Egg and milk mixture. Bread fried in a milk-egg mixture (croutons). Cauliflower soup

At all times there has been a special, respectful attitude towards bread, it is not for nothing that the proverb has gone around that BREAD IS THE HEAD OF EVERYONE. And from time immemorial, throwing away bread was considered a great sin. But what to do if the bread, which was still so fresh and soft yesterday, has already become stale and unappetizing today?

The answer is clear: you need to give bread a second life!

There are many recipes in which the main ingredient is stale bread. I would like to offer one recipe. Stale bread prepared in accordance with it is perfect for breakfast, or just for tea - instead of a bun.

The ingredients necessary to prepare this dish, in addition to the loaf of stale bread itself, will no doubt be available to every housewife. And the time spent on preparing stale bread in this way will be only some 15, or even 10 minutes!

So, we prepare bread fried in a milk-egg mixture with sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut a loaf of stale white bread into pieces, like for sandwiches. The thickness of each should be about a centimeter.
Prepare the milk-egg mixture. Simply whisk together the required amount of milk and eggs with a whisk or mixer.

Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan - as for regular frying.

We wet each piece of bread on both sides in the milk-egg mixture.

And then put the bread in a frying pan and fry over medium heat on each side until golden brown.
It usually takes a couple of minutes on each side.

Once the bread is toasted, remove it from the pan onto a plate and sprinkle each piece with 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar.

The result is soft and tender delicious buns with sugar that simply melt in your mouth! Enjoy your tea!

1. Semolina milk soup

Ingredients: semolina, pasteurized milk, chicken egg, butter, sugar, water, salt.

Cooking method. Mix milk and water, put on fire, bring to a boil, add salt and sugar. Pour the sifted semolina, stirring, in a thin stream into the mixture of milk and water, cook for 10–15 minutes until ready. Pour the egg-milk mixture into the prepared soup. Add oil to the soup before eating.

2. Creamy rice soup with potatoes and carrots

Ingredients: rice, potatoes, pasteurized milk, water, butter, sour cream, chicken egg, salt.

Cooking method. Pour hot water over the rice, cook for 60 minutes, rub through a sieve. Boil carrots and grate. Add hot milk, prepared potatoes and carrots, salt to the broth and bring to a boil. Season the soup with the egg-milk mixture.

Technology for preparing egg-milk mixture: Add the egg to the hot milk and beat lightly.

3. Puree oat milk soup

Ingredients: oatmeal, pasteurized milk, chicken egg, sugar, salt, water, butter.

Cooking method. Boil oat flakes until fully cooked and rub together with the liquid. Salt the resulting broth, add sugar and hot milk, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Season the soup with the egg-milk mixture.

Technology for preparing egg-milk mixture: Add the egg to the hot milk and beat lightly.

4. Cauliflower soup

Ingredients: cauliflower, pasteurized cow's milk, water for vegetable broth, wheat flour, chicken egg, butter, parsley.

Cooking method. Boil the cabbage in water until tender and puree. Separately prepare the egg-milk mixture and white sauce. Add the sauce to the vegetable broth with pureed cabbage, add salt and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and season the soup with egg-milk mixture, butter, and parsley.

Technology for preparing egg-milk mixture: Add the egg to the hot milk and beat lightly.

5. Vegetarian soup with noodles

Ingredients: vegetable broth, carrots, parsley root, butter, potatoes, vermicelli, sour cream 20% fat, parsley, salt.

Cooking method. Chop carrots and parsley root, sauté in a small amount of vegetable broth, adding butter. Finely chop the potatoes. Add vegetables and potatoes to the vegetable broth, add salt, and cook until tender. Separately, boil the vermicelli, drain the water, combine with vegetable broth, and bring to a boil. Before eating, season the soup with sour cream.

6. Vegetarian rice soup with vegetables

Ingredients: rice; carrots, potatoes, parsley root and parsley, tomatoes, butter, vegetable broth, low-fat sour cream, salt.

Cooking method. Finely chop the carrots and parsley root and sauté in a small amount of vegetable broth, adding butter. Add rice to hot vegetable broth, bring to a boil and cook for about 30 minutes. Next, add sautéed carrots and parsley, tomatoes and finely chopped potatoes to the boiling broth, cook for another 10–15 minutes until tender. Before serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with parsley.

7. Vegetarian potato soup

Ingredients: vegetable broth, carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, parsley root and parsley, butter, low-fat sour cream, salt.

Cooking method. Finely chop carrots, onions, parsley root and sauté in a small amount of vegetable broth (or water), adding oil. Pour the carrots, onions and parsley prepared in this way with vegetable broth and bring to a boil, then add salt, add finely chopped potatoes and tomatoes, cook for 15–20 minutes until tender. Before serving, sprinkle with parsley (you can use dill) and season with sour cream.

8. Slimy pearl barley soup with milk and egg

Ingredients: pearl barley, pasteurized milk, butter, egg white, sugar, water.

Cooking method. Pour pearl barley with cold water and cook covered over low heat for at least 2.5–3 hours. Then rub the resulting mass through a sieve along with the liquid, bring to a boil again and strain. Season the soup with a mixture of heated milk and raw egg white (no yolk!), add sugar. Before serving, add butter to the soup.

9. Boiled beef

Ingredients: beef without fat and tendons (tenderloin), carrots, parsley root, onions, salt.

Cooking method. Cut the meat into large pieces and place in cold water, cover the pan (saucepan) with a lid, bring to a boil and skim off the foam from the surface of the broth. Next, cook over low heat for 2–2.5 hours. At the end of cooking, cut the meat into portions and heat it again in the broth.

10. Boiled beef dumplings

Ingredients: beef, pasteurized milk, wheat flour, chicken egg, butter, salt.

Cooking method. Pass the beef through a fine grinder 2-3 times and add salt. Prepare white sauce, cool and, stirring continuously, add to the prepared minced meat. Then add the egg to the minced meat and mix well. Form false quenelles from minced meat - round small balls. Moisten a saucepan with water, place the quenelles in it, add warm water, bring to a boil and steam or boil over low heat until tender (the quenelles should float). Before eating, pour the quenelles with oil.

Technology for preparing white (milk) sauce: Pour hot milk into the wheat flour dried in a frying pan in a thin stream, stirring until smooth.

11. Meatloaf stuffed with omelette

Ingredients: beef, wheat bread, pasteurized milk, water, chicken egg, butter, salt.

Cooking method. Pass the beef through a meat grinder twice, mix with bread soaked in water and squeezed out, pass through the meat grinder again, add salt, mix well. Prepare a steam omelet from milk and eggs, cool. Place the prepared minced meat in a thin layer on a cloth moistened with water, put an omelette in the middle, roll the minced meat into a roll, transfer to a baking sheet moistened with water, and steam or cook in water. Drizzle with oil before serving.

12. Steamed meatballs

Ingredients: beef without fat and tendons (tenderloin), rice, butter, chicken egg.

Cooking method. Pass the meat through a fine grinder 2-3 times. Cook a viscous porridge from rice in water and cool. Combine the porridge with the meat, pass the resulting mass through the meat grinder twice more, add pre-melted butter to the resulting mixture. Form meatballs, fill them with water, boil for 5-10 minutes. Serve with butter.

13. Steamed meat pudding

Ingredients: beef without fat and tendons (tenderloin), semolina, butter, chicken egg.

Cooking method. Boil the meat, then pass through the meat grinder twice. Cook semolina porridge in water. Combine the meat with the porridge, add raw egg yolk and beaten white to the mixture, then mix everything carefully, place in a greased frying pan, smooth the top and steam the pudding until ready. Serve with butter.

14. Steamed potato croquettes in an omelet

Ingredients: beef tenderloin, potatoes, butter, chicken egg, pasteurized milk.

Cooking method. Boil the beef in water without salt and pass through a meat grinder. Boil the potatoes and rub through a sieve. Add milk and butter to the mashed potatoes, mix the mixture and prepare flat cakes from it, on which to place the prepared meat. Form croquettes. Place the croquettes in a greased frying pan, pour the egg-milk mixture over them and steam until cooked. Serve with butter.

Technology for preparing egg-milk mixture: Add the egg to the hot milk and beat lightly.

15. Cod fillet baked in milk sauce

Ingredients: cod fillet, wheat flour, pasteurized cow's milk, butter, salt.

Cooking method. Poach the fillet in water for 10–15 minutes. Then place the prepared pieces of fish on a baking sheet, pour in the sauce, sprinkle with oil and bake in the oven.

Technology for preparing white (milk) sauce: Pour hot milk into the wheat flour dried in a frying pan in a thin stream, stirring until smooth.

16. Boiled sea bass fillet

Ingredients: sea ​​bass fillet, onions, salt, butter.

Cooking method. Cut onions and carrots into strips. Place the fillet on a baking sheet, add hot water, add carrots and onions, add salt, and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes until tender. Serve with butter.

17. Pike perch quenelles

Ingredients: pike perch carcass, white wheat bread, butter, cream.

Cooking method. Prepare the fish by removing the scales, head and entrails, rinse, remove bones, and cut into pieces. Prepare minced meat from fish, bread and cream and beat it thoroughly. Form the dumplings, place them in a greased frying pan, add cold water, bring to a boil, cook at low simmer for 5 minutes. Serve with butter.

18. Steamed pike perch fillet soufflé

Ingredients: pike perch, butter, wheat flour, chicken egg, pasteurized milk.

Cooking method. Gut the fish, cut in half, boil one half, cool and pass through a fine grinder twice along with the rest of the fish. Then prepare a thick white sauce, add it to the minced fish, add the raw yolk and pre-melted butter. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly, add the beaten egg whites, place in a greased container and steam until ready. Serve with butter.

Technology for preparing white (milk) sauce: Pour hot milk into the wheat flour dried in a frying pan in a thin stream, stirring until smooth.

19. Buckwheat viscous milk porridge pureed

Ingredients: buckwheat, pasteurized milk, butter, salt.

Cooking method. Dilute the milk with boiled water, bring to a boil, add salt, add the cereal, then reduce the heat to low and bring the cereal until cooked. Rub the viscous hot porridge and heat it at 80 °C. Serve with butter.

20. Mashed potatoes

Ingredients: potatoes, pasteurized milk, butter, salt.

Cooking method. Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender, drain the water. Wipe the potatoes, pour hot boiled milk into it, stir until smooth. Serve with butter.

21. Curd pudding

Ingredients: semi-fat non-sour cottage cheese, semolina or wheat, chicken egg, pasteurized milk, low-fat sour cream, butter.

Cooking method. Add milk and egg yolk to the pureed cottage cheese, then, stirring, add semolina and mix everything thoroughly. Separately, beat the egg whites into a thick foam; add the resulting foam to the curd mass while stirring. Place the mixture on a greased baking sheet, level it and spread sour cream on the surface. Bake in the oven. Before serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

22. Carrot-apple soufflé

Ingredients: apples, carrots, pasteurized milk, semolina, chicken egg, butter, sour cream.

Cooking method. Grate the carrots, boil in a small amount of water until half cooked, add chopped apples (without peel) and grate. Dilute the resulting mass with milk, add salt, bring to a boil, add semolina and, stirring, cook for 10 minutes. Then cool the mixture slightly and add the egg yolk to it. Separately, beat the whites until thick foam, add them to the carrot mixture while stirring. Place the soufflé in a greased form and bake in the cupboard or steam.

23. Curd cream

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese, butter, chicken egg, sour cream, pasteurized milk, sugar, vanillin to taste.

Cooking method. Rub the cottage cheese. Separate the yolk, pour it into a separate container, add sugar and grind, add milk to the resulting mass, put on the fire and, stirring, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Cool the heated mass, add cottage cheese, butter, vanillin and sour cream. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly again and place on the prepared dish. Sprinkle powdered sugar onto the surface of the cream.

24. Curd soufflé with cookies

Ingredients: fresh non-acidic low-fat cottage cheese, sugar, unsweetened unsweetened cookies, chicken egg, pasteurized milk, butter, low-fat sour cream.

Cooking method. Finely crush the cookies and mix with sugar, add milk, let soak for 15 minutes. Grate the cottage cheese, separate the egg yolk from the white, melt the butter, beat the white. Combine the cookie mixture with the yolk, grated cottage cheese, melted butter, and whipped egg white. Place the soufflé in a greased form, smooth the top and steam. Before serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

25. Homemade cottage cheese

Ingredients: pasteurized milk.

Cooking method. Place a metal container with milk in a wide pan of water. The water should reach half the height of the container. When the milk boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer the milk in a water bath until it curds. Cool and strain through a sieve.

Cottage cheese can also be prepared using kefir: bring 500 ml of milk to a boil and add 200 ml of kefir to it.

26. Rice milk viscous porridge

Ingredients: rice, pasteurized milk, butter, salt.

Cooking method. Pour the rice into boiling water, then reduce the heat and wait until it thickens, pour in the boiling milk, add salt, mix thoroughly and close the lid. Bring the porridge over low heat until cooked. Serve with butter.

27. Buckwheat viscous milk porridge

Ingredients: buckwheat, pasteurized milk, butter, water, salt.

Cooking method. Combine milk with water, bring to a boil and add buckwheat, salt and cook covered over low heat until tender. Wipe the hot porridge and heat it again to 80 °C in a water bath. Serve with butter.

28. Semolina steam soufflé

Ingredients: semolina, pasteurized milk, butter, sugar, chicken egg.

Cooking method. Combine milk with water, bring to a boil, add cereal, reduce heat and simmer for another 10 minutes. Separate the white from the yolk, beat the white. Remove the porridge from the heat, add the yolk, sugar and butter, mix everything thoroughly, then add the beaten egg white. Place the soufflé in a greased dish and steam it

29. Vegetable puree

Ingredients: cauliflower, carrots, green peas, green beans, pasteurized milk, butter, sugar.

Cooking method. Boil vegetables, except carrots, in water. Stew carrots in a small amount of milk. Combine boiled vegetables and stewed carrots and pass through a meat grinder using a fine rack. Pour hot milk and butter into the resulting mass, mix thoroughly, add sugar. Serve with butter.

30. Rice roll with fruit

Ingredients: rice, pasteurized milk, chicken egg, butter, sugar, dried apricots, apples.

Cooking method. Wash the rice, dry it and grind it in a coffee mill. Combine milk with water, add ground rice and cook the porridge, add sugar, egg and butter, stir thoroughly and cool at room temperature. Then spread the porridge on gauze moistened with water in a layer 1 cm thick. Finely chop the apples and dried apricots and place them in the middle of the rice cake, then roll them up, place them on a baking sheet or frying pan, previously greased with oil, and steam them. Serve with butter.

31. Steam omelette

Ingredients: chicken eggs, pasteurized milk, salt, butter.

Cooking method. Combine milk and eggs in a container, add salt and stir well. Grease a baking tray with oil, pour the prepared mixture into it, and steam. Serve with melted butter.

32. Omelette in white sauce

Ingredients: pasteurized milk, butter, chicken eggs, wheat flour.

Cooking method. Add eggs to the milk, beat lightly, pour the mixture into a greased frying pan, steam, cool and chop. Add chopped omelette and butter to a thick white sauce.

Technology for preparing white (milk) sauce: Pour hot milk into the wheat flour dried in a frying pan in a thin stream, stirring until smooth.

33. Snowballs with fruit dip

Ingredients: egg white, strawberries, sugar, potato flour, vanilla to taste.

Cooking method. Beat the egg white into a thick foam and, without stopping the process, add sugar and vanilla. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, reduce the heat to low, and add the beaten egg whites into the boiling water with a tablespoon. After 3 minutes, turn the snowballs over, close the pan with a lid, and remove from heat. After 5 minutes, transfer the snowballs to a sieve using a slotted spoon and wait for the water to drain. Make strawberry jelly from strawberries, sugar and flour. Place the finished snowballs on a dish and pour jelly over them.

Technology for making jelly: Dilute potato flour with cold water until liquid, add sugar and mashed strawberries. Place on the fire and stir vigorously until the liquid begins to boil. Let it sit for a while, covered, to enhance the strawberry flavor.

34. Carrot juice with cream

Ingredients: carrots, cream, water.

Cooking method. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Pour boiled cold water into it, mix well, squeeze through cheesecloth and combine with cream.

Creams are prepared from thick (containing at least 20% fat) cream, eggs, milk, sugar, fruit puree and gelatin, as well as various flavoring and aromatic products.
Creams are prepared as follows: thoroughly beat the cooled cream, at the same time prepare an egg-milk mixture into which flavoring and aromatic substances (depending on the name of the cream) and dissolved gelatin are added, combine the mixture with whipped cream, pour into molds and cool.
The cream intended for making cream is pre-filtered and then poured into a pastry cauldron or other clean, chilled container, filling it to 1/3 of its volume. Place the dishes on ice or in a cold room and whip the cream until a thick, fluffy foam forms (the whipped cream should stick well to the pastry whisk).
For greater stability, add a small amount of powdered sugar to the whipped cream.
The cream should be whipped immediately before preparing the cream, otherwise it will lose its fluffiness and form sludge.
To prepare the egg-milk mixture, eggs are ground with sugar, combined with boiled milk and, stirring continuously, the mixture is heated to 70-80°.
Pre-soaked and then squeezed gelatin is placed into the prepared mixture, allowed to dissolve, after which the mixture is filtered, cooled to 25-30° and, in accordance with what kind of cream needs to be prepared, additional flavoring and aromatizing products are introduced into it: vanillin, liqueur, cocoa, coffee, roasted nuts, etc.
Pour the prepared mixture into the whipped cream with continuous stirring, immediately pour the cream into molds, which are then placed on ice or in a refrigerator.
The cream can be prepared without the egg-milk mixture. In this case, add powdered sugar and the necessary flavoring and aromatizing products to the whipped cream, stir thoroughly, pour the cream into portioned containers and cool.
Immediately before serving, immerse the mold with cream in hot water (about 70C) for a few seconds, then remove it from the water, cover it with a plate, turn it upside down and, shaking slightly, remove the mold.
The cream is served on dessert plates or in vases.
When serving, the cream is poured with fruit syrup or syrup with wine in the amount of 20-30 g per serving.


Soak gelatin in cold water. Strain the cream, cool and whip. To prepare the egg-milk mixture, beat the eggs into a saucepan or saucepan, grind thoroughly with sugar, and then combine with boiled milk and, stirring continuously, heat the mixture to 70-80°. Squeeze out the soaked gelatin, add it to the prepared mixture, let it dissolve completely, then add vanillin or finely chopped vanilla, well ground with sugar, stir thoroughly, strain and cool the mixture to 25-30°.
Combine the whipped cream with the egg-milk mixture, pour the cream into molds and cool. When serving, pour over the syrup and wine.
Cream 50, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 15, gelatin 2, vanillin 0.05 or vanilla 1/10 sticks; for syrup: wine 5, sugar 10, water 15.


Sort the strawberries, rinse with cold water, and then rub through a hair sieve. Place the resulting puree in a porcelain or earthenware bowl and refrigerate.
Combine whipped cream with mashed strawberries, stir well, then, with continuous stirring, pour in the cooled egg-milk mixture with gelatin, quickly pour the cream into molds and place in the refrigerator.
Cream from other fresh berries (raspberries or blackcurrants) is prepared in the same way.
When serving, pour berry syrup over the cream.
To prepare the syrup, wipe the prepared berries, add them to hot sugar syrup and cool.
Garden strawberries 12, cream 40, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 9, gelatin 2; for syrup: wine 5, sugar 10, water 15.


Combine the whipped cream with the egg-milk mixture, which is prepared as follows. Grind the egg yolks thoroughly with sugar. Add strong natural coffee, heated to a boil, to the milk, strain and then, stirring with a wooden paddle, pour into the yolks mashed with sugar.
Next, prepare the egg-milk mixture and cream in the same way as when making vanilla cream (butter).
Cream 50, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 9, gelatin 2, vanillin 0.05 or vanilla 1/10 sticks, ground coffee 5.


Prepare chocolate cream in the same way as coffee cream, replacing coffee with chocolate or cocoa powder.
Cream 50, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 9, gelatin 2, vanillin 0.05 or vanilla 1/10 sticks, cocoa powder 3 or chocolate 5.


Prepare nut cream in basically the same way as other whipped creams. Peel the walnuts, place them on a baking sheet or frying pan and lightly dry them in the oven, stirring occasionally. After this, remove the nuts from the shell, finely chop them, and then thoroughly grind them in a mortar and mix with granulated sugar or powdered sugar.
Combine the prepared nuts with whipped cream and eggs beaten with sugar, pour the nut cream into molds, then cool well.
To improve the quality of the cream, the nuts should be caramelized beforehand. Place the prepared nuts in a cast iron frying pan, add sugar lightly moistened with water (about 5 g of sugar per 20 g of nuts) and heat, stirring continuously. Grind the nuts prepared in this way and add them to the cream.
Cream 45, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 9, walnuts (kernel) 5, gelatin 2.


Sort the raisins, rinse with warm water, put in a bowl, add hot water and boil for 5 minutes, then place on a sieve and dry.
Cut the finished biscuit into small cubes.
Combine the prepared products with vanilla (butter) cream, add finely chopped vanilla, ground with sugar, stir, pour into molds and cool.
This product can be prepared in another way: cut the sponge cake into thin slices, place them on the bottom of the mold and fill with cream mixed with raisins.
Before serving, carefully remove the cream from the molds and pour over the syrup and wine.
Cream 50, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 9, gelatin 2, vanilla g/10 sticks, ready-made sponge cake 10, raisins 10; for syrup: sugar 10, wine 5, water 15.

To the cream (500 g), whipped into a thick foam, add powdered sugar (100 g), cherry liqueur (50 g), vanilla to taste and 4 meringue cakes, crumbled into large pieces; put everything in the mold and freeze for two hours. Transfer the finished cream to a dish, pour over the sauce of pureed fresh strawberries or raspberries (250 g) with sugar (80 g).


This cream is prepared from premium and 1st grade sour cream, with a fat content of at least 30%.
Strain the sour cream through cheesecloth into a pastry cauldron and refrigerate. At the same time, prepare the egg-milk mixture with gelatin and add vanillin to it. Beat the cooled sour cream with a pastry whisk until a thick mass is formed and, with continuous stirring, pour the egg-milk mixture into it.
Immediately pour the prepared cream into molds and cool.
Vanilla cream made from sour cream, as well as from whipped cream, pour over when serving
fruit and berry syrup or syrup with dessert wine.
Sour cream 25, sugar 15, milk 50, eggs 9, gelatin 2, vanillin 0.05 or vanilla 1/10 sticks; for syrup: wine 5, sugar 10, water 15.


Pour a small amount of transparent fruit jelly into a special mold and let it harden in a thin layer. Cut the finished biscuit into cubes, the length of which should correspond to the height of the mold.
Carefully place the biscuit pieces along the sides of the mold, fill the middle with vanilla (butter) cream and cool.
Before serving, immerse the mold in warm water for a few seconds, place the babka on a vase and decorate with fruit, which you can pour over with a small amount of berry puree.
Serve the remaining puree separately.
Cream 50, sugar 15, milk 20, eggs 9, gelatin 2.5, vanilla 1/10 sticks, ready-made sponge cake 20, apples 40, apricots 20, cherries or cherries 20; for puree: raspberries 20, sugar 20, water 15.

Step 1: Prepare the egg-milk mixture.

Pour half the milk specified in the recipe into a small saucepan, place on low heat, add lemon zest and cinnamon to your taste. Mix everything thoroughly, heat, but do not bring the milk to a boil. Then remove from heat and leave to cool until completely cool.
Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and mash the contents thoroughly. Then dilute the mixture with the remaining cold milk. Remove the cinnamon and lemon zest from the pan that has cooled.
Now combine the milk with the egg mixture and stir everything thoroughly.

Step 2: Prepare the caramel.

Place a dry frying pan over medium heat, pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into it, stirring thoroughly and heat until the sugar is completely melted. Then remove the pan from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of clean water to the caramel. Mix well.

Step 3: Bake the flan.

Pour liquid caramel into the bottom of the baking dish and cool completely. Pour the egg-milk mixture onto the hardened caramel. Now build a water bath for baking. To do this, place the form with the flan in a tray of cold water. Preheat the oven well so that the temperature was 160 degrees. Place the tray and pan in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes. As soon as the egg-milk mixture is baked and lightly browned, remove the pan from the oven. Cool the flan directly in the pan.

Step 4: Serve the classic flan.

It is best if you place the flan in the refrigerator, at least overnight, then the caramel will properly saturate it and give it a beautiful creamy color. Use lemon or orange zest to garnish the dish. Enjoy your meal!

When baking, the water in the tray and the egg-milk mixture itself should not boil, but only gradually warm up and harden in a timely manner.

This flan can also be prepared in portioned molds.

You can also use a sprig of fresh and aromatic mint to decorate a classic flan.

The goal is to study the effect of temperature and composition of egg-milk mixtures on the viscosity of systems, to show the effect of sucrose on the temperature of aggregation of egg proteins and egg-milk mixtures.

Equipment, appliances and utensils: thermometer at 100 °C; water bath, glass glasses with a capacity of 100 ml - 3 pcs; test tubes with a capacity of 15 ml - 7 pcs., a stand for test tubes, glass slides, a microscope.

Object under study: chicken egg (raw), egg-milk mixture (chicken egg, milk, sugar).

Proteins, under the influence of various physical and chemical factors, lose their original (native) properties. Externally, this is expressed in their coagulation and precipitation (coagulation of milk albumin during boiling). Denaturation leads to the unfolding of the protein molecule, and it goes into a more or less disordered state.

For culinary processes, the thermal denaturation of proteins, which occurs in a certain temperature range, is of particular importance. Heating products to higher temperatures and increasing the duration of their heat treatment contribute to increased post-denaturation changes in the proteins they contain.

The upper temperature limits of protein stability are of great practical importance in food preparation technology. Knowing these limits allows you to accurately determine to what temperature a product can be heated without denaturing the proteins it contains. The most thermostable proteins are milk and eggs. The consequence of denaturation is the aggregation of proteins, which leads to an increase in the viscosity of the solution, their gelling or the formation of a precipitate.

The temperature of protein denaturation increases in the presence of other, more thermostable proteins and some non-protein substances, such as sucrose. This property of proteins is used in technological processes when, during heat treatment, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the mixture (for example, for pasteurizing ice cream or preparing custards), preventing separation or structure formation in the protein colloidal system.

This property of proteins is most clearly manifested during the heat treatment of eggs. The white of a chicken egg begins to denature at 55 °C, the yolk and the mixture of white and yolk - at 70 °C. Adding sucrose to egg melange increases its denaturation temperature to 80...83 °C.

Technique for performing the work

Prepare the mixture in a glass: mix the egg white and yolk thoroughly until smooth. Gradually add 60 ml of milk to 12 ml of the egg mixture while stirring, stir well and pour the egg-milk mixture in half into two glasses. Add 20 g of sucrose to one glass and dissolve it.

Take 7 test tubes and number them. Pour 2 ml of egg-milk mixture without sugar into 3 test tubes, pour 2 ml of egg-milk mixture with sugar into 3 test tubes. Pour 2 ml of undiluted egg into the 7th test tube. Lower the rack with test tubes into a water bath with a temperature of 45...50 0 C. Strengthen the thermometer so that it does not touch the bottom of the water bath. The water in the bath should be higher than the level of liquid in the test tubes. Heat the water in the “bath” to 70 0 C. Remove the test tube with the undiluted egg and the first pair of test tubes with the egg-milk mixture with and without sugar when the temperature reaches 70 0 C and quickly cool under running water. Remove the second pair of test tubes at a temperature of 80 0 C, the third - at 90 0 C. Cool the test tubes quickly each time.

When characterizing the consistency, note the degree of homogeneity, degree of thickening, type of clot, and the possibility of separation of the system with the release of water and fat. In a drop of the drug under a microscope, note the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the system, the size of the droplets of fat and protein flakes, sketch in a notebook the appearance of the drug under a microscope. Record the results in a notebook (Table 3.1.)

Table 3.1 - The effect of sucrose on the denaturation of egg-milk mixture proteins

Draw a conclusion:

1. about the effect of breeding on the egg coagulation temperature;

2. about the influence of sucrose on changes in the consistency of egg-milk mixtures and their aggregation temperature.

Select the temperature for boiling egg-milk mixtures with sugar (making creams). Justify the temperature conditions for preparing leison for seasoning soups and cream charlotte. Provide an explanation of the possibility of using milk powder with different fat contents in the production of egg-milk mixtures.

Self-test questions

1. Why does the digestibility of food proteins increase as a result of thermal cooking?

2. Under what conditions do the protein substances of foods undergo profound physical and chemical changes?

3. What food ingredients take part in the formation of new taste, aromatic and colored substances?

4. If the heat transfer medium is water, saturated steam or a mixture of steam and water, what technological process ensures the culinary readiness of the food product?

5. What changes can occur to raw materials proteins during technological processing?

6. What physical and chemical changes can occur with raw materials proteins during storage?

7. What is protein denaturation and how can it be caused? Do the physical properties of a protein change during denaturation?

8. How does the biological activity of a protein change during denaturation?

9. Is there a difference between denaturation and coagulation?

10. How does protein coagulation affect their biological value?

11. How do the properties of proteins change as a result of thermal denaturation?

12. How does the degree of protein denaturation affect its nutritional value?

13. What physicochemical processes occur during the destruction of proteins?

14. Why is it necessary to know the upper temperature limits of protein stability?

15. For what purpose are sugar, table salt or other substances added to protein mixtures? How does this affect the rheological properties of the mixture?