read the child’s identification number through it and establish his identity in the database. If a child "tagged" in this way is kidnapped or simply gets lost, authorities will install scanners in places where he is most likely to be found - in shopping centers, bus stops, airports, train stations, etc. Both Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting Verichips in children, as they say, to ensure child safety. In Brazil, Verichips will also be implanted in adults as a pass into buildings - first into office buildings, and later into residential buildings.

According to leading specialists of the Applied Digital Solutions company, by 2070 “Verichips” will completely replace such attributes of modern society as paper money and identity cards, and will become the main tool for human communication with the electronic world around him. With the help of Verichip, a person will pay for travel on any type of transport and gain or not gain access to it. With the help of Verichip, he will check in for flights on the plane without filling out a single piece of paper. With the help of Verichip, a person will receive credits to his account and write off funds from there for various purchases. Also, with the help of Verichips, the healthcare system will carry out controls, exchange information and provide emergency assistance to all citizens on the planet. “Verichip” will open up new horizons of service and living comfort for people, say the company’s experts.

Thus, today this global plan is being realized. Microchip implantation, starting in hospitals and prisons, is becoming more and more widespread. Human rights activists see this as a threat to civil liberties and a violation of privacy. And this is quite natural. No one hides the fact that now a microchip can be connected to any database and provide complete information about its owner, including financial and medical. Besides The position of the microchip on the planet can easily be monitored by satellite 24 hours a day. Soon the police won't even have to stop a person on the street to question him. It will be enough to scan his microchip, and the whole history of his life will be, forgive the involuntary pun, in full view. Subsequently, scanners will also be installed at highway forks, in libraries, in schools and in stores - absolutely everywhere.

Ultimately, the “chipization” of society will erase such concepts as “personality” and “freedom.” Each person will become just a number in an electronic database. The degree of control that will be possible to exercise over society will exceed all limits imaginable today.

Not only that, a person’s entire life, right down to the time of leaving and entering his own shower, will be recorded in electronic databases. Not only will this database record how often, in which supermarket, at what price and what size condoms you buy. Ultimately, the chip will make it possible to simply remove you from this society with the press of one button... One single button will close for you all doors in all types of transport, all borders, all public and private buildings, all access to food through shops and supermarkets, access to information and electronic networks. One single button will control your entire life from birth to death. SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel Ekonet.ru, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation. Love for others and for yourself,how the feeling of high vibrations is an important factor in healing - website

The world government is still a secret power over all of humanity, a global structure consisting of various organizations and representatives of the richest clans in the world, whose main goal is to establish total control on Earth. To do this, they need to take away our freedom and directly control every person through a computer - this is where the notorious chipping will play a role.

Microchipping by vaccination - how is this possible?

It would seem that anyone would agree to be chipped voluntarily? But the world government knows methods that will leave no choice but to agree to implantation of the chip. In addition, they want to present chipping to people under the guise of a technical breakthrough aimed at the benefit of people. And if this doesn’t work, then there are still more cunning ways to control the population and introduce chips - for example, universal vaccination against any virus.

Mandatory microchipping has long been successfully performed in livestock breeding, as well as on many domestic animals. In fact, this procedure is similar to a regular vaccination, because an electronic microdevice is simply inserted under the skin with a special syringe-injector - and the same thing can easily be done on a person!

In order for people to get vaccinated themselves, the world government will artificially create a viral epidemic. It will deliberately exaggerate statistics, reporting the number of deaths among those infected. A similar thing has already happened in the case of the global H1N1 swine flu pandemic in 2009: the symptoms of this disease and ordinary flu are so similar that it was not difficult for the authorities to scare people at the expense of flu patients with the impressive numbers of victims of the new virus. All these manipulations stimulate panic, and people begin to believe that the only way to avoid the disease is vaccination.

Consequences of chipping

A microchip that gets into the body along with the “vaccination”, which will contain all the information about the person and his financial assets, will become his access to all the amenities of life. This is the only way to buy or sell something, pay for treatment and other services, travel abroad, etc. And those who refuse chipization will be deprived of such privileges.

However, having a chip will give the authorities the opportunity not only to monitor your movements, but also to literally control you. By influencing the chip, you can have a serious impact on a person’s nervous system and expose him to real psychoterrorism, remotely controlling his mood, well-being, mental state and the health of internal organs, influencing thought processes, causing visual, auditory, taste hallucinations, various pains, etc. . P.

Here is a confession from one of the many victims of psychoterrorism:

Those who refuse such vaccinations will be accused by the authorities as people indulging in the spread of a deadly disease. Society will support the hysteria and will also condemn the “unvaccinated” as potential carriers of the virus and subject them to isolation. Everything will lead to the fact that it will not even be necessary to physically force the population to get vaccinated - people will go for vaccination themselves, under public pressure.

In addition to total control and turning people into obedient robots, there is a theory that the world government plans to implement the “golden billion” plan. According to this theory, there will only be enough natural resources necessary for life for 1 billion people. The rest will be subject to population reduction after undergoing microchipping! In Russia, for example, it is planned to leave no more than 15 million people alive, and the process will begin with the USA, Canada, Great Britain and some other first world countries. In America, giant cremation ovens are already being prepared to destroy millions of corpses and plastic coffins to hold them:

Werewolves in white coats

In addition to vaccination, other methods of chipping are also practiced in the medical field. For example, a doctor can very easily and without the patient’s knowledge implant an electronic chip into his body during any operation.

Also, instead of an electronic chip, a nano-tag can be applied to the body with a laser, a kind of laser tattoo in the form of a special barcode, which is visible only under a special scanner. Nano-tags work in the same way as chips, but they cannot be removed from the body when detected, because even cutting it off the surface of the skin will not get rid of the connection with the control computer. The fact is that immediately after application, this laser marking begins to interact with skin neurons that transmit information to the brain - that is, your genome will already be irrevocably “rewired.” And you risk getting such a barcode even at a dentist’s appointment - but you won’t notice anything at all.

The spiritual danger of chipization

The scary thing is that chipping also poses a spiritual danger to a person. Confirmation of this can be seen in the Revelation of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian ( Open 13:15-18), which says that “everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has it.” the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This number is 666, and it is contained in the same barcode that is laser applied to a person’s hand or forehead. And the data of people who accepted chipping will be transferred to a global supercomputer, which will be called “The Beast.”

There is no specific date given for when this entire plan will be fully implemented, but everything is moving towards it. And will a person be able to resist the world government, defend his freedom and rally against the “master race”, or will he retreat from morality and spirituality for the sake of material wealth?

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Over the past 10 years, we have become accustomed to taking the maximum from the objects around us. We use smart kettles, washing machines and lamps, and we buy increasingly sophisticated smartphones.

It has become commonplace for us that mobile Internet speed is comparable to home Internet, and we are not surprised by wireless charging or NFC capabilities.

No progress has happened only with our body. But it turns out that modern technologies make it possible to upgrade it too.

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You can make a “smart” hand from an ordinary hand, and turn your earlobe into a full-fledged control panel.

We will talk about chipping - a phenomenon that allows you to improve your body by implanting electronic circuits.

Warning: The photos and videos in this article are not for the faint of heart.

Chipping is no worse than piercing

The smallest sensor that is practically invisible on an x-ray.

The essence of chipping is to relieve a person from having to carry all kinds of electronic accessories with him. Thus, many people use fitness bracelets or a smartphone to unlock car doors or door locks.

Among people thinking about microchipping, there are many who are afraid of the “operation” itself. Yes, it’s more logical to put this word in quotation marks, because the procedure cannot be called a surgical intervention

Six months ago I decided to get chipped. I’m just tired of putting my bags on the floor every time I approach the office threshold, looking for keys, aiming at the keyhole.

“Damn it, why not replace this dull ritual with a simple wave of the hand,” I thought. So I decided to have a chip implanted.

Is the procedure painful? Not at all. If you've ever had a piercing, it feels very similar. Just a few minutes, and you will forever have in your hand the key to all the doors, a travel ticket and a couple of dozen additional chips. This is great!

Ellie, one of those who was microchipped.

The procedure for introducing the chip was demonstrated back in 2015. Although the founder of the company Dangerous Things, which supplies products for chipping, claims that he implanted himself with a chip to open doors back in 2005.

Not much has changed since then.

A microchip is installed in a very thick needle-pin. It is then carefully injected under the skin under local anesthesia. Perhaps this is the whole price for expanding the functionality of your hand.

The same syringe for inserting a chip under the skin.

Such chips are called RFID chips or “radio frequency identification chips.”

Small chip with big capabilities

This baby can significantly expand the capabilities of your arm or leg.

Chips with NFC tags and sensors are placed in a miniature glass capsule. Their size is no more than 1 centimeter. But, unlike a smartphone or bracelet, such capsules cannot be lost or forgotten.

They and their owners become one. And the best thing is that The chips do not need to be recharged. They've been working for years. All thanks to the fact that they consume energy and “awaken” only when an external device is accessed.

Immediately after implantation, your hand receives several new features:

  • you can unlock any lock by pre-programming the chip with a digital key
  • get authorized in the gym by punching your membership card
  • pay the fare
  • a microchip can be used as an identifier, replacing a passport
  • send information to your smartphone with a simple touch of your hand

The scope of application of such a microchip is enormous. The day is not far off when you can use them to pay at the supermarket and use the payment systems of your choice.

Where can you find microchipping?

This little chip can open doors and activate switches.

If someone told you 15 years ago that you would never let go of your iPhone, what would you say? They probably reacted categorically, saying that “Tetris” and “electronics” have not interested you for a long time.

But today the smartphone has replaced us with a means of communication, a player, and a book. It has become a full-fledged entertainment center.

The same thing happens with chipping. It is in its infancy. After all, the first case of installing a chip under the skin was registered only three years ago.

  • Sweden is the country where chipping is most developed.
  • About 12 thousand chip deployment operations have been carried out around the world.
  • The chips do not require recharging.
  • All microcircuits are placed in tiny glass capsules, so they do not cause harm to humans.
  • The cost of implementing an RFID chip is about $30.

Moreover, the initiative to implant chips was supported at the state level, and now to present a ticket on local trains it is enough to show your hand.

There are those who have decided to get chipped in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Mexico. People with “expanded capabilities” meet regularly, share experiences, and communicate.

But the development of chipping affects not only the technological component. It exists in medicine, in image, and even in art.

For beauty. Five years ago there was a boom in the special “Polar Star” accessory. The chip was a small patch with built-in LEDs.

Fashion trend of the last decade: shimmering tattoos.

It was implanted under the skin... “for beauty.” The tattoo was illuminated and blinking. The Polar Star was turned on and off using tiny magnets that were placed in the fingers.

For medical purposes. The Circadia chip is installed by Grindhouse. It can track the current body temperature, but in the future the developers plan to teach the chip to monitor the heart rate and oxygen level in a person’s blood.

You have to pay for functionality with the size of the chip.

There is also a company that is developing a chip that controls blood sugar levels by replacing the pancreas.

A dancer with a chip in her leg listens for earthquakes.

In art. For dancer Moon Ribas, inspiration comes in those moments when she feels the vibrations of the implant in her hand. A tiny microchip signals active earthquakes. The girl feels these impulses and begins to dance.

Contemporary art is difficult to understand, but chipping has reached here too.

Is there anything dangerous about microchipping?

X-ray of the hands of a person who had two microchips implanted at once.

According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population is interested in the possibility of implanting a miniature chip under the skin. Some people want to give up a paper passport and driver's license, others dream of paying for purchases with one wave of their hand.

But any microcircuit can be hacked? Is such hacking dangerous for those who have it directly in their bodies?

The developers of those same chips, for example, the founder of Bionyfiken Hannes Sjeblad, emphasize that chipping is absolutely safe and harmless.

Today, the human body is a new technological platform. And the implant can be called a part of it.

We are modernizing our bodies with the help of chips, but a real boom in this type of modernization will occur only in 5 - 10 years. And, after all, who wants to carry a clunky smartphone or smartwatch with them everywhere when all their functionality can be placed in their own hand?

There is no need to be afraid of hacking. All data collected in the chip is very limited and encrypted. Hackers will simply not be interested in them.

Chipping has become fashionable