Accounting info. Accounting info Payment cards in the program 1s 8.3

Progress in the field of commodity-money relations has led to the emergence of one of the incredibly convenient inventions - bank cards. At the very beginning, they were intended to receive funds that were stored in the bank, but over time, the functionality of the cards was expanded for ease of service at retail outlets - acquiring appeared.

Acquiring is payment for goods and services provided by an organization using payment cards. This is a very convenient, modern and simple method of payment, which has gained great popularity, and therefore the installation of acquiring through systems on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform became a matter of time.

Connecting acquiring to 1C is not the only action. In order to carry out acquiring operations in your organization, you must enter into an appropriate agreement with the servicing bank, which will provide equipment for accepting payments on the terms specified in the agreement - this can be a lease or free use.

The most common equipment is equipment connected via USB ports. They interact at the level of installation on the operating system. That is, if you do not install the driver itself into the system, the commercial equipment driver will not work.

As soon as the buyer presents the card to the seller to pay for the purchase, a certain series of transactions occurs. After receiving data about the buyer, the terminal contacts the bank system and transmits data about the amount and the buyer. Common information is the card PIN code. Next, the device receives a response in the form of payment or refusal if the password is entered incorrectly.

The operation of terminals is fundamentally different from the operation of any other commercial equipment. If the drivers or the system itself are configured incorrectly, this can lead to a malfunction of all transmitting systems.

To get started, you need to take a few important steps:

  • Conclude an agreement with the bank for the provision of acquiring services;
  • Get a POS terminal from the bank;
  • Discuss the terms of cooperation and get advice on installing and configuring equipment;
  • Obtain from the bank the appropriate drivers for POS terminals.

During the consultation, the bank employee will definitely explain how and where to register and copy files. Next, you need to connect the terminal and a reader to dial the PIN code via the USB port.

The easiest way to load library parameters is to launch the dedicated program supplied with the equipment.


In the window that opens, select “Acquiring equipment”.


If all drivers are loaded correctly, the system of the bank we need will appear in the drop-down list; if it is not there, you need to download the file manually.




If the steps are strictly followed, the “Configuring Acquiring System Parameters” form will open.


After installing all the drivers, we check the functionality of the equipment. Select “Pay by card” in the system, enter the amount and click “Payment”. The system will immediately ask you to insert a bank card into the POS terminal. Before this, the terminal must be connected to the fiscal registrar.

After completing all the settings in 1C 8 (rev. 3.0), it will be possible to accept payments and make settlements with customers using the document “Payment card transactions”, which is located in the “Bank and cash desk” section.


Here we create a document in accordance with the type of sale - “Payment from the buyer”, intended for making payments from wholesale buyers, and “Retail revenue” to reflect revenue from a manual point of sale.


“Type of payment” is filled in from the directory. It contains the necessary information to fill out the acquiring agreement and settlement account.


When posted, the document generates the following transactions:


It is important to note that the procedure for connecting such equipment is quite complicated, since some problems may arise when connecting to this type of equipment for the first time. Most commercial equipment uses one-way communication with accounting systems and does not require additional settings. Acquiring equipment – ​​POS terminals, on the contrary, use communication with external hardware and software systems. To configure them correctly, it is important not to forget about this nuance. Therefore, to quickly and correctly connect the equipment, it is better to invite specialized specialists.

Paying for a purchase with a payment card in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

What is acquiring? Acquiring is the process of paying for a purchase with a payment card.

The process looks something like this. The buyer selects a product, goes to the checkout and tries to pay for the purchase with a plastic payment card. The seller inserts the card into the card reader (terminal) and asks to enter a PIN code. If there are enough funds on the card to pay for the purchase, the seller returns the card, issues a cash receipt and the goods. This part of the process is well known to all of us.

Let's figure out what happens after the buyer has entered the correct PIN code and picked up the goods, and how to carry out acquiring in 1C Accounting 8.3 with the simplified tax system or the OSN. Acquiring in 1C 8.2 accounting is practically no different from 8.3, so you can safely use these instructions for the old version of 1C.

Registration of sales of goods and services when paying with a payment card

We can sell at retail and wholesale. As a rule, sales in a retail store are recorded in the accounting system automatically at the close of a trading shift (you can upload information at any other time). Along with uploading information about goods sold (the program creates a document “Retail Sales Report”), payment information should also be uploaded. There should be a division between cash payment and non-cash payment.

Therefore, in connection with the automation of retail operations, we will not touch on this in this article, but will consider the usual sale of goods and services and payment for this document with a payment card.

First, let's figure out how the card payment process goes and who owes whom when.

The buyer pays with a bank card from the card account. Accordingly, the purchase amount in the bank is debited from the buyer’s account, but has not yet been credited to the store’s account. There is no point in transferring every purchase instantly, it will overload the system. During a shift, all payment transactions by bank card (non-cash payments) in our organization are recorded. The bank becomes indebted to the client organization under the contract.

The question arises of how to keep records in 1C of funds that are supposedly ours (the buyer paid us for the goods), but in reality they do not yet exist.

To account for such funds in the chart of accounts, there is account 57.03, which is called “Sales by payment cards”. Money will accumulate on it until we make a bank statement, which will credit the required amount to our current account.

So, let's start processing the transactions.

Sale of goods

Here's an example of how the document was filled out:

We enter payment by payment card in 1C 8.3

Now we will make the payment in 1C through acquiring. We will create a payment document based on the sales document. In this case, many of the necessary details will be filled in automatically.

Click the “Create based on” button and select “Payment by payment card”. The window for creating a payment document will open. In this window, we essentially only have to select “Payment Type”.

Initially, the program does not have a preset type of payment, since it is tied to the organization - the seller.

Let's create a new payment type. Let’s call it, for example, “Payment by VISA card”:

  • Payment type – select “Payment card”
  • Fill in the fields “Organization” and “Bank”
  • We will indicate the agreement with the bank (if it is not established, we will create a new one)
  • We enter the settlement account 57.03 and the percentage of the bank’s commission for servicing

We write down our new type of payment and select it in the document. In this form, you can post payments for retail revenue to other purchase transactions. The document is ready and you can post it:

And look at the acquiring transactions that he generated in 1C:

As you can see, the amount was reflected in account 57.03, analytics - VTB Bank.

Based on materials from:

An increasing number of customers prefer to pay for goods or services with bank cards during retail sales, so 1C provides functionality for this type of payment for both automated and non-automated retail outlets.

If the point of sale is automated, then bank acquiring is quite simple. To complete the operation, you need to select “Retail Sales Report” in the “Sales” section. A list of sales reports will open, in this list you need to select the report to which we will link payment by card, go to the “Non-cash payments” tab.

There is no need to confuse the concept of “non-cash payments” using bank cards from an individual and non-cash payments from a legal entity through a current account.

Using the “Add” button, we create a new row, in the first column of which we create a new type of payment:

Fill in the fields:

    “Payment method” - payment card;

    “Name” - indicate payment through the ATT terminal;

    “Counterparty” - indicate the acquiring bank with which the organization has entered into an agreement;

    “Agreement” - filled in from the details of the counterparty;

    “Settlement account” - default value is 57.03

    “Bank commission” is the percentage that we pay to the bank for each transaction.

After creating a payment type, the amount that was paid by cards is indicated and the document is posted. The transactions generated as a result of the operation will look like this:

The total amount from the retail sales report was broken down into cash payments and card payments, which is reflected in the corresponding invoices.

The money has already been debited from the buyer’s card, but 1C has not yet reflected the receipt to the current account. You need to reflect the receipt by downloading a bank statement. This item is located in the “Bank and cash desk” section:

We need to issue a new arrival:

Fill out the form that opens:

    “Type of transaction” - proceeds from sales on payment cards and bank loans;

    “Payer” is the bank with which the service agreement has been concluded;

    Accounting and cost accounts are entered by the program by default;

    “Amount” - indicate how much should be credited to our account (minus bank commissions);

    “Amount of services” is a trade concession in favor of the bank;

    “DDS Article” - payment from buyers.

After posting the document, you can check the transactions:

It can be seen that the transaction was reflected correctly and the amount of payment by card minus the bank commission was credited to the organization’s account.

Now let's look at how acquiring is carried out for a manual point of sale. In the “Bank and cash desk” section, select the “Payment by payment cards” item:

When you go to the item, a list of card payments opens, in which you need to create a new payment. Click “Create” and fill in the fields in the form that opens:

    “Type of operation” - retail revenue;

    “Warehouse” - a manual point of sale is specified or created;

    “Payment type” - an already created payment type is used through the terminal;

Today we will learn how to make payments from customers through payment cards (Visa, MasterCard and others).

In another way, such operations are also called acquiring:

Acquiring (from the English acquiring - acquisition) - acceptance of payment cards as a means of payment for goods, works, services.

Attention, this is a lesson - you can repeat all my actions in your database (only your organization and period will be different).

Situation. We are a retail store with a sales area. On January 1, revenue from payment cards amounted to 100,000 rubles. On January 2, our acquiring bank transferred this amount to our current account. The bank charged 1% of the amount for acquiring services.

Let's go to the "Bank and cash desk" section and select the "Payments by payment cards" item:

In the journal that opens, click the “Create” button:

Naturally, our type of operation is “Retail Revenue”:

Fill in the date and the warehouse field (with the type manual point of sale):

Create a new payment type:

  • Payment type: Payment card
  • Name: for example, Visa
  • Counterparty: our acquiring bank VTB
  • Agreement: Acquiring Agreement (you can also specify the number and date)

Don’t forget to also indicate the percentage of the bank’s commission for acquiring services (1%).

It will turn out like this:

We will indicate the payment amount and post the document:

Let's look at the wiring (DtKt button):

That's right:

62.Р (retail buyer) 90.01.1 (revenue) 100,000 (revenue reflected)

57.03 (transfers in transit) 62.Р (retail buyer) 100,000 (revenue in transit, transfer from the acquiring bank to our current account is expected)

According to the statement dated January 2, the money (except for the commission) was transferred to our bank account.

To reflect the receipt of money, let’s go to the just created document “Payment by payment cards” and create on its basis “Receipt to the current account”:

Please note that the program automatically allocated the bank commission (in this case, 1,000 rubles):

And she attributed it to other expenses (account 91.02):

Let’s go through the document and look at the postings (DtKt button):

That's right:

51 (our current account) 57.03 (transfers in transit) 99,000 (payment minus commission credited to our account)

91.02 (other expenses) 57.03 (transfers in transit) 1,000 (expenses for paying the acquiring commission)

By the way, if the proceeds were not retail (62.R), but a regular payment from the buyer (a specific counterparty) - we simply should have selected “Payment from the buyer” as the type of transaction and then everywhere instead of 62.R 62.01 would appear indicating the selected by us the buyer (counterparty).

Acquiring is a way to pay for goods using a bank card. The organization enters into an acquiring agreement with the bank. According to it, the company is given the opportunity to take payments from its customers using bank cards. The acquiring bank provides the necessary equipment to ensure payment acceptance. These are so-called POS terminals, through which information on plastic cards is read and transmitted to the bank. After the shift is closed, a report is generated, on the basis of which it is necessary to enter data as acquiring in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Using acquiring

The conditions for transferring data from company terminals vary, depending on the financial organization itself and the number of transactions that will take place through them. If the company does not have enough one device to operate, you can request the required number. Basically, the bank meets and provides the client with the necessary terminals. Each of them is associated with a common account and all the money goes directly to it, unless other conditions are specified in the agreement.

There is a fee for using an acquiring bank. Basically, this is a percentage of payment amounts that were transferred to the organization’s account using POS terminals. To calculate the commission, banks collect information about the company for a general understanding of the approximate number of transactions and amounts that will be carried out. It includes data about the area of ​​activity of the organization, its turnover and the region in which it is located.

Trading companies using POS terminals have advantages over those who use exclusively cash payment methods. Among these:

  • Increased sales volume associated with attracting new customers;
  • Reducing the cost of attracting collectors;
  • Enhanced protection against counterfeiters;
  • Provision of special preferential programs for account maintenance from the acquiring bank.

When paying by card, the buyer transfers money from his own account, which is debited instantly, but the seller does not receive the money immediately. Therefore, there is no need to conduct sales at the same moment, this will lead to overload of the system. While the shift at the terminal is open, all amounts transferred to pay for goods to the company are recorded in it. Thus, the debt of the bank that serves the organization to it is formed.

These funds are accounted for in account 57.03 “Sales by payment cards”. It is there that the funds will be accumulated and only after the bank statement is completed, the required amount will be credited to the company’s current account.

According to the instructions applied to the Chart of Accounts in accounting, proceeds received from clients are deposited into the cash desk of the credit institution. But before they are enrolled for their intended purpose, some time will pass, refer to account 57 “Transfers in transit.” It is used to account for funds received from clients for goods transferred to them, payment for which was made using a bank card. For convenience, the programmers of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 created a subaccount 57.03 “Sales by payment cards”. With its help, all bank card transactions are summarized into one document that is convenient to view. After this procedure, the buyer picks up the goods and now it is necessary to carry out acquiring in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

The main feature of working with plastic cards is that the money is transferred to the seller’s current account not from the buyer directly, but from the acquiring bank, so the funds do not arrive at the same moment when payment for the goods occurs.

Before choosing an acquiring bank, you need to check under what conditions POS terminals are provided, otherwise after a month it may turn out that they are turned off, for example, due to the fact that the organization itself must handle the payment for SIM cards.

The procedure for entering data into the program

To record acquiring transactions, the user needs to connect the appropriate functionality in the program. Its settings are located in the “Main” section, on the “Bank and cash desk” tab.

Having gone to the “Bank and Cash Desk” tab, you need to check the box next to the “Payment Cards” item; if it is not highlighted and is gray, it means that this functionality is enabled in the program by default and is already working.

When connecting this functionality, it becomes possible to pay for goods and services by clients with bank cards and on account of a bank loan.

First of all, the sale of sold products is formalized. This can be either wholesale or retail sales. Basically, retail stores record products sold at the close of the trading shift, although this can be done at any other time. When downloading data on sold products, a “Retail Sales Report” is generated and information on how the payment was made is downloaded. At this point, payments by cash and bank cards are separated.

To reflect the fact of sales of goods or services provided in 1C 8.3 Accounting, it is necessary to create a document “Sales (acts, invoices)”.

Formation of a document for the sale of services and goods in the 1C program

To create a document, go to the “Sales” menu, open the “Sales (acts, invoices)” tab, and a list of documents is displayed. At the top is the “Sales” button, click on it and select “Goods, services, commission”.

After this, a document will be created that needs to be filled out.

The number in the document is entered automatically; the default date is today, but it can be changed to the required one. The fields in the document header are filled in manually:

  • Sales organization;
  • Counterparty;
  • Warehouse.

After this, you can proceed to compiling a table. There are several types of filling this part. If there are not many products, then through the “Add” button, all information will be filled in line by line. In this case, the balance of goods in the warehouse will not be shown; if you enter a larger number of sold units of products, the program will generate an error and will not post the file.

It is more convenient to use the “Selection” button. After clicking it, the “Item Selection” window will open, in which you can immediately see the remaining goods in the warehouse.

In the field on the right, select the required product and enter the quantity sold, and you can immediately see the balance in the warehouse. If the quantity exceeds the remainder, then the balances were displayed incorrectly and need to be corrected. The selected items will be displayed below; if all the necessary products are selected, click the “Move to document” button. This option will take less time, since almost all data is entered automatically.

After completing these procedures, you can post the document and close it.

We enter payment by payment card in 1C 8.3

Based on the created document, payment is made in the 1 C acquiring program. The payment document will be created using the sales document. In this case, the main details will be filled in automatically by the program, since they were already entered in the previous paragraph.

Select the required document, click “Create based on” and then “Payment card transaction”. A document will be generated to create the payment. Here you will need to specify the “Type of payment”.

The following lines will already be filled in the window that opens:

  • The type of transaction, by default, will be marked “Payment from the buyer”;
  • Organization;
  • Counterparty.

The program does not provide for the automatic creation of a payment type, since organizations themselves choose how they will work. Therefore, you need to create a new one, to do this, click on the line and click on “Create”, underlined in blue.

In the “Payment method” line, select “Payment card” and name it MasterCard, it is not necessary to put exactly this name, the main thing is that it is convenient to use it later. Then enter the name of the organization and bank information. In the “Agreement” field, enter the completed agreement with the bank or create a new one. The account is indicated on 57.03 and the amount of the bank commission that was indicated when concluding the agreement is selected. Click “Swipe and close”.

This form is also suitable for creating other types of payments. After the “Type of payment” column has been filled in, you can post the document.

After completion, acquiring transactions will be generated, which can be viewed by clicking on the button with the letters “Dt Kt”. The document will reflect:

  • Accounts used when working with acquiring;
  • Number and date of the agreement with the acquiring bank;
  • Transaction amount.

Since no cash was received from the buyer, they are transferred to a bank account, there is no need to create a “cash receipt order” document.

The buyer does not always have the opportunity to pay for the purchase in full in cash or by card; in this case, a mixed payment occurs. A certain amount of money is deposited in cash and the rest is paid by plastic card. In this case, the amount of money that was deposited in cash is issued through the “Cash Receipt Order”, and the remaining amount according to the instructions presented above.

Funds from purchases are transferred by the bank the next day after the end of the shift. Moreover, it happens that not the entire amount goes to the organization’s bank account immediately. In some financial organizations, the shift is divided, for example, until 22.00 and arrives in the morning to the account, and the rest of the amount every other day. In addition, the bank immediately removes the commission, which can be seen when receiving bank statements.

Sales using acquiring provides each organization with increased competitiveness and increases trade turnover by attracting buyers who prefer to use bank cards.