Books where the main characters are healers. Various people. Guide to storming the future! Special forces of the “hits” Sergei Artyukhin

What to do when the most powerful known state is about to unleash all its power on you? Sergei decides to strengthen his army, enter into alliances and use what little he remembered and seemed suitable from the knowledge of his native world. An army of one hundred thousand legionnaires is marching across Sandor, and the army of the union of kingdoms has invaded Sothem.

Alternative history... Continuation of the story of Denis Zhurov, senior lieutenant of the Russian Aerospace Forces, who found himself in the body of an ensign of the First World War. And now he is trying to change not only the course of this war, but also the fate of Russia as a whole.

A book about an ordinary person who suddenly has the opportunity to make all his dreams come true. The main character, Maxim, boarding the airliner, simply wanted to get away from the everyday life and admire the beauty of Asia, but... turned out that when the usual life collapses, suddenly not only a way out of the situation appears, but behind this way out - a whole new one world. And in it a person can find new meaning in his life, new friends and even love, although he will have to fight for all this.

The book is about our contemporary finding himself in the 5th century and trying to squeeze everything that is possible out of the situation. ...I lowered my eyes and was surprised. It looked like I was sitting on the ground in a fairly dark forest, leaning my back against a mighty oak tree, and in my hands I had a butcher knife. I looked up and saw that the tree crowns went very far up. This is the forest, and where am I, what the hell is in my hands, and where is my saber and why is it so hard to see. It seems like one eye is not working. That’s right, throwing away the knife, I tried to feel my left eye, but my hand came across a strange pot on my head.

The character comes to the aid of a friend and both find themselves in someone else's parallel reality. Everything is not like that, everything is different, but you need to survive and... Clashes with the authorities force him to “travel” through temporary portals, look for a way out of hopeless situations, help out friends and punish enemies.

Our contemporaries, tourists who had a fun rafting trip down the Ural river Kuyva, as part of a “weekend tour,” find themselves in the mid-16th century. There, on the Kuyva River, on the border of the Stroganov lands, but several years before Ermak’s campaign to conquer Siberia. Part of the campaign decides to go to Moscow, believing that only there they will be able to apply their knowledge with due success. These optimists hope to take their rightful place in Rus', or in Europe, if they are lucky.

At that same second, the girl’s body suddenly arched, she screamed hoarsely, her fingers, breaking her nails, began to scratch the stone of the pavement. Her mother rushed to her daughter but ran into an insurmountable obstacle. To me it looked like a shimmering haze. I saw something similar when Eugene installed a shield against fire. And the source of this magic was the body of a little girl. Following the flickering haze, which, like a large soap bubble, did not allow anyone to approach the child, shock magic began. Reddish flashes began to fly in different directions, colliding with people, turning their bodies into ashes, and causing some to writhe in pain. Screams of panic, tearing the alarm bell at the soul, sounded from all sides. One of these flashes touched the horse Myron was riding on, and the animal collapsed dead. The vampire himself managed to drop the reins of both his horse and Crom in time and rolled to the side. But he was in no hurry to follow the example of many and run as far as possible from the deadly flashes. And I stood in a stupor and did not understand anything. DRAFT!

It would seem that only one long and endless day has passed, but for Dim himself, millennia have flown by and he is no longer the same person who only recently got to the space station. However, in the real world now there is only a new morning, new things to do and new opportunities. And in order to try to somehow protect their newly created corporation and its little-known chapter from outside encroachments, for everyone Dim will again have to turn into an ordinary and unremarkable garbage man. True, now our hero knows that somewhere in the shadows, behind his back, awaits a strong and dangerous enemy, whom he has already met twice. An enemy who can always strike with a sudden and deadly blow. And Dim must be ready to meet him. But not only unknown enemies are trying to get into the station. There is also a known danger. Slavers and pirates. They are also trying to create discord among the inhabitants of this space station. And will our hero be able to remain in the shadows in such a situation or will he again have to take fate into his own hands?


In modern science fiction, such a subgenre as hitchhikers has been very popular for several years now. Actually hitchhiking is a kind of literary device that usually involves a sudden transfer of a character (less often several) from his familiar world to a parallel universe, to the past or future, to another planet etc.

The difference between the hitchhikers and other areas of literature, for example, chrono-fiction or space science fiction, whose heroes voluntarily and purposefully make their journeys, is that the characters in such books are transferred to another reality in addition to their own desire. The reasons for this can be either random coincidences or the deliberate influence of extraneous forces.

The popularity of this genre of science fiction is quite simple to explain - hitchhikers, like all science fiction, provides an opportunity to escape from boring and tired everyday life, from problems and worries into fascinating worlds full of adventures. And the travelers are especially close to the reader because he often imagines himself in the place of such a traveler.

History of the genre

Actually the first hit is considered the main character of the book. The author in this novel probably intended his contemporary to travel back in time, although something different turned out to be the case. Twain's past was more like the romantic reality of chivalric novels, which had little connection with reality.

The idea of ​​getting caught was picked up by another famous writer -. In his book, he described the movement of the American archaeologist Padway due to a lightning strike to Ancient Rome during the period of its complete decline and the collapse of the empire.

Further, this artistic technique is gaining more and more popularity among science fiction writers from year to year.. They write about people who got there (the famous Martian Chronicles), (the novella describes the exchange of consciousnesses for the first time), (the novel is a classic example of getting into the past) and many others.

It is worth noting that Mark Twain's first book about misfits did not have a happy ending. But all subsequent works of this direction ended happily - the hero either returned home or successfully took root in the new world.

Against this background, a book entitled, written in the spirit of realism, stood out. It tells the story of how a modern American military man ended up in medieval Iceland during its settlement and died there, because all his skills were useless and could not save the warrior in the distant past.

Since the 1990s, the hit-and-run genre has become extremely widespread in the West and the post-Soviet space.. Although hundreds, if not thousands of novels in this genre are published annually, their quality leaves much to be desired. Classic examples of novels about hitchhikers were created in the 50s - 70s; over the past decades, nothing worthwhile has been created in this genre.

Types of victims:

  1. Depending on the method of movement: the person who ends up moves to another world in his body, during the movement he turns into a creature of the dominant race in the new world or enters the mind (or an exchange occurs) of the local inhabitants.
  2. According to the criterion of voluntariness travelers can be involuntary, or those who, of their own free will, moved to another world (although often they themselves do not know where exactly they will end up).
  3. According to the role that newcomers play in the new world they are divided into: messiahs, progressors, accumulators and villagers.
  4. Depending on the reality of the world Where the traveler ends up, he ends up in the real past or ends up in fictional worlds (parallel universes, fairy-tale worlds, alternative past, future, other planets, etc.).
  5. According to the direction of movement the victims can be: a modern person ends up in another reality, or a stranger from another space/time ends up in our world.

Roman Zlotnikov “The Heart of the Tower”

The once new and unknown world has become familiar and familiar, a world that needs to be protected and cherished. People who were once new to Gron have now become old acquaintances or enemies. But his loyalty, his readiness to protect the weak, and also to resist evil have not gone away. AND when the six kingdoms are again in danger, it is the novel's protagonist will be able to save them from the threat lurking in the Possessor Tower I.

Alexey Chizhovsky “Mercenary from Earth”

Main character of the book Alex suddenly moved from Earth to the great galactic Commonwealth. He was a capable fellow, so he not only quickly got used to the new environment, but also became a sought-after engineer in this world. But here, too, life is unpredictable - unexpectedly for himself, he becomes a member of a team of space travelers who continually get involved in all sorts of dangerous adventures.

For fans of science fiction and fantasy, we have collected the best books about misfits in our free electronic library.

Nikita Savelyev finds himself in medieval Rus', the era of the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It is difficult to survive without money, housing, work, or friends. But Nikita survived, and what’s more, he saved the Tsar, otherwise the fate of the state could have turned out differently.

Posnyakov Andrey Suzerain

Egor Vozhnikov, who found himself in the 15th century, not only stood at the head of the Russian lands, but also subjugated almost all of Europe. Only the states beyond the Pyrenees remained - Castile, Leon and Aragon. However, danger came from unexpected places. The ruler of Granada, Emir Yusuf ibn Yusuf, dreams of reviving the former power of the Caliphate.

Udovichenko Diana Blade of the Inquisition

Going to apprehend a dangerous criminal, FSB captain Danil Platonov could have expected anything but a trip to the dark Middle Ages. Here babies are sacrificed, shrines are desecrated, demons are summoned, and a werewolf comes out to hunt at night.

Chernobrovkin Alexander Kherson Byzantine

What to do if you suddenly find yourself in the past, distant and unusual? In the sixth century and in the Roman Empire, which will go down in history under the name of Byzantine.

Shkenev Sergey His Majesty's saboteurs. "The fighters' hands are tired of stabbing..."

If you were transported from the Great Patriotic War one and a half centuries ago, finding yourself in the body of Emperor Paul I, if you managed to suppress a palace coup and sit on the Russian throne: be prepared to fight on two fronts at once, against Britain and Napoleon, and don’t let yourself be taken by surprise!

Agafonov Igor Legions - forward!

Doomed to death in the Parthian desert, the army of Crassus is incredibly transported four centuries into the future - to the year 472. Rising to the defense of the dying empire, the legions defeat the barbarians of Ricimer, defeat the Burgundians of Gundobad and enter into a fierce battle with the Visigoths of King Eurich, who are trying to seize the remnants of Roman possessions in Gaul.

Apraksin Ivan Death of gods

Only three people knew that the Kiev prince Vladimir was actually an alien from the 21st century: Blud, Sveneld and Dobrynya. It was to the benefit of this trio that instead of the ferocious King Voldemar, a former Moscow ambulance doctor sat on the princely throne. They are easier to manipulate. Selfish interests drive military adventures. As a result, the campaign against Volga Bulgaria ends disastrously for the army of the Rus. And if not for the victory in the duel that Prince Askold won over the Bulgar warrior Muhammad, not a single Russian would have returned to his native land. But the substitute prince was tired of being a pawn in someone else's game. And if fate has thrown him into the early Middle Ages, Vladimir intends to take full advantage of this chance.

Apraksin Ivan Substitute Prince

Pagan Rus' of the tenth century. Funeral pyres blaze, and the blood of babies stabbed to death by priests flows onto the stone altars of the ancient gods. With a squad of thugs, sowing death and destruction, the ominous king Voldemar is coming to Kyiv. A few Christians expect reprisals any day now. Here, in this strange and terrible world, a doctor named Vladimir was mysteriously transported.

Arkhipov Andrey Vetluzhtsy

Lost in time and settling on the outskirts of Kievan Rus of the 12th century, our heroes not only managed to survive, but also tried to unite their equally active neighbors around them. Now they are together trying to earn their daily bread: they burn bricks, melt metal and try to trade their goods in nearby principalities. Need and curiosity draw them in all directions from the Vetluga lands, force them to engage in fierce battles with enemies and ask difficult questions to a variety of people.

Akhmanov Mikhail Maghreb

Andrei Serov, a specialist in the search for kidnapped people, is faced with an unusual case: several of his clients disappear under strange circumstances. He follows in their footsteps and shares the fate of those who disappeared - having fallen through space and time, he ends up in the Caribbean Sea on a pirate ship, in an era when English and French filibusters plundered the Spanish colonies.

Akhmanov Mikhail Pharaoh's Guard

Ancient Egypt. The time of the legendary Queen Hatshepsut. The country is inevitably sliding into the abyss, where the aggressive ambitions of the pharaohs are pushing it. But, as if out of nowhere, Senmen, Senmut’s brother, appears in the Nile Valley, and the wheel of history, creaking, turns back. No one had any idea that the savior of Egypt was actually called Semyon and that he was from a distant northern city, founded thousands of years later on the banks of the Neva.

Akhmanov Mikhail Filibuster.

As a result of one of the complicated investigations, private detective Andrei Serov finds himself in the 18th century. Having traveled thousands of miles, full of dangers and adventures, Andrei becomes the captain of the pirate frigate "Raven" and part-time Marquis Andre de Serra. But brilliance He wants to bring his frigate to Russia and serve Tsar Peter, who is in dire need of experienced sailors in the war with the Swedes. However, getting from the West Indies to the Baltic is not easy. The very first storm in the Canary Islands ruins all plans. And the attack on the “Raven” by Maghreb pirates, masters of the Western Atlantic and the Mediterranean, forces them to completely postpone the trip to the north - loyal comrades and Andrei’s beautiful wife Sheila are captured.

I discovered another interesting request from literature lovers about doctors who got into trouble. There are quite a lot of books on this topic. Although I would divide the topic itself into two sections.

One section is about a doctor from the past who continued his medical practice in the past. Although being a doctor, for example, in the deep Middle Ages was still an occupation.

You don’t have penicillin, you don’t have a thermometer, you don’t even have aspirin yet.

But there are a lot of diseases, and those that were forgotten a long time ago.

Here you have the plague, smallpox, cholera (well, this one still occurs today). What can I say, but how to treat ordinary chickenpox, measles, whooping cough or, say, bronchitis, not to mention pneumonia?

Maybe that’s why many doctors, having found themselves in the past, are trying to retrain? There are no medicines, no diagnostic tools, no one to do tests. And therefore, maybe it’s better to become a pirate or robber?

Even if the victim is a surgeon, what should he do? There are no necessary instruments, anesthesiology is completely absent. All that remains is alcohol (if you have already learned how to make it) or cutting it alive.

So it automatically follows from here that there is a misfit who was previously a doctor, but has become anyone else.

An ataman there, or a gunner. This is the second option for doctors who unexpectedly found themselves caught.

In the first place we have those who were unable to change their profession, continuing both in soul and in practice to remain a specialist who took the Hippocratic Oath and did not forget it, even in the deep (or not so deep) past.

1. “A Leap into the Past” Saparov Alexander. The doctor finds himself in the time of Ivan the Terrible.

But he doesn’t stop being a doctor. There are no tools - he comes up with it himself. He studies herbs, performs operations, and heals. Progresses little by little, without particularly rushing.

2. “Back to Youth” Saparov Alexander. Here, too, a doctor fell into himself, but into a child, during the time of Brezhnev. Again studying to be a doctor and trying to change history by hypnotizing the general secretary.

After a long wait the book came out "Leap into the Past 2" under its own name "Personal physician of the Terrible Tsar". Before you appears not only a doctor, but also a successful entrepreneur, as well as a scientist.

Under his leadership, the production of telescopes and samovars was mastered, and the best European minds began to gather in Moscow. And he considers the main task to be to prevent the onset of troubled times for Russia. Well, to what extent he succeeded, you will find out by reading the work.

3. “Medieval History” Goncharova Galina. A final year medical student finds herself in a medieval world, a completely different reality and, naturally, a different state. A very twisted story with a lot of intrigue and characters. He treats people, studies medieval medicine itself. It progresses, as well as the completely unexpected ending in the fifth book.

4. "Doctor" Yuri Korchevsky. Our contemporary, a surgeon, finds himself during the crash of the Nevsky Express during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Caring about the fate of Russia, he saves the Tsar’s life.

5. “Doctor” Shchepetnov Evgeniy. A whole series about a mediocre businessman who became a doctor and magician in a magical medieval world. That's what it's called Istra cycle. A book for everyone. She is criticized more than praised. But I added it just in case, although it may not be entirely on topic.

And now it’s the turn of those who, having found themselves in the past, changed their profession, choosing a different path.

1. "Ataman" Yuri Korchevsky. I found myself in the time of Ivan the Terrible, no longer wanted to be a doctor, became a warrior, then began to rise higher and higher until... I returned to the present, or rather the future.

2. "Pushkar" Yuri Korchevsky. He ended up in feudal Rus', in the year of the Romanovs’ accession. He didn’t want to heal because he liked to shoot. Then he gradually began to earn money and build a career.

3. “Substitute Prince” Ivan Apraksin. A doctor from Moscow was transported to the times of Kievan Rus. A lot of different adventures, losses, finds. He was a doctor in Moscow, but became a prince in Rus'.

Books about doctors who went back in time are now in front of you. Read, download. If you find other authors writing on the same topic, let me know and I’ll add it.

Books where the main characters are doctors, healers Matvey Kurilkin Son of a Doctor Sometimes, in order for a person to change, it is not enough for him to even get into another world. And why, if life has largely remained the same? If at home you were a student at a medical university, and when you got to another world, you found yourself a student of the best doctor in the city, if in both worlds you don’t need to earn a piece of bread, what changes are we talking about? All the changes that in your previous life you had many friends, but for some reason you don’t have any in your current life: well, they don’t like your mentor in the city. However, Eric compensates for the lack of communication with reading, because what could be more interesting than immersing himself in the literature of another world? People rarely change without a good reason. But sometimes life takes a sharp turn, and events that until now only happened to someone else begin to happen to you. To get into an army that has been at war for a year, suffering defeat after defeat, to fight against those who do not even consider people reasonable... A difficult test for someone who knows life exclusively from books. But everyone has a chance. But now you can experience real feelings. Understand what loyalty to duty, friendship means, and maybe even meet true love. Marik Lerner Give Life A healer wanders along the roads of the Eternal Empire, who does not want to be used in the interests of others. Unfortunately, everyone needs skilled surgeons and healers: any authorities, dynasties and forces standing on one side or another of the civil war. But worse than that, the high priest of the official religion also seeks to use him for his own purposes. And in the past of the doctor there are not the most successful moments. Adherents of foreign religions and their priests are destroyed with all possible cruelty. So it turns out that it is better to run and hide than to answer the questions of dangerous people from the Temple of the Sun. And it would be more correct not to demonstrate the ability to conjure, otherwise you won’t end up on the fire for long. Yuri Korchevsky Doctor Our contemporary, surgeon Nikita Savelyev, a young guy of 29 years old, gets into the Neva Express disaster and finds himself in medieval Rus', the era of the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It is difficult to survive without money, housing, work, or friends. But Nikita survived, and what’s more, he saved the Tsar, otherwise the fate of the state could have turned out differently. Alexander Saparov Tsarev doctor A plastic surgeon, a successful and rich man, a bachelor, accustomed to thinking only about himself and his desires, finds himself in a different time, and suddenly absolutely everything changes for him. His consciousness is mysteriously transported four hundred years ago and inhabits a teenager living with his herbalist grandmother in a dugout far from people. But the spirit of our contemporary forces him to get out of the wilderness and, using new knowledge, rise to the heights of power. Denis Mukhin Breath of TimeThe old powerful magician and healer Erdaniol lives in the capital of the kingdom of Force, receives almost hopeless patients with whom his colleagues cannot cope, communicates with few friends and complains to himself about his old age, remembering dangerous adventures left in the past. But one early morning he receives a message from a student: an artifact has been found that the magician has been looking for for a long time. And the healer has to give up his measured rhythm of life, because he needs to finish his work, prepare for a long trip, and hire security. But not everything is quiet in the capital at this time: clouds are gathering over the royal family, someone is hunting for magicians, unfriendly orcs are making themselves known on the border, intrigues are being woven... And on top of everything, someone is thirsting for your blood personally. At least try to get out of the city peacefully. Evgeny Shchepetnov Doctor Series of 4 books This is a world of magic, magic, knights and slave owners... How will he survive in this world - our earthly man, who by chance ended up in a parallel world? He kills as easily as he heals. He is idolized by beautiful women and feared by his enemies. He finds a common language with magicians and dragons. Who is he? Doctor! Vitaly Bashun Be healthy. In this world, the most powerful and skillful magicians are healers. Only they, thanks to their high sensitivity, are able to control magical energy at a level that battle magicians have never dreamed of. The hero of the novel, a constant object of jokes from his classmates because of his plump figure, unexpectedly enters the Royal Academy of Magical Arts to study as a magician-healer. His plumpness turned out to be a useful quality for his chosen profession, and besides, extraordinary abilities were discovered in him. A peaceful and kind person, he is often forced to use his abilities to protect himself and those close to him. The Academy gave him mentors, friends and... love. Elena Kovalevskaya Cleric Alena has always liked role-playing games and historical reconstruction. One day she decided to try on heavy knightly armor, lost her balance and... fell straight into a parallel world. As it turned out, it was no coincidence! Aragorn, the god of the Game, is to blame for everything. He decided to take revenge on the bitchy role-player Masha, but confused her with the quiet, fragile Alena. The world in which the girl found herself was filled with ancient witchcraft. Local gods were always fighting for power. And Alena, against her will, was made a combat cleric. She had to master spells, fight in those same ill-fated armor, heal gnomes, resurrect elves and fight evil spirits. Alena is ready to do anything to return home, but she has no idea that Aragorn has far-reaching plans for her! Evgenia Lifantieva Orc healer Not our world... In the “not our” world, Sanych had the opportunity to play the role of not just a healer, but an orc healer. New friends not only recognized yesterday’s psychiatrist as their own, but also gave him a name - Myshkun. The newly minted orc doctor was lucky; he captured meaningless trinkets from our reality, which suddenly acquired the power of powerful talismans. With such help, you can actually cure the whole world, the disease of which is called chaos!

The novel by the famous Japanese writer Sawako Ariyoshi (1931–1984) is based on real events: in 1805, Seishu Hanaoka (1760–1835) was the first in the world to perform an operation under general anesthesia. The discovery of the painkiller was preceded by decades of scientific research; the doctor’s mother and wife participated in the experiments. Kae and Otsuga have a lot in common: both were born into noble samurai families, both married simple village doctors, both know what a sense of duty is, and are ready to devote themselves to the service of medicine. But a desperate situation arises between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law...

To storm the future! Special forces of the “hits” Sergei Artyukhin

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On the eve of 1941, an airliner from the 21st century makes a hard landing at a military airfield. The surviving “hits” are isolated in a “sharashka” under the personal patronage of Beria, who would not have been “the best manager of the century” if he had simply dismissed their stories as provocation and anti-Soviet nonsense. Although the “guests from the future” tell terrible things - about Hitler’s imminent attack, and about the catastrophic start of the war, and about the impending death of the USSR. And since Soviet history has been rewritten more than once to suit the “political moment” and every “getter” interprets...

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XI century. Orphan Robert is endowed with the gift of healing. A traveling doctor reveals to him the secrets of his craft. While traveling, he gained fame and met love. However, the tramp medicine man is not a match for a rich girl. Years have passed. Robert became Avicenna’s favorite student, the rulers of states owe their lives to him, they idolize him and envy him. And one day he meets again the one with whom he was forced to part...

Orc healer Evgeniya Lifantieva

If you are a psychiatrist and even “without five months” the head of the department, then you are certainly a respectable person. It’s not appropriate for you to rush through the forests with a textolite sword, even if you believe that a better psychotherapeutic remedy cannot be found. But it just so happened that Sanych, despite all his solidity, was a role player. And when, at one of the role-playing games, Aragorn of Moscow himself woke him up to call him to the victim, Sanych had no idea that the whole WORLD would turn out to be like that! Not our world... In the “not our” world, Sanych had the opportunity to play the role of not just a doctor, but an orc doctor. New...

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