How long can you hang upside down? The benefits of being upside down. When I was between life and death

Leo Boqueria is 75 years old, and he works actively, performing long-term operations. How does he manage to be in such great physical shape? - I just came from the operating room. Performed four complex operations. Now, to relax, I’ll hang upside down for about 15 minutes! For me, this is a good opportunity to quickly redistribute the blood flow, which during 8 hours on my feet at the operating table was concentrated in the lower part of the body (legs, pelvis). After this procedure, fatigue is significantly reduced and you can continue to work. Just 15 minutes and - full speed ahead!

- Many Muscovites do yoga and even stand on their heads!

If I could, I would have stood too! Although... If you stand on your head, there is too much tension in the cervical spine, and surgeons already have it too much. The device I'm talking about (gravity or inversion boots, in which you can hang upside down on the horizontal bar. -"VM" ), You can buy it at a sports store and place it anywhere in your home or work.

But hanging in Moscow alone will not save you! There is an opinion that it is basically impossible to maintain health in noisy and polluted Moscow.

I don't agree. A huge advantage of Moscow is winter. It lasts for us for six months. And in winter, as a rule, there is neither heat nor smog. The snow cleans everything. In spring and autumn, rains cleanse the atmosphere. In fact, our health depends more on our lifestyle. Do you know where the highest life expectancy is in Moscow? In the Central District. But that’s where most of the cars are. I learned about this at one of the forums of the National Health League, when one of the speakers talked about it. And the reason? It is in the center that the maximum percentage of people with higher education is located. And if a person is educated, he brushes his teeth on time, takes a shower, does not allow himself to get drunk, and gets treatment if he is sick. He has fewer bad habits.


- Leo Antonovich, you yourself, as they say, have been smoking for almost 20 years!..

It was like that. When I entered the First Medical School and arrived at the dormitory in Perlovka, this is in Mytishchi, the old-timers there, second-year students, immediately offered me a smoke and a drink. And I asked... Yes, in my office, almost the entire institute asked. Everything changed after one incident. A patient was sent to me, a young professor. I talked to him, gave recommendations, and he, looking into my eyes, shy and choosing his words, said: “You know, doctor, before I came to you, I brushed my teeth in the toilet so that it wouldn’t smell like tobacco. And you have a column of smoke here!” And I felt so uncomfortable. I teach people how not to get sick, but I smoke!

- And how did a smoker with 20 years of experience manage to quit? Would you mind sharing the recipe?

It was 1980. My family and I went to Gagra on vacation. They invited me to Lake Ritsa. Chic table. And I ate hot smoked fish, which I adore. And after 2-3 hours I realized that I was poisoned. I thought it was bad - it was so bad. And I decided: if I stay alive, I’ll quit smoking. And he quit!

- So what - now everyone eats fish so they can throw it away?

No, you need to make the fear of death work for you. Because smoking is not harmful to health. It literally kills: stroke, heart attack, cancer... Remember this, be afraid, don’t smoke. I had a deputy, an amazing surgeon, academician. He smoked a lot and got lung cancer. But even after he was operated on, he didn’t quit smoking! He died... And today a very famous person called me. I tell him - you need to open the heart artery immediately. He answers: you know, I’m very busy now, but I’ll come in two or three weeks. And I answered: are you sure that you have these two or three weeks? It's the same with smoking. There is no need to quit it “on Monday.” We need it now! Let's take America. The country does not smoke! Although there are not 150 nationalities there, as in Russia, there are all nationalities. Everyone has a different mentality, but everyone doesn’t smoke.

- But why?

And these are the laws. If you try to smoke on the street in New York, you will immediately be fined. Or in a restaurant - you'll end up in a neighborhood! Every person is afraid of something. It turns out differently for everyone: fear for your health, fear of a fine really helps you give up cigarettes.


- Okay, what else do you recommend to stay healthy in the metropolis?

We need a daily routine. This means going to bed and getting up at the same time.

- What time is this?

- Do you sleep until noon, until one?

If! Until ten o'clock, I can't afford any longer. There are things to do at the institute, and in general there is a lot to keep up with. But all the same, the regime - even if it is like this - is necessary. It is also extremely important not to overeat. What do we say here? Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy. This is complete nonsense! If you ate too much in the morning before work, pardon the expression, and then spent more energy on the long Moscow road, then what is your performance level? In the morning I eat cottage cheese prepared at home. After the operating room - yogurt or fruit, and only at home, in the evening - a full dinner. In general, I consider the diet of my American surgeon colleagues to be normal. They drink tea or kefir in the morning, have breakfast at noon, and in the evening, after work, around eight o’clock, have dinner. They drink alcohol, but to a minimum. As a result, they are all in shape: fit, athletic.

- Is it true that a glass of vodka before dinner is not harmful, and is even good for the heart?

What nonsense! Alcohol helps relieve stress, but is not good for the heart in any dose. Yes, alcohol relieves stress. And one glass will also improve your well-being. But I, for example, have not drunk since September 1, 2012. And I’m not getting any younger, but I’m starting to feel better! After all, a few hours after consumption, the decomposition of alcohol begins in the intestines. And hydrochloric acid is formed. It is absorbed into the bloodstream, and a hangover occurs. Although one drink won't do it. And one more thing: if you drink, then watch the quality of the alcohol. The worse it is, the more hydrochloric acid is produced, the stronger the poisoning of the body and, consequently, the stronger the hangover. In general, I am sure that if a person does not know other ways to relax other than smoking and drinking, then he is worthless!

Find joy in other things. Replace bad habits with good ones. Believe me: sports, music, literature can bring much more pleasure than alcohol and smoking.


- What do you need to eat to be healthy?

I try to follow the diet of American astronauts: no sugar, bread and salt. There was a period when I lost nine kilograms in a few months. People at home were worried. I relaxed my requirements a little and returned to my weight again. But the diet is good, and many people use it.

- Are there any miraculous exercises that help you be as vigorous and healthy as you?

Regular physical exercise is enough, which will relieve all issues with blood pressure. But after reaching the age of fifty, blood pressure must be constantly and carefully monitored. There are several integral indicators of the human body that need to be monitored. One of them - temperature - a person already feels perfectly well. If it is not 36.6, discomfort sets in. Blood pressure should be 110 over 70, or 120 over 80–85. And the pulse is from 60 to 90 beats per minute. Watch yourself!


Leo Bockeria, 75 years old, Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, professor. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva. President of the All-Russian public organization “National Health League”. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

His wife Olga is a doctor. The family has two daughters who also became doctors: Ekaterina is a cardiologist-neonatologist and Olga is a cardiologist.

Recently, doctors in many countries around the world have recommended hanging on a horizontal bar for osteochondrosis not only for patients, but also for all other people, for the purpose of prevention. According to the latest statistics published in specialized media, about 85% of the inhabitants of our planet are faced with spinal diseases.

During the hang, the spinal column is unloaded, the distance between the vertebrae increases, and the intervertebral discs straighten. Thus, with regular exercise, the back becomes more flexible and pain decreases. But do not forget that various types of spinal traction can be performed only after consultation with a doctor; do not experiment with your body.

With daily exercise on the bar, the following improvements appear quite quickly:

  • With each week, back pain and discomfort when moving decrease;
  • The spinal column becomes more elastic;
  • Damaged soft tissues are restored, blood flow increases;
  • The feeling of numbness disappears;
  • Salt deposits in the joints are reduced.

There are two ways to relieve tension and fatigue from the spine using a horizontal bar - hanging and half-hanging.

Hanging or half-hanging

When hanging, place your hands shoulder-width apart and use an overhand grip. The body should be as relaxed as possible and breathing should be deep. To prevent your body from swaying, cross your legs at the ankles. Keep your head straight, do not tilt it up or down, this can contribute to injuries to the cervical spine. If, when performing the exercise, you feel that the spinal ridge is stretching, then you did everything correctly and the load from the back was evenly distributed to the muscles. In addition to the beneficial effect on the back, with constant exercise, the hands and arm muscles will become stronger.

Hang for no more than 30 - 40 seconds and do at least 3 approaches.

If after several approaches there is no feeling of pain or discomfort, you can increase the effectiveness of this exercise by slowly rotating the body. This will stretch the intervertebral cartilage and increase its elasticity. Experts recommend hanging after heavy physical activity or prolonged sedentary work. For the first few sessions on the horizontal bar, pull your knees towards your stomach as you exhale and lower them as you inhale.

When doing this, the muscles will become toned by contracting and relaxing, while fixing the spine well. After completing the exercise, it is important to be able to descend correctly, because when jumping to the ground, the vertebrae colliding with each other can cause a pinched nerve or hernia.

However, the hang is used exclusively for preventive purposes and is not suitable for people already suffering from osteochondrosis, since significant pressure is exerted on the already deformed spinal disc, which in turn contributes to the formation of a hernia.

  • Useful information:

If you already have back problems, doctors recommend using the floor hang as it is safer. With your feet you can control the load your spine experiences. You need to come out of the semi-hang smoothly and gradually, first stand firmly with your feet on the ground and only then release your hands. With regular exercises of 3 - 4 minutes, improvements will not take long. Do not forget that before starting exercises, you must do a warm-up and warm up your muscles properly.

Horizontal bar for cervical osteochondrosis

With cervical osteochondrosis, hanging on the bar can cause an exacerbation of the disease or even cause a deterioration in health, because with such exercises the 6th and 7th vertebrae are compressed. At the initial stage of the disease, kinesiotherapists recommend hanging upside down. Under no circumstances should you perform this exercise without backup; ask someone at home or your friends to help you. Holding the bar tightly with your legs, press your arms to your body and relax your muscles as much as possible. Try to sway as little as possible. For problems in the cervical spine, regular pull-ups will have the greatest positive effect, because this is one of the few physical exercises that involves all the back muscles.

  • Be sure to read:

The correct technique is as follows:

  1. Place your hands on the horizontal bar shoulder-width apart with a straight grip;
  2. Lift your body while inhaling, smoothly, without jerking, keep your back straight;
  3. Be sure to touch your chest to and squeeze your shoulder blades together;
  4. As you descend, exhale slowly and straighten your arms.

In addition to classic pull-ups, experts recommend practicing head pull-ups. This exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar with a wide grip about 20 - 30 centimeters wider than your shoulders;
  2. Relax, leaving only your forearms tense;
  3. Smoothly pull yourself up so that the middle of the back of your head is at the top point of the horizontal bar, exhaling air as you do so;
  4. Lower yourself onto your outstretched arms while inhaling.

Pull-ups greatly strengthen the back muscles, which take on part of the enormous load that the spine experiences every day. But you don’t need to immediately do the maximum number of repetitions, increase the load gradually, and to achieve maximum effect, you should stick to the training program.

Do not forget that in case of any damage to the spine, you cannot use various types of weights; work only with your own weight. Also, under no circumstances should you experience pain while performing exercises.

Additional Methods

Treatment of back diseases must be carried out in combination with other effective means.


Treatment of back diseases with massage reduces the level or completely eliminates pain, metabolism in the area of ​​the displaced disc increases, inflammatory reactions stop and the muscle corset improves. Tense muscles relax, and your mood and overall physical condition improve.

Helps to identify the most affected areas and effectively affects them.


Swimming is one of the most effective methods of physical activity for back problems. Scientists claim that after training in the pool, the spine of a person suffering from osteochondrosis is stretched and height increases by an average of 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

  • We recommend reading:

The maximum effect of going to the pool is achieved when swimming on your back. You should not swim in open water bodies with strong currents, as this will only increase the load. Cold water can contribute to various types of exacerbations, so heated pools are the most suitable option.


To achieve results in the fight against the disease, it is very important to follow the principles of proper nutrition. You should eat small portions 5-6 times a day. Eating pickles and various types of smoked foods should be kept to a minimum. At least 30% of your diet should consist of protein-rich foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, beans and corn. sufficient amounts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, ascorbic acid, manganese and vitamins B, C and D.

Drug treatment is one of the most effective ways to influence the disease and is carried out strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician.

  • We recommend reading:

Treatment of osteochondrosis should be comprehensive, including gymnastics and special exercises. You can hang on a horizontal bar if you have osteochondrosis, however, it is not suitable for everyone and in some cases can be harmful. If the doctor recommends using a crossbar, it would be best to use a semi-hang, it’s safer.

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A SUSU teacher is the first in Russia to patent a method for treating diseases upside down. Candidate of Biological Sciences Vera Tytskaya was talked about in scientific circles five years ago, when she invented and put into practice a chin splint. Nesting on the chest, the device, shaped like a bird, saves a person from osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

Birds' rights to health

The chin splint has become a good alternative to the Shants collar to support the head in the correct position. The collar has earned itself a bad reputation over the years. It is made of harmful polyurethane foam: upon contact with human skin, this material causes allergic reactions.

Tytskaya’s know-how for traction and fixation of cervical vertebrae began to be actively used not only by students and employees of large companies and banks, but also by students of South Ural schools. The chin splint, made of foam plastic, in which new household appliances are usually packaged, was dubbed the “bird” by the children. Since then, they have not sat down at the computer desk without it, either at home or in class.

Vera Grigorievna’s innovation was chosen by educational institutions in other regions. With the “bird”, people who sit for a long time in front of a monitor screen have forever forgotten what fatigue and tension are. Employees of the Russian Patent and Trademark Agency, having thoroughly studied Tytskaya’s invention, considered it an extremely useful model and patented it in the shortest possible time.

“One day I saw my invention on TV on a famous metropolitan politician who was working in his office on a laptop,” says Tytskaya. - Health turned out to be more important for him than image.

The active and young-looking teacher of the Department of Medical and Biological Fundamentals of Physical Culture and Sports of SUSU, the grandmother of her charming granddaughter, did not stop there. And she developed a rehabilitation complex for the cervical spine, which helps improve a person’s posture and vision.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as disorders of sensory systems, in particular vision, are widespread in all age groups of the population, says Vera Grigorievna. - Today they have been identified in 35 percent of young people. Currently, more and more new health technologies are appearing on the medical services market, but not all of them, even the most expensive ones, can return people to health.

Ironing board treats

Tytskaya invented and built a simulator at home that can relieve a person of headaches, radiculitis, and other diseases and even increase height up to seven centimeters. The basis was an ordinary ironing board. It was installed at an angle and a fastener was attached to prevent the patient from sliding down.

The inventor recommends lying upside down for 5 to 20 minutes every day. Few people know that ten minutes spent in an inverted position is equivalent in its restorative effect to four hours of normal sleep.

“Nothing bad will happen to you,” says Vera Grigorievna. - After all, the embryo in the mother’s womb is also upside down, while it develops and grows.

By the way, the benefits of standing upside down were known and widely practiced in India. The headstand pose in the teachings of Indian yogis is called “royal” and is considered one of the main and miraculous. Those who resorted to its help experienced improved brain function, sharpened vision and hearing, smoothed out wrinkles, and eliminated a lot of chronic diseases.

However, in the “royal pose” the spine along with the neck is in a compressed state, because the support is on the head, and this, according to Tytskaya, is not good. One hundred percent treatment effect is achieved when a person is suspended on a special simulator.

In parallel with Vera Grigorievna, Ukrainian scientists were obsessed with a similar idea of ​​treating diseases, but only the Chelyabinsk scientist managed to obtain a patent for the invention, called “antigravity” and which opened the way to recovery.

Recently Tytskaya and her colleague Alexander Volosnikov added vibration to the “anti-gravity” simulator. It turned out that if you not only hang a person by the legs, but also add vibration of a certain frequency after stretching, you can trigger another protective mechanism.

The main metabolism occurs at the intercellular level,” the inventor continues the story. - Everything necessary comes to the cells through the circulatory system, and waste products are carried away by lymph. The lymphatic system protects and cleanses the body. The outflow of lymph occurs due to the movement of our muscles. This is why an active lifestyle and massage are necessary. Hanging upside down allows you to live healthier without changing your usual lifestyle.

The modern lifestyle is characterized by a lack of movement. The back muscles suffer the most from this. A weak muscle corset leads to the development of various spinal diseases during physical activity. Many people suffer from back pain, trying to relieve it with medications. But not everyone knows that exercises on the horizontal bar can help strengthen muscles and reduce the manifestation of many pathologies of the spinal column.

The crossbar is most often perceived as a projectile for pumping up arm muscles. But it is also good for the back. Athletes use this equipment to form a strong muscle corset and a beautiful athletic figure. This helps prevent spinal curvature and the development of disc diseases. After all, a sedentary lifestyle and increased physical activity lead to a decrease in the space between the vertebrae. This can be prevented by simply stretching and strengthening your back muscles.

But exercises on the horizontal bar are also useful for various diseases of the spine. The main thing is to follow some rules and prevent pain from occurring during exercise.

What are the benefits of a horizontal bar for the back?

Treatment of any spinal disease necessarily includes special exercises. Often the exercise therapy complex includes exercises on the horizontal bar. With their help, you can strengthen your muscle corset, straighten your posture and improve blood circulation. Before you start exercising, you need to find out what the benefits of the horizontal bar are for the back:

  • back pain decreases;
  • back flexibility increases;
  • muscle tone improves, which is very low in people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • blood supply and nutrition of soft tissues are restored;
  • Regular exercise helps to stretch the spine, which leads to increased height.
  • For what diseases can you exercise on the crossbar?

    The horizontal bar is useful, first of all, for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and strengthening the back muscles. This will help prevent curvature of the spine, the development of osteochondrosis or hernia. If pathological processes are already underway, then exercises on the horizontal bar can be beneficial in the following cases:

    • regular traction effectively relieves the spine, which is useful for osteochondrosis;
    • with kyphosis, it is recommended to do pull-ups, but you should not use a reverse grip;
    • lordosis - forward curvature of the spine - can be reduced by simply hanging on a bar; exercises can be made more difficult by pulling your knees towards your stomach;
    • for ischemia of the intervertebral discs, hanging on a horizontal bar and rocking, but without additional weights, is useful;
    • with cervical osteochondrosis, exercise on the crossbar is not contraindicated, but exercises should be performed with caution, for example, it is not advisable to do a regular hang.

    When not to exercise on the horizontal bar

    If there are any pathological processes in the spine, you should consult a doctor before exercising. Because some exercises can cause complications and worsen the patient's condition. You cannot exercise on the bar if you have an intervertebral hernia, even if it has just begun to develop. Osteochondrosis is not a contraindication for such exercises, but only a doctor can choose those that will be beneficial.

    Exercises on the crossbar are contraindicated for any degree of scoliosis. The lateral curvature of the spine can increase with strength exercises and even with normal hanging. With lordosis and kyphosis, you cannot bend in the direction of the curvature.

    You can only exercise during the period of remission. No exercise should be performed if it causes back pain.

    Basic rules for practicing on the horizontal bar

    Even in the absence of serious pathologies of the spine, some rules must be followed when exercising. But they are especially important if there are any diseases. What you need to know to avoid harming your health:

    • if there are pathological processes in the spine or back pain, you should consult a doctor;
    • before classes you need to do a warm-up;
    • you can’t either jump off the horizontal bar after doing the exercises or jump up to grab the bar with your hands;
    • when pulling up, you need to avoid jerking and swinging;
    • try to keep your back straight;
    • It is undesirable for overweight people to exercise on the horizontal bar;
    • for any diseases of the spine, weights should not be used, especially on the legs;
    • avoid pain during exercise.

    What exercises are good for your back?

    Pull-ups are useful for preventing scoliosis and developing correct posture. During this exercise, it is important to avoid sudden movements and jerks, and also control your breathing. Pull-ups effectively strengthen your back muscles. You need to grab the bar firmly so that your thumb is opposed to all the rest. When performing pull-ups, it is advisable to keep your elbows parallel to each other.

    The main exercise for the spine is the usual hang on the bar. It is recommended to perform it 2-3 times a day for half a minute. It is advisable to relax your muscles as much as possible at this time. This stretch is very beneficial for the spine, as it helps to put the vertebrae and discs in place. With the help of traction, posture is leveled and the load on the spine is reduced. If you sway a little more, blood circulation improves.

    For some diseases, it is recommended to complicate the exercise by performing movements with the legs or torso while hanging. In addition to the usual rocking, you can imitate walking, make circular movements and twisting. But before performing such complex exercises, you should consult your doctor.

    If you have osteochondrosis, you need to hang on the crossbar with your legs crossed at the ankles. This way the body will not sway. For pathologies in the lumbar region, it is useful to bend your legs, pulling your knees towards your stomach. If osteochondrosis is observed in the cervical region, you need to hang upside down, clinging to the crossbar with your feet. Hands should be pressed to the body during the exercise.

    Exercising on the horizontal bar is an excellent preventive measure for preventing diseases and deformities of the spine. But some exercises can also be used in complex treatment. It is only important to exercise correctly, avoiding overload and pain.

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    • Intervertebral discs
    • Pain reduction
    • When not to use
    • Other indications

    An inversion table is a simulator that is designed for inversion therapy. The meaning of this technique is that the exercises are performed in a hanging position upside down. This leads to improved health, eliminates back pain, improves immunity, increases performance and has other positive effects on the body.

    At the same time, this simulator is especially useful for back problems, as well as for those diseases associated with intervertebral discs.

    Intervertebral discs

    Compression and reduction in the size of intervertebral discs is one of the most common pathologies. At the same time, the spine becomes less flexible, which means it is more susceptible to all kinds of injuries.

    In addition, vertebrae that are close to each other can simply pinch the nerves that pass between them, and this leads to severe pain.

    Another common problem is spinal hernia. And an inversion table will help solve all this, although you need to exercise on it regularly and for a long time. But the effect will exceed all possible expectations.

    Pain reduction

    Inversion is not just an opportunity to alleviate spinal diseases. In this position, each vertebra begins to stretch and this happens without any effort on the part of the person. At the same time, the weight of the human body does not press down, but up, which actually helps to feel lightness.

    In this position, a person’s vertebrae begin to diverge slightly, that is, move away from each other. At the same time, there is much more free space between them than there was before. And this leads to the release of nerve endings, which ultimately has a significant positive effect.

    Another positive effect of this simulator is the reduction in size, or even complete disappearance of disc herniation. However, here it is necessary to remember that a good effect can be obtained only if the hernia itself is small in size and the person does not have any other abnormalities.

    When not to use

    Despite the fact that this simulator helps get rid of many diseases, it also has its own contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting the procedure. That is why you can use an inversion table only after consulting a specialist. For example, the main contraindications include:

    1. Glaucoma.
    2. Hypertension of degree 2 or more.
    3. Arrhythmia.
    4. Aneurysms of cerebral vessels.
    5. Cerebrosclerosis.
    6. Chronic connective tissue diseases;
    7. IHD in the attacking period.
    8. Senile dementia.
    9. Ventral hernias.
    10. Prosthetic joints.
    11. Invertophobia.

    Also, inversion therapy is contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy. As for children, in this case the issue is resolved strictly individually, but still children under 15 years of age are not allowed for this therapy.

    Many people wonder whether it is possible to make such a table with their own hands. Yes, indeed, there is nothing tricky about this device, but it is best to purchase this device in a specialized store - only in this case can you get the entire necessary effect.

    By the way, treatment upside down was practiced back in the time of Hippocrates. His contemporary described several times a procedure in which the famous doctor tied a patient to a special ladder, and then turned it over so that the person found himself hanging upside down.

    Other indications

    In addition to the treatment of spinal diseases, including disc herniation, this table can also be used for the treatment of other diseases and pathological conditions. In addition, it has a significant positive effect:

    1. Improves posture.
    2. Relieves muscle tension.
    3. Prevents varicose veins on the legs.
    4. Strengthens ligaments.
    5. Increases body flexibility.
    6. Increases the range of body movement.
    7. Helps you relax.
    8. Relieves stress.
    9. Stimulates blood circulation.
    10. Stimulates lymph circulation.

    As for other indications for use, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    One of the most popular inversion table models is Body Sculpture bi 2100 E. Moreover, a person of any height and any weight can exercise on it. In this regard, there are no significant contraindications.

    Greetings, dear readers of the site. A few weeks ago I asked someone to write an article for my website about what inversion therapy is and how it has helped him grow. The fact is that this man has been doing inversion exercises most of his life and his experience with the results is definitely noteworthy. He agreed and sent me the post. The text was quite voluminous, detailed, with pictures and videos, just as it should =). The topic is very relevant. I'm sure it will be useful to many.

    Well, catch the post.

    The process of partially or completely hanging head down is called inversion (from the Latin inversio - turning over, rearranging). In this article we will look at inversion therapy, as well as what gravity boots (inversion boots), an inversion table, inversion exercises are, and how they help improve health and increase human growth. The issue of increasing height with the help of inversion therapy will be discussed by me here as a bonus from such exercises. The inversion method will bring you much more benefit due to the use of the hidden reserves of your body during its implementation. After more than twenty years of practice using inversion exercises, my height increase is about 15 cm. After 25 years, I quite clearly felt and still feel an increase in the height of my body. Now, with my 190 cm, my height doesn’t bother me much, as, in general, it didn’t bother me much before, because the overall effect of such activities on health is much more important.

    Moon boots.

    Let me start with this. I used to have back pain and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Anyone who has experienced this knows this feeling. I know how inconvenient this can be and how it can ruin life.

    After I graduated from college, I opened a landscaping and landscaping company. I worked hard because I wanted financial independence. I really tried my best. Sometimes I had to accept orders for work without even knowing how to do such work.

    Once, for example, a client approached me who wanted to build a stone wall without cement on his property. I said: “No problem!” But since the wall would have to bear a lot of load, I asked if I could put cement at the base of the wall. The client agreed.

    On the first day, I dug a hole, went to the store and bought cement. When I returned, I decided to load two 60 kg bags of cement on my shoulders to save time walking up and down. I put the first bag on my shoulder, and when I bent down and turned a little to pick up the second, I heard a not very pleasant sound - the crunching of my own back. In an instant I was lying on the ground in pain. I spent the following weeks either in bed or sitting in front of the TV.

    About halfway through the second week, a friend who visited me told me that a new-fangled back treatment device called “moon boots” had just come out. He received a couple of these for New Years. I borrowed them from him. My dad installed a horizontal bar in the apartment so I could hang upside down. I started doing this for 5-10 minutes a day, every day.

    Soon my back felt much better, my spine was straightened, my muscles became toned. My posture has noticeably improved, which, by the way, was not bad before. I continued to use upside down hangs and moon boots on a regular basis, not only for my healing, but as a way to experiment with different exercises that could lead to higher levels of fitness. Thanks to the inversion method, there are fewer injuries at work, and the body feels great. This is cool!

    Indications for inversion therapy.

    I healed myself more than 20 years ago and that life experience still seems amazing to me. We had no research and I just didn't know what I was doing, but I felt like I was doing the right thing. Currently, inversion therapy cannot be considered an alternative treatment for the problems I had, since it was the subject of a large clinical study. Inversion therapy has been shown to help relieve many illnesses.

    The main reason to consider inversion therapy is to reduce back pain, but there are a number of additional benefits that people receive from doing it regularly. Below I have written for you 7 reasons to use inversion.

    1. Supports and increases growth. Exercising regularly will help you avoid the growth shrinkage that naturally occurs throughout life due to gravity. An increase in growth is achieved through the use of body tissues that are normally compressed.
    2. Improves blood circulation. When you hang upside down, gravity helps circulation instead of working against it. Thanks to inversion, the lymphatic system is cleared faster. This plays an important role in metabolism and general cleansing of the body, relieves pain, and revitalizes weakened muscles.
    3. Relieves stress. It is a proven fact that stretching is a rejuvenating procedure for the entire body! Inversion classes provide a sense of relaxation similar to yoga, but with less effort. Some people find that they sleep better by regularly using the inversion method.
    4. Increases mental activity. The inverted position of the body increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, which helps maintain mental clarity.
    5. Increases flexibility and range of motion. With inversion, your joints remain healthy and flexible, meaning you can remain healthy at almost any age.
    6. Posture improves. The stretch that occurs under the force of gravity on an inverted body will help you sit, stand and move with greater ease.
    7. Rebuilds the spine after training. Running and other aerobic exercise inevitably lead to compression of the spine. Often uneven. Unilateral movements, such as when playing tennis, pull the spine out of alignment. When hanging upside down, minor misalignments are naturally corrected.

    5 inversion exercises to increase height.

    If the benefits and my experience were enough to motivate you to do the inversion method, then I offer 5 inversion exercises that you can practice for increased height and overall health, and then evaluate the results. They are performed on an inversion table or using special leg attachments - inversion boots.

    1. Inverted squat. In a fully inverted position, use your glutes and thighs to pull yourself up. At first, just try to bend your knees. Inverted squats are a challenging exercise because they isolate the gluteal muscles and hamstrings. Many posture and back problems are primarily due to weakness in these muscles.
    2. Twisting. In a fully inverted position, place your hands on your chest and use your abdominal muscles to lift your upper torso about one-third upward.
    3. Crunches with straight arms. In a fully inverted position, extend your arms and lift your upper body, trying to reach your toes with your hands.
    4. Inverted rotations. In a fully inverted position, grab the inversion table leg with your hands and rotate yourself 90 degrees. Switch hands and do the same for the other side.
    5. Increased stretching. In a fully inverted position, pull yourself down with your arms. You can increase the load if you need it and control the entire process.

    Let's take a look at how your workout can go with inversion machines. Let's start with the fact that it is not advisable to go straight into a full inversion in order to speed up the results of training on an inversion table, but if you use special leg mounts, then you have no choice and you will have to start with a full inversion. Let's consider both options.

    Exercises on an inversion table.

    Below I have written a simple guide for beginners.

    First 2 weeks. Set up the table. Incline 20 to 30 degrees for 1 to 2 minutes, once or twice a day. Slowly increase the time until you become familiar with the process and position. The best way to know whether you are used to an inversion machine or not is to relax while you are using it.

    Partial inversion after 2 weeks. The body is tilted at an angle of 60 degrees. You can stay in this position for up to 15 minutes, once or twice a day. There are two main ways to invert yourself.

    1. Static inversion. You hold yourself at the desired angle and do not move from this position.
    2. Dynamic inversion. Alternating: 20–30 seconds – in a position at an angle of 60 degrees; 20–30 seconds – in a horizontal position. Some people believe that this action provides better results.

    You will have to experiment to see which path is most comfortable and works best for you.

    Complete inversion after 2 weeks. Your body hangs completely upside down freely. You must be in a full inversion position to do the 5 exercises listed above. Decide for yourself how much time you will spend in this position. Experts recommend exercising from 5 to 15 minutes, twice a day. The amount of time will depend on your adaptive capacity.

    Exercises with gravity boots.

    My quick guide to gravity boots starts right off with the full inverted position. Be very careful during your first lessons and find someone who will back you up.

    First 2 weeks try to get used to the new sensations and simply hang upside down for 1-2 minutes, once or twice a day. After this period, you can try to start 5 exercises. Doing them is almost no different from doing exercises on a table. The only difference is that you will have to find the support for the fourth and fifth exercises yourself.

    The benefits of the inversion method have been proven. Still, if you have the opportunity to use an inversion table at first, then use it rather than inversion boots. It is better to start hanging slowly, at a slight angle for a short amount of time. Going straight into a full inversion for an extended period of time can cause harm and subsequent pain.

    It is important to remember that inversion causes blood flow to the upper body and may be contraindicated if you have heart, spine or eye problems. Talk to your doctor before you start exercising.

    Monitor your health and be patient. The inversion table and gravity boots are great devices that can be used by you for a variety of purposes and can be used on a daily basis. Make training with inversion machines a habit and your body will reap the benefits of your efforts. Good luck!

    This is the post, friends! Thanks again to Dmitry for your efforts! I personally liked the post.

    Now you know what the inversion method can give you and how hanging upside down can help you grow. I wish you success in your training!

    Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev