April Fool's pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks Jokes for April 1st pranks for colleagues

Perhaps the kindest holiday of the year is approaching - April Fool's Day. The main task of the first of April is to successfully prank your friends and not fall for this bait yourself. If vigilance helps with the latter, then you will need interesting jokes for your friends on April 1st. Let's consider the options for drawings.

April 1st jokes for friends on the phone

A telephone joke is a great way to congratulate a friend on the first of April. For everything to work, keep in mind that the “victim” is ready for pranks. So act suddenly.

Note: discard pranks that affect the personal life of a person and his relatives. At first glance, such jokes seem funny, but if the price of laughter is offense, then this is bad humor.

So, how to prank a friend on the phone:

  • Are you sleeping?

The good thing about this joke is that the person will not even think that he is being played. Wait until three in the morning and then call a friend.

- Hello. Hello, how are you?

- Hello, what do you want?

-You were probably already asleep?


- Sorry, I'll call you in the morning.

This is a pretty harsh joke, so when you “meet” a friend in person, be prepared to listen to a tirade of dissatisfaction.

  • Stock up on water.

Quite an old joke, but people still fall for it. The main thing is to call from a number unfamiliar to the “victim” and preferably change your voice plausibly. Dial a friend and say something like this:

– Good morning (afternoon, evening). Is this Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich?

- Hello. Yes it's me.

- They are bothering you from the city water utility. During the day, we will begin unscheduled repairs of major systems. Therefore, the water supply in your area will be turned off. Repairs may take a while, so we recommend stocking up on water. Fill all available containers with it.

- Fine. Thanks for the warning.

Say goodbye and wait a few hours. Then call back.

- Hello. This is the city water canal again. Have you filled the bath with water?

- Yes thank you.

- My pleasure. Now go and launch the boats. Happy April 1st!

  • Telephone terrorist.

Call the “victim” and talk for a few minutes on abstract topics or on business. Then, as if by chance, say that there is now a telephone operator on the line who is pestering subscribers and advise them not to pick up the phone for a few minutes.

Say goodbye and wait 2-3 minutes. Then call him, but from a different number. If your friend answers the phone, scream into the microphone. An emotional reaction is guaranteed.

  • Not available.

This giveaway does not involve calling anyone. In this case, they need to call you. In this case, the joke will affect everyone who dials your number that day.

Set the forwarding to your number. Choose any organization: school, hairdresser, travel agency or bathhouse. Imagine the bewilderment of callers when, instead of your “Hello,” they hear an unfamiliar voice that convinces them that they are in the wrong place.

It will be doubly interesting if your friends think that you are on the other end of the line and are trying to prank them.

Note: Don't forward calls to police, fire, or ambulance departments. Firstly, they won’t appreciate jokes, and secondly, their line should be free for targeted calls.

April 1st jokes for friends at school

If you didn’t make fun of your friends at school on April Fools’ Day, you wasted the day. Do not do it this way. Show your imagination - and go ahead and enjoy a good mood. To do this, use the pranks described below:

  • Why skiing?

You will need four matches and a straight face. Go up to a classmate or classmate and say: “Do you want me to show you a joke?”

If the “victim” agrees, ask them to keep their arms at their sides with their elbows bent. Next, give your friend a match in each hand, and put the remaining two under the shoes so that the head sticks out.

After that, ask the question: “What month is it now?” After the obvious answer, ask: “Why are you skiing then?”

The discouraged friend will realize that he has been played, but it will be too late.

  • There's something on the ceiling.

While sitting in class, quietly write a note with the following content - “There is a mop on the ceiling” - and pass it around the class. Most who read it will look at the ceiling.

Absurd: how can a mop lie on the ceiling? But they will check anyway. It's funny to watch how curiosity takes precedence over common sense.

If you're lucky, the chain reaction will reach the teacher, which is doubly funnier.

  • Shall we argue?

For this draw, choose a gambling person who likes to bet. For everything to go as expected, you need to have minimal acting skills.

Advice: try to believe what you say so as not to give yourself away ahead of time.

Go up to your friend and, handing over 100 tenge, say: “Imagine, today they slipped it in the store. I bet you can’t tell it apart from this bill?” - and hand over a second banknote of the same denomination.

Note: It is desirable that both bills are in perfect condition.

With the first sentence, you hint that the store slipped a fake, but don’t say it directly. With your second sentence you challenge your friend. To stir up the excitement, bet on “real” 100 tenge.

No matter how many times a person compares banknotes, he will not find any differences, since they are both real. When the “victim” gives up, reveal the secret and try to remember the expression on her face at that moment.

  • Food giveaways.

These are primitive, but no less funny pranks. Here's what you can do:

  1. On your way to school, buy a liter bottle of cola. Drink or pour out some of the drink. Screw the lid on tightly, shake and place in your briefcase. During recess, place the bottle in a visible place and wait for someone to ask for a sip. What happens when the “victim” opens the bottle is not worth explaining.
  2. To prepare this prank you will need 100-200 g of cookies with vanilla filling and toothpaste. The most savvy guessed that part of the treat needed to be replaced with toothpaste.

Note: don't overdo it. Don't let the toothpaste spread, otherwise the characteristic smell will ruin your plan.

Place everything in a transparent bag and take it to school. During recess, place the treats in a visible place and demonstratively eat a couple of cookies. If no one wants a treat, offer it yourself.

I wonder who will be lucky enough to pull out real cookies, and who will get a surprise dessert?

When planning pranks for April 1, the main thing is to have the appropriate mindset and take into account possible developments of events. For example, a person drenched in cola may not appreciate humor, so it is better to replace it with mineral water. But who would want to drink it?! In any case, fun is guaranteed, and you shouldn’t get too hung up on the consequences.

There are literally a few hours left until the holiday, which some consider meaningless and merciless, while others see it as an excellent reason to joke. April 1, also known as April Fool's Day, forces us to be careful when communicating with friends, or to use our creativity and sense of humor to the fullest. If you don’t want or don’t have time to come up with your own prank, we offer you a dozen time-tested April Fool’s jokes.

Classics of the genre

1. If we discard the vulgar “your whole back is white,” then the most indestructible classic is moving all the clocks in the house forward an hour. The “victim” gets up an hour earlier by the alarm clock and goes about his business through the morning darkness. And he doesn’t even suspect that he will have to wait another hour for the meeting/the start of the working day/the opening of the museum.

2. Fill the bottom of a glass with toothbrushes with Moment glue. Primitive? Yes, but in the morning you are guaranteed the rage and bewilderment of your relatives.

3. Tonight, before going to bed, hide all your slippers. The effect is similar to the previous point.

4. If your family has gourmets with a keen sense of beauty, skip this point. In other cases, good old salt in a sugar bowl works like clockwork, no matter how old this “trick” is.

5. In recent years, a prank with soap and nail polish has become popular thanks to public pages on VKontakte. Actually, you take soap and clear nail polish. The first is covered with the last, and after drying it cannot be distinguished from ordinary soap by appearance. But an attempt to “soap” such a piece turns into a fiasco for the unaware “victim”.

6. Food coloring can help you! You can use it as a joke in many ways (fortunately, regular dyes are safe), but the most popular way is to dye your toothbrush overnight. I wonder why people joke about hygiene products so often?..

If you have a working day ahead

Maybe it happens that you have to spend this Saturday at work? Well, maybe some office pranks might come in handy.

7. An optical computer mouse can be sealed from the bottom with a piece of tape. Before your colleague realizes what's going on, he will be convinced for some time that the most important part of the computer has become unusable.

8. Give or lend a banknote to a colleague. Just make a reservation that it is better not to insert it into the ATM. For a long time and painfully, your “victim” will look for signs of a counterfeit on the banknote.

9. If you have a particularly curious person at work, take a cardboard box with the bottom cut out or simply poorly secured. Place a variety of things in it, and write something like “do not touch” or “personal items” on the outside. Then leave the room and wait for the person being played to enter it. Then walk into the noise of things falling out and watch the reaction.

Creative approach

There are many unusual ways to prank others. We offer one of them.

10. You make an agreement with your friend and go buy some takeaway food at the nearest fast food outlet. Then you get on the metro and your friend leaves for the nearest station. On the next train, you enter the same carriage, during the trip, go to the “passenger-driver” communication button and pretend to speak into the microphone. Say the following loudly and clearly: “Hamburger, country fries and a small Coke!” At the next station, a friend, to the surprise of those around you, solemnly hands you a package with your order.

Whatever prank you pull off, don’t forget to congratulate your friend on April 1st and say that it was a joke. Friendship is more valuable!

April 1 is a great occasion to arrange a real test for your loved ones, playing them as tough and fun as possible. There are no prohibitions on this day! The jokes can be borderline (the main thing is that the victim doesn’t have a heart attack), the humor can be reckless, and the holiday itself can be off-putting. We have prepared this selection especially for fans of extreme, extraordinary, memorable pranks.

Prank your friend: a mixture of humor, fun and fright

The coolest prank is the one that is completely impossible to guess. It should have some spice, some zest, some kind of novelty and originality that does not allow the victim to understand that they are making fun of her. So, let's go!

Option 1. For those on the subway

A surprisingly simple and at the same time effective prank, which requires one accomplice and being in the subway during rush hour. We go in, pretend that we pressed the button to communicate with the driver and loudly ask: “Please, a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger for such and such a car.” At the next stop your accomplice is already waiting for you (discuss the carriage number in advance), who delivers what is “ordered.” Of course, passengers are perplexed. But it will also be mixed with indignation when, again imitating a dialogue with the driver, you say: “Okay, now it’s time to get to the final station without stopping, I’m in a hurry!”

Option 2. Risky

An excellent, effective prank for a company gathered to spend April Fool's Day in nature. Prepare a jar of squash or eggplant caviar in advance. While your friends are “covering the clearing,” step aside. Discreetly dump the props on the ground and sprinkle them with scraps of toilet paper for decoration. Now it's all about artistry. You pretend that you accidentally discovered this unambiguous pile, grab a spoon and shout “Oops, it’s fresh!” eat. Believe me, the day will start very cool!

Option 3. Simple but tasteful

Everything here is extremely simple. You choose the victim of the joke and a cool, humorous postcard that suits his nature (there are a huge number of these on sale now). Now you need to format it correctly: We print out an official envelope on behalf of, for example, the tax office, court, military registration and enlistment office, and so on. It is important that the letter looks serious and personable, and does not raise questions. We put the purchased postcard inside. Believe me, the victim will be both puzzled and scared, and then laugh a lot.

Option 4. With goldfish

Works great with fellow aquarium enthusiasts. If your friend has fish at home, give him a very tough show. First cut out a fish silhouette from a carrot and hide it in your hand. When you come to visit a friend, unceremoniously put your hand into the aquarium and move it there (lovers of aquatic fauna may have a nervous breakdown just from this!), then - one sharp movement, and, Defiantly waving the carrot piece in the air, put it in your mouth! Moreover, as deliciously as possible and with remarks like: “The freshest fish is here!”, “Mmmm, the most delicious view!” Be prepared for a very violent reaction.

Option 5. With a glass

The props are simple - a plastic cup, but the effect will be amazing. Especially if you organize a prank in an office, auditorium or classroom, with a large crowd of people. We start by complaining all day about pain in the neck, saying it hurts and we have no strength. It’s better to do this intrusively, so that in a couple of hours everyone knows about your problem. Now, while no one sees, We put a glass on our hand and put it behind our neck. We approach the chosen victim, bow our heads with a pained look, pressing the glass. A wild crunch is heard. Everyone around is in shock!

Option 6. Voice card

Again, a simple but very effective way to make it an unforgettable experience for your chosen victim. There is a service on the Internet « voice cards » , for such a request, any search engine will return several cool sites. We select the appropriate text, for example: “The police are bothering you. We have received a message that you have pornography on your computer. Due to the new law banning the illegal downloading and storage of porn for private viewing, we are required to seize your hard drive to examine it. In 10-15 minutes the police will come to you. Prepare the disc and its warranty card. That's all, see you later." In the specified field, enter the number of the subscriber who will receive such a call. Impressions are guaranteed for everyone.

Option 7. Cosmetic

Cosmetics are a great material for various funny and simple pranks. For example, you can at night, a man paints his nails with bright varnish, and then set the alarm clock so that when he wakes up, he is practically late for work or school. Your boyfriend or husband will wake up and go out looking so handsome. Another option is to draw purple bruises under the eyes. Such a joke will also have a sufficient effect when the victim sees himself in the mirror.

Option 8. With bulging eyes

A cool joke, especially sophisticated because of its simplicity. You buy a tennis ball, cut it in half, and add a pupil to each “eye.” Tighten with a thin elastic band. You put an improvised mask over your eyes, over your dark glasses. When the intended victim calls you, come up and take off your glasses with a beautiful gesture, showing your bulging eyes. It will be a lot of fun!

Option 9. Scare a stranger

A prank that will bring a lot of emotions to both you and the chosen victim. The main task is to find a person she doesn’t know. Invite the victim for a walk, sit him on a bench, and leave under some pretext. Now it's your accomplice's turn. He approaches an unsuspecting friend, sits down next to him, with the most serious look possible, takes out someone’s photograph, moves it towards the unwitting participant in the joke and quietly says: “I want it to look like an accident.” Then he gets up abruptly and leaves. When you return, you will hear a lot of interesting things.

Option 10. Haunted

On a beautiful day, April 1, preferably in the late afternoon, send SMS messages to your friends with the simple text “Open the door, I’m here!” . They go, open the door, and there is no one there. It even looks a little creepy.

Option 11. With vodka and a car

The props are simple - a vodka bottle filled with plain water. You get into a car with friends and go somewhere to run errands. Deliberately delay time, drive the car as carefully and slowly as possible. When the irritation of passengers reaches its peak, take out the bottle and, with the words “Okay, it’s your own fault,” empty it about halfway in one gulp. Now press on the gas as hard as you can.

Option 12. With a mobile phone

Here you will have to work a little to find suitable props. You need a mobile phone panel that is exactly similar to the phone used by the potential victim of the prank. Ask a friend for his cell phone, saying yours is dead and you need to call urgently. Step aside and quietly replace your mobile phone with the purchased panel. Pretend that the conversation is turning into an argument, then angrily throw the “phone” and stomp on it for good measure. The victim's shock is guaranteed.

Option 13. Very hard

In addition to the victim, you will also need an accomplice. Bet with the target of the prank that he cannot guess which part of the body he is touching while blindfolded. There is only one condition: you can only feel with your fingers. Now blindfold the victim and start pinning him. Have her guess the accomplice's body parts correctly several times, then slip in two halves of a tomato. Naturally, he is perplexed - what is this? And then the accomplice screams wildly that his eyes were gouged out...

Pranks on April 1st are the best way to have fun and laugh from the heart. True, when arranging them, soberly assess the victim’s psyche so that for her the matter does not end in the hospital. Remember: fun only turns out great when it’s completely safe. And, of course, unexpectedly.

Hello, friends! I suggest you think together about how to have fun on April 1st with your family. There's only a little time left before the holiday, so it's time to develop an insidious plan to play pranks on mom, dad, husband, wife, brothers and sisters. I am sure that good pranks on April 1 at home will lift your spirits.

Home draws for April 1

A family where they can laugh at themselves and each other is the strongest and most cheerful. But even here it is important not to go too far. Let `s start?

Script for the wife - not for the faint of heart

Let's start with the fact that in order to implement the plan, your beloved half will have to be sent somewhere for a few hours on April 1. Entice her with the prospect of shopping, going to a beauty salon or to your favorite cafe with your girlfriends for a festive breakfast. Be nice, persuasive and accommodating.

As soon as the wife crosses the threshold of the house, get down to business. Call a locksmith immediately to change the locks. Install a brand new lock on the door and wait for your wife. Oh yes, I completely forgot. To make the wait less boring, invite a colleague or friend whom your wife has never seen in person.

Well, then the scenario will develop like clockwork. After a great time in a cafe, shops or hairdresser, a happy and inspired wife will return home. The first thing that will surprise her is the key. She won't be able to open the door for them like before. Don’t wait for your loved one to break the new lock, activate your colleague’s appearance on stage. To enhance the effect, invite him to dress casually, in tights and slippers, or even wrap himself in a towel, like after a shower.

Now imagine the picture. The wife tries to open the door, nothing comes of it, in desperation she rings the bell, knocks, showing impatience and annoyance. A brutal man in tights or a loincloth made of a terry towel opens the door for her, looking at her with the most expressed bewilderment. The wife is shocked and asks who he is and what he is doing in her apartment, to which she receives a logical answer - he lives here. From today. I bought an apartment from a man who matched the description of my husband. Well, here comes the fun part - the reaction to the prank.

It will be fun and funny to remember this joke after a while. Well, get ready for women’s revenge right away. It cannot be avoided.

For my sister - simple and tasteful

It's a pleasure to prank your sister! It's so fun to watch her scream and then run away from flying pillows and slippers all over the apartment.

  • So, I propose a proven and easy-to-perform joke - with a clapperboard. Before your beloved sister arrives, attach a large firecracker to the doorknob. As soon as she opens the doors, the firecracker will go off. Be prepared for a wild display of emotions!
  • If you decide to save your sister’s nerves, but are not ready to give up the April Fool’s joke, use the services of a free anonymous SMS service. It's always fun, and most importantly simple and interesting. Joking messages can be very different, but not offensive. For example, you can send a text offering to increase your breast size for free as a prize for being named "Best Sister in the World."

An SMS with a proposal to correct the shape of the nose or teeth (depending on what the sister does not consider perfect in appearance) from a distance will look even funnier. Such SMS always cheers you up.

  • Sewing up the legs of your sister's favorite jeans is a great idea for those who like to make bright jokes. Do not overdo it, sew with a basting stitch so that you can quickly return everything to its original state.
  • And this idea will be useful to the younger brother, who does not yet know how to prank his sister. Start a debate about the fact that everyone's tactile senses are developed differently. Hurt your sister's pride by saying that she would never be able to tell which part of the body she was touching with her eyes closed. As soon as the victim of the provocation is hooked, blindfold her, place a ripe tomato under her finger and offer to stick her finger into the pulp and juice. At the right moment, shout louder that it was your eye and it is leaking!

You will definitely remember your sister’s reaction for a long time!

Jokes for brother, husband and dad

Let's move on to jokes about men. Dad, beloved husband, brother - they all deserve to become participants in April Fools' pranks. You can joke about them in revenge, or you can just like that, to raise vitality and general fun in the family.

A funny joke on a husband with an illegitimate child. The day before the holiday, prepare a basket with the following set:

  • a toy baby in a blanket;
  • pacifier;
  • bottle;
  • packaging of diapers and a note.

On a holiday morning, if you volunteer to go to the store, discreetly place a basket with a doll on the doorstep.

When returning from the store, you allegedly find a “child”, tell them that you met a strange girl at the entrance with a tear-stained face and inappropriate behavior. How the husband will react to the joke is anyone's guess. The main thing is that the prank does not become fatal and does not unexpectedly open Pandora's box.

A more innocent and kind joke is a secret manicure. Suitable for brother, husband and even dad. As soon as the men in the house fall asleep, sneak into their rooms and paint your nails with bright polish, while setting the alarm clock 30 minutes ahead. In the morning, in a hurry getting ready for work, school or a business meeting, a man may not immediately pay attention to the manicure. The time of ignorance is your time, have fun!

Jokes for the whole family

  • If you joke with a magnet, everyone present at the table will be in a great mood. Secure it under the table just where the forks and spoons are. Don't forget the tablecloth. It will be fun to watch the person try to free himself from the tablecloth stuck to his fork!
  • Classics of the genre - mayonnaise or sour cream instead of toothpaste, replacing antiperspirant with butter or a sandwich with cheese in a cellophane package.
  • A cute prank for the youngest members of the family is a queue of plush toys for the toilet, and for dad or mom who spend a lot of time at the computer - replacing keyboard keys or a screensaver with a message about a system failure.

It turns out that you don’t even have to leave your apartment to play a prank on your family. The main thing is to prepare for the holiday in advance! Share the post with your friends - inspire them to make funny April Fools' jokes!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The first of April is not only International Bird Day, but also an excellent occasion to exercise your imagination and creativity. Every year, schoolchildren leave a button on their favorite teacher’s chair, and adults prove to each other that one of them “has a white back.” True, it’s time to start coming up with fresh pranks for April 1 and add to the list of the most famous jokes in the world.

history of the holiday

The history of this day requires special attention. According to legend, once the British King John the Landless was traveling to a remote provincial village, which was separated from “civilization” by a long narrow road. But the townspeople allowed the king to visit them only the second time, when John threatened them to take the village by storm. It turned out that the inhabitants of the small town were absolutely not adapted to life: they chopped wood with chopsticks, tried to catch animals, but the bait was left in a cage with an open lid, and the fish were drowned in the lake. The king did not do anything with the city, laughed and simply left. Since then, residents of the city of Gotham have been celebrating Deception Day, which gradually turned into April Fool's Day (or April Fool's Day). True, this legend was first mentioned only several centuries later, in 1686 (in one of the works of the English writer and antiquarian John Aubrey).

In Russia, things are different with this day: in Ancient Rus', Fool's Day was at first considered a special day of awakening... of the brownie. Then every exemplary family man tried with all his might to appease his Domovoy: he prepared delicious porridge or sweet compote for him. And only during the reign of Peter I, Domovoy Day began to be perceived as World Laughter Day.

How to play a prank on your friends and acquaintances so that they remember you for a long time with a wide smile on their face? Today we will try to offer you a dozen traditional (and not so traditional) April Fools' pranks. Go?

Funny pranks for classmates

International April Fool's Day is approaching, and you haven't yet managed to come up with pranks for your classmates on April 1? Then read our small selection and choose what you like.

Find a large box, fill it with colorful confetti (or candy wrappers, for example) and place it on a cool cabinet. Write (or sticker) something like “18+ only” or “Do not open” on the front. And most importantly: your box should not have a bottom. Therefore, if one of your classmates sees the magic box and wants to see what is hidden inside, he will have to remove it from the closet one way or another. Then all the contents, of course, will crumble. We promise a charge of positive mood for the whole day! But do not forget to promptly clean up everything after yourself - the teacher may not appreciate your efforts.

Before the start of the next lesson, put a piece of paper on the desks with a laconic phrase: “On the ceiling is Dashkin’s (Mashin’s, Katin’s, whatever) backpack.” Do not doubt that everyone will definitely look up and carefully look for that same briefcase until they are convinced that, in fact, it is unlikely to be found there. And the fun begins when the piece of paper reaches the teacher. Do you think he won’t be curious to know what Dashkin’s backpack is doing on the ceiling?

Treat your classmates to unusual candies, namely, those with the taste of fish, garlic or soap. However, after the draw, we advise you to make amends and give the girls real sweets so that they will not be offended.

If you haven’t yet decided how to prank your friends and acquaintances on the day of laughter and smiles, and all you can think about in your head is “Hey, your whole back is white!”, don’t worry. We will be happy to share our insidious (just kidding!) ideas with you. Remember that the main thing is not to offend other people and not spoil their mood on this joyful holiday.

We warn you: your “victim” must have a bad habit. Treat the person being played to a cigarette (preferably a special one, which you seem to have brought from afar, after a long trip to overseas lands). Has your friend agreed to smoke? Take action. You can, for example, turn on light jazz (at minimum volume), fill the room with the smell of lavender, or “blink” the light. If there is someone else in the room, let them not show their view and, under no circumstances, laugh. We assure you that your friend’s sincere emotions will be remembered by everyone (including him) for a long time.

What to do if you urgently need a huge bucket of water? That's right, turn to your friends. Therefore, call your friends early in the morning and urgently ask them to bring that same bucket. So, in a few hours, a decent number of people with worried faces and, most importantly, with buckets will be standing outside your apartment. By the way, it would make a good flash mob, which even your neighbors will certainly pay attention to.

This good old prank is still able to take even the most focused lady by surprise. Go to a coffee shop with a friend and, while having a leisurely conversation, suddenly point your hand at her hair and shout: “Spider!” By the way, it doesn’t have to be a spider - at least a caterpillar or a bee. The main thing is to be as realistic as possible.

If you can joke with friends and colleagues any way and anywhere, then the easiest way to prank your parents is at home. Mom and Dad, of course, may be slightly indignant, but our jokes on April 1 are the kindest. Always remember that your main goal is to cheer up both your parents and yourself.

A funny prank for those who have a sense of humor. Find the biggest closet in the house and fill it with an endless supply of soft balls. In the morning, parents will probably get ready for work and, as usual, open the closet without any second thoughts, and many, many small balls will fall out of the magic wall. A boost of energy for the whole day!

Stealthily take one of your mother’s blouses and pour a mixture of ammonia and purgen onto it. You will have to be patient, because the parents will be very unhappy when they see such an outrage. But ammonia has the miraculous property of evaporating, and after a few minutes there will be no trace left of the unfortunate stain.

Try to hide things in your parents’ personal bags that they definitely wouldn’t take with them: for example, give your dad your mom’s cosmetic bag and the Good Advice magazine, and give your mom some wrenches along with a fishing rod. Imagine their surprise when they notice the funny changes in the usual order of things.

Don't forget that April 1 is the day of good jokes. Therefore, if you decide to prank the whole family, make sure that no one is offended. By the way, the British traditionally play pranks on family members only in the first half of the day. And we have selected the funniest morning pranks for you.

Even the most ordinary morning ritual can be made special - cover the family soap with clear nail polish and wait until one of the parents wants to wash their face or wash their hands. No matter how hard they try, it’s unlikely that anything will come of it. Simple physics.

If your parents love to have a delicious breakfast, but have difficulty waking up in the morning, this prank is for them. Prepare breakfast cereals (the traditional way: muesli + water, nothing fancy) and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you will see a funny picture: the porridge will turn into a piece of ice and it will be very difficult to eat. But it will take the sleep away. Like with your hand!

Give parents a feeling...and add salt instead of sugar to their morning tea. This is probably the simplest, but most beloved April Fool's prank. By the way, accidentally mixing up salt with sugar has been considered a good omen since ancient times. Some even practice such changes constantly.

April 1st jokes are pleasant and unpunished pranks that kids especially love. Remember how many times children played pranks on you? Yes, yes, you shouldn’t remain in debt - show your child what you can do.

If your baby (or toddler) always sleeps soundly at night, carefully move him (her) to another room and watch the child's reaction when he wakes up in an unusual environment. Come up with a compelling answer in advance to the question of how he ended up in a completely different room.

“Are you from France?” Let your child imagine that he woke up in another country - start speaking to him, for example, only in French. For more atmosphere, turn on French music or a cartoon in the same language. Believe it or not, when everything returns to its place, the child will be truly happy.

It will be fun if you bring home a large box of eclairs or muffins (in general, it doesn’t matter - as long as there is something sweet inside) and replace them with fresh and healthy vegetables: Brussels sprouts, broccoli and carrots. On the box itself you can write in large letters: “From April 1st!” Alas, when your child opens the curious box, there will be no sweets inside! Try to capture his facial expression at this moment.

How sometimes you want to joke with your colleagues, even if you work in some large corporation. Even if you are the president of this very corporation. But if you want to, you have to act.

Write Any Key on a piece of paper and discreetly stick it to the system unit on the Reset key. We hope that your colleague does not have sufficient knowledge of the English language and the prank will be successful. Of course, any time you press this magic button, the screen will immediately go dark and the computer will turn off. It is advisable that hyper-important documents are not in editing mode at that moment - it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly restore them.

How can we do without the classic change of signs at the entrance to the men's and women's toilets? Now M is women's territory, and F is men's territory. An old but proven way to cheer up colleagues in the midst of a working day.

For this prank you will need patience... and eggs. Carefully pierce each egg with a syringe and remove all contents from there, pour plain water inside in the same way. Don't worry, nothing will spill without your knowledge. All that remains is to say hello to your colleagues and “accidentally” put an egg in each of them’s pockets. And you can guess what to do next - just slap the egg as hard as you can if you want it to break.

As trivial as it may seem, jokes on April 1 really prolong life. Proven not only by British scientists! If you want to know how to prank your friends and acquaintances, contact us - we will always help.

Probably one of the most colorful pranks, for which you will need an unlimited number of multi-colored sticks. The rest is up to you (and your imagination) - cover the entire car of your “victim” with stickers. It is advisable to “paint” different parts of the car with the same color: for example, the entire hood will be yellow, and the doors will be light green. You can even come up with some kind of inscription. Go for it!

Treat your friend to a can of cola, after replacing its contents with soy sauce. For the first few seconds, the “victim” will look at his drink in bewilderment until he understands what the catch is. By the way, we advise you to check with your friend in advance if he (she) has an allergy to soy.

Have family friends over for dinner again? Have some fun by gluing a few coins to the floor. You can use regular glue, or you can take the issue more seriously and drive the money structure into the floor. The further development of events depends only on your imagination.

SMS drawings for April 1

You can give each other a smile from a distance, especially since modern instant messengers allow this. Funny SMS for April 1 will definitely cheer up your friends and family.

In a message (from an unknown caller), happily notify your friend that $20 will be charged from his account due to the fact that Moroccan cockroaches are becoming extinct. Be sure to thank him for this small contribution. Let him also contribute to the research work (stop, of course, you don’t actually need to withdraw money - it’s just a joke).

This drawing may be one of the contenders for an honorable place in the list of “Best jokes for April 1st”. Write to a subscriber you know that he is being permanently disconnected for disclosing state secrets online and expect a violent reaction.

It's funny if this message comes to a friend's phone when he is next to his beloved. Threaten him to “tell everything about your relationship” if he doesn’t call back, and sign with any woman’s name.

On April Fool's Day, you shouldn't limit your imagination - no one has canceled the draws for April 1st.

Gather with your family and friends at home to watch the next football match. There will probably be several bottles of cola on the table, but instead of ice, add Mentos to the drink. If you are not a novice in chemistry, you will not be surprised when a fountain gushes out of the neck. But the surprise of your friends will know no bounds!

Before guests gather at the house, make sure that they do not get bored with small talk. Find a large jar of water, put a photo of one of your friends in it and leave it in the refrigerator. During a break between watching a movie, offer the “victim” to bring some refreshments. Now watch the reaction of the person being acted out from the side - expression at maximum!

For this prank you only need a cheerful mood and a cell phone. And, of course, a close friend with strong nerves. Call him on April Fool's morning and after a couple of minutes tell him in a concerned voice that you will call back later. During the next call, your friend should no longer hear your voice, but a tearing scream.

Funny SMS for April 1st is a must-follow item. True, jokes on April 1 such as “I’m calling from the police/hospital or even the morgue” are already outdated. So read our selection and get ready to attack!

Call someone you know, politely say hello (you can introduce yourself as a service center consultant) and clearly begin to say: “Switch the phone to tone mode. To press one, press two; to press two, press three..." and so on. We guarantee your friend will hang up in less than a minute, but your prank will make his day.

How would you respond to a call at four o'clock in the morning? Especially when you have to work early tomorrow morning? We think that this morning prank will at least cheer your friend up. Call your best friend at half past four in the morning to see if he is awake. As soon as you hear his sleepy voice, politely apologize and say that you will definitely call back in the morning.

Draws on April 1 must be kind and safe. If you are a girl, then call an unfamiliar subscriber and, flirting, ask if he recognizes you. When the “victim” starts listing different names, settle on the one you like best. Make an appointment, give the address. A few minutes later, call him back and make sure that the man has left and is “rushing” to meet you. What if he really meets the girl of his dreams and she turns out to be you?

How to prank friends and acquaintances with food or drinks? We promise that after these harmless pranks, your friends will remember their April Fool's Day for a long time.

Try making fake scrambled eggs using canned peach and yogurt. For added impact, you can garnish your dish with slices of fresh bacon. This tasty and healthy prank will especially appeal to kids.

Remember childhood pranks and try to have fun - pierce a ripe apple, place a gummy worm in it and watch the reaction of your “victim”.

Add a couple of drops of food coloring to a milk drink and it will turn... blue!

We hope that after our selection you will have no doubt that you can and should joke, and not only on April 1st. The main thing is to do it competently.

Text: Ksenia Kova