Which wallet to buy based on your zodiac sign. Accessories and decorative elements. Important details for choosing a convenient wallet

This is the most energetic and purposeful sign of the Zodiac. Color should play a huge role in his choice. Women should prefer red, orange, yellow, and gold. For men - red or burgundy.


This sign knows the value of money, knows how to earn it, spend it correctly and store it. A wallet should, first of all, be comfortable, roomy, with a large number of compartments. Made from genuine leather and, preferably, light shades. Shape: clutch.


This is the most mobile sign of the Zodiac. They are always on the go, communicating, talking. The wallet should feed Gemini with its energy and attract money. To do this, it must be rectangular or round, yellow, with gold fittings.


Sensitive and emotional Cancers are very worried about the threat of lack of money. Therefore, the right wallet for Cancer should, first of all, calm the owner and block his fears. Therefore, the best choice is pastel colors, lilac, silver. Shape – folding.

a lion

This is a sign with very strong internal energy. And he needs the same wallet - strong, aggressive. Large, can be either bright scarlet or dark, even black. With gold or black fittings, very spacious.


This practical Zodiac sign, who loves clarity and calculation in everything, will not put up with clutter in his wallet. Therefore, you need as many compartments as possible for everything - banknotes, bank cards, change, SIM cards, travel cards, etc. The color should be deep and rich - blue, gray, emerald. The shape or decoration must be original.


This is the most balanced sign of the Zodiac. He is in a state of harmony with himself, even if financial affairs are not going well. Bright colors – lemon, crimson – will help awaken the energy of money for Libra. The shape can be round or square.


The aggressive energy of Scorpio often interferes with himself and tires him. To set Scorpio up for monetary gain, you need to give him a “calming” wallet - folding, rectangular, discreet colors - gray, brown, black are suitable. Or muted golden.


This fire sign never sits still. In the life of a Sagittarius, there can be too much bustle and movement. A green, blue or purple wallet will help to “land” it and help attract the energy of money. At the same time, it is better if it is a sporty version - made of fabric with original fittings.


Closed, but internally a very creative person. This also dictates the choice of the right wallet. Restrained shades - beige, gray, black. And very creative accessories. It is better to buy a wallet not in a store, but at a fair where they sell original handmade products.


The creative and freedom-loving representative of this sign is of little interest in money. Very often they are simply stuffed into pockets. Therefore, you need a wallet that you would like to pick up like a nice toy - expensive, branded, sophisticated, status-worthy. Colors – gray, brown, black, ash.


Tender and sentimental, they prefer a romantic style in everything - even in the choice of accessories. And in this the Zodiac is on their side. A feminine wallet in sea green or turquoise color, with a classic shape and pleasant to the touch texture, will become an effective money talisman.

People start thinking about life and money when they come to an end.

I think it's time to change the way of thinking.

And we will start with the most sacred item for banknotes - the wallet.

It is he who is a powerful conductor, a generator of monetary energy. In order for our money to live well in it, we need to determine which color of the wallet will be the most effective for attracting money.


Since ancient times, it has been believed that money gravitates towards shades belonging to the energy of Metal and Earth. Any color from dark brown to pale yellow is the ideal color for banknotes. But we not only need to understand what color of wallet attracts money, but also take into account our own preferences. We should like the color of the wallet.


This is reliability and consistency. The earth is a symbol of fertility, the beginning of all things. Money will readily come to such a call, especially if the owner of a dark wallet is a conservative person who respects the principles of life and traditions. To increase your desire for money, choose a wallet made of calfskin in these colors - this material will work effectively to replenish and increase your finances.


The most powerful generator of monetary energy. The ideal shade for accumulating wealth quickly. But know that a fiery, bright, exciting color can exhaust people who are soft and timid by nature, although it will bewitch money. The red wallet was created for those who are lively and restless. To successfully attract money, buy only an expensive red wallet, made of patent leather, genuine leather. This will increase monetary influence. YELLOW The yellow palette acts more delicately and softly on money. An ideal color for elevated, spiritual people who do not prioritize enrichment. Creative people, romantics and dreamers. To enhance your attraction of money, purchase a yellow wallet made of soft suede. Villi will slow down outgoing finances and return them back.


These are the colors of abundance and comfort. Money in a wallet of such colors will constantly and reliably grow, giving the owner confidence and well-being. To enhance such qualities, it is advisable to add the same shade to a piece of everyday clothing or some accessory. Attention! It is strictly not recommended to buy a purse of the entire blue palette. This is catastrophic for money. Blue colors are symbols of care and temporariness. Your finances will rapidly seep into oblivion and slip through your fingers.


If you are an admirer of the powerful science of life, choose a Feng Shui wallet color that meets certain rules. According to experts of ancient doctrine, everyone has their own element with its own colors. To understand which color attracts money, focus on the final digit of the year of birth.

0.1 - Metal - White, silver
2.3 - Water - The whole range of blue, purple, black
4.5 - Wood - Brown, green
6.7 - Fire - Red in all variations
8.9 - Earth - Yellow, orange, red, golden, beige

Let us remind you that the entire palette of blue will contribute to the flow of money. Choose shades that are brighter and more saturated. But also remember that not only the color of the wallet according to Feng Shui, but also its size must be correct. The more, the richer! This is partly true. The ideal, “Imperial” wallet size for attracting money is 17.55-18.9 cm. But there are other sizes that will be successful in terms of increasing wealth. To find out which size is appropriate, you can use a regular ruler:

  • 0-13 mm: successful financial savings;
  • 27-40 mm: consistency in replenishing cash reserves;
  • 40-54 mm: stable welfare size;
  • 175-189 mm: regular additional income;
  • 202-215 mm: successful financial starting;
  • 243-256 mm: stable growth of accumulations;
  • 378-402 mm: powerful cash flow size;
  • 415-429 mm: successful capital investment;
  • 429-432 mm: the size of prosperity in finance.

If you really like a wallet, but its size is unsatisfactory, it doesn’t matter. It is possible to “lengthen” it. To do this, attach some amulet to the outside. This will make the wallet size suitable for attracting money.


If you are not a fan of Feng Shui, you can search for the ideal shade by date of birth. To find out the optimal color of your money wallet, use numerology. This is easy to do: in the number of your birth, subtract the smaller from the larger. For example: you were born on the 27th (7-2=5). Five is a monetary birth number that powerfully attracts money. If you were born on the 11th or 22nd, the entire color palette is at your service. For others: Bronze, orange, yellow, gold; White, green; Purple, pink, blue; Blue, gray; White, grey, yellow; Light blue, blue, pink, green; Green, lilac, pink, lilac, white; Black, blue, dark green; Red.

The color of the wallet based on your date of birth will be even better if you combine this choice with the color definition of the wallet based on your Zodiac sign. The amount of all financial income will be much higher if you take into account the color of the wallet according to the horoscope when choosing. Money loves shades that match your zodiac sign:

  • Aries. For friendly Aries, gold, green and all shades of brown will be ideal.
  • Calf. These sensual signs of the Zodiac have colors ranging from pale green to dark reed.
  • Twins. Mysterious Geminis will like the violet range, gray, green and yellow shades.
  • Cancer. Highly intelligent representatives of this Zodiac belong to the colors white, silver, platinum and blue.
  • A lion. A bright, unrestrained Leo will suit red in all its forms, black and variations of yellow.
  • Virgo. Imbued with purity and rigor, this zodiac sign will prefer white, blue, violet and green.
  • Scales. Rational Libra will choose white, green, beige and a palette of blue.
  • Scorpion. One of the fairest signs of the Zodiac will choose red and yellow shades for himself.
  • Sagittarius. Modest Sagittarians love a sophisticated palette of blues and purples. Capricorn. Stubborn representatives of the zodiac love gray, black, green and blue shades.
  • Aquarius. For calm Aquarius, the optimal colors are white and silver, azure and blue.
  • Fish. The zodiac sign Pisces, with its developed intuition, has chosen grey, blue, white and silver.

How to choose the color of your wallet to attract money is up to you. But in any case, the wallet must become your true, reliable friend, attractive in all respects, a real powerful money talisman. Wealth to you!


Popular wisdom says: “Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.” You can never measure happiness and peace of mind with money, but, however, their role in a person’s daily life is very great. Whether a person buys food or some things, has fun or travels, studies at college, raises a child, builds a house - any business requires certain financial costs. Money loves not only counting, but also order. With this in mind, there is no need to scatter bills or coins throughout your bag or stuff them into your pockets.

Everyone wants to become rich. Naturally, one ardent desire is not enough; certain principles must be observed. The ancient art of Feng Shui pays a lot of attention to material things; in order to attract money, certain rules must be followed.

The ideal wallet according to Feng Shui

The wallet is the main custodian of money, a symbol of wealth, well-being and confidence in the future. To ensure that you always have the right amount of money, you need to approach the choice of wallet quite seriously. It is through it that energy exchange occurs between you and your money. A wallet chosen according to Feng Shui will attract finance. The dream of having a full wallet around the clock can come true if you buy a wallet that will give you moral and aesthetic pleasure and that you like. The accessory should not only be stylish and fashionable, but also ergonomic, beautiful, spacious, and, of course, new. After all, he is exactly the talisman that will attract wealth. HE must, first of all, “like” money. To ensure that they are never translated, it is necessary to monitor both the appearance and its content. There are several “don’ts” that will be taboo for your wallet:

When choosing such a wallet, many questions arise. What should the shape, material, color be in order for income to increase? What talismans need to be purchased to attract money. You need to choose a wallet based on several very important parameters. If you ignore at least one, you will have to wait a very long time for the result.


It is best to keep money in a spacious wallet, where it is unfolded. Let the bills lie entirely, and not bent in half or rolled in several layers, which is much worse. Creases on the paper will hinder positive energy, which means it will be more difficult to attract profits. The most ideal shape according to Feng Shui is rectangular. Folding wallets will not bring any benefit, except, perhaps, appearance and aesthetic pleasure. As for the size: as already mentioned, it should be large and roomy. In addition, you should take into account that one side of the wallet, for example, the side or edge of the pocket, should be from three to five centimeters. It is believed that the size of one side up to five centimeters will bring wealth, but if it is more than five centimeters to 16, expect trouble. Today, rectangular women's wallets with a zipper are very popular. This option is the most optimal. There should be separate compartments for small change, or you can buy a small coin box.


Most people, when purchasing a wallet, of course, choose a leather one, since leather has always been valued. In this, the philosophy of Feng Shui and fashion trends are in agreement.

When buying a leather wallet, you need to pay attention to the seams: they must be even. Fasteners and zippers must work properly. When choosing a “home” for money, you should not save. If you still can’t afford a leather wallet, you can buy a fabric or suede one. A polyethylene or plastic wallet will provide you with complete lack of money. The best option would be a leather wallet with the Feng Shui logo. Decoration and finishing can be very diverse: the best is gold and steel, plastic will be worse.

Wallet color according to Feng Shui

Each of us belongs to a certain element. These are Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth. Each element has its own colors. So you need to choose a wallet according to your element:

However, there are opinions that the energy of money is afraid of green, blue and blue shades, runs away from them, so they are not suitable for attracting wealth, and gold, brown and yellow colors, on the contrary, contribute to accumulation. It is better to choose bright, saturated colors that match your element. The drawing should be “light”, various birds, butterflies, insects. It is very good if the wallet depicts bills or coins, precious stones, crowns, in general, all the attributes of wealth. Such designs will add economic beauty to your wallet.

The most popular color of wallets sold in Feng Shui stores is red, and all its shades. Bright scarlet, purple, burgundy, garnet color, they all symbolize abundance and prosperity. Red color is not only the strongest in terms of energy, but also the most “fastidious”. Such a wallet should be ideal in appearance - only style, chic and leather.

When purchasing a wallet of any color - red, yellow, black or purple, it is necessary that a “mutual attraction” arises between it and you. If you don’t like or don’t like the product you choose, it’s better to look for some other option that you will like.

Money talismans

Special money talismans are necessary in any wallet. They “strengthen” the effect of attracting money well. The talisman should be small in size so as not to get in the way in your wallet, it should have its own specific place.

Chinese coins can act as talismans: three round pieces with holes, tied with a thin silk ribbon. They are a serious generator of financial energy. Or a paper dollar bill. George Washington, depicted on it, will become a constant companion of well-being. The dollar bill must be placed in a separate secret pocket and zipped. Among food accessories, several talismans that bring money can also be distinguished: these are cinnamon sticks, pieces of beans, green tea or mint leaves. Mint, by the way, attracts money not only by its appearance, but also by its smell. You can apply a few drops of essential peppermint oil to the lining of your wallet, and you will be rich. And so, a small amount of raw materials is sewn into a bag and placed in a wallet so that it does not get in the way.

Among the traditional Russian folk remedies, heather and horseradish are good. A bean pod placed in your wallet will help protect your savings from theft and unreasonable spending. Instead of real beans, you can use a picture of one. A keychain in the form of invoices will help you manage your money more correctly and make the right decision to make a profit. This keychain can be carried in a wallet or hung from it.

Various pictures with runes, hexagrams, trigrams, which symbolize monetary balance, also bring financial balance. You can seal them in plastic and place them in a secret place in your wallet. Souvenir gifts, for example, a small mirror can be kept in a wallet to enhance monetary energy. They attract money flow in your direction like a magnet. Feng Shui talismans are sold in online stores or retail outlets that specialize in oriental themes.

What not to keep in your wallet

Now about what you should not keep in your wallet. Firstly, this is money that you found on the street, borrowed or received as a gift, in general, money that you got for nothing. They absorb all the energy and block access to other money. No wonder they say that what you find must be returned, then you will be rewarded a hundredfold. Secondly, there is no need to store old, unnecessary pieces of paper, checks, receipts. This junk interferes with the monetary energy flow from improving your material well-being. The wallet should contain only money, credit cards, talismans and nothing else.

You need to add up your earnings in order, increasing the denomination in one direction. Credit and other money cards also help attract material well-being.

You shouldn’t give away every last penny of your money; you should always leave at least something, as they say, “for seed.”

According to the art of Feng Shui, a wallet is the main keeper of money and, accordingly, it is associated with prosperity and financial wealth. It is important to approach the choice of a wallet responsibly, because it is with the help of a wallet that you will exchange energy with money.

From this article you will learn what the color of a wallet should be, as well as what shape and size products you need to purchase if you always want to have enough money on hand.

Features of the shape of the wallet

You need to store your hard-earned money in spacious wallets in which you can place them unfolded. It is very important that the money lies intact in the wallet and is not bent in half or rolled in several layers.

Creases on banknotes will disrupt the circulation of positive energy, which in turn will push luck and profit away from you.

The ideal shape for storing money according to Feng Shui is rectangular. In this case, folding wallets will become absolutely useless.

Your wallet must have a special section for small money. If you don’t have it, it’s best to buy an additional compact coin holder.

Natural base guarantees success

When choosing a wallet, you should pay special attention to its base. Feng Shui allows only natural foundations that ensure free circulation of money energy.

The most ideal option would be a genuine leather wallet. You can also opt for suede and fabric products.

Another tricky detail is that the appearance of the wallet should slightly distract attention from the money itself, thanks to this, others will not be able to take away your financial energy.

Under no circumstances buy products made from artificial leatherette, because the latter does not conduct monetary energy and will not allow you to attract finance into your life.

Ideal wallet size according to feng shui

What size should an ideal wallet be according to Feng Shui philosophy? To choose the right size of the “money house” you need to determine its parameters, which are length, height and depth. But at the same time, you need to use not an ordinary school ruler, but a special one developed by Feng Shui experts. It has not just markings, but also a scale of favorable and unfavorable sizes. Of course, if you haven’t found such a ruler, you can use a regular centimeter ruler.

It should also be added that the ancient Chinese device has 4 favorable and unfavorable segments. In this case, each of the segments is additionally divided into 4 sectors. Each sector corresponds to a specific value.

For example, the group of favorable segments includes the following distances:

  • 0-54 millimeters;
  • 162-215 millimeters;
  • 215-270 millimeters;
  • 378-432 millimeters.

Measure your wallet against these parameters and check how successful it is for saving your finances.

There are also meanings that are more attractive to financial well-being. Next we will look at them in more detail:

  • 0-13 millimeters - tells about financial success;
  • from 27 to 40 millimeters - will attract all types of luck to its owner;
  • from 40 to 54 millimeters - speaks of wealth;
  • from 1.75 to 1.89 centimeters - this distance will foreshadow the receipt of unexpected additional income;
  • from 2.02 to 2.15 - indicates that success awaits the person in the future;
  • from 2.43 to 2.56 - income will increase;
  • from 3.78 to 4.02 - you will soon encounter an influx of finances;
  • from 4.15 to 4.29 - there will be a lot of jewelry;
  • from 4.29 to 4.32 - a person will achieve success and succeed in life.

But in addition to positive ones, there are also negative numerical values ​​that you need to beware of. And you will learn about their more detailed meaning further.

  • from 81 to 95 millimeters - they will tell about failures, collapse and the likelihood of imprisonment;
  • from 95 to 108 millimeters - one of the spouses will die;
  • from 149 to 162 - a person may be robbed;
  • from 270 to 284 - such values ​​​​tell about death or a forced change of place of residence;
  • from 297 to 311 - high chances of expulsion and shame;
  • from 311 to 324 - a lot of money will be lost;
  • from 324 to 338 - meanings speak of various misfortunes;
  • from 338 to 351 - they will tell about death.

Regarding the shape of the wallet, in order to store paper bills, it is better to choose rectangular options, in which you can easily place different money straightened out.

It is necessary to refuse those wallets in which money will be wrinkled or bent - they slow down the flow of monetary energy and prevent money from increasing in quantity.

What color should a wallet be according to Feng Shui?

If you conduct an audit of wallet stores, you will find that most often on sale are wallets of all shades of red. Scarlet, side, purple, garnet - all these tones are characterized by powerful energy.

At the same time, red wallets, according to Feng Shui, are not only the most powerful in terms of energy, but also the most finicky. It is important that such a wallet looks perfect - stylish, elite and made of high quality leather. So that it is not only pleasant to hold in your hands, but also so that it evokes admiration.

You can choose a wallet that suits your color using the individual method.

Each person belongs to one or another element, and the color of the chosen wallet will largely depend on it. Therefore, you will need to determine your element and then your color of wealth. This can be done using a special Circle of Destruction, which looks like this:

  • the element of water takes control of the element of fire;
  • fire in turn affects the metal;
  • metal is elevated above wood;
  • the tree controls the earth;
  • the land rises above the water.

If you take the following table as a sample, you can easily determine the color of the wallet that is most suitable for you. For example, if you belong to the earth element, then you need to choose yellow wallets for yourself.

Knowing your personal element, you can easily choose the financial element for yourself. The principle of the five elements applies here, according to which the element of money is the one that is under the control of your personal element.

  • the element of personality (wood) - corresponds to the financial earth element - wallets in brown, yellow and sand shades are suitable;
  • fire - the element of metal - choose white, light gray or silver wallets;
  • earth - correlates with the water money element - black, blue and turquoise wallets are suitable;
  • metal - corresponds to the element of wood - you can buy wallets of all shades of green and light green;
  • the water element of the personality corresponds to the fire element, which is associated with the red, burgundy or garnet colors of wallets.

If this technique seemed quite complicated to you, there is a simpler alternative - the earth element is always associated with accumulation. Therefore, to increase the flow of money, it is worth buying brown, beige or yellow wallets.

Talismans for a rich wallet

As a rule, people put photographs of their loved ones and relatives in their wallets. However, Feng Shui does not support this approach and there are two reasons for this:

  • according to the first, when financial energy passes through a person’s photo, it can cause severe harm to his energy field;
  • and according to the second, photographs do not have the most favorable effect on the energy of money.

It will be much better and more effective if you put a couple of interesting Feng Shui talismans in your wallet, for example, 3 Chinese coins that hang on a red ribbon, or an imperial-sized mirror (you can buy it in a special store). With such attributes, you are sure to increase your cash flow.

In the art of Feng Shui, it is believed that mint is responsible for the smell of money, so if you want to always have banknotes in your wallet (preferably larger ones), you will need to drop a couple of drops of mint oil into it. If for some reason you cannot use an aromatic product, we advise you to simply keep candy wrappers from mint chewing gum or candies in your wallet, or you can simply take the leaves of this plant.

Another trick that will help you attract money to your wallet is to put the first coin you earned or a 100 dollar bill into it and not change it.

A bean pod stored in a wallet will protect a person from excessive spending. And if you put a piece of horseradish in your wallet, it will attract even more money to you and make you more successful in material terms.

This may seem strange, but to strengthen and stabilize your cash receipts, you should apply honey to one of the bills. Thanks to this, you will ensure a stable level of income.

And if you want to raise money for some kind of purchase or, for example, for relaxation, experts in Feng Shui philosophy advise you to prepare an image of the item that you dream of owning and place it in your wallet. Every time you open your wallet, the picture will catch your eye, which in turn will create a flow of positive vibrations that will help you get the amount of money that is missing.

Now you know for sure what color a wallet should be that will attract financial success into your life. Finally, watch this interesting thematic video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The magic of wealth at the everyday level is built on cash flows and material energies, the carriers of which are colors, plants, planets, elements and the geometry of objects. Therefore, if your purse or wallet meets the maximum number of correct Feng Shui criteria, then it will work like a magnet attracting positive cash flows.

A wallet is your subtle connection with the world of money. Therefore, you should not allow your wallet to be torn and look shabby. The choice of wallet must be approached with special care and without stinginess. Don’t rush to buy the first wallet you come across, much less second-hand. A cheap wallet carries the energy of poverty and large bills will not feel comfortable in it, so they will not stay for long.

How to choose and buy a wallet according to Feng Shui

Today people are no longer burned at the stake for using magical rituals, so anyone can use them to achieve their goals. Most often, people want to improve their material well-being, so they resort to various unconventional methods of “extracting money from nowhere.”

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui has existed for more than a thousand years. As the masters of this practice assure, if you listen to their advice, you can dramatically change your life for the better. Therefore, it has become fashionable today to follow their recommendations in everything, especially when it comes to money and monetary attributes. And, of course, one of the most important attributes, almost always next to money, is a purse, wallet or purse.

As you know, the main function of wallets is to store money, which is considered the main source of wealth. That is why so much attention is paid to this “money house”. A wallet (aka wallet or purse) is one of the few things that accompany us everywhere we go. It can be compared to a magnet that attracts prosperity to us. And if you listen to the advice of Feng Shui experts, you can strengthen this magnet many times over.

How to choose a wallet color according to Feng Shui

Choosing the right wallet color is considered one of the most essential conditions when selecting wallets. The choice of the color of a wallet is an important nuance not only in Eastern cultures (such as Feng Shui), but also in ancient Russian and European omens.

To choose the right color for your wallet, you need to know your color of wealth, which depends on the element of your zodiac sign. According to the teachings of the “Four Pillars of Destiny” (Ba Ji), your element always “defeats” some other element. This “defeated” element will be your element of money, and its color will be your color of wealth. For example, if your element is Fire, then it defeats Metal, so your wallet should be light in color.

Colors of wealth by element

Your element Your money element Your color of wealth
Earth Water Black, blue, purple, cyan
Tree Earth Yellow, beige, orange, gold, pink, olive, terracotta
Fire Metal Silver, grey, white, gold
Water Fire Scarlet, burgundy, red, orange
Metal Tree Green, brown, turquoise

However, even if your money element is Water, it is not recommended to buy a blue wallet and its shades - it is believed that money will flow out of such a wallet like water. Other theories advise against buying yellow or white wallets, as they have no power over money (maybe because they clash with the colors gold and silver). By the way, some believe that the classic black color for a wallet is also not suitable - it will only absorb money. In general, it is very difficult to choose the right color of a wallet or purse or listen to all the “specialists”.

In general, according to Feng Shui, it is believed that money loves the color red. You can choose a purse or wallet that has a standard black exterior color and a red interior color. At home, it is also better to keep money either in a red envelope or in a red box, where the “litter” will be small coins left over from traveling to other countries.

Choosing a money color for your birthday

Another option for determining your money color is numerology. In accordance with it, you need to buy a purse or wallet in a color that matches your birthday number. This number is calculated as follows:

If your birthday is a single-digit number, for example, 1,2...8,9, then its number corresponds to a similar number. For example, April 3 - corresponds to number 3.
For those whose birthday is a two-digit number, the following calculations are made: the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number. For example, February 25: 5-2=3. So your birthday number is 3.
The 11th also corresponds to the number 11, and the 22nd to 12.

1 - bronze, yellow, gold, orange
2 - green, beige, white
3 - pink, purple, blue
4 - sky, bright blue, gray
5 - silver, beige, gold, gray, white, yellow
6 - blue, blue, green, pink
7 - lilac, pink, emerald, violet, green
8 - black, dark green, brown, dark blue
9 - ruby, red and shades
11, 22 - you can buy wallets of any color

Almost all Feng Shui masters and professionals in other eastern theories and practices do not recommend buying wallets in frivolous colors - after all, money loves solid colors and materials from which their houses are made.

What should a wallet be made of according to Feng Shui?

What a purse or wallet is made of is perhaps no less important a criterion when choosing it than color. Genuine leather is considered the best material for a wallet, especially exotic leather. A wallet made of crocodile or python skin is, of course, a little more expensive than usual, but if you want your wallet to effectively attract money, you can probably sacrifice a small part of it.

It is better to try to avoid buying wallets made of synthetic materials. In addition to the fact that they themselves do not carry any monetary energies, they also block access to natural monetary currents that float in the noosphere.

If you don’t have enough money for a good leather wallet, then you can buy wallets made of textile or suede - there will be no harmful effects from them, but you shouldn’t expect that they will bring you the same monetary magnetism as wallets made of genuine leather. .

Purse size and shape according to Feng Shui

The most important thing to pay attention to here is that do not choose wallets in which banknotes will bend. The best option for this would be wallets (which are not only for men, but also for women). When choosing a purse or wallet, also make sure that it fits your hand, that is, it should lie comfortably in it and not try to slip out, otherwise the money will not stay in it for long.

When purchasing, try to choose a wallet whose dimensions correspond to the Imperial ones. However, finding a wallet (let alone a purse) that exactly fits all Imperial sizes can be very difficult, so then you need to ensure that at least one of the sides of the purse or wallet you choose fits these sizes.

An Imperial size wallet may be too big, so you won’t be able to carry it around with you. But such a wallet can be kept at home and serve as your home “wish granter.” You won’t even notice how additional income will come to you from the most unexpected sources.

What to put in your wallet to attract money according to Feng Shui

What's inside the wallet is just as important. When you bought a wallet, don’t forget about the talisman that you need to wear in it to attract money energy. The best way to do this is to carry three coins on a red ribbon or an Imperial-sized mirror in your wallet. You can buy these and other Feng Shui talismans in specialized stores. They should help increase your money energy.

Many people like to carry photographs of loved ones in their wallets and purses, but this is strictly forbidden. Since, firstly, the cash flow passing through such a photograph can harm the energy of this person, and secondly, the photograph itself has a bad effect on the cash flow.

Feng Shui talismans for wallets

The smell of mint is considered a money scent in Feng Shui, so we recommend adding a drop of this oil to your wallet if you want it to never be empty. And if you don’t have a drop of this essential oil on hand, you can simply put a mint candy wrapper or chewing gum, or just a mint leaf.

To increase your financial flow, you can put the first coin or bill you earn in your wallet. A “lucky coin” in your wallet is a talisman of prosperity and should not be spent. To attract money, you can put eastern symbols in your wallet, for example, hexograms or runes (for example, Fehu and Othel). In the city of Myshkin (Yaroslavl region), it is believed that to attract money you need to put a small figurine of a mouse in your wallet.

A pod of beans, a little cinnamon or a picture with grapes depicted on it will protect your wallet from unnecessary waste of money and theft, and a piece of heather or a bag of fragrant green tea will contribute to an even greater influx of monetary energy and material well-being. The same is promised if you find and put a cat's whisker or aspen leaf in your wallet. In Russia, a root of dried horseradish or an acorn is used for this purpose.

We wish you prosperity, financial well-being and good luck!