Non-lethal head description of the main character. Non-lethal little head story - artistic analysis. Leskov Nikolai Semyonovich. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Nikolay Semyonovich Leskov


From the stories of the three righteous men

Perfect love casts out fear.

He himself is almost a myth, and his story is a legend. To talk about it, you have to be French, because some people of this nation manage to explain to others what they themselves do not understand. I say all this with the aim of asking my reader forbearance for the comprehensive imperfection of my story about a person, the reproduction of which would cost the work of a much better master than me. But Golovan may soon be completely forgotten, and that would be a loss. Golovan is worth attention, and although I do not know him enough to be able to draw a complete picture of him, I will, however, select and present some features of this low-ranking mortal man who managed to become known as "non-lethal".

The nickname “non-lethal” given to Golovan did not express ridicule and was by no means an empty, meaningless sound - he was nicknamed non-lethal due to the strong conviction that Golovan was a special person; a person who is not afraid of death. How could such an opinion be formed about him among people who walk under God and always remember their mortality? Was there a sufficient reason for this, developed in a consistent convention, or was this nickname given to him by simplicity, which is akin to stupidity?

It seemed to me that the latter was more likely, but how others judged it - I don’t know, because in my childhood I didn’t think about it, and when I grew up and could understand things, the “non-lethal” Golovan was no longer in the world. He died, and not in the most tidy way: he died during the so-called “big fire” in Oryol, drowning in a boiling pit, where he fell while saving someone’s life or someone’s property. However, “a large part of him, having escaped from decay, continued to live in grateful memory,” and I want to try to put on paper what I knew and heard about him, so that in this way his noteworthy memory would continue in the world.

Non-lethal Golovan was a simple man. His face, with extremely large features, was engraved in my memory from early days and remained in it forever. I met him at an age when they say that children cannot yet receive lasting impressions and make memories from them for the rest of their lives, but, however, it happened differently with me. This incident was noted by my grandmother as follows:

“Yesterday (May 26, 1835) I came from Gorokhov to see Mashenka (my mother), I did not find Semyon Dmitrich (my father) at home, on a business trip to Yelets for the investigation of a terrible murder. In the whole house there were only us, the women and the girl servants. The coachman left with him (my father), only the janitor Kondrat remained, and at night the watchman in the hall came to spend the night from the board (the provincial board, where my father was an adviser). Today, at twelve o'clock, Mashenka went into the garden to look at the flowers and water the canufer, and took Nikolushka (me) with her in the arms of Anna (an old woman who is still alive). And when they were walking back to breakfast, as soon as Anna began to unlock the gate, the chained Ryabka fell on them, right with the chain, and rushed straight onto Anna’s chest, but at that very moment, as Ryabka, leaning on his paws, threw himself on Anna’s chest, Golovan grabbed him by the collar, squeezed him and threw him into the graveyard. There they shot him with a gun, but the child escaped.”

The child was me, and no matter how accurate the evidence is that a one and a half year old child cannot remember what happened to him, I, however, remember this incident.

I, of course, don’t remember where the enraged Ryabka came from and where Golovan took her after she wheezed, floundering with her paws and wriggling her whole body in his high-raised iron hand; but I remember the moment... just a moment. It was like the shine of lightning in the middle of a dark night, when for some reason you suddenly see an extraordinary number of objects at once: a bed curtain, a screen, a window, a canary trembling on a perch, and a glass with a silver spoon, on the handle of which magnesium had settled in specks. This is probably the property of fear, which has large eyes. In one such moment, I now see in front of me a huge dog’s muzzle with small speckles - dry fur, completely red eyes and an open mouth, full of muddy foam in a bluish, as if pomaded throat... a grin that was about to snap, but suddenly the upper lip was above it turned out, the cut stretched to the ears, and from below, the protruding neck moved convulsively, like a naked human elbow. Above all this stood a huge human figure with a huge head, and she took and carried the mad dog. All this time the man's face smiled.

The figure described was Golovan. I am afraid that I will not be able to draw his portrait at all precisely because I see him very well and clearly.

It was, like Peter the Great’s, fifteen vershoks; his build was broad, lean and muscular; he was dark-skinned, round-faced, with blue eyes, a very large nose and thick lips. The hair on Golovan’s head and trimmed beard was very thick, the color of salt and pepper. The head was always cropped short, the beard and mustache were also trimmed. A calm and happy smile did not leave Golovan’s face for a minute: it shone in every feature, but mainly played on the lips and in the eyes, smart and kind, but as if a little mocking. Golovan seemed to have no other expression, at least I don’t remember anything else. In addition to this unsophisticated portrait of Golovan, it is necessary to mention one oddity or peculiarity, which was his gait. Golovan walked very quickly, always as if he was hurrying somewhere, but not smoothly, but with a jump. He did not limp, but, in the local expression, “shkandybal”, that is, he stepped on one, the right, leg with a firm step, and jumped on the left. It seemed that his leg did not bend, but had a spring somewhere in a muscle or joint. This is how people walk on an artificial leg, but Golovan’s was not an artificial one; although, however, this feature also did not depend on nature, but he created it for himself, and this was a mystery that cannot be explained immediately.

Golovan dressed like a peasant - always, in summer and winter, in scorching heat and in forty-degree frosts, he wore a long, naked sheepskin sheepskin coat, all oiled and blackened. I never saw him in other clothes, and my father, I remember, often joked about this sheepskin coat, calling it “eternal.”

Golovan was belted around his sheepskin coat with a “checkman” strap with a white harness set, which had turned yellow in many places, and completely crumbled in others and left tatters and holes on the outside. But the sheepskin coat was kept neat from any small tenants - I knew this better than others, because I often sat in Golovan’s bosom, listening to his speeches, and always felt very calm here.

The wide collar of the sheepskin coat was never fastened, but, on the contrary, was wide open all the way to the waist. There was a “subsoil” here, which was a very spacious room for bottles of cream, which Golovan supplied to the kitchen of the Oryol noble assembly. This has been his trade ever since he “got free” and got a “Yermolov cow” for living.

The powerful chest of the “non-lethal” was covered by one canvas shirt of Little Russian cut, that is, with a straight collar, always clean as boiling water and certainly with a long colored tie. This tie was sometimes a ribbon, sometimes just a piece of woolen material or even chintz, but it gave Golovan’s appearance something fresh and gentlemanly, which suited him very well, because he really was a gentleman.

Golovan and I were neighbors. Our house in Orel was on Third Dvoryanskaya Street and stood third from the bank cliff above the Orlik River. The place here is quite beautiful. Then, before the fires, this was the edge of a real city. To the right, behind Orlik, there were small huts of the settlement, which adjoined the root part, ending with the Church of St. Basil the Great. On the side there was a very steep and inconvenient descent along a cliff, and behind, behind the gardens, there was a deep ravine and behind it a steppe pasture, on which some kind of store stuck out. Here in the morning there was soldier drill and stick fighting - the earliest pictures that I saw and observed most often. On the same pasture, or, better to say, on the narrow strip that separated our gardens with fences from the ravine, six or seven Golovan’s cows and a red bull of the “Ermolov” breed that belonged to him grazed. Golovan kept the bull for his small but beautiful herd, and also bred it for “holding” in houses where there was an economic need for it. It brought him income.

Golovan's means of livelihood lay in his milk-producing cows and their healthy spouse. Golovan, as I said above, supplied the noble club with cream and milk, which were famous for their high merits, which depended, of course, on the good breed of his cattle and on good care for them. The oil supplied by Golovan was fresh, yellow as a yolk, and aromatic, and the cream “did not flow,” that is, if you turned the bottle upside down, the cream did not flow out of it, but fell like a thick, heavy mass. Golovan did not sell low-grade products, and therefore he had no rivals, and the nobles then not only knew how to eat well, but also had something to pay for. In addition, Golovan also supplied the club with excellently large eggs from especially large Dutch chickens, of which he had plenty, and, finally, “prepared the calves,” watering them skillfully and always in time, for example, for the largest congress of nobles or for other special occasions in noble circle.

Golovan was nicknamed non-lethal during the anthrax epidemic. Unlike his compatriots, the hero of the story fearlessly entered the houses of the sick and cared for them, although the disease was very contagious, and every sick person died. But this misfortune did not stop Golovan.

Later, the shepherd witnessed how early in the morning on the river bank he snatched a slanting piece from his leg and threw it into the water. Then the pestilence began to subside. People began to say that Golovan bought them back from illness. This incident brought him universal respect. Later we learn that in fact our hero noticed an ulcer on his shin, which was a symptom of a terrible disease. That is why Golovan cut off the affected piece of flesh and threw it into the river. After which he was seriously ill for a long time, but remained alive, only he began to limp.

Golovan was a serf, but due to his zeal he got the opportunity to buy himself off. Having become free, he bought a house, got a cow and started selling cream and milk. Having saved up money, he gradually ransomed his mother and sisters from the fortress. They all lived together, developing their dairy farm; along the way, the women were engaged in weaving and selling blankets; they were modest and hardworking.

Another woman lived with them - Pavla. Once Golovan wanted to marry her, but the master married her off to someone else. When our hero was already free, Pavel’s husband left her, and Golovan took her in. This woman worked even more than the sisters of the Non-Lethal, and he in no way singled her out among the women of his house. And yet, Paul received the popular nickname “Golovanov’s sin,” although this did not at all detract from the respect that his fellow citizens had for him. Only after Golovan’s death did it become known for certain that his relationship with Pavla was absolutely pure.

Golovan died in a fire. While rescuing someone's property, he fell into a boiling pit and drowned there.

Golovan’s example teaches us to be modest, hardworking, and honest. And he also teaches us Love. The same one “who does not seek her own,” but “is long-suffering, merciful, covers all things, and endures all things.”

The story “The Non-Lethal Golovan” is included in the cycle of works by Nikol Semenovich Leskov “The Righteous”. The author’s goal in creating this series was to identify and show the reader the presence of the best character traits in Russian people: sacrifice, selflessness, kindness, honesty, etc.

Picture or drawing of a non-lethal head

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The lacemaker Domna Platonovna, known to the narrator, “has the most immense and diverse acquaintance” and is sure that she owes this to her simplicity and “kindness.” People, in Domna Platonovna’s opinion, are vile and generally “bastards,” and you can’t trust anyone, which is confirmed by frequent cases when Domna Platonovna is deceived. The lacemaker is “wider across herself” and constantly complains about her health and powerful sleep, from which she suffers a lot of grief and misfortune. Domna Platonovna’s disposition is not touchy, she is indifferent to earning money and, being carried away, like an “artist,” by her works, she has many private affairs, for which lace plays only the role of a “passport”: she makes wooers, looks for money for mortgages, and carries notes everywhere. At the same time, he maintains a subtle appeal and says about a pregnant woman: “she is in her own marital interest.”

Having met the narrator, who lives in the apartment of a Polish colonel, for whom Domna Platonovna is looking for a groom, she notices that a Russian woman is stupid and pathetic in love. And he tells the story of Colonel Domutkovskaya, or Leonidka. Leonidka got into trouble with her husband, and she gets a tenant, a “friend” who doesn’t pay the rent. Domna Platonovna promises to find Leonidka someone who “will have both love and help,” but Leonidka refuses. The lodger whips Leonidka with a whip, and after a while they have such a “carom” that the “barbarian” disappears altogether. Leonidka is left without furniture, goes to live with the “first swindler” Dislensha and, despite Domna Platonovna’s advice, is going to apologize to her husband. Having not received an answer to the letter of repentance, she decides to go to her husband and asks Domna Platonovna for money for the trip. The lacemaker does not give money, confident that a woman cannot get out of trouble except through her own fall.

At this time, a colonel he knows asks Domna Platonovna to introduce him to some “educated” young lady and gives her money. The “scoundrel” colonel starts crying, doesn’t take the money and runs away. Two days later he returns and offers his sewing services. Domna Platonovna urges her not to “crack,” but Leonidka does not want to go to her husband for “hateful money” and goes to rich people to ask for help, but ultimately “makes up her mind” and promises “not to be capricious.” Domna Platonovna gives her a closet in her apartment, buys clothes and makes a deal with a general she knows. But when he arrives, the colonel does not unlock the door. Domna Platonovna calls her a “freeloader” and “a nobleman’s robe” and beats her so much that she feels sorry for herself. Leonidka looks crazy, cries, calls for God and mommy. In a dream, Domna Platonovna sees Leonida Petrovna with a small dog and wants to pick up a stick from the ground to drive the dog away, but a dead hand appears from under the ground and grabs the lacemaker. The next day, Leonidka has a meeting with the general, after which he completely changes: he refuses to talk to Domna Platonovna, returns her money for the apartment, categorically refusing to pay “for the troubles.” The colonel is no longer going to go to her husband, because “such scoundrels” do not return to their husbands. She rents an apartment and, leaving the lacemaker, adds that she is not angry with Domna Platonovna, because she is “completely stupid.” A year later, Domna Platonovna finds out that Leonidka is “having romances” not only with the general, but also with his son, and decides to renew their acquaintance. She comes to the colonel when the general’s daughter-in-law is sitting with her, Leonidka offers her “coffee” and sends her to the kitchen, thanking her for the fact that the lacemaker made her “trash.” Domna Platonovna is offended, scolds and talks about “pur miur love” to the general’s daughter-in-law. A scandal breaks out, after which the general abandons the colonel, and she begins to live in such a way that “today there is one prince, and tomorrow another count.”

Domna Platonovna tells the narrator that in her youth she was a simple woman, but she was “trained” so much that now she can’t trust anyone. Returning home from a merchant friend who treats her to a drink, Domna Platonovna spares money for a cab, walks, and some gentleman snatches the bag from her hands. The narrator suggests that it would be better if she didn’t skimp and pay money to the cab driver, but the lacemaker is sure that they all have “the same strike,” and tells how she was once driven “at the drop of a hat” because of little money. Once on the ground, she meets an officer who scolds the cab driver and defends the lacemaker. But upon returning home, Domna Platonovna discovers that in the bundle, instead of lace, there are only “harem pants thrown off”: as the police explain, this officer was coming from the bathhouse and simply robbed the lacemaker. Another time, Domna Platonovna buys a shirt on the street that was wrapped in an old washcloth at home. And when Domna Platonovna decides to woo the land surveyor, his friend says that he is already married. The lacemaker wooes her friend, but the land surveyor, a man who “will confuse and impoverish the whole state,” slanders the groom with a “navel” and upsets the wedding. One day, Domna Platonovna even gives herself up to the desecration of demons: returning from the fair, she finds herself in a field at night, “dark” faces are spinning around and a little man the size of a rooster invites her to create love, dances waltzes on the lacemaker’s belly, and disappears in the morning. Domna Platonovna mastered the demon, but failed to control the man: she buys furniture for a merchant’s wife, sits on top of it on a cart, but falls through and “shines naked” throughout the city until the policeman stops the cart. Domna Platonovna cannot understand in any way whether it is her sin that she swapped husbands with her godfather in a dream. After this and after the story with the captive Turk Ispulatka, Domna Platonovna “sews up” at night.

A few years later, the narrator takes a poor man to a typhoid hospital and recognizes the much-changed Domna Platonovna as the “elder.” After some time, the narrator is called to Domna Platonovna, and she asks him to take care of the piano student Valerochka, who robbed his master. It is not possible to save the thief, Domna Platonovna fades away and prays, and the narrator admits that she loves Valera and asks for pity, while everyone laughs at her. A month later, Domna Platonovna dies from rapid exhaustion, and gives the chest and her “simple belongings” to the narrator so that he gives everything to Valerka.


The writer worked on it thoroughly. This is evidenced by his remark in a letter on October 16, 1880 to the editor of the Historical Bulletin magazine S. N. Shubinsky: “Golovan is written all along, but now we need to go across it.”

As can be seen from the title, the story belongs to a series of works about the “righteous”. It is connected with other works of this cycle by some external details. Thus, Ivan Flyagin, the hero of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer,” was also called Golovan.

Unlike Flyagin, Golovan does not have his own first and last name. This, according to the writer, “is almost a myth, and its history is a legend.” And at the same time, the prototype of Golovan is a very real person: an Oryol peasant who bought his way to freedom.

298. ... “a large part of him, having escaped from decay, continued to live in grateful memory” ... is a not entirely accurate quote from G. R. Derzhavin’s poem “Monument.” From Derzhavin: “...a large part of me, having escaped from decay, will begin to live after death...”

P. 302. “Spanish” - Spanish.

P. 303. Zeleynik is a doctor who treats with herbs.

P. 305. Molokans are a religious sect in Russia that adhered to ascetic rules of life and did not recognize the rituals of the official church.

P. 306. Reed - a comb in a handloom. P. 308. “Cool Vertograd” is a handwritten medical book dating back to the 16th-17th centuries. Translated from Polish at the end of the 17th century by Simeon of Polotsk for Princess Sophia. He was popular among the people until the beginning of the 19th century. Here and further, Leskov quotes the recommendations of the medical book according to the publication: Florinsky V. M. Russian common herbalists and medical books: Collection of medical manuscripts of the 16th and 17th centuries. Kazan, 1879. In the medical book, human organs are indicated in the very general view, approximately. For example, the safenova vein is located “between the thumb and the other”, the spa-tika vein is on the right side of the body, and the basic vein is on the left. Recommended medicines mainly using herbs: antelproscurny, swarborine (or sworoborine) vinegar - infused with rose hips, etc. Mithridate - a complex medicine composed of fifty-four elements; recommended as a universal remedy. Monuscristi sugar - a type of sugar.

P. 308. Pelynia - wormwood.

P. 309. “Vered” - boil, abscess.

Chervena is red.

In udesekh - in members.

P. 310. Dondezhe - for now.

Diaghilev bark is a medicinal plant. Zhokhat - here: to clamp.

P. 311. Deer tears or bezoar stone - a stone from the stomach of a goat or llama, used as a folk medicine.

Komolaya is hornless.

P. 314. Underground - underground.

Nikodim - Bishop of Oryol in 1828-1839.

To have one more cavalry... - to become a holder of the order again.

Apollos - Bishop of Oryol from 1788 to 1798 (civil name Baibakov).

P. 319. Old Believers are adherents of old church rituals that existed before the schism, that is, before the reform of Patriarch Nikon in 1660.

Fedoseevtsy - an Old Believer sect that emerged from the Bespopovtsy at the beginning of the 18th century; Fedoseevites preached celibacy and did not recognize prayers for the Tsar.

"Pilipons" (Filippovtsy) - an Old Believer sect that spread the cult of self-immolation; separated from the Bespopovites in the 30s of the 18th century.

Rebaptismians (Anabaptists) are a religious sect in which the rite of baptism was performed on adults with the aim of “consciously” introducing them to the faith.

The Khlysty are a religious sect that arose in Russia in the 17th century. The ritual of prayer was accompanied by whip blows, frenzied chants and jumping.

“Zodia” is one of the twelve parts of the zodiac (Greek) - the solar belt, an ancient astronomical index. Each of the twelve parts of the circle (equal to one month) bore the name of the constellation in which the Sun resided during its annual movement (for example, March was called and designated by the sign of Aries, etc.). Plaisir tube - here: spyglass.

P. 320. ...did not recognize the weeks of Daniel as prophesied for the Russian kingdom... - that is, did not extend to Russia the biblical prophecy of Daniel about the coming of the Messiah in 70X7 years (“weeks”).

P. 321. Poppe (Pop A.) (1688-1744) - English poet, author of the poem “An Essay on Man.”

Alexey Petrovich Ermolov (1772-1861) - Russian general, ally of Suvorov and Kutuzov. Commanded the Caucasian expeditionary forces. He was sympathetic to the Decembrists.

P. 322. Stogny - squares (ancient Slavic).

At the discovery of the relics of the new saint... - Presumably we are talking about the relics of the Voronezh Bishop Tikhon of Zadonsk, “discovered” in August 1861.

P. 324. ...finding a wall (ancient Slavic) - an attack of pain


P. 325. Groin - pungent odor.

P. 326. Tavern - trade in alcoholic beverages (tavern - tavern), independent of the state.

P. 328. Lubok okat - here: a roof over a cart, made (rounded) from lubok (tree bark).

Subdeacon - assistant to the deacon.

P. 329. “Aphedron’s sores” - hemorrhoids.

P. 330. Odrets - stretcher.

Pokrovets - cloth, coverlet.

P. 331. Navels - daisies.

P. 332. “Sacrifices” - donations.

P. 333. Architriclinus (Greek) - elder, master,

P. 335. Irreconcilable... impatient and wait-and-see. - This refers to the political groupings of revolutionary democrats, radicals and liberals.

He served as a conscience judge. - A conscience court is an institution in old Russia, where controversial cases were decided not according to the law, but according to the conscience of the judges.

P. 336. He wanted emancipation... such as in the Baltic region - that is, the liberation of peasants without land (it was carried out in the Baltic states in 1817-1819).

→ → → Non-lethal Golovan - reading

Non-lethal Golovan

He himself is almost a myth, and his story is a legend. To tell about him -
you have to be French, because some people of this nation manage to explain
to others what they themselves do not understand. I say all this with the aim that
go ahead and ask my reader’s indulgence for a comprehensive
the imperfection of my story about a person whose reproduction would cost
the works of a much better master than me. But Golovan may be here soon
forgotten, and that would be a loss. Golovan is worth attention, and although I know him
not so much that I could draw a complete image of it, but I will select
and I will present some features of this low-ranking mortal man,
which managed to be known as "_non-lethal_".
The nickname “non-lethal” given to Golovanov did not express ridicule
and it was by no means an empty, meaningless sound - it was called non-lethal
due to a strong belief that Golovan is a special person; Human,
who is not afraid of death. How could such an opinion be formed about him among
people walking under God and always remembering their mortality? Have you been to
it is a sufficient cause developed in a consistent condition, or
Such a nickname was given to him by simplicity, which is akin to stupidity?
It seemed to me that the latter was more likely, but as others judged
- I don’t know this, because in my childhood I didn’t think about it, but when I
grew up and could understand things - the “non-lethal” Golovan was no longer on
light. He died, and not in the most tidy way: he died during such a
called the “big fire” in Orel, drowning in the boiling pit where he fell,
saving someone's life or someone's property. However, "part of it is large, from decay
having escaped, she continued to live in grateful memory" (*1), and I want to try
put on paper what I knew and heard about him, so that in this way I could
his noteworthy memory lasted in the world.


Non-lethal Golovan was a simple man. His face, with extreme
with large features, was engraved in my memory from the early days and remained in it
forever. I met him at that age when, they say, children
cannot yet receive lasting impressions and use them as memories
for the rest of my life, but, however, it happened differently with me. This case was noted
by my grandmother as follows:
“Yesterday (May 26, 1835) I came from Gorokhov to Mashenka (my mother),
I didn’t find Semyon Dmitrich (my father) at home because he was on a business trip to Yelets
to investigate a terrible murder. In the whole house there were only us, women and
maiden servant. The coachman left with him (my father), only the janitor Kondrat
stayed, and at night the watchman from the board came to spend the night in the hall
(provincial government, where my father was an adviser). Today's date
Mashenka went into the garden at twelve o’clock to look at the flowers and water the canifold,
and took Nikolushka (me) with her in the arms of Anna (an old woman who is still alive).
And when they walked back to breakfast, as soon as Anna began to unlock the gate,
how the chained Ryabka fell on them, right with the chain, and directly rushed at
Anna's breasts, but at that very moment Ryabka, leaning on his paws, rushed to
Anna's chest, Golovan grabbed him by the collar, squeezed him and threw him into the cellar
created. There they shot him with a gun, but the child escaped."
The child was me, and no matter how clear the evidence was that
a one and a half year old child cannot remember what happened to him, I,
however, I remember this incident.
Of course, I don’t remember where the enraged Ryabka came from and where she went
Golovan, after she wheezed, floundering with her paws and squirming all over
body in his high iron hand; but I remember the moment... _only
moment_. It was like the shine of lightning in the middle of a dark night, when
for some reason you suddenly see an extraordinary number of objects at once: a curtain
beds, a screen, a window, a canary shuddering on a perch and a glass of
a silver spoon, on the handle of which magnesium had settled in specks. It's like this
probably the property of fear, having large eyes. In one such moment I
as now I see in front of me a huge dog’s muzzle in small speckles -
dry fur, completely red eyes and a gaping mouth full of muddy
foam in the bluish, as if pomaded throat... a grin that already wanted
snap into place, but suddenly the upper lip above him turned out, the cut stretched
to the ears, and from below it moved convulsively, like a naked human elbow,
protruding neck. Above all this stood a huge human figure.
with a huge head, and she took and carried the mad dog. All this time
the man's face _smiled_.
The figure described was Golovan. I'm afraid I won't be able to draw at all
his portrait precisely because I see him very well and clearly.
It was, like Peter the Great’s, fifteen vershoks; had a build
wide, dry and muscular; he was dark-skinned, chubby-faced, with blue eyes,
very large nose and thick lips. Hair on head and trimmed
Golovan's beard was very thick, the color of salt and pepper. The head was always there
cropped short, beard and mustache also trimmed. Calm and happy
the smile did not leave Golovan’s face for a minute: it shone in every
feature, but mainly played on the lips and in the eyes, smart and kind, but
as if a little mocking. Golovan seems to have no other expression
it was, at least, I don’t remember otherwise. To complement this unskillful
of the portrait of Golovan it is necessary to mention one oddity or peculiarity,
which was in his gait. Golovan walked very quickly, always like
as if hurrying somewhere, but not smoothly, but with a jump. He didn't limp, but
in the local expression, “shkandybal”, that is, he stepped on one, the right, foot
with a firm step, and with his left he jumped. It seemed that this leg was not his
it bent, but springed somewhere in a muscle or joint. This is how people go
an artificial leg, but Golovan’s was not artificial; Although,
however, this feature also did not depend on nature, but he arranged it for himself
himself, and this was a mystery that could not be explained immediately.
Golovan dressed like a peasant - always, in summer and winter, in scorching heat and in
forty-degree frosts, he wore a long, naked sheepskin sheepskin coat, all
oiled and blackened. I have never seen him in other clothes, and my father
I remember I often joked about this sheepskin coat, calling it “eternal.”
Golovan’s sheepskin coat was belted with a “cheque” strap with a white harness
set, which in many places turned yellow, and in others completely crumbled and
left debris and holes outside. But the sheepskin coat was kept neat from any
small tenants - I knew this better than others, because I often sat with
I had my head in my bosom, listening to his speeches, and always felt very at home here.
The wide collar of the sheepskin coat was never fastened, but, on the contrary, was wide
open to the waist. Here there was a "subsoil" that represented a very
spacious room for bottles of cream, which Golovan supplied to
kitchen of the Oryol noble assembly. This has been his business ever since
since he “got free” and got “Yermolov’s cow” for living.
The powerful chest of the “non-lethal” was covered by one canvas shirt
Little Russian cut, that is, with a straight collar, always clean as a boil
and certainly with a long colored tie. This tie was sometimes a ribbon,
sometimes just a piece of wool or even calico, but she reported
Golovan’s appearance was something fresh and gentlemanly, which suited him very well,
because he really was a gentleman.


Golovan and I were neighbors. Our house in Orel was on Third Dvoryanskaya
street and stood third from the bank cliff above the Orlik River.
The place here is quite beautiful. Then, before the fires, it was the edge of the present
cities. To the right beyond Orlik there were small huts of the settlement, which adjoined
the root part, ending with the Church of St. Basil the Great. On the side was very
steep and inconvenient descent along the cliff, and behind, behind the gardens, there is a deep ravine and
behind it was a steppe pasture with some kind of store sticking out on it. I walked here in the morning
soldier drill and stick fighting are the earliest paintings that I have seen and
observed more often than not. On the same pasture, or, better to say, on
in the narrow strip that separated our gardens with fences from the ravine, six or
Golovan’s seven cows and his own red bull “Ermolovskaya”
breeds Golovan kept the bull for his small but beautiful herd,
and also took him for "holding" to houses where they had
economic need. It brought him income.
Golovan's means of living lay in his milk-rich cows and their
healthy spouse. Golovan, as I said above, supplied to the noble club
cream and milk, which were famous for their high virtues,
dependent, of course, on the good breed of his cattle and on the good
care The oil supplied by Golovan was fresh, yellow as yolk, and
fragrant, and the cream “didn’t flow”, that is, if you turned the bottle down
neck, then the cream did not flow out of it in a stream, but fell like a thick, heavy
weight. Golovan did not supply inferior products, and therefore he did not
had rivals, and the nobles then not only knew how to eat well, but also
had something to pay. In addition, Golovan also supplied the club
excellently large eggs from especially large Dutch chickens, which he brought to
many, and finally “prepared the calves”, watering them skillfully and always
to the time, for example, to the largest congress of nobles or to other special
cases in the noble circle.
In these views, which determined Golovan’s means of life, he was very
it is convenient to stick to the streets of the nobility, where he provided food for interesting persons,
whom Oryol residents once recognized in Panshin, Lavretsky and other heroes
and the heroines of "The Noble Nest".
Golovan lived, however, not in the street itself, but “on the fly.” Construction,
which was called "Golovanov's House", stood not in the order of houses, but on
a small cliff terrace under the left side of the street. The area of ​​this terrace was
six fathoms in length and the same in width. It was a block of earth that
once drove down, but stopped on the road, got stronger and,
representing a solid support for anyone, hardly constituted anyone
own. It was still possible then.
Golovanov’s building in the proper sense could not be called either
yard or house. It was a large, low barn that occupied everything
the space of the fallen block. Maybe it was a shapeless building
was erected here much earlier than the block decided to descend, and then
it formed part of the nearest courtyard, the owner of which was not behind it
chased and gave it to Golovan for as cheap a price as the hero could
offer him. I even remember that they said that this barn was
presented to Golovanov for some service, which he was great at providing
hunter and master.
The barn was divided in two: one half, coated with clay and
whitewashed, with three windows on Orlik, was Golovan’s living quarters and
five women who were with him, and in another there were stalls for
cows and bull. Dutch chickens and a black "Spanish" lived in the low attic.
a rooster that lived for a very long time and was considered a “witch bird.” In him
Golovan raised a rooster stone, which is suitable for many cases:
to bring happiness, the state taken away from enemy hands
bring back and remake old people into young ones. This stone matures seven
years old and matures only when the rooster stops crowing.
The barn was so large that both sections - residential and cattle - were very
They were spacious, but despite all the care they took, they did not keep warm well.
However, warmth was needed only for women, and Golovan himself was
insensitive to atmospheric changes and slept on willow grass summer and winter
wicker in a stall, near his favorite - a red Tyrolean bull
"Vaska." The cold did not bother him, and this was one of the features of this
mythical personage through which he received his fabulous reputation.
Of the five women who lived with Golovan, three were his sisters, one was his mother, and
the fifth was called Pavla, or, sometimes, Pavlageyushka. But more often they called her
"Golovanov's sin." That's what I've been used to hearing since childhood, when I wasn't even
understood the meaning of this hint. For me this Pavla was just very
an affectionate woman, and I still remember her tall stature, pale face with
bright scarlet spots on the cheeks and amazing blackness and regularity of the eyebrows.
Such black eyebrows in regular semicircles can only be seen on
paintings depicting a Persian woman resting on the lap of an elderly man
Turk. Our girls, however, knew and very early on they told me the secret of these
eyebrows: the thing was that Golovan was a greengrocer and, loving Pavla,
so that no one would recognize her, he anointed her, sleepy, eyebrows with bear lard.
After that, of course, there was nothing surprising in Pavla’s eyebrows,
but she became attached to Golovan not through her own strength.
Our girls knew all this.
Pavla herself was an extremely meek woman and “kept silent.” She was
so silent that I have never heard more than one thing from her, and that very
necessary words: “hello”, “sit down”, “goodbye”. But in every one of these
in a short word one could hear an abyss of greetings, goodwill and affection. Same
The sound of her quiet voice, the look of her gray eyes and every movement expressed everything.
I also remember that she had amazingly beautiful hands, which is
a great rarity in the working class, and she was such a worker that
was distinguished by her activities even in the hardworking Golovan family.
They all had a lot to do: the “non-lethal” himself was busy with work
from morning until late at night. He was a shepherd, a supplier, and a cheese maker. From dawn
he drove his herd outside our fences to the dew and kept transferring his stately
cows from one clump to another, choosing for them where the grass is thickest. At that
the time when they got up in our house. Golovan appeared already with empty
bottles that he picked up at the club instead of new ones that he took there
Today; with his own hands he cut jugs of new milk yield into the ice of our glacier and
talked about something with my father, and when I, having learned to read and write, went
walk in the garden, he was already sitting under our fence again and directing his
cows There was a small gate in the fence through which I could
go out to Golovan and talk to him. He was so good at storytelling
one hundred and four sacred stories that I knew them from him, without ever learning them from
book. Some ordinary people used to come to him here - always for
advice. Sometimes, as soon as he arrived, he began:
- I was looking for you, Golovanich, advise me.
- What's happened?
- But this and that; something went wrong in the household or family
things aren't going well.
More often they came with questions of this second category. Golovanovich listens, and
the willow tree itself weaves or shouts at the cows and keeps smiling, as if without
attention, and then turns his blue eyes at his interlocutor and
will answer:
- I, brother, am a bad adviser! Call God for advice.
- How will you call him?
- Oh, brother, it’s very simple: pray and do as if you were about to
you have to die. So tell me: what would you do in such a time?
He will think and answer.
Golovan will either agree or say:
- And I, brother, would have done it better when I was dying.
And, as usual, he tells everything cheerfully, with a constant smile.
His advice must have been very good because they always listened to it
and they thanked him very much for them.
Could such a person have a “sin” in the person of the meekest Pavlageyushka,
who at that time, I think, was about thirty years old, beyond
which she did not move on? I did not understand this “sin” and remained clean
from offending her and Golovan with rather general suspicions. A
there was reason for suspicion, and a very strong reason, even judging by
apparently, irrefutable. Who was she to Golovanov? Alien. This is not enough: he
once knew, he was the same gentleman with her, he wanted to marry her, but this
did not happen: Golovan was given as a service to the hero of the Caucasus Alexei Petrovich
Ermolov, and at this time Pavel was married to the rider Ferapont, according to
local accent "Kept". Golovan was a necessary and useful servant, because
that he could do everything - he was not only a good cook and pastry chef, but also
a quick-witted and lively traveling servant. Alexey Petrovich paid for Golovan,
what was due to his landowner, and, in addition, they say that he gave it himself
Golovan is loaned money for the ransom. I don’t know if this is true, but Golovan
Indeed, soon after returning from Ermolov he bought himself and always called
Alexei Petrovich as his “benefactor”. Alexey Petrovich upon leaving
Golovan gave him a good cow and calf to farm, from
from which the "Ermolovsky plant" started.


When exactly Golovan settled in the barn at the collapse, I’m not at all sure
I know, but it coincided with the first days of his “free humanity” -
when he had to take great care of his relatives who remained in slavery.
Golovan was ransomed alone, and his mother, three sisters and aunt,
who later became my nanny, remained “in the fortress.” In the same
Their dearly loved Pavel, or Pavlageyushka, was also in the same position. Golovan put
The first concern was to redeem them all, and for this money was needed. By
Given his skill, he could have become a cook or a confectioner, but he preferred
another, namely dairy farming, which he started with the help of Ermolovskaya
cows." There was an opinion that he chose this because he himself was a _milk_
(*2). Maybe it just meant that he was still fiddling with the milk, but
it may be that this name referred directly to his faith, in which he
seemed strange, as in many other actions. It is very possible that he
in the Caucasus and knew the Molokans and borrowed something from them. But this
refers to his oddities, which will be discussed below.
Dairy farming went well: three years later Golovan already had
two cows and a bull, then three, four, and he made so much money that he bought
mother, then every year he bought a sister, and he took them all and brought them to
his spacious but cool shack. So at the age of six or seven he freed
the whole family, but Pavel’s beauty flew away from him. By the time he could
and ransom her, she was already far away. Her husband, the rider Khrapon, was bad
man - he did not please the master in some way and, as an example to others, was sent to
recruits without credit.
In the service, Khrapon got into the “horses”, that is, the horsemen of the fire brigade in
Moscow, and demanded his wife go there; but soon he did something bad there too and
fled, and the wife he abandoned, having a quiet and timid disposition, was afraid
the ins and outs of metropolitan life and returned to Orel. She's not here either
She found no support in the old place and, driven by need, came to Golovan.
He, of course, immediately accepted her and placed her in the same
the spacious upper room where his sisters and mother lived. Like Golovan's mother and sisters
looked at the installation of Pavla - I don’t know for sure, but her installation in
no discord was created in their home. All the women lived very closely with each other
they loved poor Pavlageyushka amicably and even very much, and Golovan helped them all
He showed equal attentiveness and special respect only to his mother,
who was already so old that in the summer he carried her in his arms and sat her on
the sun is like a sick child. I remember how she was so horrified
coughing and kept praying “to clean up.”
All of Golovan’s sisters were elderly girls and they all helped their brother in
farm: they cleaned and milked cows, looked after chickens and spun
extraordinary yarn, from which extraordinary things were then woven and never
I have never seen fabrics since then. This yarn was called very ugly
the word "spitting". Golovan brought the material for it from somewhere in bags,
and I saw and remember this material: it consisted of small knotty
scraps of multi-colored paper threads. Each piece was between
an inch to a quarter of an arshin, and on each such scrap there was certainly
a more or less thick knot or knot. Where did Golovan get these scraps from?
- I don’t know, but it’s obvious that it was factory waste. That's what they told me
his sisters.
“This,” they said, “is a nice little one, where paper is spun and woven, just like before.”
they will reach such a bundle, rip it off and onto the floor and _spit_ - because it is in
the berd doesn’t come, but my brother collects them, and we make warm blankets from them
we do.
I saw how they patiently took apart all these scraps of thread and tied them up
piece by piece, they wound the resulting motley,
multi-colored thread for long spools; then they were teased and teased some more
thicker, stretched on pegs along the wall, sorting something
one-color for kai and, finally, these “spits” were woven through a special
reed "spit blankets". These blankets looked similar to the ones we have today
flannelette: each of them also had two borders, but the canvas itself
It was always marbled. The nodules in them were somehow smoothed out from knotting and
although they were, of course, very noticeable, they did not prevent these blankets from being
light, warm and even sometimes quite beautiful. Moreover, they
They were sold very cheaply - less than a ruble apiece.
This handicraft industry in the Golovan family went on non-stop, and he,
probably found a sale for spit blankets without difficulty.
Pavlageyushka also knitted and knitted spittle and wove blankets, but, besides
Moreover, out of zeal for the family that sheltered her, she still bore all the heaviest
work in the house: I walked down the steep slope to Orlik for water, carried fuel, and
so on and so forth.
Firewood was already very expensive in Orel, and poor people needed heating
sometimes with buckwheat husks, sometimes with manure, and the latter required a lot of preparation.
Pavla did all this with her thin hands, in eternal silence, looking
into the light of day from under his Persian eyebrows. Did she know that her name
"sin" - I am not knowledgeable, but that was her name among the people who firmly
stands for the nicknames he invented. And how could it be otherwise: where does a loving woman live?
in the house of a man who loved her and was looking to marry her - there,
of course it's a sin. And indeed, at the time when I saw Pavel as a child,
it was unanimously revered as “Golovanov’s sin,” but Golovanov himself did not
lost through this the slightest share of general respect and retained the nickname


Golovan began to be called “non-lethal” in the first year when he settled in
alone above Orlik with his “Ermolov cow” and her calf.
The reason for this was the following quite reliable circumstance, about
which no one remembered during the recent “Prokofiev’s” plague. Was in
Orel is usually in hard times, and in February on the day of St. Agafia the Cow
The villages, as it should, began to experience “cow death.” This went on as usual
there is and as it is written in the universal book, which is also the verb _Cool
vertograd_ (*3): “As summer ends and autumn approaches, then
Soon the pestilence begins. And at that time every person needed
place trust in the almighty God and in his most pure mother and by force
protect yourself from the honorable cross and refrain your heart from torment, and from
horror, and from heavy thoughts, for through this the human heart is diminished and
soon the rash and the ulcer will stick - it will take over the brain and heart and overpower the person
and the greyhound will die." All this also happened in the usual pictures of our nature,
"When the thick and dark fogs melt in autumn and the wind from the midday country and
let the rains and the sun burn the earth, and then there is no need for the wind
walk, but sit in a hut in a heated hut and do not open the windows, but it would be good so that
do not live in that city and depart from that city to clean places." When, then
Is there a precise year in which the pestilence that made Golovan famous followed?
"non-lethal" - I don't know. Such little things are not very
were engaged and did not make a fuss about them, as happened because of Nahum
Prokofiev. Local grief ended in its place, pacified by one
trust in God and his most pure mother, and only in the case of strong
the predominance of idle "intellectuals" in some locality were accepted
original health-improving measures: “in the courtyards they laid out a clear fire, like oak
wood so that the smoke would disperse, and in the huts they would smoke ashes and junipers
firewood and rue leaves." But only an intellectual could do all this, and
Moreover, with good prosperity, and the death of the greyhound took not the intellectual, but the one
no one has time to sit in a heated hut, and the yard is open to oak trees
I can't drown. Death went hand in hand with hunger and each other
supported. The starving people begged from the starving people, the sick died like greyhounds,
that is, soon, which is more profitable for the peasant. There was no long languor, no
people were also heard recovering. Whoever got sick died, except
one_. What kind of disease it was has not been scientifically determined, but popularly it
called "sinus", or "vered" (*4), or "cake pupyrukh", or even just
"bumpy". It started in the grain-producing districts, where, for lack of bread, they ate
hemp cake. In Karachevsky and Bryansk districts, where peasants interfered
a handful of unsifted flour with crushed bark, there was another illness, too
deadly, but not "pimply". "Pupyrukh" appeared first on the cattle, and
then it was transmitted to people. "A person gets a feeling under his sinuses or on his neck.
the sore is deep, and the body feels a stabbing sensation, and inside there is an unquenchable fervor
or in the depths (*5) there is a certain coldness and heavy sighing and cannot
sigh - the spirit pulls into itself and releases again; the dream will find that it cannot
stop sleeping; bitterness, sourness and vomiting will appear; in the face of a man
will be replaced, will become the image of clay walls and the greyhound will die." Maybe it was
anthrax, maybe some other ulcer, but that was the only one
destructive and merciless, and the most common name for it, again
I repeat, it was “bumpy”. A pimple will appear on the body, or in common parlance
"pimples", turns yellow-headed, glows all around, and by day the meat begins to
rot, and then the greyhound and death. A quick death seemed, however,
"in good spirits." The death came quiet, not painful, the most
peasant, only everyone who was dying was thirsty until the last minute. IN
this was all the short and tireless care that was required, or,
better to say, the sick begged for themselves. However, caring for them even in this
form was not only dangerous, but almost impossible - a man who
today I served a drink to a sick relative, but tomorrow I fell ill myself
“pupyruh”, and in the house there were often two or three dead people lying next to each other.
The rest of the orphaned families died without help - without that one
help that our peasant cares about, “so that there is someone to give
get drunk." First, such an orphan will place a bucket of water at his head
and scoops with a ladle while the hand rises, and then rolls it out of the sleeve or from
the hem of his shirt, wets it, puts it in his mouth, and so on
will ossify.
A great personal disaster is a bad teacher of mercy. At least,
it has a bad effect on people of ordinary, ordinary morality, not
rising beyond the line of simple compassion. It dulls
the sensitivity of the heart, which itself suffers greatly and is full of sensation
own torment. But in these sad moments of general disaster, Wednesday
the people put forward heroes of generosity, people who are fearless and
selfless. In ordinary times they are not visible and often there is nothing
stand out from the masses: but they jump on people with “pimples”, and the people stand out from
himself as the chosen one, and he performs miracles that make him a mythical person,
fabulous, "_non-lethal_". Golovan was one of those people and in the first pestilence
surpassed and eclipsed in the popular imagination of another local
a wonderful person, merchant Ivan Ivanovich Androsov. Androsov was
an honest old man who was respected and loved for his kindness and justice, for
he was “closely placed” to all the people’s disasters. He also helped during the "mortem"
because he had “healing” written off and “he rewrote and multiplied all of it.”
They took these writings from him and read them in different places, but they could not understand them.
“they didn’t know how to start.” It was written: “If a sore appears on top of the head or
in another place above the waist - let a lot of blood flow from the median; if he appears on his forehead,
then let the blood come out from under your tongue soon; If he appears near the ears and under the beard,
let go of the Cephalius veins, and if it appears under the sinuses, then it means the heart
it hurts, and then open the median on that side." To every place, "where
you will hear painfully,” it was prescribed which vein to open: “Safenova” (*6),
or "against the big finger, or vein spatika (*7), semi-matic, or vein
basics (*8)" with the order "to let the blood flow from them, until the end (*9) is green
will become and change." And to treat with "levkar and antel (*10), printed
land and army land; Malmosee wine and Buglos vodka (*11),
Virian of Vinitsa, Mithridates (*12) and monus-cristi sugar,” and
those who enter the patient “hold Diaghilev’s root in their mouth, and in their hands - pellin,
and the nostrils are anointed with sworborin vinegar (*13) and the lip is soaked in vinegar
to gasp." No one could understand anything about this, as if in a government decree, in
which was written and rewritten, now here, now here, and “in two ways.” Neither lived
no such thing was found, neither Malmozei wine, nor Armenian land, nor vodka
Buglosova, and people read the write-offs of the good old man Androsov more than just
for "quench my sorrows." Only the final ones could be used
words: “and where there is pestilence, you don’t need to go to those places, but leave
away." This was observed in large numbers, and Ivan Ivanovich himself kept the same
rule and sat in a heated hut and handed out doctor’s notes to
the gateway, holding the spirit in oneself and holding angelica root in the mouth. TO
the sick were only allowed to enter safely if they had deer tears
or _bezoar_-stone (*14); but neither the tears of a deer, nor the bezoar stone from Ivan
Ivanovich was not there, but in the pharmacies on Bolkhovskaya Street there might be a stone
maybe there were, but there were pharmacists - one of the Poles, and the other a German, to
the Russian people did not have proper pity and the bezoar stone for themselves
took care of it. This was quite reliable because one of the two Oryol
pharmacists, as soon as he lost his bezoar, they immediately stopped on the road
his ears turned yellow, one of his eyes became smaller than the other, and he began to tremble and
Khosha wanted to sweat and for this purpose he ordered hardened bricks to be placed on his soles at home
apply, but did not sweat, and died in a dry shirt. A lot of people
they were looking for a bezoar lost by a pharmacist, and someone found it, but not Ivan
Ivanovich, because he also died.
And at this terrible time, when intellectuals wiped themselves with vinegar and did not
gave up the ghost, walked through the poor suburban huts even more fiercely
"pimply"; people began to die here “totally and without any help,” and
suddenly there, in the field of death, Golovan appeared with amazing fearlessness.
He probably knew, or thought he knew, some kind of medicine, because
he put his own “Caucasian plaster” on the tumors of patients; But
This Caucasian, or Ermolov, patch of his did not help much. "Pupyrukhov"
Golovan did not cure, just like Androsov, but his
service to the sick and healthy in that he fearlessly entered
plague-ridden hovels and gave the infected not only fresh water, but also removed
milk that he had left over from the club cream. Early in the morning
at dawn he crossed Orlik on barn gates removed from their hinges
(there was no boat here) and with bottles in the vast depths he snuck out of the shack
to the shack to wet the dry lips of the dying from the bottle, or
put a cross on the door with chalk if the drama of life here is already over and
the curtain of death closed over the last of the actors.
From then on, the hitherto little-known Golovanov was widely recognized in all
settlements, and a great popular attraction began towards him. His name before
familiar to the servants of noble houses, began to be pronounced with respect in
people; began to see in him a person who could not only “stand up for
the deceased Ivan Ivanovich Androsov, and even more so to mean to God and to
people." And Golovan’s very fearlessness was not slow in finding
supernatural explanation: Golovan obviously knew something, and due to
such witchcraft he was “non-lethal”...
Later it turned out that this was exactly what happened: it helped to clarify for everyone
the shepherd Panka, who saw an incredible thing behind Golovan, yes
This was confirmed by other circumstances.
The ulcer did not affect Golovan. All the time she was raging in
settlements, neither he himself nor his “Ermolovskaya” cow and bull are anything
got sick; but this is not enough: the most important thing was that he deceived and harassed,
or, keeping to the local dialect, he “destroyed” the ulcer itself, and did what he did not
pitying his warm blood for the people.
Golovan had the bezoar stone lost by the pharmacist. How did he get it
- it was unknown. It was believed that Golovan was carrying cream to the pharmacist for
"ordinary ointment" and saw this stone and hid it. Is it fair or not?
it was fair to make such a concealment, there was no strict criticism about it, and
there shouldn't be. If it’s not a sin to take and hide what you eat, because what you eat
God grants it to everyone, then it is all the more not reprehensible to take healing
substance, if it is given for general salvation. That's how we judge - that's how I do it
I say. Golovan, having hidden the pharmacist’s stone, treated him generously,
releasing it for the common benefit of the entire Christian race.
All this, as I said above, was discovered by Panka, and the general mind of the world
found this out.


Panka, an odd-eyed man with faded hair, was a shepherd
a shepherd, and, in addition to his general shepherd's duties, he also drove in the mornings
dew_ of crossed cows. In one of these early sessions, he and
spied the whole affair that elevated Golovan to the heights of national greatness.
It was in the spring, probably soon after I left for
Russian emerald fields young Yegory the bright-brave (*15), up to his elbows
in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver, in the forehead the sun, in the rear
month, the stars are passing at the ends, and God's honest and righteous people drove out
he meets small and large cattle. The grass was still so small that a sheep and a goat could use it
They barely got enough to eat, and the thick-lipped cow could barely grab anything. But under
among the hedges in the shadows and along the grooves there were already wormwood and nettles, which with
They ate dew for need.
Panka kicked out the crossed cows early, still dark, and right
along the bank near Orlik, he drove out of the settlement into a clearing, just opposite
the end of Third Dvoryanskaya Street, where on one side there was an old
the so-called "Gorodetsky" garden, and on the left on its fragment was stuck
Golovanov's nest.
It was still cold, especially before dawn, in the morning, and who wants to sleep?
it seems even colder. Panka’s clothes were, of course, bad,
orphan, some kind of rag with a hole in it. The guy spins on one
side, turns to the other, prays that Saint Fedulus will give him warmth
it blew, but instead everything was cold. As soon as he opens his eyes, the wind starts to howl,
he will scurry into the hole and wake him up again. However, the young force took its toll: it pulled
Panka pulled the scroll over himself completely, like a hut, and dozed off. Hour
which one I didn’t hear, because the green Epiphany bell tower is far away. A
there is no one around, not a single human soul anywhere, only fat merchants
the cows are panting and no, no, in Orlik the frisky perch will splash. Dozing
a shepherd and a scroll with holes in it. But suddenly it was as if something was under his side
pushed, probably the marshmallow found a new hole somewhere else. Panka
jumped up, rolled his sleepy eyes, wanted to shout: “Where, polly,” and
has stopped. It seemed to him that someone on the other side was going down the steep slope.
Maybe the thief wants to bury something stolen in the clay. Panka
interested; maybe he will lie in wait for the thief and cover him or
will shout at him “too crazy,” or even better, try to notice
funeral and then Orlik will swim across in the afternoon, dig up everything for himself without sharing
will take it.
Panka stared and kept looking at Orlik. And it’s still a little outside
Here is someone going down the steep slope, got off, stood on the water and is walking. Yes so
he simply walks on the water as if it were dry land, and does not splash anything, but only
propped up with a crutch. Panka was dumbfounded. Then in Orel from the men's
They were waiting for the miracle worker's monastery, and they already heard voices from the underground. Began
this is immediately after the “Nicodemus funeral” (*16). Bishop Nikodim was evil
a person who, towards the end of his earthly career, distinguished himself by wanting to have
another cavalry (*17), out of servility, he handed over a lot of them as soldiers
spiritual, among whom were the only sons of their fathers and even themselves
family sextons and sextons. They left the city in a whole party,
bursting into tears. Those who saw them off also wept, and the people themselves, with all their might
his dislike for the priest's many-sheeped belly, he cried and gave them
alms. The party officer himself felt so sorry for them that he, wishing
to put an end to the tears, told the new recruits to sing a song, and when they
the chorus harmoniously and loudly began to sing the song they had composed:

Our Bishop Nicodemus
Arch-lute crocodile,

It was as if the officer himself began to cry. All this was drowning in a sea of ​​tears and
to sensitive souls it seemed like an evil crying out to heaven. AND
indeed - as their cry reached the sky, so they went to Orel
"voices". At first the “voices” were indistinct and it was unknown from whom they came, but when
Nicodemus died soon after and was buried under the church, then she went
explicit speech from the bishop buried there before him (I think Apollos)
(*18). The bishop who had previously departed was dissatisfied with the new neighborhood and did not
embarrassed, he said directly: “Take this bastard out of here, it’s stuffy for me with
him." And he even threatened that if the "bastard" was not removed, then he himself would "go to
will appear in another city." Many people have heard this. As it happened, they would go to
monastery to the all-night vigil and, having defended the service, they go back, and they hear: groaning
old bishop: “Take the bastard.” Everyone really wanted the statement
the good dead man was fulfilled, but not always attentive to the needs
the authorities did not throw Nicodemus out of the people, and the clearly revealed saint
He could “leave the yard” at any moment.
Now nothing more than this was happening: the saint leaves, and
Only one poor shepherd sees him, who is so confused by this,
that not only did he not detain him, but did not even notice how the saint had already left
his eye was gone. It was just beginning to get light outside. With light to
A person gains courage, and with courage, curiosity increases.
Panka wanted to approach the very water through which he had just passed
mysterious creature; but as soon as he approached, he saw that there were wet gates
They are stuck to the bank with a pole. The matter became clear: it means that this is not a saint
followed, but the non-lethal Golovan simply swam by: that’s right, he went
Greet some deformed children from the depths with milk. Panka
I marveled: when this Golovan sleeps!.. And how is he, such a peasant,
floats on a sort of vessel - on half a gate? It is true that the Orlik river is not
great and its waters, captured lower by a dam, are quiet, like in a puddle, but
Still, what is it like to swim on the gate?
Panka wanted to try it himself. He stood on the gate and took
six yes, naughty, and moved to the other side, and there Golovanov went ashore
look at the house, because it’s already dawned well, and meanwhile Golovan is in that
for a minute and shouts from the other side: “Hey! Who stole my gate! Come on back!”
Panka was a little fellow with no great courage and was not accustomed to count on
someone's generosity, and therefore got scared and did something stupid. Instead of
to give Golovan his raft back, Panka took it and hid himself in one
from clay pits, of which there were many. Panka lay down in the hole and
No matter how much Golovan calls him from the other side, he does not show up. Then
Golovan, seeing that he couldn’t get his ship, threw off his sheepskin coat and undressed
naked, tied his entire wardrobe with a belt, put it on his head and swam through
Orlik. And the water was still very cold.
Panka cared about one thing, so that Golovan would not see him and beat him, but
his attention was soon drawn to something else. Golovan swam across the river and
started to get dressed, but suddenly sat down, looked under his left knee and
has stopped.
It was so close to the hole in which Panka was hiding that he couldn’t help but
it was visible because of the lump with which it could be closed. And at this time already
it was quite light, the dawn was already blushing, and although most of the townspeople were still
were sleeping, but under the Gorodets garden a young guy with a scythe appeared, who
He began to peel and put nettles into a basket.
Golovan noticed the mower and, standing on his feet, wearing only his shirt, shouted loudly
to him:
- Kid, give me the braid quickly!
The boy brought the scythe, and Golovan told him:
“Go and pick me a big burdock,” and as the guy turned away from him, he
took the braid off the braid, squatted down again, and with one hand pulled back his calf
legs, and in one fell swoop cut it all off. A cut piece of meat the size of
threw a village cake at Orlik, and he pressed the wound with both hands and
fell down.
Seeing this, Panka forgot about everything, jumped out and began to call the mower.
The guys took Golovan and dragged him to the hut, and here he came to
himself, ordered to take two towels out of the box and roll his cut like
as strong as possible. They pulled it with all their might until the bleeding stopped.
Then Golovan ordered them to place a bucket of water and a ladle near him, and
go about your own business, and don’t tell anyone about what happened. They are
They went and, shaking with horror, told everyone. And those who heard about it immediately
guessed that Golovan did this for a reason, and that he did it this way
out of concern for the people, he threw the piece of his body onto the other end of the ulcer so that he
passed as a sacrifice along all Russian rivers from Small Orlik to Oka, from Oka to
Volga, throughout Great Rus' to the wide Caspian Sea, and thus Golovan for all
suffered, but he himself will not die from it, because he has pharmacists in his hands
a living stone and he is a “non-lethal” person.
This tale came to everyone's mind, and the prediction came true. Golovan
did not die from his terrible wound. What a terrible illness after this sacrifice
really stopped, and the days of calm came: fields and meadows
covered with thick greenery, and the young man began to drive around freely
Yegor the bright-brave, arms in red gold up to the elbows, legs in red gold up to the knees
pure silver, the sun in the forehead, the month in the rear, and walking stars at the ends.
The canvases were bleached with the fresh dew of Yuriev (*19), he left instead of the knight Yegori
in the field Jeremiah the prophet with a heavy yoke, dragging plows and harrows, whistled
Nightingales on St. Boris's Day, comforting the martyr, turned blue through the efforts of Saint Mavra
strong seedlings, Saint Zosima passed by with a long crutch, wearing a knob
carried the queen bee; The day of Ivan the Theologian, “Nikolin’s father,” has passed, and
Nikola himself was celebrated, and Simon the Zealot stood in the courtyard when the earth
birthday girl On the earthly name day, Golovan climbed out onto the rubble and from then on
Little by little he began to walk and began his work again. His health
Apparently, he wasn’t hurt at all, but he just started “squawking” - on
the left leg was bouncing.
About the touchingness and courage of his bloody act against himself, people
probably had a high opinion, but judged him as I said:
They didn’t look for natural causes, but, shrouding everything in their imagination,
composed a fabulous legend from a natural event, and from a simple,
the magnanimous Golovan was given a mythical face, something like a sorcerer,
a magician who had an irresistible talisman and could dare anything and
don't die anywhere.
Whether Golovan knew or didn’t know that people’s rumors attributed such matters to him,
- I don’t know. However, I think that he knew, because he was very
often addressed with such requests and questions that can be addressed
contact only the good wizard. And he answered many such questions
“helpful advice”, and in general was not angry at any demand. He was there
in the settlements and for a cow doctor, and for a human doctor, and for an engineer, and
for the asterisk, and for the pharmacist. He knew how to remove husks and scabs again
some kind of “Yermolov ointment”, which cost one copper penny for three
Human; took the heat out of my head with a pickled cucumber; I knew I needed grass
collect from Ivan to half-Peter (*20), and perfectly “showed water”, that is
where can you dig a well? But he could do this, however, not at all times, but
only from the beginning of June until St. Fyodor the Well, while “water in the ground can be heard
how it goes along the joints." Golovan could do everything else that just
a person needs it, but for the rest he had a vow before God for
so that the bubblegum stops. Then he confirmed it with his blood and held
tightly. But God loved and had mercy on him, and he was delicate in his
feelings, people never asked Golovan for anything they didn’t need. According to folk
This is how etiquette is accepted among us.
Golovan, however, was not so burdened by the mystical cloud,
which the people's fama [rumor, rumor (Latin)] told him that he was not
He made, it seems, no effort to destroy everything that had been formed about him. He
knew it was in vain.
When I eagerly ran through the pages of Victor Hugo's novel "Toilers of the Sea"
and met Gilliatt there, with his ingeniously outlined severity towards himself and
condescension towards others, reaching the heights of perfect self-sacrifice,
I was struck not only by the greatness of this appearance and the power of its image, but
also by the identity of the Guernsey hero with a living face, whom I knew as
named after Golovan. One spirit lived in them and similar spirits fought in selfless battle.
hearts. They did not differ much in their destinies: throughout life around them
some kind of mystery thickened, precisely because they were too pure and clear,
and both one and the other did not have a single drop of personal


Golovan, like Gilliatt, seemed “doubtful in faith.”
They thought that he was some kind of schismatic, but this is not important, because
that in Orel at that time there was a lot of different faiths: there were (yes, that’s right,
and now there are) both simple Old Believers and not simple Old Believers, - and
Fedoseevites, "Pilipons", and Perekrestivantsy, there were even Khlysty (*21) and "people
God", who were sent far away by human judgment. But all these people firmly
stuck to their flock and firmly condemned any other faith - they stood out
from each other in prayer and eating, and considered themselves alone on the “right path.”
Golovan behaved as if he didn’t even know anything
real about the best path, but broke bread from his own crust indiscriminately
to everyone who asked, and he himself sat down at anyone’s table where he was invited.
He even gave milk to the children from the garrison, Yushka. But non-Christian
side of this last act of people's love for Golovan found itself
some apology: people penetrated what Golovan, appeasing Yushka, wanted
obtain from him the “lips of Judas” carefully preserved by the Jews, with which one can
to lie before the court, or the “hairy vegetable” that extinguishes the thirst of the Jews,
so they don't have to drink wine. But what was completely unclear in Golovan,
this is that he hung out with the coppersmith Anton, who used
judging all real qualities with the worst reputation. This person
did not agree with anyone on the most sacred issues, but came up with some
mysterious zodias and even composed something. Anton lived in a settlement, in an empty
gorenka in the attic, paying half a month, but kept such terrible
things that no one came to see him except Golovanov. It was known that
Anton had a plan here, recommended by “zodia” (*22), and glass, which “from the sun
the fire was tormenting"; and besides, he had a hole on the roof where he climbed out
outside at night, he sat like a cat by the chimney, “putting out his pleisry tube”
(*23) and in the sleepiest time I looked at the sky. Anton's commitment to
this instrument knew no limits, especially on starry nights, when it
all the zodia were visible. As soon as he comes running from the owner where he worked copper
work - now he will slip through his little head and is already climbing out of the auditory
windows onto the roof, and if there are stars in the sky, he sits all night and that’s it
looks. He could be forgiven for this if he were a scientist or at least
at least a German, but as he was a simple Russian man - they weaned him for a long time, not
once they pulled them out with poles and threw him with manure and a dead cat, but he didn’t do anything
he listened and didn’t even notice how they were poking him. Everyone, laughing, called him
“Astronomer”, and he really was an astronomer [my schoolmate and I,
the now famous Russian mathematician K.D. Kraevich (*24), they knew this antique
in the late forties, when we were in the third grade of the Oryol gymnasium
and lived together in the Losevs’ house; "Anton the Astronomer" (then already elderly)
really had some ideas about the heavenly bodies and the laws
rotation, but the main thing that was interesting: he himself prepared for his
glass pipes, polishing them with sand and stone, from thick bottoms
crystal glasses, and through them he looked at the whole sky... he lived as a beggar,
but did not feel his poverty, because he was in constant delight
from "zodia" (author's note)]. He was a quiet and very honest man, but
freethinker; assured that the earth rotates and that we go down on it
heads. For this last obvious inconsistency Anton was beaten and
recognized as a fool, and then, like a fool, began to enjoy freedom
thinking, which is the privilege of this advantageous title among us, and went
to the incredible. He did not recognize the weeks of Daniel as prophesied in Russian
kingdom (*25), said that the “ten-horned beast” lies in one
allegories, and the bear beast is an astronomical figure that is in his
plans. He also understood in a completely non-Orthodox way about the “eagle’s wing”, about phials and about
seal of the Antichrist. But he, as a weak-minded person, was already forgiven for all this. He
was unmarried because he had no time to get married and had nothing to feed him
wife - and what kind of fool would decide to marry an astronomer? Golovan was
in full sense, but not only hung out with the astronomer, but also did not joke about him; their
we even saw them together at night on the astronomer's roof, now alone, now
the other, taking turns, looked through the pleisry tube on the zodia. It is clear that
thoughts could be inspired by these two figures standing by the chimney at night, around
which worked dreamy superstition, medical poetry, religious
delirium and bewilderment... And, finally, the circumstances themselves put Golovan in
a somewhat strange situation: it was unknown what parish he was...
His cold shack stuck out at such a distance that no spiritual strategists
could not count it under their jurisdiction, and Golovan himself did not talk about it
cared, and if they asked him very annoyingly about the arrival, he answered:
- I am from the parish of the creator-almighty, - and there is no such temple in all of Orel
Gilliatt, in response to the question proposed to him, where is his parish, only
raised his finger up and, pointing to the sky, said:
- Over there, - but the essence of both these answers is the same.
Golovan loved to hear about any faith, but his opinions on this matter were
as if he had not, and in case of the persistent question: “How do you believe?” - read:
“I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty Creator, visible to all and
This is, of course, evasiveness.
However, it would be in vain for anyone to think that Golovan was a sectarian or
fled churchliness. No, he even went to Father Peter in the Boris and Gleb Cathedral
"conscience to believe." He will come and say:
- Shame on me, father, I really don’t like myself.
I remember this Father Peter, who visited us, and one day, when my
his father told him at some point that Golovan seems to be a man
excellent conscience, then Father Peter answered:
- Do not doubt; his conscience is whiter than snow.
Golovan loved sublime thoughts and knew _Poppe_ (*26), but not as much as
Usually the writer is known to people who have read his work. No;
Golovan, approving the “Essay on Man”, presented to him by the same Alexey
Petrovich Ermolov (*27), knew the whole poem by heart. And I remember how he
used to listen, standing at the ceiling, to a story about some new sad
incident and, suddenly sighing, answers:

Dear Bolingbroke, we have only one pride
All these frantic errors are the fault.

The reader would be in vain to be surprised that such a person as Golovan
exchanged poems with _Poppe_. Those were cruel times, but poetry was in
fashion, and her great word was dear even to men of the same blood. This is from the gentlemen
condescended to the plebs. But now I come to the biggest incident in
the story of Golovan - an incident that undoubtedly threw him
an ambiguous light, even in the eyes of people who are not inclined to believe everything
nonsense. Golovan seemed unclean in some distant past. This
it appeared suddenly, but in the most dramatic forms. Appeared on the stogny of Orel
a personality who meant nothing in anyone’s eyes, but in Golovanov’s eyes
declared a powerful character and treated him with incredible impudence.
This personality and the story of its appearance is a rather characteristic episode from
stories of the customs of that time and an everyday picture that is not devoid of color. And therefore
- I ask for a moment of attention to the side, - a little away from the Eagle, to the edges
warmer, to a quiet river in carpeted banks, to a folk "feast"
faith", where there is no place for business, everyday life; where everything, _absolutely everything_,
passes through a peculiar religiosity, which gives everything its
special relief and liveliness. We must attend the opening of the relics
new saint (*28), which amounted to a wide variety of
representatives of the society of that time, an event of the greatest significance. For
for the common people it was an epic, or, as one of those times said,
- “a sacred feast of faith was being celebrated.”


Such a movement, which began at the time of the opening of the celebration, did not
can convey none of the legends printed at that time. Alive, in
the base side of affairs left them. This was not the current calm
traveling in mail carriages or by rail with stops in
comfortable hotels, where there is everything you need, and at a reasonable price. Then
the journey was a feat, and in this case a pious feat,
which, however, was worth the expected solemn event in the church. IN
There was also a lot of poetry in it - and again special - colorful and
imbued with various overflows of church and everyday life, limited
folk naivety and endless aspirations of the living spirit.
Many people left Orel for this celebration. Most,
Of course, the merchants were zealous, but even the middle class did not lag behind
landowners, especially the common people. These were walking. Only those who
he carried the infirm “for the purpose”; they were pulled along on some kind of nag. Sometimes,
however, they even carried the weak _on themselves_ and were not even very burdened by it, because
that the infirm were charged cheaper for everything at the inns, and sometimes even
They let us in completely without paying. There were quite a few who deliberately
"the illnesses said: they let their eyes go under their foreheads, and two thirds, during breaks,
carried on wheels to generate sacrificial income for wax, and oil, and
other rituals."
So I read in a legend, not printed, but true, copied not according to
template, but with a “living vision”, and a person who preferred the truth
tendentious deceit of that time.
The traffic was so crowded that in the cities of Livny and Yelets, through
along the way, there were no places either in inns or hotels.
It happened that important and eminent people spent the night in their carriages. Oats,
hay, cereals - everything along the highway has risen in price, so that, as I noted,
grandmother, whose memories I use, have been on our side from now on,
to feed a person with jelly, cabbage soup, lamb and porridge, they began to take
yards for fifty-two kopecks (that is, five altyn), and before that they took
twenty-five (or 7 1/2 kopecks). At the present time, of course, and
five altyn - the price is absolutely incredible, but it was so, and
discovery of the relics of a new saint in raising the value of life supplies
had the same significance for the surrounding areas as in recent years it had
for St. Petersburg, the fire of the Mstinsky bridge. "The price _jumped up_ and so and so
From Orel, among other pilgrims, a family went to the opening
merchants of S-kh, people who were very famous in their time, “dumpers”, that is,
easier to say, big kulaks who pour bread from carts into barns
men and then sell their “pile” to wholesalers in Moscow and Riga.
This is a profitable business, which was not available after the liberation of the peasants.
the nobles also disdained; but they loved to sleep for a long time and soon had bitter experiences
They found out that they were incapable of even stupid fistfights. Merchants S.
were considered, in their significance, to be the first dumpers, and the importance of them
extended to the point that instead of a surname, their house was given an elevating
nickname The house was, of course, strictly pious, where they prayed in the morning,
They pressed and robbed people all day, and then in the evening they prayed again. A
at night the dogs rattle in chains along the ropes, and in all the windows there are “lamps and radiance”,
loud snoring and someone's burning tears.
He ruled the house, as we would say today, “the founder of the company” - and then
they simply said “_sam_”. He was a soft little old man, who, however, was all
how they were afraid of fire. They said about him that he knew how to lay softly, but it was hard
to sleep: he treated everyone with the word “mother” and let them go to hell in the teeth. Type
famous and familiar, a type of trading patriarch.
It was this patriarch who went to the opening “in large numbers” - himself, yes
wife and daughter, who suffered from the “disease of melancholy” and was subject to
healing. All known means of folk poetry and
creativity: they fed her with invigorating elecampane (*29), sprinkled her with peony, which
calms down the feeling of sten (*30), they let me smell mayran, which is the brain in the head
corrects, but nothing helped, and now they took her to the saint, hastening to
the first case when the very first force goes. Belief in Advantage
The _first_ power is very great, and it is based on the legend of
the pool of Siloam, where _the first_ who managed to enter by
water disturbance.
The Oryol merchants traveled through Livny and Yelets, enduring great
difficulties, and were completely exhausted by the time they reached the saint. But improve
The saint’s “first case” turned out to be impossible. Such a crowd of people gathered
area, that there was nothing to think about pushing into the temple, to the all-night vigil under
“open day”, when, in fact, there is a “first case” - that is
when the greatest strength comes from new relics.
The merchant and his wife were in despair - the daughter was the most indifferent of all,
who didn't know what she was missing. There was no hope of helping the grief, -
there were so many nobles with such surnames, and they were simple merchants who, although
in their place they meant something, but here, in such a cluster
Christian greatness, completely lost. And then one day, sitting in the mountain under
in his tent over tea at the inn, the patriarch complains to his wife that
there is no longer any hope of reaching the holy tomb, either in the first,
not in the second place, but will it happen somehow in the very last ones, together with
farmers and fishermen, that is, with the common people in general. And then what
joy: the police will become furious, and the clergy will starve - plenty
He won’t let you pray, but will poke at you. And in general, then everything is not the same when it’s already
so many thousands of mouths of every people will be added. In such forms it was possible
after arriving, but they had the wrong time: they were traveling, they were languishing, there was nothing to do at home
the clerks gave up their hands and paid exorbitant prices for everything, and here you are
suddenly what a consolation.
The merchant tried once or twice to reach the deacons - he was ready to give
gratitude, but there’s nothing to think about - on the one hand there is only embarrassment, on the other hand
in the form of a gendarme with a white mitten or a Cossack with a whip (they also came to
there are many relics to discover), and on the other hand, it is even more dangerous that he will crush himself
Orthodox people who worried like the ocean. There have already been “times”
and even in abundance, both yesterday and today. The good ones will run away somewhere
Christians from the swing of a Cossack whip a whole wall of five, six hundred
man, and as soon as they trample and form a wall together, from the middle
only a groan and a groin will go, and then, upon release, a lot of women are seen
ears in torn earrings and fingers twisted from under the rings, and two or three souls and
completely put down to God.
The merchant expresses all these difficulties to his wife and daughter over tea, for
which especially needed to improve its first strength, and some “wasteland
person", unknown, urban or rural rank, all between different
walks in wagons under the barn and seems to be looking at the Oryol merchants with
A lot of “desert people” also gathered here then. They not only had
their place at this feast of faith, but they even found good ones here
classes; and therefore they poured here in abundance from different places, and especially
from cities famous for their thieving people, that is, from Orel, Krom,
Yelets and from Liven, where great masters were famous for building miracles. All
The desert people who came here were looking for their own trades. The bravest of
they acted in formation, located in heaps in crowds, where it was convenient for
assisting the Cossack to produce onslaught and confusion and during the turmoil
search other people's pockets, rip off watches, belt buckles and pull out earrings
from the ears; and more sedate people walked alone through the courtyards, complaining about
squalor, “they told dreams and miracles,” they offered love spells, lapels and
"secret help for old people from whale seed, crow fat,
elephant sperm" and other drugs from which "a constant force moves."
These drugs did not lose their value here either, because, to our credit,
humanity, conscience did not allow turning to
pleaser. No less willingly were the wasteland people of quiet custom engaged in simply
theft and, on opportune occasions, they often robbed guests completely,
who, for lack of premises, lived in their carts and under the carts.
There was little space everywhere, and not all carts found shelter under the barns
inns; others stood in convoys outside the city in open pastures.
Here life was even more varied and interesting, and even more
full of shades of sacred and medical poetry and entertaining pranks.
Dark industrialists lurked everywhere, but this was their refuge.
countryside "poor convoy" with ravines and shacks surrounding it, where it was
fierce writhing (*31) with vodka and in two or three carts there were ruddy
female soldiers who came here to collaborate. The shavings from
coffins, “printed soil”, pieces of decayed vestments and even “particles”. Sometimes
among the artists involved in these matters there were very
witty and did things that were interesting and remarkable in their simplicity
and courage. Such was the one whom the pious Oryol noticed
family. The rogue overheard them complaining about the impossibility of starting
saint, before the first streams of healing grace flow from the relics, and
he came straight up and spoke frankly:
- I heard your sorrows and I can help, but you have no need to avoid me...
Without us, you are here now for the pleasure you desire, with such great and
eminent congress, you won’t get it, but we’ve been there on such occasions and the funds
we know. It would be good for you to be at the very first strength of a saint - do not regret for your
well-being, a hundred rubles, and I'll put you up.
The merchant looked at the subject and answered:
- Quite a lie.
But he continued:
“You,” he says, “probably think so, judging by my insignificance; But
what is insignificant in human eyes may be in a completely different calculation
God, and whatever I undertake, I can firmly accomplish. You're getting embarrassed
about earthly greatness, that there is a lot of it, but to me it’s all dust, and be
There are apparently only princes and kings here, they can’t help us at all
interfere, and even everyone will make way for us. Therefore, if you
you want to go through everything in a clean and smooth way, and the very first persons
see and give the friend of God the very first kisses, then do not regret it,
what is said. And if you feel sorry for a hundred rubles and don’t disdain company, then I’ll quickly
I’ll pick two more people that I have in mind, and then it’s cheaper for you
will become.
What could the pious fans do? Of course it's risky
was to believe the empty man, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity, and
the money required was small, especially if the company... The Patriarch made up his mind
take a chance and said:
- Keep company.
The wasteland man took the deposit and ran, punishing the family early
have lunch and an hour before the first bell rings for Vespers, take
each take a new hand towel and go out of town to the indicated
place "in the poor train", and there to wait for him. From there I immediately had to
a campaign begins, which, according to the entrepreneur, could not be stopped
no princes, no kings.
Such "poor convoys" in larger or smaller sizes became
in a wide camp at all such gatherings, and I myself have seen them and remember them
Indigenous near Kursk, and heard about the one about whom the story begins
stories from eyewitnesses and witnesses to what will now be described.


The place occupied by the poor camp was outside the city, on a vast and
free pasture between the river and the highway, and at the end it adjoined
a large winding ravine along which a stream ran and grew thick
bush; behind us began a mighty pine forest, where eagles were calling.
On the pasture there were many poor carts and carriages,
representing, however, in all their poverty, a rather motley variety
national genius and ingenuity. There were ordinary matting booths,
canvas tents as big as a cart, "gazebos" with fluffy feather grass and
absolutely ugly popular prints. A whole large bast from a century-old linden tree
bent and nailed to the cart beds, and under it there is a bed: people lie with their feet
to the feet in the interior of the crew, and heads to the free air, on both sides
back and forth. A breeze passes over those reclining and ventilates them so that they
one could not suffocate in one's own spirit. Right there, tied to
the shafts of fir trees with hay and khreptugs stood horses, most of them skinny,
all in clamps and others, from thrifty people, under matting “covers”. At
some of the carts also had dogs, which, although they should not have been taken in
pilgrimage, but these were “zealous” dogs who caught up with their
owners at the second, third feeding and did not want from them at any boilie
get rid of it. There was no place for them here, according to the present situation of pilgrimage,
but they were tolerant and, feeling their smuggled situation, kept themselves
very quiet; they huddled somewhere near a cart wheel under a tar and
remained gravely silent. Modesty alone saved them from ostracism and from
a baptized gypsy dangerous for them, who in one minute “took them off
fur coats." Here, in the poor wagon train, in the open air, life was fun and good,
like at a fair. There was more variety here than in hotel rooms.
rooms reserved only for special chosen ones, or under the awnings of the inns
courtyards, where in the eternal twilight people of the second hand were cobbling together in carts.
True, the fat monks and subdeacons did not enter the poor train;
there were even real, experienced wanderers, but here there were their own masters
there was an extensive handicraft production of various “sacred things” going on.
When I happened to read the well-known case of forgery in the Kyiv chronicles
relics (*32) made of mutton bones, I was surprised at the infancy of the reception of these
manufacturers in comparison with the courage of the craftsmen I heard about earlier. Here
it was some kind of frank _negligee with courage_. Even the very way to
the pasture along Slobodskaya Street was already distinguished by its unfettered freedom
the broadest entrepreneurship. People knew that such cases are not common
fell out, and did not waste time: at many gates there were tables on which
there were icons, crosses and paper parcels with rotten wood dust,
as if from an old coffin, and right there lay shavings from a new one. All this
the material was, according to the sellers, of a much higher quality than in
real places, because it was brought here by the carpenters, diggers and
carpenters who performed the most important work. At the entrance to the camp they were hovering
“wearing and sitting” with icons of the new saint, covered with white for now
a piece of paper with a cross. These samples were sold at the cheapest price, and
you could buy them right away, but you couldn’t open them until
service of the first prayer service. Many unworthy people who bought such icons and
Those who opened them ahead of time found them to be blank tablets. In the ravine
behind the camp, under the sleigh with its runners turned upside down, they lived by the stream
gypsy with gypsy woman and gypsy children. The gypsy and gypsy woman had a large medical clinic here
practice. On one of their runners there was a large voiceless man tied by the leg.
“rooster”, from which stones came out in the morning, “moving the bed force”,
and the gypsy had cat grass, which was then very necessary for “sores”
Aphedronov." This gypsy was a celebrity in his own way. His fame spread
such that he, when in the unfaithful land the seven sleeping maidens were opened, and there he
he was not superfluous: he converted old people into young ones, rod sections
he treated gentlemen and military gentlemen with a shoulder fight from the inside through
the watercourse led out. His gypsy, it seems, knew even greater secrets of nature:
She gave two waters to their husbands: one to reprove their wives who sin fornication; that
If you give water to wives, it will not stay in them, but will pass right through; and the other
magnetic water: from this water a reluctant wife will passionately embrace her husband in a dream, and
If you grow to love another, you will begin to fall out of bed.
In a word, things were in full swing here, and the diverse needs of mankind were found
there are useful helpers here.
When the wasteland man saw the merchants, he did not talk to them, but
began to beckon them to go down into the ravine, and he dashed forward there too.
Again it seemed a little scary: one could be afraid of an ambush, in
where dashing people could be hiding, capable of robbing pilgrims
naked, but piety overcame fear, and the merchant after a short
thinking, praying to God and remembering the saint, he decided to take three steps
He walked down carefully, holding on to the bushes, and ordered his wife and daughter to
if something happens, scream at the top of your lungs.
There really was an ambush here, but not a dangerous one: the merchant found it in a ravine
two pious people like him in merchant's attire, with
which had to be "satisfied". They all had to pay here
the empty one will receive a negotiated fee for escorting them to the saint, and then he will open it for them
his plan and now he will lead them. There was nothing to think for a long time, and persistence
nothing led to it: the merchants added up the amount and gave it, and the wastelander revealed his plan to them,
simple, but, in its simplicity, purely brilliant: it consisted in the fact that
in the “poor convoy” there is a relaxed man known to the wasteland man,
which they only need to lift and carry to the saint, and no one will stop them and
the way will not be difficult for them with the sick. You just need to buy it for the weak and sick
a stretcher [stretcher] and a cover and, lifting it, carry it to all six, tying it up
under the bed there are towels.
This idea seemed excellent in its first part - with a relaxed
The carriers, of course, will be allowed through, but what could be the consequences? Did not have
would there be further embarrassment? However, on this score everything was calmed down, the conductor
He only said that it was not worth attention.
“We’ve already seen this many times,” he says: “you, for your pleasure,
be honored to see everything and venerate the saint during the all-night singing,
and in the reasoning of the sick person, be it the will of the saint, he will wish to heal him -
and he will heal, and not will - again his will. Now just chip in quickly
for a gift and a protection cover, but I already have all this stored up in a close house,
You just have to give the money. Just wait here for me and we’ll be on our way.
After haggling, he took another two rubles per person for the tackle and ran, and
Ten minutes later he returned and said:
- Let’s go, brothers, just don’t march forward briskly, but lower your eyes a little
more godly.
The merchants lowered their eyes and walked with reverence and in the same “poor convoy”
we approached one cart, where a completely dead
nag, and on the front seat sat a little scrofulous boy amusing himself,
throwing plucked fruits of yellow navels [daisies] from hand to hand.
On this cart, under a linden splint, lay a middle-aged man with a face
the navels themselves are yellower, and the arms are also yellow, all elongated and like soft whips
lying around.
The women, seeing such terrible weakness, began to be baptized, and the guide
them turned to the patient and said:
- Here, Uncle Fotey, good people have come to help me heal you.
carry. By God's will, the hour is approaching you.
The yellow man began to turn to strangers and express gratitude
He looks at them and points his finger at his tongue.
They guessed that he was mute. “Nothing,” they say, “nothing, servant of God,
don’t thank us, but thank God,” and they began to pull him out of
carts - men under the shoulders and under the legs, and women only his weak arms
supported and were even more frightened by the terrible condition of the patient, because
that his arms had completely fallen over in the shoulder joints and only
They were somehow tied with hair ropes.
Audric stood right there. It was a small old crib, tightly
covered in corners with bedbug eggs; on the crib lay a sheaf of straw and
a piece of rare calico with a roughly painted cross, a spear and
cane. The conductor fluffed the straw with a deft hand so that on all sides
hanging over the edges, they put a yellow relaxed one on it, covered it
calico and carried it.
The conductor walked ahead with a clay brazier and smoked crosswise.
Before they had even left the convoy, they had already begun to be baptized, and when
They walked through the streets, attention to them became more and more serious:
everyone, seeing them, understood that they were carrying a sick person to the miracle worker, and
joined. The merchants walked hastily because they heard the gospel
all-night vigil, and came with their burden just in time when they sang: “Praise
name of the Lord, servants of the Lord."
The temple, of course, could not accommodate even a hundredth part of the assembled people;
apparently and invisibly a solid mass of people stood around the church, but slightly
They saw the bed and those carrying it, everyone began to buzz: “They are carrying the weak one, a miracle will happen,” and
the whole crowd parted.
The street became lively right up to the doors, and then everything happened as promised.
conductor. Even the firm hope of his faith did not remain in shame:
the paralytic was healed. He stood up, he himself walked out on his own feet "gloriously and
"Thank you." Someone wrote all this down on a note, in which, according to
guide, the healed paralytic was called a “relative” of Orlovsky
a merchant, for which many envied him, and healed in later times
no longer went to his poor train, but spent the night under the barn of his new
It was all nice. The healed man was an interesting person, whom
many came to take a look and threw “sacrifices” to him.
But he still spoke little and indistinctly - he mumbled very much out of habit and
Most of all he pointed at the merchants with his healed hand: “Ask them, they
relatives, they know everything." And then they involuntarily said that he was their
relative; but suddenly, under all this, an unexpected trouble crept in:
the night that followed the healing of the yellow paralytic, it was noticed that
from the velvet mantle over the saint’s coffin one golden cord with such a
with a golden brush.
They found out about this from underhand and asked the Oryol merchant, he didn’t notice
did he come close, and what kind of people helped him carry the sick man?
relative? He said in all honesty that the people were strangers, from poor
they carried the convoy with diligence. They took him there to get to know the place, the people, the nag and
cart with a scrofulous boy playing with his belly buttons, but there is only one thing
the place was in its place, and there were no people, no cart, no boy with belly buttons
there was no trace.
The inquiry was abandoned, “let there not be rumor among people.” They hung up a new brush, and
After such trouble, the merchants quickly got ready to go home. But only here
the healed relative made them happy with new joy: he obliged them to take
He took him with him and otherwise threatened him with a complaint and reminded him about the brush.
And therefore, when the hour came for the merchants to depart home, Photey found himself on
front next to the coachman, and it was impossible to throw him off to the one lying on their
the path of the village of Krutogo. At that time there was a very dangerous descent from one mountain and
difficult climb to another, and therefore various incidents happened with
travelers: horses fell, carriages overturned, and so on.
It was absolutely necessary to proceed to the village of Krutoye before dark, otherwise it was necessary
to spend the night, and at dusk no one dared to go down.
Our merchants also spent the night here and in the morning when climbing the mountain
“confused,” that is, they lost their healed relative Photeus.
They said that in the evening they “treated him well from a flask,” but in the morning they didn’t
woke up and moved out, but there were other kind people who corrected this
confusion and, taking Photey with them, brought him to Orel.
Here he found his ungrateful relatives who had abandoned him in
Cool, but I didn’t get a kindred reception from them. He began to beg for
city ​​and tell that the merchant went to the saint not for his daughter, but
I prayed that bread would rise in price. No one knew this more accurately than Photey.


Not in the long days after the appearance in Orel of the famous and abandoned Photeus in
At the arrival of the Archangel Michael, the merchant Akulov had “poor tables.” Outside,
on the boards, large linden bowls of noodles and cast iron bowls of porridge were smoking, and with
On the owner's porch, cheesecakes with onions and pies were distributed from hand to hand. Guests
a multitude gathered, each with his own spoon in his boot or in his bosom.
Golovan served pies. He was often called to such “tables” by the architricline
(*33) and a baker, because he was fair, he would not hide anything for himself and
thoroughly knew who deserved which pie - with peas, with carrots or with
So now he stood and gave everyone a big pie, and
whoever he knew in the house of the infirm - two or more "for the sick portion." And here in
Among the various people who were suitable, he approached Golovan and Fotei, a new man, but how
as if surprising Golovan. Seeing Fotei, Golovan seemed to remember something and
-Whose are you and where do you live?
Photey wrinkled his face and said:
“I am no one’s, but God’s, covered with slave skin, but I live under matting.”
And others say to Golovan: “The merchants brought it from the saint... This is Photey
But Golovan smiled and began to speak:
- Why on earth is it Photey! - but at that very moment Fotei snatched from
pie, and with the other hand gave him a deafening slap in the face and shouted:
- Don’t make too much of a mistake! - and with that he sat down at the tables, and Golovan endured and neither
didn't say a word to him. Everyone understood that this was really necessary, obviously.
the healed man plays the fool, but Golovan knows that this must be endured. But only in
how much did Golovan cost such treatment?" It was a mystery,
which lasted for many years and established the opinion that in Golovan
Something very bad is hiding, because he is afraid of Photey.
Indeed, there was something mysterious here. Photeus, who soon fell in general
opinion to the point that they shouted after him: “I stole a brush from a saint and in a tavern
drank,” he treated Golovanov extremely impudently.
Meeting Golovan anywhere, Fotei would step in his way and
shouted: “Submit your debt.” And Golovan, without objecting to him at all, reached into his bosom and
took out a copper hryvnia from there. If he didn’t happen to have a hryvnia with him,
and there was less, then Photey, who was nicknamed for the diversity of his rags
Ermine, threw the insufficient dacha back to Golovan, spat on him and
even beat him, threw stones, mud or snow.
I myself remember how one day at dusk, when my father and the priest
Peter sat by the window in his office, and Golovan stood under the window and they all
the three of them were carrying on their conversation, he ran into the gate that was open for this occasion
ragged Ermine and shouting: “I forgot, you scoundrel!” - hit in front of everyone
Hit him in the face, and he, quietly pushing him away, gave him from his bosom
copper money and led him out the gate.
Such actions were not uncommon for anyone, and the explanation that Ermine
It was, of course, very natural for Golovan to know something. It's clear,
that this aroused curiosity among many, which, as we will soon see,
had the right basis.



Two words about my grandmother: she came from a Moscow merchant family
Kolobov and was married into a noble family “not for wealth, but
for beauty." But her best quality was spiritual beauty and bright
a mind in which the common people's mentality has always been preserved. Entering
noble circle, she gave in to many of his demands and even allowed
call herself Alexandra Vasilievna, while her real name was
Akilina, but she always thought in a common way and even without intention, of course,
retained some vernacularism in her speech. She said "ehtot" instead
“this”, considered the word “morality” offensive and could not pronounce
"accountant". But she did not allow any fashion pressures to sway her.
believed in the people's meaning and did not part with this meaning. Was
a good woman and a real Russian lady; she ran the house excellently and was able to
accept everyone, from Emperor Alexander I to Ivan Ivanovich
Androsova. I didn’t read anything except children’s letters, but I loved it
renewal of the mind in conversations, and for this “demanded people to talk.” In that
her interlocutor was the mayor Mikhail Lebedev, the bartender Vasily,
senior cook Klim or housekeeper Malanya. The conversations were always not empty,
but to the point and to the benefit, - I figured out why morality was unleashed on the girl Feklushka
or why the boy Grishka is unhappy with his stepmother. Following this conversation they went
your measures, how to help Feklusha cover her braid and what to do so that the boy
Grishka was not dissatisfied with his stepmother.
For her, all this was full of lively interest, perhaps completely
incomprehensible to her granddaughters.
In Orel, when my grandmother came to us, her friendship was enjoyed by the cathedral
Father Peter, merchant Androsov and Golovan, who were “called upon for her”
The conversations, presumably, were not empty here either, not just for one
passing time, and probably also about some grandfather, like
the morality that fell on someone or the displeasure of the boy with his stepmother.
Therefore, she could have the keys to many secrets, for us, perhaps,
small, but very significant for their environment.
Now, on this last meeting with my grandmother, she was very
old, but she kept her mind, memory and eyes completely fresh. She
I was still sewing.
And this time I found her at the same work table with the upper parquet
a tablet depicting a harp supported by two cupids.
My grandmother asked me: did I go to my father’s grave, who did I see from
relatives in Orel and what is your uncle doing there? I answered all her questions and
spread about his uncle, telling how he deals with old
Grandmother stopped and raised her glasses to her forehead. The word "lygenda" is very important to her
liked it: she heard in it a naive alteration in the folk spirit and
“This,” he says, “the old man said wonderfully about the Lygenda.”
And I say:
- And I, grandmother, would really like to know how it really happened.
in fact, not according to legend.
- What exactly would you like to know about?
- Yes, about all this: what was this Golovan like? I'm just a little bit
I remember, and then all with some, as the old man says, lygends, but,
of course it was just...
- Well, of course, it’s simple, but why is it surprising to you that our people
Back then they avoided merchants' fortresses, and just wrote sales in notebooks? This
There will be a lot more to discover ahead. They were afraid of the officials, but they trusted their people, and
everyone is here.
“But how,” I say, “could Golovan deserve such trust?” To me he
To tell the truth, sometimes he seems a little bit... a charlatan.
- Why is this?
- What is it, for example, I remember they said it was some kind of magic
the stone had, with its blood or body, which it threw into the river, the plague
stopped? Why was he called “non-lethal”?
- About the magic stone - nonsense. People made this up like that, and Golovan
It’s not his fault, but he was nicknamed “non-lethal” because in such
horror, when mortal incense stood above the earth and everyone became afraid, he alone
He was fearless, and death did not take him.
“Why,” I say, “did he cut his leg?”
- I cut off my own caviar.
- For what?
- And for the fact that he also had a plague pimple, He knew that from this
There is no escape, I quickly took the scythe and cut off the whole calf.
“Could it be,” I say, “it could be!”
- Of course it was.
“What,” I say, “should we think about the woman Pavel?”
Grandma looked at me and answered:
- What is it? Pavel's woman was Fraposhkin's wife; she was very
sorrowful, and Golovan sheltered her.
- And it was, however, called “Golovanov’s sin.”
- Everyone judges and names by himself; he had no such sin.
- But, grandmother, do you, my dear, believe this?
- Not only do I believe it, but I _know_ it.
- But how can you _know_?
- Very simple.
The grandmother turned to the girl who worked with her and sent her to the garden
pick raspberries, and when she came out, she looked significantly into my eyes and
- Golovan was a virgin!
- From whom do you know this?
- From Father Peter.
And my grandmother told me how Father Peter, shortly before his death
told her what incredible people there are in Rus' and that the late Golovan
was a virgin.
Having touched on this story, the grandmother went into small details and
I remembered my conversation with Father Peter.
“Father Peter,” he says, “at first he himself doubted and began to elaborate on it.”
ask and even hinted at Pavla. “It’s not good,” he says, “you don’t
you repent, but you seduce. It is not worthy for you to keep this Paula with you. Let go
God bless her.” And Golovan replied: “It’s in vain, father, that you say: let
It’s better that she lives with me and God - I can’t let her go.” - “And
why?" - "But because she has nowhere to lay her head..." - "Well,
says, marry her!” - “And this, he replies, is impossible,” - and why
impossible, he didn’t say, and Father Peter doubted this for a long time; but Paul
after all, she was consumptive and did not live long, and before her death, when he came to her
Father Peter, then she revealed the whole reason to him.
- What was this reason, grandmother?
- They lived out of _perfect_ love.
- So how is it?
- Angelic.
- But, excuse me, what is this for? After all, Pavla’s husband disappeared, but there is a law
that after five years you can get married. Didn't they really know this?
- No, I think they knew, but they knew something more than that.
- Like what?
- For example, the fact that Pavla’s husband survived them all and never disappeared.
-Where was he?
- In Orel!
- Honey, are you kidding?
- Not a tiny bit.
- And who knew this?
- The three of them: Golovan, Pavle and this scoundrel himself. You can
remember Photey?
- Healed?
- Yes, whatever you want to call it, only now, when they all died, I
I can say that he was not Foteya at all, but a fugitive soldier Fraposhka.
- How! Was it Pavla's husband?
- Exactly.
“Why?..” I began, but I was ashamed of my thought and fell silent, but
Grandma understood me and said:
- That’s right, you want to ask: why didn’t anyone else recognize him, but Pavel and
They didn’t give him away as a golovan? It's very simple: others didn't recognize him because
that he was not a city boy, but he was old and overgrown with hair, and Pavel did not
she gave it out with pity, but Golovan loved it.
- But legally, according to the law, Fraposhka did not exist, and they could
get married
- They could - according to the legal law they could, but according to the law of their conscience they could not
- Why did Fraposhka pursue Golovan?
“The scoundrel was dead,” he said about them like others.
- But because of him, they took away all their happiness!
- But what is happiness in believing: there is righteous happiness, there is happiness
sinful. The righteous will not step over anyone, but the sinful will step over everything.
They loved the first more than the last...
“Grandma,” I exclaimed, “these are amazing people!”
“The righteous, my friend,” answered the old woman.
But I still want to add - both amazing and even incredible. They
incredible while they are surrounded by legendary fiction, and become even more
incredible when you manage to remove this plaque from them and see them in all their
holy simplicity. One _perfect_ love that animated them supplied them
above all fears and even subjugated nature to them, without prompting them
bury yourself in the ground, nor fight the visions that tormented St. Anthony


On October 16, 1880, Leskov writes to the editors of the Historical Bulletin
S.N. Shubinsky: “Golovan” is written all along, but now we need to go through it
"across". At the end of the letter there are again alarming notes: “Golovan” ... came out
weaker than others (stories about the righteous - L.K.). You should give it a good
scold. Do not rush until the last possible opportunity" (vol. 10, pp. 472-473).

1. Inaccurate quote from Derzhavin’s poem “Monument”.
2. Molokans - a religious sect in Russia that adhered to ascetic
rules of life and did not recognize the rituals of the official church.
3. "Cool Vertograd" - a medical reference book translated from
Greek by Simeon of Polotsk for Princess Sophia in the 17th century.
4. Vered - boil, abscess.
5. In udeseh - in members.
6. Safonova lived - she lived between her thumb and index finger.
7. Spatika - lived on the right side of the body.
8. Basika - vein on the left side of the body.
9. Dondezhe - bye.
10. Antel - marshmallow (medicinal herb).
11. Buglos vodka - infused with Buglos grass (ox tongue).
12. Mithridates - named after the physician Mithridates Eupator (132-63 BC) -
a universal remedy of fifty-four elements.
13. Sworborin vinegar - infused with rose hips.
14. Deer tears or bezoar stone - a stone from the stomach of a goat, llama,
used as a folk medicine.
15. Yegory the Svetlobravy - the day of Yegory the Brave is April 23.
16. Nikodim - Bishop of Oryol in 1828-1839.
17. To have one more cavalry - to become a holder of the order again.
18. Apollos (1745-1801) - Bishop of Oryol from 1788 to 1798
(civil name Baibakov).
19. St. George's dew - dew on St. George's Day (April 23).
20. From Ivan to half-Peter - from May 8 to June 30.
21. Fedoseevtsy - an Old Believer sect that emerged from the Bespopovtsy in
the beginning of the 18th century; They preached celibacy and did not accept prayers for the king.
Pilippons (Filippovtsy) - an Old Believer sect that preached a cult
self-immolation; separated from the populists in the 30s of the 18th century.
Rebaptized (Anabaptists) - a religious sect in which the rite of baptism
was carried out on adults, with the aim of “consciously” introducing them to
faith. The Khlysty are a religious sect that arose in Russia in the 17th century;
"zeal" was accompanied by whip blows, frenzied chants,
22. Zodia - one of the twelve parts of the Zodiac (Greek) - solar
belt, an ancient astronomical indicator. Each of the twelve parts
circle (equal to one month) bore the names of those constellations in which
the sun remained during its annual movement (for example, March was called
designated by the sign of Aries, etc.).
23. Plaisir tube - telescope.
24. Kraevich Konstantin Dmitrievich, (1833-1892) - Russian scientist and
25. That is did not extend to Russia the biblical prophecy of Daniel about
the coming of the Messiah after 70x7 years (“weeks”).
26. Poppe (Pop A.) (1688-1744) - English poet, author of the poem "An Experience about
27. Ermolov Alexey Petrovich (1772-1861) - Russian general, comrade-in-arms
Suvorov and Kutuzov.
28. Apparently, we are talking about the relics of Voronezh Bishop Tikhon
Zadonsky, opened in August 1861.
29. Elecampane - a plant popularly used to treat breastfeeding
30. Finding a wall (ancient Slavic) - an attack of pain (wailing).
31. Tavern - trade in alcoholic beverages (tavern - tavern),
independent from the state.
32. Described by Leskov in a “Note” published in “Russian Life”,
1894, No. 83, as well as in the article “Where they mine” that was not published during his lifetime
fake relics."
33. Architriclin (Greek) - elder, master.
34. The Conscientious Court is an institution in old Russia where controversial cases
were decided not according to the law, but according to the conscience of the judges.
35. That is, the liberation of peasants without land.
36. Nomads (Greek) - nomads.
37. Serdovye are middle-aged people.
38. White - old (person).
39. Saint Anthony (III century BC), according to legend, for many years
struggled with temptations and visions.