Why do you dream about a baseball bat? Why do you dream about a bat? What does a dream about a bat portend for your personal life?

Why you dream about a bat - the interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dreamer’s real life and the smallest details of the night vision. According to different interpreters, a dream can be destructive or creative.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A bat in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant events. There is no need to tempt fate to maintain your luck.

Bat in hand and victory in the competition foreshadow opportunities that are worth taking advantage of. Such a dream prophesies an improvement in the dreamer’s well-being and career growth.

Modern dream book

Seeing a bat in dreams means troubles and losses.

New acquaintances can deceive if the dreamer is beaten with a bat. Even a person from your close circle can turn out to be an enemy and cause a lot of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to this dream book, the bat prophesies activities that will require serious concentration. The dream also foreshadows a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dropped a bat in a dream, you will be able to avoid a quarrel with a friend or relative in reality, but your relationship will become “colder.”

Interpretation taking into account the details of the dream

A man may dream of a bat as a sign of missing out on a profitable deal.

In the dreams of a young girl, a bat foreshadows a lucrative offer that must be accepted without hesitation.

An accurate hit with a bat predicts a win.

A broken bat or a bat that falls out of your hands foreshadows upcoming failures.

Dream interpretation of Bit. Why does Bita dream, I dreamed -there are strange men in the house, one with a gun, the other with a bat. Dream Interpretation "Raido"

symbol of aggressive confrontation. A categorical refusal to do something. The bat also appears in the dreams of men suffering from a sexual inferiority complex.

Dream: In the south, there are strange men in the house, one with a gun, the other with a bat. The house is light, blue walls with white. My wife appears, I feel attracted. I say, let's go to the bathroom and have sex, but you just need to be careful and quiet so as not to attract attention. From the bathroom we go out into the street and enter the house. The doors are glass and I draw the curtains on them. I undress and feel fear and discomfort, and just as we are about to begin, the door opens and grandma enters. I dive into the bath. Grandmother in fashionable glasses, she starts looking for me. I feel childish fear, and my wife covers me so that my grandmother doesn’t notice. Here the grandmother sits on the toilet and pees, and then takes my dog ​​out of the toilet (this is my dog ​​in real life). Grandma sees me, gets up and leaves. I tell my wife - let's continue. The house begins to shake, noise, din.

Interpretation: The beginning of the dream irrefutably indicates the theme - sexual aggression (stranger men, one with a gun, the other with a bat), of course, the problem is in the subconscious (strangers in the house). Given that the dream was dreamed by an adult man, by the way, he recently divorced his wife, the dream shows that powerful complexes of childhood fear are operating in his subconscious. Sex and everything connected with it is forbidden, sinful, shameful. This is also evidenced by the images of glass doors, on which a man draws the curtains, and his call to be careful not to attract attention, plus the fear experienced by the man and, of course, the grandmother, who has invaded the bathroom. Why haven’t such children’s complexes dissipated, because the man is an adult, he already has children. Only because the complex of sinfulness is connected with another complex - sexual failure (this is precisely what the image of a bat and a gun testifies to). The dog indicates the healthy animal instincts of the man, which were almost completely suppressed (the grandmother takes the dog out of the toilet). Apparently, the boy’s grandmother, as psychoanalysts say, “castrated” her grandson. The image of a grandmother in fashionable glasses indicates that she persistently preached some perverted scientific theories of sex education, which still keep the hero under vigilant control. The grandmother punished her grandson for some ugly behavior so much that the child developed the feeling of the absence of a penis. Now the psychological complexes cause unimaginable chaos in the man’s subconscious (the house begins to shake, noise, commotion).

Dream portal "Raido". Dream Interpretation "Raido"

If there is a book that helps to unravel the meanings of certain words, it is a dream book. The bat is quite an unusual symbol. But he often comes to people in visions. What could it mean?

Modern book of interpretations

This dream book can tell you a lot. The bat is a symbol of missed opportunities and the emergence of problems in your personal life. It is extremely important that the dreamer understands this and stops wasting his time on trifles. It's time for him to take luck by the tail. Otherwise, the white stripe will end, and the person will not even have time to use it.

If the dreamer was a man, then he should be more attentive at work in the business sphere. Perhaps an important deal is looming. And you must not miss it. Otherwise, he will regret it for a long time. Or he will get some chance. They will need to be used.

By the way, if a vision appeared to a girl, then she should expect approximately the same thing - this is what the dream book says. The bat is a symbol of a profitable offer. She will need to take advantage of any opportunities that appear in life. And don't think as usual. You should agree right away; too much time will be spent on thinking and then it will turn out that it is too late to give a positive answer.

According to Freud

This dream book can also tell you something. A bat is a good sign. Especially if the dreamer beat his significant other with it. It sounds terrible, of course, but such a vision usually promises a new stage in a relationship. The lovers will rekindle their passion for each other. They will start spending more time together. If the dreamer’s significant other suddenly starts giving gifts and compliments, you should not suspect anything wrong. Treason, for example, and perceive all these signs of attention as an attempt to make amends. It’s just a new stage in the relationship, and you should be happy.

What does the most popular dream book say?

Bat. You can listen to Miller, since his book of interpretations is the most famous. And he claims that when a person sees himself on the sports field, holding this projectile in his hands, he should expect positive changes in life. And, most importantly, don't complain about anything. Perhaps now the dreamer is not having the best period in his life. But there is no need to complain about life. Otherwise, luck will turn away from him.

If he took part in any competitions and used a bat in the process, then this can be explained in different ways. Did the dreamer win? This means that his personal life will soon improve and he will find success in the business sphere. Perhaps he will receive a bonus or promotion. In any case, he will go up the career ladder. Lost? The sign is not good. And such a vision promises the completely opposite.

The dream book can tell you something else. The bat is an ambiguous symbol. If a person has seen unknown people beating him with this sports equipment, then one should expect deception on the part of those who have recently appeared in his life. And you shouldn't trust friends either. In general, it is worth becoming more hidden and less frank. In life, most likely, the best time is coming, but you need to be concentrated, collected and alert so as not to suffer any hardships.

Other interpretations

It happens that a person who is a parent dreams of beating his child with a bat. This usually foreshadows problems that will arise between them. And to the big ones. Perhaps the child will do something bad, unpleasant, or out of the ordinary. Then his parent will have to take all sorts of actions to make people forget about what they did. This is what the dream book says.

A bat in a dream, with which a person beat a stranger and experienced incredible pleasure from this, means luck.

By the way, there is another interpretation. Taken from a psychological dream book. It says that the bat is a reflection of a person’s tension and moral exhaustion. Perhaps he has difficulty controlling himself and is irritated by almost everything. It would be better for him to take a couple of days of rest and spend them in silence and solitude.

Unexpected guests.

Hitting a stranger means loss.

Beating a subordinate means you will lose the respect of your colleagues.

Husband, wife - expect divorce due to infidelity;

Children - family troubles associated with distrust of you on the part of household members.

To beat a stranger - you will soon learn about the death of a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

Enemy - luck has turned away from you; yourself - you are not destined to achieve what you want.

A defenseless person - you will become the cause of failure or disaster in your life.

Beating an animal means sad events await you soon.

Hitting a dog - irreconcilable differences will lead to a severance of relations with your best friend;

Beating a cat - you will learn about betrayal that was hidden from you for many years;

Beating a horse with a whip - a false conspiracy is being hatched against you at work.

Imagine hitting someone playfully: without malice, as if jokingly, lovingly. The main thing in this visualization is to get rid of anger and come to a state of joy and play.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Beat

Hitting someone means people will praise you.

If you dreamed that a stranger beat you, it means defeat and disaster.

If you saw your mistress beaten, it means eternal love.

If you see a beaten dog, your true friends doubt you.

Seeing a beaten cat means your neighbor will slander you.

Beating yourself in the chest means losing a relative.

If you knock on the floor, it means a promotion (for a bankrupt this is a good dream).

If you are beaten to death, trouble and grief will soon end, leading to a happy life.

If you order someone to beat another person to death, then that person will be your trusted friend.

If a patient sees such a dream, it means a speedy recovery.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of hitting with a bat? The bat is a sports equipment for games and is a wooden stick with a thickened end. In ancient times, a bat was called a club and was used in fights with enemies. Nowadays, the bat is often used for certain purposes - threats to life, self-defense or robbery. What does this dream mean in the interpretation of dream books?

The interpretation of this dream changes in accordance with the plot of the events seen by the sleeper. If the bat was used as a playing sports equipment, this foreshadows a difficult struggle to realize the intended goals in life. You will have to make an effort, expend a lot of energy and use dexterity and ingenuity.

If the dreamer simply holds the bat in his hands and does not participate in the competition, the subconscious mind warns: a passive attitude to events will not bring success. Your achievements will depend on the efforts made, and not on contemplating events from the outside.

Deliver a precise hit with a bat on an object- to the successful completion of plans. You can also win in real life. A miss, a broken or dropped bat means failure in life. To achieve success, you need to be more attentive and efficient.

Danger sign

If you dream of a bat not in a game situation, this indicates the dreamer’s anxious state - either he is afraid of some situation, or he is in danger. Hitting with a baton means victory in an unpleasant situation, overcoming obstacles, and achieving your goal.

Feel anger and aggression during blows- to complicate the situation in life. Your accumulated negative aggression will lead to a conflict situation. If you destroyed an object with positive symbolism with a baton, this is a sign of destroying the positive in your life with your own hands. Curb your ardor.

If in a dream you were involved in a fight, and you have received significant blows to the body, this is a sign of defeat. You will be forced to defend yourself from aggressive attacks from the environment, and the degree of defeat will depend on the number of hits received. Seeing a baton - expect a conflict situation that will soon erupt.

For personal life

What does the vision of a bat promise for your personal life?

If a woman sees the bat, this portends a meeting with a courageous man. This sports tool carries especially positive symbolism to single women - you will soon find a partner.

If a man dreams of a club, this means a missed chance in life. The dreamer, due to his own carelessness, will not sign a lucrative contract, which he will remember for a long time with regret.

Hit someone with a baton and feel pleasure- to luck in life. However, you will have to act decisively and quickly, otherwise your luck will slip away to someone else. Quick, active actions will help you achieve what you want.

Beating your own spouse with a baton and crying- to good changes in family life. Your husband will become more attentive and gentle, expect generous gifts from him.

Caning your own child- to a tense relationship with him. Perhaps the dreamer will receive an unpleasant message from a teacher at school about the child’s bad behavior. In this situation, it is better to stand up for your child rather than scold him.

Interpretation of dream books

  • Velesov's dream book interprets a fight with an enemy as a chance for reconciliation.
  • Russian dream book interprets such a dream as victory over enemies in a difficult situation.
  • Azar's Dream Book interprets a dream in which you beat a person as a loss in life.
  • Dream book of the future interprets the dream, like Azar’s dream book, as a sign of loss.
  • Dream Interpretation of Winter believes that the dreamer is on the verge of a life catastrophe.
  • Loff's Dream Book interprets this plot as a hint to release accumulated anger and stress out.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer believes that this plot foreshadows reconciliation and internal agreement with oneself.
  • French dream book sees in the plot of beating her husband a strengthening of family relationships: your husband is delighted with you. Beating your lover in a dream warns that soon your secret relationship will become known to everyone.

Freud believes that this dream is caused by a lack of sexual sensations. The dreamer strives for immediate satisfaction of sexual needs in the shortest possible way. If desires are not satisfied, a person may develop tendencies towards perversions - sadism, fetishism, masochism and other deviations.

Freud argues that beating a child symbolizes a tendency towards self-gratification, and beating corpses symbolizes a tendency towards necrophilia. Beating or destroying insects or small animals is a manifestation of pedophilic qualities.