Essay on the topic: Bazarov’s attitude towards his parents in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons. Essay on bazaars and parents in Turgenev’s novel fathers and sons What is Bazarov’s true attitude towards his parents

>Essays based on the work Fathers and Sons

Bazarov's attitude towards his parents

The novel by the Russian writer I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” was significant for its time. Written in the second half of the 19th century, it fully reflected the problems of the era and the conflict between the older and younger generations, which was relevant in all centuries. Prominent representatives of the older generation in it are Bazarov's parents - Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasevna Bazarov. These are the only people who accepted their son for who he is, because they sincerely loved him.

Despite the fact that the author did not pay as much attention to them as to the Kirsanov family, we understand that these are people of the old school, brought up in accordance with strict rules and traditional dogmas. Vasily Ivanovich, like his son, is a doctor. In the eyes of others, he tries to seem progressive, but he is betrayed by his distrust of modern methods of medicine. Arina Vlasevna is a real Russian woman. She is illiterate and very pious. Overall, it makes a pleasant impression on the reader. The author notes that she should have been born two hundred years ago.

Both father and mother treat their son with reverence. They dote on him, despite his sharply liberal views. For them, it doesn’t matter whether Evgeniy is close or far away, the main thing is that everything is fine with him. Bazarov’s own attitude towards his parents can hardly be called love. Sometimes they openly irritate him. It cannot be said that he appreciates the parental warmth with which they diligently surrounded him. He is not pleased with their attempts to show joy in his presence. That’s why he calls himself a “nihilist” in order to deny all the rules that have developed in society.

Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasevna know about their son’s views and his aversion to increased attention, so they try to hide their true feelings. Perhaps Bazarov himself loves his parents in his soul, but he doesn’t know how to openly show any emotions. Take, for example, his attitude towards Anna Sergeevna, whom he seriously liked and with whom he was really in love. Eugene never told her the most important thing, but only deliberately drowned out his feelings. Only, when he was already dying, he wrote her a letter reminding her of his love and asking her to come.

As it became clear at the end of the work, all his reactions were ostentatious. He was an absolutely normal, loving and good person, just to stand out from the crowd, he chose such an extraordinary way. Moreover, in a letter to Odintsova, he did not forget to mention his old people, begging her to keep an eye on them. The following lines testify precisely to his love for his parents: “People like them cannot be found in your great world during the day.”

“Fathers and Sons” is an outstanding work by I. Turgenev, which presents a wide panorama of relationships between people of different ages.

Bazarov's father is a representative of the older generation, a former military doctor. Nowadays he is treating village residents. Vasily Ivanovich does not trust new trends in medicine. He is a man who lives by the old rules characteristic of his generation. Old Bazarov is a conservative. He relies on God for help.

The mother is a real housewife, albeit of noble origin. She cannot be called smart, but she is kind and caring. Arina Vlasevna is a superstitious and at the same time pious woman.

Parents love their son without memory. The mother spends a lot of effort on the proper upbringing of her offspring, and the father takes care of a good education. Arina Vlasyevna is afraid of her son and tries in every possible way to serve him, and Vasily Ivanovich tries not to show how much he loves Bazarov. They are both so proud of their son and extol him so much that they consider themselves insignificant compared to him. Parents care about his well-being and are ready to blow away specks of dust from the child. All conversations and thoughts are only about the son, about his well-being, achievements and concerns. The spouses love Evgeniy endlessly and do not notice his true essence.

When Bazarov arrives home, his parents hope that he will stay with them. But the quiet village life quickly becomes boring, and Evgeniy hits the road. The upset father laments that he is left alone again.

Bazarov is used to his parents, but he does not love them as much as they love him. He treats them well, they are dear to him. But Evgeniy does not think about the fact that this needs to be expressed somehow. He does not allow his parents to expose their emotions to everyone, or to show excessive concern for him. Only when the last hour is approaching does Evgeny ask Odintsova to look after Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna, because there is no one better in the world.

I. Turgenev depicts the difference in interests of young people and people of the older generation. Young people quickly adapt to innovations. But people of advanced age have no need for fuss and a liberal look. Turgenev emphasizes a thought that is also relevant for the present time: generations must listen and help each other. This is the only way to achieve mutual understanding.

Bazarov and parents (essay)
“Fathers and Sons” is an outstanding work by I. Turgenev, which presents a wide panorama of relationships between people of different ages. Bazarov's father is a representative of the elder

Not rich. Manages his wife's estate.

Moderately educated and enlightened, he feels that rural life has left

him in isolation from modern ideas.

Adheres to generally conservative views, is religious,

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov,” a tall, thin man with

tousled hair and a thin aquiline nose,”

with a pipe in his teeth, a “retired veteran” (as he calls himself).

He lived a long nomadic life as a military doctor,” in which only

I haven’t been in any society, I haven’t gotten along with anyone!”

Not without pride he cherishes memories from distant years

of his camping life:

I felt the pulse of Prince Wittgenstein and Zhukovsky.”

Another, hidden memory lives in him - about the Decembrists:

"Tehto, in the southern army, on the fourteenth, you understand

(and here Vasily Ivanovich pursed his lips significantly),

knew everyone better."

Living in the wilderness, Bazarov - the eldest - got up at dawn in his garden

I planted every tree myself.

Having a very modest income, he put the peasants on quitrent and

gave them his land "in share."

He tries to “keep up with the times”, to be that thinking person

For whom “there is no backwater.” He doesn't want to be in front of people like that

advanced people, like Bazarov and Arkady, hit the face

in the dirt, and he tries to show off his interest in front of them

to science, starts talking about the grave fears instilled in him

Napoleonic policy and the intricacy of the Italian question."

He expresses himself floridly.

It is she who owns the village of the Bazarovs and 22 souls

A devout follower of Orthodoxy.

She is suspicious and sentimentally sensitive.

She loves her son and is deeply concerned about his renunciation of faith.

Arina Vlasevna - “a round, short old lady” with “chubby hands”,

pious, sensitive, believing in omens, fortune-telling, conspiracies, dreams.

All this paints the image of a “real Russian noblewoman of the past”,

which should have lived “for two hundred years, in old Moscow times.”

But she captivates with her kindness and sincerity.

but they did not bother him with excessive care and “did not oppress him.”

He is the pride and glory of the kind, naive old men.

They gave “Enyushenka” complete freedom, and he formed

yourself as a person completely independently.

But Evgeniy did not favor his parents, he considered himself

taller than parents and this creates a gap in relationships

Images of Bazarov's old parents
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Bazarov's parents

Old man Bazarov and his wife Arina Vlasevna love their only son Evgeniy very much. After the death of their son, they live out their lives sadly and alone.

The image and characteristics of Bazarov’s father in the novel “Fathers and Sons”

The full name of the hero is Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov:

". Vasily Ivanovich’s cheeks flushed vaguely. "

". Here I am, an old man, living for sixty-two years. "

". A sixty-year-old father is busy. "

". His face was very similar to his son, only his forehead was lower and narrower, and his mouth was a little wider. "

". How he turned grey, however, poor fellow. "

". a tall, thin man with tousled hair and a thin aquiline nose, dressed in an open old military frock coat. "

". spanking with worn out shoes. "

". placing his military hand on the greasy skullcap that covered his head. "

". the old staff doctor appeared before the young people, dressed in a homemade linen jacket and with a straw hat, also homemade, on his head. "

". Vasily Ivanovich’s bronze cheeks flushed vaguely. "

". suddenly he opened his wide mouth and laughed without any noise. "

". Holding your greasy dressing gown with two fingers on your stomach. "

". The old man’s hands were shaking, and he could not cope with the bandages. "

". his motionless, hunched back. "

". laughed, showing every last one of his black teeth. "

Bazarov's father manages the estate owned by his wife:

". In our province, about eighty versts from here. He has a small estate there. "

". and my father’s estate is not far from there. "

". a small village where Bazarov’s parents lived. Next to her, in a young birch grove, one could see a noble house under a thatched roof. "

". However, it’s not surprising to me: I’m a plebeian, homo novus - not one of the pillars, not like my missus. "

". In my father’s division there was a doctor named Bazarov. "

". He was formerly a regimental doctor. "

". Let me ask you to go to the office of a retired veteran. "

". “I served in your grandfather’s brigade,” he turned again to Arkady. "(served in the brigade of General Kirsanov - grandfather of Arkady Kirsanov)

Bazarov's father is a simple man:

". After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day. "

". They are good people, especially my father: he’s very funny. I'm the only one they have. "

". You see what my parents are like. The people are not strict. "

". I keep everything here simple, on a military footing. "

". His entire house consisted of six tiny rooms.<. >a leather sofa, dented and torn in some places. "

". we live here, so to speak, in bivouacs*. "(bivouac - a troop stop for the night)

". you and I are not Croesus and<. >you don't have a palace. "

". Here you go! A very funny old man and the kindest. "

". laughed more good-naturedly<. >his happy father. "

". he’s generous with the peasants—he’s having a blast, in a word. "

". By the ease of his address,” Bazarov noted to Arkady, “and by the playfulness of his turns of speech, you can judge that my father’s men are not too oppressed.” "

". The same eccentric as yours, only in a different way. He talks a lot. "

". Vasily Ivanovich<. >was about to chat with him, but Bazarov immediately sent him away. "

". he was constantly moving, moving his shoulders as if his dress was cutting under his arms, blinking, coughing and moving his fingers, while his son was distinguished by a kind of careless immobility. "

". Vasily Ivanovich quickly jumped up from the bench. "

". Remarkable survivability! - Bazarov said, moving away from the window. "

". And Vasily Ivanovich fussily walked forward, shuffling and splashing with worn-out shoes. "

". I try, if possible, not to become overgrown with moss, as they say, to keep up with the times. "

". I, for example, not without making sensitive sacrifices for myself, put the peasants on rent and gave them my land for share. I considered it my duty; prudence itself dictates in this case. "

". And look, what a kindergarten I have now! I planted every tree myself. There are fruits, berries, and all sorts of medicinal herbs. "

". Vasily Ivanovich. In a Bukhara dressing gown, belted with a handkerchief, the old man was diligently rummaging in the garden. "

". And here I am, as you can see, like a certain Cincinnatus, making a bed for late turnips. Now the time has come - and thank God! - that everyone must get food for themselves with their own hands, there is nothing to rely on others: you have to work yourself. "

". I do all this gratis* - anamater. » (*gratis - free)

". After all, you know, I gave up practice, and twice a week I have to shake off the old stuff. They go for advice - you can’t just push people in the face. Sometimes the poor resort to help. "

". talks about “palliative” remedies, treats people. "

". Well, yes, I’m ready to admit to them that I had this passion in my youth - for sure; Yes, and I paid for it. "

". Vasily Ivanovich led everyone into the garden to admire the beauty of the evening. "

". At this point I like to philosophize, looking at the setting sun. "

". Well, if Christianity doesn’t help, be a philosopher, a stoic, or something! After all, you boasted that you were a philosopher. "

". They would have crushed me, a little man. "

". Vasily Ivanovich did not dare admit that he himself wished for the prayer service... He was no less devout than his wife. "

". Religion is strong in you; Here's your chance to put it to the test. "

". my military, bivouac life, dressing stations<. >I have experienced a lot, a lot in my lifetime. For example, if you allow me, I will tell you a curious episode of the plague in Bessarabia. "

". For which did you get Vladimir? - Bazarov picked up. "

". just the day before he ordered the red ribbon to be removed from his coat) and began to tell an episode of the plague. "

". Not only do I idolize him, I am proud of him. "

". They love you so much. "(parents love Bazarov)

". He knew how to figure him out early and spared nothing for his upbringing. "

". Every morning, at first light, standing on his bare feet in his shoes, he conferred with Timofeich and, with trembling fingers, taking out one tattered banknote after another, entrusted him with various purchases. "

". The main thing is freedom; this is my rule... no need to embarrass... no..."

". Vasily Ivanovich accepted the hands from his face and hugged his wife, his girlfriend, as tightly as he had never hugged her in his youth: she consoled him in his sadness. "

In the novel “Fathers and Sons” Bazarov’s parents are prominent representatives of the older generation. Despite the fact that the author does not pay as much attention to them as, say, to the Kirsanov brothers, the images of Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vasilievna were not given by chance. With their help, the author most fully shows the relationships between generations.

Bazarov's parents

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov is the father of the main character of the novel. This is a man of the old school, brought up in strict rules. His desire to appear modern and progressive is cute, but the reader understands that he is more of a conservative than a liberal. Even in his profession as a healer, he adheres to traditional methods, not trusting modern medicine. He believes in God, but tries not to show his faith, especially in front of his wife.

Arina Vasilievna Bazarova is Evgeniy’s mother, a simple Russian woman. She is poorly educated and strongly believes in God. The image of a fussy old woman created by the author looks old-fashioned even for that time. Turgenev writes in the novel that she should have been born two hundred years ago.
She evokes only a pleasant impression, which is not spoiled by her piety and superstition, or her good nature and complaisance.

The relationship between parents and Bazarov

The characteristics of Bazarov's parents clearly show that for these two people there is nothing more important than their only son. This is where the meaning of their life lies. And it doesn’t matter at all whether Evgeniy is nearby or far away, all thoughts and conversations are only about his beloved and beloved child. Every word exudes care and tenderness. Old people speak very reverently about their son. They love him with blind love, which cannot be said about Evgeny himself: Bazarov’s attitude towards his parents can hardly be called love.

At first glance, it is difficult to call Bazarov’s relationship with his parents warm and affectionate. You can even say that he does not appreciate parental warmth and care at all. But this is far from true. He sees and notices everything, even experiences reciprocal feelings. But it’s not that he doesn’t know how to show them openly, he just doesn’t consider it necessary to do it. And he doesn’t allow those around him to do this.

Bazarov has a negative attitude towards any attempts by his parents to show joy from his presence. Bazarov's family knows this, and his parents try to hide their true feelings from him, do not show increased attention to him and do not show their love.

But all these qualities of Evgeniy turn out to be ostentatious. But the hero understands this too late, only when he is already dying. Nothing can be changed or returned. Bazarov understands this, and therefore asks Odintsova not to forget his old people: “People like them cannot be found in your big world during the day.” These words from his mouth can be compared to a declaration of love for his parents, he just doesn’t know how to express it any other way.

But the absence or manifestation of love is not the cause of misunderstanding between generations, and Bazarov’s upbringing is a clear confirmation of this.
He does not abandon his parents; on the contrary, he dreams that they understand him and share his beliefs. Parents try to do this, but still remain true to their traditional views. It is this discrepancy that leads to the problem of eternal misunderstanding between children and fathers.

Evgeny Bazarov is the main character in Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. Bazarov's character is a young man, a convinced nihilist, contemptuous of art and respecting only natural sciences, a typical representative of the new

generation of thinking youth. The main plot of the novel is the conflict between fathers and children, the bourgeois lifestyle and the desire for change.

In literary criticism, much attention is paid to the confrontation between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the personality of Arkady Nikolaevich (Bazarov’s friend), but very little is said about the relationship of the protagonist with his parents. This approach is very unfounded, because without studying his relationship with his parents it is impossible to fully understand his character.

Bazarov's parents are simple, good-natured old men who love their son very much. Vasily Bazarov (father) is an old district doctor, leading the boring, colorless life of a poor landowner, who at one time spared nothing for the good upbringing of his son.

Arina Vlasyevna (mother) is a noblewoman who “should have been born in the era of Peter the Great,” a very kind and superstitious woman who knows how to do only one thing - cook excellent food. The image of Bazarov's parents, a kind of symbol of ossified conservatism, is contrasted with the main character - inquisitive, intelligent, sharp in his judgments. However, despite such different worldviews, Bazarov’s parents truly love their son; in Evgeniy’s absence, all their free time is spent thinking about him.

Bazarov, on the other hand, treats his parents outwardly rather dryly; he certainly loves them, but is not used to open outpourings of feelings; he is burdened by constant obsessive attention. He cannot find a common language with either his father or his mother; he cannot even have discussions with them, like with Arkady’s family. This makes it hard for Bazarov, but he can’t help himself. under one roof, he agrees only on the condition that he will not be disturbed from studying natural sciences in his office. Bazarov’s parents understand this very well and try to please their only child in everything, but, of course, it is extremely difficult for them to tolerate such an attitude.

Perhaps Bazarov’s main trouble was that he was not understood by his parents, due to the large difference in intellectual development and level of education, and did not receive moral support from them, which is why he was such a harsh and emotionally cold person, which often alienated from him people.

However, in the parental home we are shown a different Evgeny Bazarov - softer, more understanding, full of tender feelings that he will never outwardly show due to internal barriers.

The characteristics of Bazarov’s parents baffle us: how could a person of such progressive views grow up in such a patriarchal environment? Turgenev once again shows us what a person can do on his own. However, it also shows Bazarov’s main mistake - his alienation from his parents, because they loved their child for who he is, and suffered greatly from his attitude. Bazarov's parents survived their son, but with his death the meaning of their existence ended.

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For some reason, literary criticism pays very little attention to Bazarov’s relationship with his parents. This, of course, is not such a “fertile” topic as, say, Bazarov’s conflict with Pavel Petrovich or his love affair with Odintsova. But it’s all the more interesting to take a close look at the relationship between the main character of “Fathers and Sons” and his parents.

Arina Vlasevna and Vasily Ivanovich represent the generation of “fathers” in the novel, along with more significant characters such as Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich.

The author pays a lot of attention to the description of Arina Vlasyevna. The reader appears before the reader as a pretty old woman in a cap, fussy, kind, meek, pious and, at the same time, superstitious. Turgenev, by the way, did not fail to notice that she should have been born two hundred years ago. For us, modern readers, this no longer has any meaning, since the time when the novel takes place is already separated from us by almost two centuries. But, nevertheless, when reading, you involuntarily apply the definition of “old-fashioned old lady” to Arina Vlasyevna, and this suits her perfectly.

Vasily Ivanovich is the district doctor, a good-natured man, a bit fussy, as pious as his wife, but trying to hide it. He even tries to be “modern”, but it is clearly visible that he is a man of the old generation, conservative, in the good sense of the word.

The soul of two old men, as in a mirror, is reflected in their attitude towards their son. As usual, parents dote on their only child, pamper and cherish him in every possible way, since it is in him that the only meaning of their life lies. Even when Evgeniy is not with them (and he comes extremely rarely), their lives are focused on thoughts and memories of him.

Bazarov himself is a completely different matter. His attitude towards his parents is too casual, at least outwardly. He knows how much they love him, and he loves them himself, as he admits to Arkady once. However, he was not used to expressing his feelings in any way, or showing affection towards anyone. Therefore, he is annoyed when people start fussing with him and fussing around him. Parents, knowing this, try not to express their joy at his presence in their home so violently.

But the reader can fully feel this joy. It is visible in the little things. Arina Vlasevna is afraid of her son and tries not to bother him, but she will always take care of a soft feather bed and delicious borscht. Vasily Ivanovich behaves more boldly with his son, but is increasingly trying to seem stern and more self-possessed than he really is, so as not to irritate Evgeniy. Only in conversations with Arkady can the father amuse his parental vanity by hearing praise in honor of his adored son.

But love does not mean understanding. Parents do not know how to understand Bazarov, his views, and he does not particularly try to share his thoughts with them. He never expresses his views so sharply and openly in his parents’ house as in the estate of the Kirsanovs. While protecting the feelings of his father and mother, he still behaves with them more gently than with others, although with the same indifferent and careless appearance. It is still surprising that in such a patriarchal family a child like Evgeny Bazarov was born and raised. Probably, a truly original personality is influenced to a greater extent not by parental education, but by self-education.

Perhaps Bazarov’s trouble was that he was not understood first of all by his parents, and then by everyone around him. Maybe his parents would like to understand Bazarov, only he had already gone too far from them in his development, so love and tenderness were the only things he could receive from Arina Vlasyevna and Vasily Ivanovich. A person who has a home may sometimes forget about it, but will always subconsciously feel the support and love of his family. Unfortunately, his parents could not support Bazarov in his endeavors and give him what he was striving for.

Bazarov had the opportunity to die in his home, and this was a huge relief for him, even if he did not realize it. It is many times harder to die in a foreign land, in an unfamiliar house or hotel.

The worst thing for parents is the death of a child. What if this child is the only joy, the light in the window? It is impossible to imagine that parents are dealing with such grief. Bazarov's parents changed their minds. They didn't die, but something inside them broke. It’s scary to live only by visiting your own grave. This is how they lived. These were two broken, tired old men, all they had left was their memory.

Bazarov could have given them much more if he had been a different person. He could tell his father and mother about his love for them. Although, who knows, maybe they weren’t at a loss for words? The parent's heart feels the child without any words. They never knew (and this is a great happiness for them) how alien he was to them and how much he suffered.

The chapters that show Bazarov’s life in his parents’ house reveal the hero from a new side. He is not at all as callous and cold as he wants to seem. He is full of tenderness for his parents, although the internal barrier will never allow him to show it. In a word, he is the same person as Arkady, their only difference is that the latter does not hide his affection for his family. A person cannot deny absolutely everything. As Bazarov said, death itself denies everything and everyone. But love also denies the arguments of reason, which is why parents love their children and always wait for them, no matter what. No one knows how to wait like parents. It is a pity that during his lifetime Bazarov was not able to appreciate how much warmth, comfort and affection his father and mother could give him. Not a single person has a place on earth that is dearer, calmer and warmer than his home.