Sleeping Beauty Kremlin Palace tickets. Sleeping beauty, buy tickets. Premiere of The Sleeping Beauty at the Kremlin Ballet Theater

The ballet Sleeping Beauty is a true masterpiece of the classical repertoire, one of the best examples of the Russian ballet tradition. The fairy-tale plot of Charles Perrault is decorated with beautiful music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and virtuoso choreographic numbers created by the outstanding choreographer Marius Petipa.

King Florestan, Princess Aurora, Prince Désiré, fairies Fleur-de-Farine, Violante and Carabosse - the heroes of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault - became the main characters in the ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The libretto based on the plot of The Sleeping Beauty was written by the famous choreographer Marius Petipa and the director of the imperial theaters Ivan Aleksandrovich Vsevolozhsky.

Sleeping Beauty of the Kremlin Ballet

The artistic director of the Kremlin Ballet Theater Andrei Petrov created a new choreographic version of the legendary ballet by Marius Petipa and, together with set designer Stanislav Benediktov, staged a bright and memorable performance.

Visitors to our company’s website have the opportunity to choose the best seats and purchase tickets to the most exciting events of the Moscow repertoire. Fans of ballet art can buy tickets for the ballet Sleeping Beauty at the Kremlin Palace today. We can offer exclusive services to our corporate clients:

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Full description

P. I. Tchaikovsky


Ballet in 3 acts with a prologue (the performance has one intermission)

Libretto by I. Vsevolozhsky and M. Petipa, based on fairy tales by C. Perrault
Choreography by M. Petipa
Choreographic edition, staging and new choreography - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Moscow Prize laureate Andrei Petrov
Set designer - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Stanislav Benediktov
Costume designer - Olga Polyanskaya
Assistant choreographer - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Valery Ryzhov

The ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” is a pearl of the classical repertoire, which first shone on the stage of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg in 1890... a tribute to the Russian ballet tradition, a masterpiece that has delighted audiences all over the world for the second century in a row, gracing the repertoire of the best ballet companies .
Carefree princesses and their gallant, courageous gentlemen, magical fairies - Generosity, Tenderness, Courage, Diamonds, Silver, Gold and Sapphires... the malice of the sorceress Carabosse and the all-conquering kindness of the Lilac Fairy. In Charles Perrault's fairy tale, there is the French charm of powdered wigs and blooming spring, the obligatory victory of Good over Evil and the triumph of all-conquering Love.

The performance is accompanied by the Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. Artistic director and chief conductor - Sergei KONDRASHEV.

Duration: up to 2 hours 40 minutes (with intermission).

The christening of Princess Aurora is celebrated in the palace of King Florestan. Master of Ceremonies Catalabut checks the list of invitations sent to the fairies and guests.
Everything is ready for the opening of the holiday.
Sounds of trumpets. The King and Queen greet the crowd. The nurses bring in the cradle with the newborn Princess Aurora. Catalabute announces the arrival of sorceresses - good fairies.
The Lilac Fairy, Princess Aurora's chief godmother, appears. She is surrounded by fairies and pages. Fairies give gifts to the newborn. Thanks to these gifts, the princess will be beautiful and gentle, playful and carefree, generous and brave. The Lilac Fairy approaches the cradle to bring her gift.
There is a noise. This is the arrival of the powerful and evil fairy Carabosse. Catalabute is in despair, how could he have made such a terrible mistake, forgetting to send an invitation to Fairy Carabosse. The King and Queen are worried: a mistake could lead to many misfortunes in the fate of their child.
Carabosse appears accompanied by an ugly retinue. In vain the King and Queen ask the terrible old woman for forgiveness. She decided to take revenge. Carabosse tears out tufts of hair from Catalabutte’s head and pronounces his verdict on Aurora: “Yes, she will be the most beautiful, the most seductive and feminine, the smartest of all the princesses in the world. But, having pricked herself with a spindle, she will fall asleep, and her sleep will be eternal.” The King, Queen and the entire court are shocked.
The Lilac Fairy reassures everyone, because she has not yet had time to bring her gift: she has the last word: Aurora will fall asleep, as Fairy Carabosse wished, but not forever. The day will come when the young prince, enchanted by her beauty, will give her a kiss, awaken her from a long sleep, and Aurora will become his wife.

Princess Aurora's coming of age is celebrated in the park of King Florestan's palace. While preparing for the holiday, Katalabut notices village women amusing themselves with knitting. He orders the guards to arrest them. After all, spindles, needles and knitting needles are items prohibited by decree of the King.
The King and Queen appear in the park, accompanied by courtiers and four princes, contenders for the hand of Princess Aurora. Frightened villagers beg for mercy. Catalabute announces the reason for the arrest and shows evidence. King Florestan is angry, he orders the execution of the villagers and Catalabut for violating his decree. Courtiers and princes ask that the culprits be spared in honor of the holiday. The king is adamant. And only the Queen’s prayers touch the King’s heart. Those pardoned are released from custody.
Aurora appears. The four princes are amazed by the beauty of the Princess. The King and Queen persuade their daughter to choose a groom. Aurora dances merrily with the suitors, but does not choose anyone - she is still so young.
Suddenly, in the crowd, Aurora notices an old woman beating time with a spindle. The old woman gives her the spindle and Aurora begins to dance with it. Suddenly the dance is interrupted, the princess looks in horror at her hand, which she pricked with a spindle, and falls dead.
The old woman throws off her cloak and everyone recognizes the fairy Carabosse. With a devilish laugh she disappears.
The Lilac Fairy appears and consoles the parents; their daughter will sleep for a hundred years, but so that nothing changes for her happiness, everyone will fall asleep with her. The sleeping princess is carried into the palace, and everyone falls asleep.


One day, Prince Désiré is hunting in the forest. On the lawn, his entourage entertains him with dancing. Desiree is left alone in anticipation of important events in life. A mother-of-pearl boat floats along the river.
The Lilac fairy comes ashore from it. With a wave of the Fairy's magic wand, a vision of the sleeping Aurora appears. The rays of the setting sun illuminate it with pink light. Prince Désiré falls in love with a vision of young Aurora and is ready to follow the Lilac Fairy. The vision disappears, but the image of a young beauty remains in the Prince’s soul.
The prince throws himself at the fairy's feet and begs her to show the way to Aurora. The sorceress leads him to her boat, which immediately sets off.
Night falls, the moon illuminates the boat, the Lilac Fairy and the Prince, who is striving for Aurora, with a silvery light.
Sleeping Beauty Castle. Princess Aurora sleeps on a four-poster bed. She has a dream: Prince Charming comes to wake her up and she falls in love with this prince...
The Lilac Fairy and Prince Désiré are approaching the castle. Carabosse and her retinue guard Princess Aurora's sleep, but nothing can stop the Prince in his desire to be close to the Princess. Prince Désiré runs up to the sleeping Aurora and kisses her. The evil Carabosse's spell disappears: Princess Aurora wakes up, and with her the whole court. Dust and cobwebs clear, candles illuminate the room. The Prince begs the King to give him his daughter as his wife. The king joins the hands of the young people.

Aurora and Desiree's wedding. The palace is preparing for the ball.
The courtiers gather for a holiday. The heroes of fairy tales are invited there - Puss in Boots and the White Cat, the Blue Bird and Princess Florina, Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, Cinderella and Prince Fortune. Everyone is dancing, having fun and rejoicing. This holiday is the victory of Good over Evil.

The christening of Princess Aurora is celebrated in the palace of King Florestan. Master of Ceremonies Catalabut checks the list of invitations sent to the fairies and guests.
Everything is ready for the opening of the holiday.
Sounds of trumpets. The King and Queen greet the crowd. The nurses bring in the cradle with the newborn Princess Aurora. Catalabute announces the arrival of sorceresses - good fairies.
The Lilac Fairy, Princess Aurora's chief godmother, appears. She is surrounded by fairies and pages. Fairies give gifts to the newborn. Thanks to these gifts, the princess will be beautiful and gentle, playful and carefree, generous and brave. The Lilac Fairy approaches the cradle to bring her gift.
There is a noise. This is the arrival of the powerful and evil fairy Carabosse. Catalabute is in despair, how could he have made such a terrible mistake, forgetting to send an invitation to Fairy Carabosse. The King and Queen are worried: a mistake could lead to many misfortunes in the fate of their child.
Carabosse appears accompanied by an ugly retinue. In vain the King and Queen ask the terrible old woman for forgiveness. She decided to take revenge. Carabosse tears out tufts of hair from Catalabutte’s head and pronounces his verdict on Aurora: “Yes, she will be the most beautiful, the most seductive and feminine, the smartest of all the princesses in the world. But, having pricked herself with a spindle, she will fall asleep, and her sleep will be eternal.” The King, Queen and the entire court are shocked.
The Lilac Fairy reassures everyone, because she has not yet had time to bring her gift: she has the last word: Aurora will fall asleep, as Fairy Carabosse wished, but not forever. The day will come when the young prince, enchanted by her beauty, will give her a kiss, awaken her from a long sleep, and Aurora will become his wife.

Princess Aurora's coming of age is celebrated in the park of King Florestan's palace. While preparing for the holiday, Katalabut notices village women amusing themselves with knitting. He orders the guards to arrest them. After all, spindles, needles and knitting needles are items prohibited by decree of the King.
The King and Queen appear in the park, accompanied by courtiers and four princes, contenders for the hand of Princess Aurora. Frightened villagers beg for mercy. Catalabute announces the reason for the arrest and shows evidence. King Florestan is angry, he orders the execution of the villagers and Catalabut for violating his decree. Courtiers and princes ask that the culprits be spared in honor of the holiday. The king is adamant. And only the Queen’s prayers touch the King’s heart. Those pardoned are released from custody.
Aurora appears. The four princes are amazed by the beauty of the Princess. The King and Queen persuade their daughter to choose a groom. Aurora dances merrily with the suitors, but does not choose anyone - she is still so young.
Suddenly, in the crowd, Aurora notices an old woman beating time with a spindle. The old woman gives her the spindle and Aurora begins to dance with it. Suddenly the dance is interrupted, the princess looks in horror at her hand, which she pricked with a spindle, and falls dead.
The old woman throws off her cloak and everyone recognizes the fairy Carabosse. With a devilish laugh she disappears.
The Lilac Fairy appears and consoles the parents; their daughter will sleep for a hundred years, but so that nothing changes for her happiness, everyone will fall asleep with her. The sleeping princess is carried into the palace, and everyone falls asleep.


One day, Prince Désiré is hunting in the forest. On the lawn, his entourage entertains him with dancing. Desiree is left alone in anticipation of important events in life. A mother-of-pearl boat floats along the river.
The Lilac fairy comes ashore from it. With a wave of the Fairy's magic wand, a vision of the sleeping Aurora appears. The rays of the setting sun illuminate it with pink light. Prince Désiré falls in love with a vision of young Aurora and is ready to follow the Lilac Fairy. The vision disappears, but the image of a young beauty remains in the Prince’s soul.
The prince throws himself at the fairy's feet and begs her to show the way to Aurora. The sorceress leads him to her boat, which immediately sets off.
Night falls, the moon illuminates the boat, the Lilac Fairy and the Prince, who is striving for Aurora, with a silvery light.
Sleeping Beauty Castle. Princess Aurora sleeps on a four-poster bed. She has a dream: Prince Charming comes to wake her up and she falls in love with this prince...
The Lilac Fairy and Prince Désiré are approaching the castle. Carabosse and her retinue guard Princess Aurora's sleep, but nothing can stop the Prince in his desire to be close to the Princess. Prince Désiré runs up to the sleeping Aurora and kisses her. The evil Carabosse's spell disappears: Princess Aurora wakes up, and with her the whole court. Dust and cobwebs clear, candles illuminate the room. The Prince begs the King to give him his daughter as his wife. The king joins the hands of the young people.

Aurora and Desiree's wedding. The palace is preparing for the ball.
The courtiers gather for a holiday. The heroes of fairy tales are invited there - Puss in Boots and the White Cat, the Blue Bird and Princess Florina, Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, Cinderella and Prince Fortune. Everyone is dancing, having fun and rejoicing. This holiday is the victory of Good over Evil.

The legendary Kremlin Ballet invites you to attend a classical choreographic production to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “The Sleeping Beauty”, based on the world famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault. From 1890, when this pearl of Russian ballet premiered, to the present day, this masterpiece continues to adorn the repertoires of the best theaters and capture the imagination of audiences all over the world. Even the most discerning art connoisseurs can be convinced that the Kremlin Ballet (the poster for February is available online) continues and develops the best traditions of the Russian choreographic school.

The Russian ballet tradition in all its splendor will appear before fans of beauty who decide to come to “Sleeping Beauty” at the State Kremlin Palace. Ballet will give them a meeting with princesses flitting carefree across the stage and their flexible and strong gentlemen; full of magic fairies of Courage, Tenderness, Gold, Silver, Sapphires, and, of course, Lilac; the witch Carabosse, angry at everyone and everything, and the gentle French spring. The Kremlin Ballet has staged a performance that will be of interest to audiences of different ages: children will enjoy the fairy-tale plot and surroundings, and adults will enjoy the stunning choreography and subtle lyricism.

The ballet in the Kremlin Palace, the poster of which is on our website, is always a real celebration of eternally young art, which evokes admiration in a variety of eras, uniting people with different experiences and outlooks on life. The stage here turns into the palace of the fairy-tale King Florestan, and the audience finds themselves guests at the christening of a little princess. They will learn what gifts good fairies can give to a newborn, and how an evil witch can destroy her life in one second.

The Kremlin Ballet, tickets for which can be ordered from the Ticketmix agency, will tell the story of a magical curse and liberation from it through dance. The famous spindle injection, a long sleep and awakening from the kiss of a handsome prince - all this will come to life on the stage of the GKD. The Sleeping Beauty ballet is a win-win choice for audiences who prefer to be sure that the performance will live up to their expectations.

The legendary Kremlin Ballet has preserved the original choreography of the great Marius Petipa. The public will see it in the edition of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Petrov. The head of the Kremlin Ballet troupe (the poster for April has already been posted on our website) introduced many new directorial discoveries into the performance, preserving the main thing - the unique atmosphere of a fairy tale, the luxury and sophistication of Russian ballet.

What other ballets are shown in the Kremlin Palace

Especially for those who want to buy tickets to the Kremlin Palace for the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty,” the Ticketmix agency website always contains fresh and up-to-date information about the planned performances. on our website will help you choose the best ballet seats in the Kremlin and place an order without leaving your computer.

Another famous performance of the Kremlin Ballet - “Swan Lake” - can rightfully be called the main Russian ballet. The music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and the dance, full of lyrical charm, tell a mysterious German legend. which is available on our website, should be seen live by every ballet fan.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky created the work “The Sleeping Beauty” in 1899, and it appeared to the public in 1890 at the Mariinsky Theater. The musical component has undergone some changes; elements from the third act have been reduced.

The libretto by Marius Petipa and Ivan Vsevolozhsky captivated the public and the ballet firmly took its place among the masterpieces of world culture. Almost every choreographer made his own small changes, which only embellished the production.

Andrei Petrov treated the original with care and conveyed the atmosphere of the charming story of the French writer Charles Perrault. Magic fairies, brave men and the carefree princess Aurora acquire sophisticated and graceful images performed by theater artists.

The action in the Great Hall of the State House of Culture will be decorated with magnificent scenery from the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - Stanislav Benediktov. And on January 15 at 19:00 you will be able to enjoy the play “The Sleeping Beauty” on stage in Moscow and a musical performance from the Orpheus Symphony Orchestra

Buy official tickets for the performance “The Sleeping Beauty” by P. Tchaikovsky at the Kremlin Ballet Theater at the State Kremlin Palace on the website or by phone - #MAIN_PHONE. Hurry up to grab the best seats!