Recipe: Quince compote - with apples. Quince and apple compote Step-by-step recipe for classic quince compote

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I want to bring to your attention the most delicious recipe for making a fruit drink. Quince compote - bright, aromatic, prepared from fresh quince fruits. I first tried it with my cousin, who treated me to this fruit. At first I didn’t understand what it was and what it was eaten with. It looks like a fruit, but why is it so hard and tart? The quince tree grew in my sister’s garden, and I never paid attention to it. I thought it was an apple tree. But then they told me that these are not apples and do not even taste like apples or pears. Quince has a special amazing taste that many people like. But you can eat fresh quince only when it has aged and becomes suitable for eating. In general, quince is best used in cooking, since after heat treatment (after boiling, after baking) it becomes soft, juicy and very tasty. Its aroma during baking spreads throughout the entire kitchen and all your family will ask what smells so delicious if you decide to prepare, for example, aromatic ones. But today we’ll talk about how to cook a delicious compote from quince. The compote turns out to be so aromatic that all relatives will flock to this drink like bees. It may be pale in color, but its taste is sweeter than lemonade and more aromatic than any juice. Quinces have so many benefits for the body. That she can completely replace lemons and oranges. Quince improves and strengthens the immune system, so in the fall and winter (if you store the quince in a cool place), you can prepare the quince in such a way (boil or bake) that it will improve your well-being and health.

Required Products:
- 2 pcs. quinces,
- 1.5 liters of purified water,
- 150-180 grams of granulated sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash the quince, you can even rub it thoroughly with a brush to remove the gray coating from the peel. Once washed, the quince will become bright yellow and very beautiful. We cut the quince into thin slices, bypassing the core. Since the bones should not get into the compote.

Pour purified water into a saucepan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Place quince slices in boiling water and begin to cook the compote.

Cook for 20 minutes, then add granulated sugar and stir.

After 5 minutes, remove the compote from the stove, let it cool and pour it into jars or decanters.

Before use, cool the compote in the refrigerator and pour into glasses. A tasty and healthy quince compote will lift your spirits and improve your well-being. It turns out no less tasty

The taste of summer in a jar will be presented by quince compote with apples. Selected fruits, an exclusive recipe, the diligence of housewives and excellent results are guaranteed. This recipe is unusual in that the fruit is not poured one or several times, as when preparing other compotes, but is boiled. The calculation of the components is given for two three-liter jars.


  • large quince – 1 kg
  • apples – 2 kg
  • water – 4 l.
  • citric acid – 4 g
  • granulated sugar – 450 g


1. Choose quince fruits that are richly yellow in color, as a green tint indicates immaturity. The color of these fruits should be uniform, without spots or dents.

Ripe, large fruit of Chaenomeles - quince, wash thoroughly, be sure to remove the centers, as they are poisonous. They contain hydrocyanic acid, which can lead to intoxication of the body. Cut the fruits into large slices so that they do not fall apart during cooking.

2. Pour cold water over the quince pieces and leave for four hours; this will reduce the amount of organic acids contained in this fruit.

Select apples that are slightly unripe, but always whole, sweet and sour or sour varieties, wash, core and cut into large slices. Place the chopped apples in lightly salted or acidified water for 5 minutes.

3. Take a saucepan, pour chopped fruit into it, fill it with clean, filtered water.

4. Place the container with the fruit on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. Simmer the drink over low heat for 20 minutes, then turn off. 10 minutes before readiness, add citric acid and granulated sugar.

Get out the canning jars. Wash them with baking soda and soapy water. Check for nicks or cracks on the neck of the jar and, if any, discard the jar. Sterilize clean jars for 7 minutes or in the oven for 15 minutes. Prepare the lids: take a pan, pour water into it and put tin lids, put on the fire and boil, after boiling, for 2 minutes.

Pour the prepared compote into prepared jars and immediately roll up.

6. Turn hot jars upside down and check for leaks. Cover the jars with a blanket and leave until completely cooled - this will give the effect of additional sterilization. It is not necessary to store the resulting drink in a cool place; you can simply put it in the pantry.

The ideal replacement for store-bought drinks is ready.

Insanely aromatic and delicious compote of quince and apples for the winter will become your all-time favorite among canned drinks. I recommend adding more chopped fruit to the compote - you can then create juicy desserts from it, combining it with cookies and whipped cream. Choose a quince that is slightly overripe so that it is completely saturated with its fragrant aroma. Apples can be of any variety and color: green, yellow or red.

Be sure to add a little citric acid to neutralize and emphasize the fruity sweetness in the compote. The canned drink is stored for about 1-1.5 years, but believe me, it never sits for this period - it “flies away” even before the winter cold.

We rinse the quince in water, removing the fluffy, contaminated layer from its surface. It is best to do this with a sponge. Cut the fruit into pieces and cut out the seeds from it, and then cut into portioned cubes or slices. Pour the slices into a saucepan or saucepan.

We will do the same with washed apples.

Pour granulated sugar and citric acid into a container, which can be replaced with lemon juice.

Pour hot water and place the saucepan on the stove, bringing its contents to a boil. As soon as this happens, reduce the heat and boil the compote for 15-20 minutes. At this time, sterilize the jar and lid.

Pour the hot boiled compote along with the fruit slices from the stewpan into a jar and immediately seal it with a hot lid, rolling it up with a key for preservation.

Let's check the tightness of the closure and let it cool at room temperature, and then transfer it to the pantry. Quince and apple compote is ready for the winter.

We will taste quince and apple compote whenever we want!

Compote rightfully occupies one of the main places on the table. This drink is tasty and healthy. Quince compote with apples will be especially wonderful for anemia and stomach diseases. It is also an excellent remedy for weight loss and, thanks to the content of organic acids and pectin, it promotes rapid recovery after fatigue and physical exertion.

Quince fruits contain tannins, which is why it has a tart, astringent taste. That is why quince is used in processed form. This fruit is rich in vitamins C and B, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, nickel, copper, titanium, and essential oils.

Quince contains the most iron. 100 grams of this fruit contains two daily requirements necessary for the human body.

The combination of tannins and pectils can have an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect.

Apples are rich in iron, magnesium, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, C, folic acid, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

This fruit can have an antioxidant effect on the human body.

Making quince and apple compote

For a liter of water you will need half a kilogram of apples, half a kilogram of quince, 350-400 grams of sugar.

Ripe quince fruits must be wiped from plaque, then washed and cut off the thin skin. Cut the fruit into quarters, remove the core, then cut into small pieces.

Apples need to be cut into quarters, removing the seed nests. It is better to cut and peel them quickly so that they do not have time to darken.

To prevent fruits from darkening, they can also be dipped in acidified water, for which it is enough to add a tablespoon of citric acid per liter of water. Instead of acidified water, you can use salted water (you should take 25 grams of salt per liter of water).

Before cooking, rinse fruits in running water. To achieve softness, quince must be dipped in boiling water and boiled for 8-10 minutes. Next, place the fruits in jars, pouring boiling syrup over them.

It is very important to pay attention to the correct preparation of the syrup. It should be clear and golden brown in color.

If the compote is not planned to be canned, it is better to prepare it 8-12 hours before serving. It is during this period of time that aromatic and flavoring substances enter the broth, and the fruits are sufficiently saturated with sugar syrup.

Step-by-step recipes for making quince compote and its various variants with apples, pears, plums and raspberries

2018-06-19 Galina Kryuchkova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Recipe for classic quince compote

Compote is a drink made from fruits, berries and herbs. Fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits are suitable as ingredients. Add lemon juice to the classic quince compote to prevent the peeled fruits from darkening. Reputable cookbooks indicate that you need to take 2 parts fruit and 1 part sugar. I use half as much sugar.


  • 1400 gr. quinces;
  • 3200 ml water;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 350 gr. Sahara.

Step-by-step recipe for classic quince compote

Wash the quince with a brush, cut into six or eight slices. Remove the core with seeds. Remove the peel.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Pour lemon juice and a liter of cold water over neat quince pieces.

Pour water over the peel and core too, put on the fire and boil for about ten minutes after boiling.

Strain the broth through a thick sieve.

Pour sugar into the resulting broth.

Dip beautiful pieces of quince into the broth.

Cook the quince compote until the fruit is soft.

To improve the taste, add lemon zest or cinnamon to the boiling compote. Pour the warm drink into tall glasses and add a spoonful of semi-dry wine.

Option 2: Quickly prepare quince compote

You will need a small saucepan in which to simmer the quince pieces, and a kettle for hot water.


  • 2 quinces;
  • 80 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 mint leaf;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to quickly prepare quince compote

Wash the quince and cut it into several pieces.

Place the product in a small saucepan, add sugar and stir.

Pour in a little water so that it just covers the quince pieces.

Simmer the quince over medium heat.

Pour water into the kettle and boil.

Fruit syrup should already be released in the pan with quince. Add boiling water there.

Place a mint leaf in each glass and then pour in the quince compote. You don’t have to mix syrup and boiling water in one pan, but dilute it to taste before using.

Option 3: Quince, plum and raspberry compote, prepared in the evening for the morning

You can prepare the drink in the evening and put it in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning you will enjoy a refreshing drink.


  • 2 quinces;
  • 8 plums;
  • 1 handful of raspberries;
  • 4 mint leaves;
  • 1 half lemon;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook

Cut the quince into pieces, removing the stems and seeds.

Soak raspberries in salted water for about five minutes to get rid of midges.

Cut the hard plums into 4 parts, remove the seeds.

Make lemon juice.

Place pieces of quince and plums, as well as raspberries, into one enamel container or jar.

Pour in lemon juice, add mint leaves and add sugar.

Boil water separately.

Pour boiling water over the fruit.

When the liquid has cooled, cover it with a lid and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

From early on, a refreshing compote of quince, plums and raspberries will be waiting for you in the refrigerator. You can put an ice cube in each glass.

Option 4: Quince and prune compote

I found this recipe in the book “Cooking” for 1955. For some reason, the recipes for fruit compotes recommended for catering organizations of those times also included semi-dry wine. It's tempting to try, but on a weekend.


  • 400 gr. quinces;
  • 200 gr. prunes;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • 70 gr. guilt;
  • 2 gr. citric acid;
  • 1.7 liters of clean water.

Step by step recipe

Sort through the prunes. Rinse each fruit in warm water and place in a saucepan.

Pour boiling water over the prunes and start cooking.

Dissolve sugar and citric acid in water with prunes.

Finely chop the quince and transfer it to the syrup.

Cook until the quince is soft.

Pour wine into the quince compote. Bring the drink to a boil and remove from heat.

Pour the compote into a glass. Serve fruit separately. Add any berries to them, pour syrup or yogurt on top.

Option 5: Compote of quince, apples and pears for the winter

Any fruit can be cut into pieces, put in bags and put in the freezer. In winter, you can make an excellent compote from frozen fruits. Try closing a few cans with the finished drink. If you don’t like the compote too rich, add more water. And calculate the sugar according to your own taste.


  • 1 kg quince;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 600 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water.

Step-by-step instruction

Cut the fruit into slices. It is not necessary to cut out the seeds and tails.

Prepare three-liter jars as follows:
1. Lather inside and outside, especially the neck.
2. Wipe the bottom and walls with baking soda.
3. Rinse thoroughly.
4. Steam in a water bath, neck down.

Place fruit pieces into jars. If you like rich compote, then fill half the volume. I add fruit to a third of the height of the jar.

How to determine exactly how much syrup you need to prepare for compote from quince and various fruits? First, pour hot water without sugar into each jar. Cover the jars with clean lids and leave for 30 minutes. This way you will do two things at once: the fruit will warm up, and you will know how much liquid is needed.

Measure the required amount of sugar according to the recipe or as desired.

Dilute sugar in a small amount of water.

Make two holes in the plastic lid so that air can enter into one, and water from the jar can flow freely out of the other.

Prepare a tall pan to prepare the syrup. Pour water and sugar into it.

Pour from each jar into a saucepan and cooled water. Use a convenient lid with holes for this purpose.

Bring the syrup to a boil.

Pour hot syrup into jars.

After half an hour, repeat the procedure: drain the syrup, boil it and pour it back into the jars.

Cover the jars with compote from quince, apples and pears with metal lids. Turn them upside down and cover them with an old blanket. After a couple of hours, check the tightness of the screws. Do not turn over small jars with screw-on lids immediately, but after cooling, tighten them according to the thread.

Option 6: Simple quince compote boiled in syrup

Some make preparations in large batches, that is, from ten three-liter jars per evening. And others prefer to close one or two small jars casually. In this recipe, the ingredients are indicated taking into account one quince, and then do the calculations yourself.


  • 1 quince;
  • 30 gr. Sahara;
  • 0.1 gr. citric acid;
  • 0.6 liters of water.

Step-by-step instruction

Dilute sugar and citric acid with water.

Place the syrup on the fire.

Wash the quince and cut into slices.

Dip pieces of fruit into syrup.

Boil the quince in syrup over low heat.

Prepare the jar: wash and steam in a water bath.

Take a spoon with holes. Use it to transfer the cooked quince into a clean jar.

Pour syrup over fruits.

Roll up the compote or screw on the lid.

Quince prepared in this way is suitable for filling a pie, and is also good as a dessert with cream.

Option 7: Compote of quince and fruit leaves

For compote, you can use not only fruits, but also leaves of fruit trees. If a quince tree in your garden produces a poor harvest, still do not rush to remove it. Leave good branches to collect leaves. This plant will improve the taste and smell of any compote.


  • 1 quince;
  • 10 quince leaves;
  • 10 gr. salt;
  • 3 pears;
  • 2 apples;
  • 5 plums;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Step-by-step instruction

Wash the fruits. Cut into two parts.

Soak the fruit pieces in salted water.

After ten minutes, drain the salt water. Cut off the places on the fruit where the worms were.

Transfer the fruit to the pan in which you are going to cook the compote.

Cover the fruit with water.

Place the pan over high heat.

After boiling, reduce heat.

Rinse the quince leaves in cold water and place in boiling compote. (No need to chop the leaves.) If desired, you can add apple, raspberry, strawberry and currant leaves.

Add sugar. Wait until it boils, cover with a lid and turn off the heat.

I rarely add sugar to compote, which I don’t steep for the winter. I like the natural sour taste, and why waste the product. Let everyone pour into a glass and sweeten the drink at their own discretion.