Landforms of India. Features of the relief of India (general character of the surface, main forms of relief and distribution of heights). Mineral resources of the country. Natural Resources and Minerals of India

India is an exotic country, unusual for a European, and at the same time very rich. There is a special culture here, a huge number of architectural monuments of past eras attract crowds of tourists. What is India rich in?

Relief features

Most of the exotic country is located on plateaus and plains: the Indo-Gangetic Plain, the Deccan Plateau (plateau). There are also high mountains in the relief of India: the Himalayas, the Karakoram. There is also the barren Thar Desert.

The highest mountains on the planet, the Himalayas, are part of India's topography, with Mount Kanchenjunga being the highest point in the country.


The climatic conditions of the ancient state are quite contradictory and varied:

  • In the north the climate is tropical monsoon.
  • In the south - subequatorial.

In the mountainous regions of the country there is a very noticeable temperature difference between the seasons: in winter it is quite cold here, up to -20 °C, and in summer it is hot, +40 °C. In the southern regions such jumps are not observed.

The climate features of India are as follows:

  • The rainy season, especially pronounced in Bombay.
  • Southwest monsoon season.

At the same time, the conditions in the country are considered favorable for farming; in most of the territory the climate is warm, there are many sunny days a year, so you can get 2 and sometimes 3 harvests in a year.

Mineral wealth

Let's begin our consideration of India's natural resources by studying mineral deposits on its territory. The country is rightfully considered rich in them:

  • Statistics show that the state has the largest reserves of iron ore on the planet (approximately 25% of the world's reserves are concentrated in India). At the same time, the ore is of very high quality.
  • The country ranks 3rd in terms of manganese ore production.
  • The Indian mica belt is also known, stretching from the eastern part of the country along the Bihar plateau to the west. There are also several smaller mica deposits. All this allowed the country to become one of the leaders in the world export of mica.
  • The country is known as one of the record holders for titanium mining and chromium exports.
  • There are also many bauxite deposits here, the main ones are in Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh.

Iron ore mining in India is carried out in many areas of the country, but deposits in a number of states are considered the richest:

  • Orissa.
  • Bihar.
  • Madhya Pradesh.

In addition, thorium, zirconium, and graphite are mined in India. All this allows us to conclude that the country is incredibly rich in mineral resources.

Coal and oil

India's natural resources also include coal reserves, which are very large here. The main centers of its production are West Bengal and Bihar. Coal mining in India is also carried out in Tamil Nadu and Assam. The country ranks third in the world in coal production, and in terms of its reserves - fifth; approximately 9% of the world's wealth is concentrated on its territory.

The coal mining industry is developing at a very rapid pace, since coal is the main source of energy. It is used for the internal needs of the state and is almost never imported.

In the eastern part of the state there is an oil-bearing basin - in the valley of the Brahmaputra River. Also, significant oil reserves were discovered in the western part of the country.

Problems of the coal industry

Despite significant reserves and active production, the Indian coal industry is experiencing a number of serious difficulties:

  • Most of the reserves lie at a considerable depth (more than 300 meters), which makes its extraction difficult.
  • During mining, coal is mixed with waste rock, causing it to lose quality.
  • The use of open-pit mining leads to environmental pollution and damages already poor soils.

Statistics show that labor productivity is very low. So, if in the USA there are approximately 12 thousand tons per worker per year, then in India the figure is no more than 2.6 thousand tons.

Minerals of South India

There are not many mineral natural resources in South India, but they are surprisingly diverse:

  • Diamonds.
  • Bauxite.
  • Graphite.
  • Gold.

Slightly radioactive monazite sands are also of interest.


Diamonds are also among India's natural resources. Previously, this country was the only one where their production was carried out, but now the state has lost its advantage. For a long time, diamonds have been mined in the northern part of the state, in the state of Madhya Padesh, as well as Andhra Pradesh.

The most famous of these stones were discovered in India, for example, the “Mountain of Light” diamond (191 carats) was the pride of the Indian Rajahs. But in the middle of the 19th century, the prince, captured by the British, was forced to part with his treasure, now it flaunts on the royal crown of Great Britain.

Water wealth

We will continue our consideration of India's natural resources by studying its water resources. There are many rivers on its territory, including large, rich tributaries:

  • Ganges.
  • Brahmaputra.

High-water rivers originate in the Himalayan mountains, they are fed by rainwater, melting snow and glaciers. Water resources are very important for the country, as they help irrigate the land and successfully engage in agriculture, and also have undeniable energy potential. But at the same time, floods are common here, especially during the rainy season, when rivers overflow their banks and destroy not only crops, but also entire settlements.

There are no large lakes on the territory of the state. There are oxbow lakes in the valleys of large rivers, and there are also lakes of glacial origin in the Himalayas.

Land wealth

India is also rich in land resources. There are 4 main types of soil here:

  • Black cotton.
  • Alluvial.
  • Lateritic.
  • Red-colored.

But not all soils are fertile; for example, many areas of the country are characterized by erosion and salinization, the cause of which is their constant use in agriculture without mineral fertilizers. However, these factors do not prevent Indians from collecting 2-3 crops per year.

The Gangetic Plain is one of the most fertile regions of the country; groundwater here is located close to the surface, which makes irrigation possible throughout the year. This is where most of the rice and wheat in the state are grown.

Land resources are used very actively, at least 2/5 of them are sown, which is why India can with full confidence be called an agricultural country. What crops are grown here?

  • Indian tea, widely known and loved all over the world.
  • Bananas.
  • Wheat.
  • Tobacco.
  • Cotton.

The country is also famous for the fact that spices (black pepper, cloves) are actively grown on its territory. There are very few natural pastures here, no more than 5%.


The next type of natural resource in India is its forests. Even though more than 20% of the country is covered with forests, wood is in short supply and must be imported.

Forests have been cut down uncontrollably for a long time, especially in the Himalayas, so they are now preserved for the most part in the hilly and mountainous regions of the central part of the country. Thanks to forest resources, it is possible to obtain substances useful for industry:

  • Rosin.
  • Resin.
  • Wood.
  • Firewood.

What trees grow in this country?

  • In the forests of the subtropics you can find sandalwood trees, bamboo, and coconut palms.
  • Savannahs are decorated with palm trees and acacias.

Every year, the country's forests are declining at a rapid pace.

Animal world

Representatives of the fauna inhabiting this country can rightfully be included among the natural resources of India. Here you can see tigers, noble Himalayan bears, elephants, antelopes, and panthers. Lots of monkeys, snakes, a huge number of species of birds and fish.

Thanks to its reserves of iron ore and other minerals, India is one of the richest countries. However, the developing economy and industry have caused severe damage to the country's ecology.

India can be divided into four regions: the Himalayas, northern river valleys, Deccan plateau, Eastern and Western Ghats. The Himalayas are a mountain system ranging from 160 to 320 km wide, stretching for 2400 km along its northern and eastern borders. The Himalayas are the highest mountain system in the world. Among the highest mountain peaks, wholly or partly located in India, are Kanchenjunga (8598 m), the third peak in the world after Everest and K2 (Godwin-Austen); Nanga Parbat (8126 m); Nanda Devi (7817 m); Rakaposhi (7788 m); Kamet (7756 m). To the south, parallel to the Himalayas, lies the region of the northern river valleys - a flat strip with a width of 280 to 400 km. The region occupies most of the plains area through which the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra flow.

Inland waters

The central and western parts of India receive water from the Ganges, sacred to all Hindus, and its tributaries called the Ganges Valley. The Assam region receives water from the Brahmaputra, which originates in the northern Himalayas and flows into Bangladesh. The Indus originates in Tibet and flows west through Jammu and Kashmir into Pakistan.

Due to the abundance of water and fertile lands, the region of the northern river valleys is the most populated region of the country and it is where Indian civilization began. To the south of this region lies the vast triangular-shaped Deccan plateau, which occupies almost the entire Indian peninsula. The height of the plateau is from 300 to 900 m, however, sometimes there are chains up to 1200 m high. In many places it is crossed by rivers. In the east and west, the plateau is framed by mountain ranges: the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats. The Western Ghats rise to a height of up to 900 m. Between them and the Arabian Sea lies the narrow plain of the Malabar coast. The Eastern Ghats rise to a height of about 460 m. Between them and the Bay of Bengal lies a narrow, flat strip of the Coromandel coast.

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Capital- Delhi.
Time ahead of Moscow by 2.5 hours.
Square- 3,287,000 sq. km.
Population- about 1 billion people.
National language: Hindi, English widely spoken. India has no equal in the number of languages. According to the latest census, there are 1,652 languages ​​registered in India, 15 of which are listed in a special schedule to the Constitution. The modern literary language is Hindi, the official language of the seven northern states, and is also the state language of the Indian Union.
National currency: Indian rupee, 100INR=2.3042USD.
Religion: 80% of the population are Hindus, Muslims constitute a significant religious minority - 12%. The number of Christians reaches only 18 million. They are mainly Catholics and Protestants. There are also Orthodox parishes. Of the faiths born on Indian soil, Sikhism stands out, the number of followers of which exceeds 17 million. A small (about 200 thousand) but influential community of Parsi fire-worshippers is concentrated in Mumbai (formerly Bombay). In the coastal cities of Kerala you can meet followers of Judaism (about 6 thousand). About 26 thousand representatives of aboriginal tribes profess various pagan beliefs.
Geographical position
India is located on the Hindustan Peninsula between the headwaters of the Indus river system in Punjab in the West and the Ganges river system in the East.
The southeastern part of Hindustan forms a vast plain - Tamil Nadu.
The Hindustan Peninsula is sometimes called the Indian subcontinent - and there is every reason for this, both because of its impressive size (about 2 thousand km in the East-West direction and 3 thousand km in the North-South direction), and because over its geological history - in the distant past, Hindustan, as a result of continental drift) separated from Africa and “drifted” to Asia.

In the south lies the vast Deccan Plateau (1600 km from north to south and 1400 km from west to east), which has an arid climate, rapids, rivers that become very shallow in winter and drought-resistant vegetation such as savannas and forests with falling leaves.
The Deccan is an arid, hilly plateau bounded on the west and east by the Western (higher) and Eastern Ghats. The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri rivers flow through the Deccan plateau in the direction from West to East. Interestingly, according to modern ideas, the Deccan Plateau was formed tens of millions of years ago as a result of the “swelling” of the earth’s surface from an asteroid impact from the opposite side of the globe in the Gulf of Mexico (it was this catastrophe that was probably the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs).
In the north is the world's highest system of the Himalayan ("Abode of Snow") mountains (the highest point of Chomolungma - 8848 m above sea level) with snowy peaks and glaciers; in the east is the fertile Ganges valley.
In addition to the Himalayas, six more large mountain ranges rise in India: Paktai (Eastern Highlands), Aravali, Vindhya, Saptura, Sadyari (Western Ghats), Eastern Ghats.
The Himalayas stretch from east to west (from the Brahmaputra River to the Indus River) for 2500 km with a width of 150 to 400 km. The Himalayas consist of three main mountain ranges: the Siwalik Mountains in the south (altitudes 800-1200 m), then the Lesser Himalayas (2500-3000 m) and the Greater Himalayas (5500-6000 m).
The Paktai Mountains (Purvachal, Eastern Highlands) stretch along India's border with Burma and Bangladesh. highest point - 4578 m.
The Aravali Mountains stretch for 725 km from Delido. Gujarat. The highest point is Mount Guru (1722 m).
The Vindhya Mountains rise on the border of the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Deccan Plateau. They stretch over a distance of 1050 km, heights up to 700-800 m.
The chain of the Satpur Mountains stretches for 900 km from the Western Lowland to the interfluve of the Tapti and Narmada. The highest point is Dhupgarh - 1350 m.
The Western Ghats (Sadkhryadri) stretch for 1600 km along the western coast of India for 1600 km - from the mouth of the river. Tapti to Cape Camorin. The highest point is Dodabetta (2633 m).
The Eastern Ghats stretch along the eastern coast of India. Highest point - 1680 m.
The Indo-Gangetic Plain occupies the central and eastern part of India, its area is 319 thousand sq. km. Up to 250 million people live on the territory of the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
To the west, the Thar Desert (Thar, Great Indian Desert) adjoins the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
India's mineral resources are varied and their reserves are significant. The main deposits are located in the northeast of the country. On the border of the states of Orisa and Bihar there are iron ore basins that are among the most important in the world (the largest is Singhbhum on the Chhota Nagpur plateau). Iron ores are of high quality. General geological reserves amount to over 19 billion tons. India also has significant reserves of manganese ores. Somewhat north of the iron ore fields there are the main coal basins (in the states of Bihar and West Bengal), but these coals are of low quality. The country's proven coal reserves amount to about 23 billion tons (total coal reserves in India, according to various sources, are estimated at 140 billion tons).
In the northeast of the country, there is a concentration of minerals that is particularly favorable for the development of heavy industry. The state of Bihar is the most mineral-rich region in India.
The mineral resources of South India are varied. These are bauxite, chromite, magnesite, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, monazite sands. Central India (eastern Madhya Pradesh) also has significant deposits of ferrous metals and coal.

Inland waters
The rivers Ganges (2510 km), Brahmaputra (2900 km), Indus (2879 km), Narbada and others are large and navigable over a long distance. Many Deccan rivers dry up during the dry season. Floods are common in North India during the monsoon season.
The climate of India is very diverse.

The Himalayan region experiences cold winters with occasional frosts and snowfall. On the northern plains there are cool winters and sharp temperature fluctuations depending on the time of day; summers are very hot.
On the Deccan Plateau there is little temperature variation, but in higher elevations the nights are cold in winter.
It is always hot on the plains of Tamil, but the temperature does not rise as high as in the northern regions of the country.
The most important feature of the Indian climate is the rainy season (monsoon period). It lasts from June for about 2 months. The rest of the year, the climate is arid (except on the west coast).
Animal and plant life
The Hindustan Peninsula is an entire continent, the climatic and geographical uniqueness of which contributes to the prosperity of the animal and plant world.
There are about 45 thousand plant species in India, of which 15 thousand are found only in India. Forests in India cover an area of ​​639 thousand sq. km, which is 19.45% of the total territory of the country.
In India there are approximately 82 thousand different species of animals, of which 850 species of mammals, 2000 species of birds, 2500 species of fish, 150 species of amphibians, 450 species of reptiles, approximately 60 thousand species of insects.
Although the species' ranges overlap, each region has its own identity. The Hangul's habitat is limited to the Kashmir Valley in Northern India, rhinoceroses are found in isolated floodplains along the Brahmaputra River in the east, black langurs are found in the Western Ghats, and Western India is home to the last remaining Asiatic lions.
The two most impressive species, the Bengal tiger and the Indian elephant, are still found throughout the area, although their populations have recently declined greatly.
The Bengal tiger reaches a length of 3 meters and a weight of up to 290 kg. Even in the recent past, tigers were mercilessly exterminated, and by 1973, when a special program was launched to restore the population of Bengal tigers, there were only 1,827 individuals. By 1986, the Bengal tiger population had increased to 4,230 individuals.
The Indian elephant is somewhat smaller in size than the African elephant. Its size reaches 3 meters in height and 3.2 in length. And, unlike the African one, it lends itself well to training and has long been a pet. In the Ancient World, Indian elephants were often used in the military.
The Asiatic (Gir) lion is preserved only in the Gir forest on the Kathiwar Peninsula in Western India. Its number reaches 210-220 individuals.
Gaur or Indian bison is the largest ungulate animal in India. The male reaches 95 cm in height and weighs more than 900 kg.
The Great Indian Rhinoceros reaches 180 cm in height and 335 cm in length. The length of the horn reaches 61 cm. Indian rhinoceroses are found mainly in the Kaziranga National Park.
The only representative of the great apes, the Khuloka gibbon, is found in the forests of Assam. The height of the male reaches 90 cm, weight up to 8 kg.
Langur is the most common monkey species in India. The male langur reaches 75 cm in height and weighs up to 21 kg.
The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in India. Reaches a length of 5.5 m. The bite of a king cobra is fatal even to an elephant.
The Indian cobra (another type of poisonous snake) reaches a length of 180 cm.
The Gangetic gharial lives in the Ganges Valley. The length of this crocodile reaches 6.6 m. The population of this crocodile is quite small.
In order to preserve rare and scarce species of flora and fauna, 83 national parks, 447 nature reserves, 23 tiger reserves, 200 zoos and 8 biosphere reserves have been created in India.

Reserves and national parks
Dachigam National Park (Kashmir)
Wide valley: mountain slopes. It is home to a rare species of deer - hangul, black and brown bears, leopards; nesting herons. Airport: Srinagar, 22 km. Railway Station: Jammu, 311 km. Season: June - July. Accommodation: Srinagar - houses on the water on Dal and Nagin lakes.
Govind Sagar Bird Sanctuary (Himachal Pradesh)
The bird sanctuary is inhabited by cranes, ducks, geese, and teals. Airport: Chandigarh, 135 km. Railway station: Nangal, 13 km. Accommodation: You can stay in Bakr.
Corbett National Park (Uttar Pradesh)
Foothills of the Himalayas in the vicinity of Dikal; salt marsh forests and plains. Fauna: tigers, elephants, leopards and various birds. Excellent fishing in the Ramganga River. Airport: Pantnagar, 115 km. Railway Station: Ramnagar, 51 km. Season: November - May. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Dadwa National Park (Uttar Pradesh)
Nepal border. Tigers, sloth bears and panthers live here. Airport: Lucknow, 251 km. Railway station: Dadva, 4 km. Season: November - May. Accommodation in the park.
Flower Valley National Park (Uttar Pradesh)
During flowering, this “garden on the roof of the world”, elevated to a height of 3500 m, dazzles with lush colors. Location: 44 km from Badrinath. Railway station: Rishikesh, 280 km. Season: June - July.
Sariska National Park (Rajasthan)
About 200 km from Delhi. Forest and open plains. Sambar (the largest of the Indian deer), chetal (spotted deer), nilgai (Indian antelope), black deer, leopard, tiger; good night view. Airport: Jaipur, 160 km. Railway Station: Alwar, 35 km (bus service). Season: February - June. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Ranthambhore (Sawai Madhopur - Rajasthan)
Hilly forests, plains and lakes. Sambar, chinkara (Indian gazelle), tiger, sloth bear, crocodiles and migratory waterfowl. Airport: Jaipur, 162 km. Railway Station: Sawai Madhopur, 11 km. Season: November - May. Accommodation: in the park and in Sawai Madhopur.
Bandhavgari National Park (Madhya Pradesh)
Located in the Vindhya Mountains. The park has a diverse fauna including panthers, sambars and gaurs. Airport: Jabalpur, 166 km. Railway station: Umaria, 34 km. Accommodation: forest hotel in the park.
Bharatpur National Park (Keoloadeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary) (Rajasthan)
The most famous bird sanctuary in India. There are many unique waterfowl here, a large number of migrants from Siberia and China; whether cranes, geese, herons, snake catchers, etc. Airport: Agra, 52 km. Railway Station: Bharatpur, 5 km. Road Connectivity: 176 km from Jaipur, 177 km from Delhi. Season: September - February. Accommodation: on the territory of the reserve.
Kanha National Park (Madhya Pradesh)
Salt marsh forests and savanna. The only place where the barashingha (swamp deer) lives; In addition, there are tiger, chetal, gaur (Indian bison), and monkeys. Airport: Nagpur, 270 km. Railway Station: Jabalpur, 170 km. Season: November - March. Accommodation: in the park, in Kana and Kisli.
Shivpuri National Park (Madhya Pradesh)
Open forests and lake. Fauna: Chinkara, chowsingha (four-horned antelope), nilgai, tiger, leopard, waterfowl. Airport: Jhansi, 95 km. Season: February - May. Accommodation: motel, forest rest house.
Kaziranga National Park (Assam)
Meadows and swamps. Fauna: Indian one-horned rhinoceros, water bull, tiger, leopard, elephant, deer, various birds. It is possible to travel around the park on elephants. Airports: Jorhat, 96 km, and Guwahati, 217 km. Railway station: Furkating, 78 km. Season: February - May. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (Assam)
On the border with Bhutan. The tropical forest, savannah and river banks are inhabited by rhinoceros, water bull, tiger, elephant, golden langur, and waterfowl. Fishing is allowed. Airport: Guwahati, 176 km. Railway station: Sarupeta, 40 km. Season: January - March. Accommodation: on the territory of the reserve.
Palamau Tiger Reserve (Bihar)
Rocky and wooded hills. Tiger, leopard, elephant, sambar, wild tropical cat, rhesus macaque, rarely - wolf. Airport: Ranchi, 155 km. Railway station: Daltonganj, 19 km. Season: February - March. Accommodation: in Belt.
Hazaribagh National Park (Bihar)
Salt marshes and wooded hills. Sambar, nilgai, chetal, tiger, leopard, rarely - muntjak (large barking deer). Airport: Ranchi, 100 km. Railway Station: Hazaribagh, 67 km. Season: February - March. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Sunderbans Tiger Reserve (West Bengal)
Mangrove forests. Tiger, river cat, deer, crocodile, dolphin, various birds. Transport: external and internal transportation by boat. Airport: Kolkata, 48 km. Season: February - March. Accommodation: There are no hotels or overnight accommodations on the territory or near the reserve.
Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary (West Bengal)
Tropical forest and savanna. Rhinoceros, elephant, various birds. Airport: Bagdogra, 155 km. Railway station: Madari Khat, 11 km. Season: March - May. Accommodation: Rest house in Jaldapara.
Similipal Tiger Reserve (Orissa)
Extensive salt marsh forest. Tiger, elephant, leopard, sambar, chetal, muntjac deer and fawn. Airport: Bhubaneswar, 310 km. Railway Station: Baripada, 50 km. Season: November - June. Accommodation: tourist holiday homes in the surrounding area.
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary (Kerala)
Large artificial lake. Elephant, gaur, wild dog, black langur, beavers, turtles; numerous species of birds, including the hornbill and water owl. View from the water. Airports: Madurai, 160 km, Cochin, 208 km, and Thiruvananthapuram, 258 km. Railway Station: Madurai, Kottayam, 110 km and Bodinayakanur, 67 km. Accommodation: a good selection of hotels in the vicinity of the reserve.
Vedanthangal Waterfowl Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu)
One of the most picturesque mass nesting sites in India. Cormorants, herons, storks, pelicans, grebes and many others. Airport: Chennai (Madras), 85 km. Railway Station: Chengalpattu, 28 km. Season: October - March. Accommodation: forest rest house.
Point Calimere Bird Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu)
Primarily known for its flamingos. There are herons, teals, curlews, plovers and blackbucks and wild boars. Airport: Tiruchirappalli, 200 km. Railway station: Point Calimere, 0.5 km. Season: November - January. Accommodation: forest rest house.
Pulicat Bird Sanctuary (Andhra Pradesh)
Flamingo, gray pelican, heron, tern. Airport and railway station: Chennai (Madras), 60 km. Accommodation: Overnight in Nellore.
Dandeli National Park (Karnataka)
The park is inhabited by bison, panthers, tigers and sambars. Easily accessible from Goa. Airport: Belgaon, 142 km. Railway station: Alnaver, 20 km. Accommodation: Rest houses in Kulljee Forest and Mandurli and River View Bungalows in Dandeli.
Jawhar National Park includes Bandipur and Nagarhole national parks (Karnataka) and Mudumalai (Tamil Nadu) and Wayanad (Kerala) wildlife sanctuaries.
Dense mixed forest. Largest elephant population in India; leopard, gaur, sambar, muntjac deer and giant squirrel. Birds include Indian cuckoo, barbet and trogon.
Bandipur (Karnataka)
Airport: Bangalore, 190 km. Railway Station: Mysore, 65 km. Available to tourists from Coimbatore and Udagamandalam. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Mudumalai (Tamil Nadu)
Airport: Coimbatore, 16 km. Railway station: Udagamandalam, 68 km.
Nagarhole (Karnataka)
Airport: Bangalore. Railway station: Mysur. Accommodation: tourist cottages.
Wayanad (Kerala)
Airport: Cochin, 300 km. Railway Station: Calicut, 111 km. Accommodation: forest rest house.
Krishnagiri Upavan National Park (Maharashtra)
Formerly known as Borivili, this reserve protects an important natural area near Bombay. Kanheri caves, Vihar, Tulsi and Powari lakes. Waterfowl and small mammals. An open-air cinema next to the Lion Safari Park. Airport: Mumbai (Bombay), 20 km. Railway station: Borivili, 3 km. Season: October - June. Accommodation: tourist cottages.
Taroba National Park (Maharashtra)
Teak forest and lake. Tiger, leopard, nilgai, gaur. Night inspections. Airport: Nagpur, 208 km. Railway Station: Chandrapur, 45 km. Season: March - May. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Sasangir National Park (Gujarat)
Wooded plains and lake. The only habitat of the Asiatic lion; other fauna: sambar, chowsingha, nilgai, leopard, chinkara and wild boar. Airport: Rajkot, 153 km. Railway station: Sasangir, 0.5 km. Season: January - May. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.
Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary (Gujarat)
Lake. Migratory waterfowl. Local bird species include flamingos. Airport: Ahmedabad, 64 km. Railway Station: Viramgam, 40 km. Season: November - February. Accommodation: there are conditions for accommodation near the lake.
Reserve "Little Kutch Rain" (Gujarat)
Desert. Herds of kura (Indian wild ass), wolf, caracal. Airport: Ahmedabad, 195 km. Railway Station: Dhangadra, 25 km. Season: October - June. Accommodation: on the territory of the reserve and in Dhangadra. Travel possible from Bhuj.
Velvadar National Park (Gujarat)
Savannah of the New Delta. Large concentration of blackbucks. Airport and Railway Station: Bhavnagar, 65 km. Season: October - June. Accommodation: on the territory of the park.

Industry and manufacturing
The chemical industry focuses on the production of mineral fertilizers. The importance of petrochemicals is growing. Resins, plastics, chemical fibers, and synthetic rubber are produced. Pharmaceuticals are developed. The chemical industry is represented in many cities of the country.
Light industry is a traditional sector of the Indian economy. The cotton and jute industries stand out in particular. India is one of the leading countries in the world in the production of cotton fabrics, and in the production of jute products (technical, packaging, furniture fabrics, carpets) it ranks first. The largest centers of the cotton industry are Bombay and Ahmedabad, the jute industry is Calcutta. There are textile factories in all major cities of the country. Textile and apparel products account for 25% of India's exports.
The food industry produces goods for both domestic consumption and export. Indian tea is the most widely known in the world. Its production is concentrated in Kolkata and the south of the country. India ranks first in the world in tea exports.
Agriculture. The leading branch of Indian agriculture is crop production (4/5 of the cost of all products). The sown area is 140 million hectares, but there is practically no land for new development. Agriculture requires irrigation (40% of the cultivated area is irrigated). Forests are being cleared (slash-and-burn agriculture still exists).
The main part of the sown area is occupied by food crops: rice, wheat, corn, etc. The main industrial crops of India are cotton, jute, tea, sugar cane, tobacco, oilseeds (rapeseed, peanuts, etc.). Coconut palms, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, citrus fruits, herbs and spices are also grown. The agricultural year almost everywhere in India is divided into two seasons - kharif (summer) and rabi (winter). Large land fund.
Animal husbandry is the second most important agricultural sector in India, far behind crop production. Cattle are used on peasant farms mainly as draft power. Milk, animal hide and skin are used.
In coastal areas, fishing is of considerable importance. The use of seafood can improve the food situation in the country.

Holidays(Where would we be without them!)
Northern India.
There is some kind of holiday here almost every day. However, at least take note of the following:
January: January 26, Republic Day (Delhi).
February-March: Festival of flowers and spring - Holi.
July-August: Colorful Teej festival. (Jaipur). August 15, Independence Day, (Delhi).
September-October: Spectacular festivals of Diwali and Dashekher.
November: Pushkar Desert Fair. (Pushkar).
Western India.
February-March: Unique Mardi Gras (Goa).
March: Dance festival. (Khajuraho).
July-August: The festival of the thousand-headed snake Nagpanchami and also the festival of Raksha Bandhan.
August-September: Spectacular festivals dedicated to the gods Krishna and Ganesha.
(Bombay). December: Christmas in Goa.
South India.
There are more of them here than in any other part of India. Therefore, you will definitely get to one of them, even if you are not lucky enough to take part in the largest holidays listed below:
January: Pongal Festival, a three-day Tamil harvest festival. Water festival in Madurai. The Great Elephant March.
February: Great Jaini festival, celebrated every 12-14 years. (Shravanbelagola).
April-May: Puram Elephant Parade. (Trichur).
August-September: Onam holiday; snake boat races in Kerala and the national holiday of Diwali, the Hindu new year.
October: Ten-day carnival of Dasheher. (Mysore).
Eastern India.
February-March: Shivaratri – dedicated to the god Shiva.
June-July: Spectacular Chariot Festival, the largest religious festival in India. (Puri).
October: Sadarang – music festival (Kolkata).
November-December: Konar Dance Festival. (Konarak).

When compiling a description of the country, materials from the following sites were used:

Mineral resources are one of the main components of the economic development of the state. With a variety of mineral resources, the country will not depend on external partners. At the same time, the emphasis will be on the development of areas in which the territory is rich. How it's done in India.

Features of the tectonic structure

India is divided into three parts. The main territories of the country are located on the surface of the Hindustan Plate. This part of the state is the most stable. In the northeast of modern India, the highest mountain range on the planet begins - the Himalayas, which was formed as a result of the collision of two plates - the Hindustan and Eurasian, with their subsequent unification into one continent. The same collision contributed to the formation of a depression in the earth's crust, which was later filled with alluvium and gave rise to the third part - the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The relief features of India and mineral resources are closely interconnected. The modern incarnation of the ancient plate is the Deccan Plateau, which occupies almost the entire central and southern part of the country. It is rich in deposits of various ore minerals, diamonds and other precious stones, as well as deposits containing coals and hydrocarbons.

Brief description of reserves

One can highlight some peculiarities of the state of India. Mineral resources containing ore: iron, copper, manganese, tungsten, as well as bauxite, chromite and gold, are located in the east and northeast of the country. In places of contact with mountain ranges. Here, as well as on the more eastern plateau of Chhota Nagpur, the largest coal basins are concentrated. The raw materials of these deposits are not of high quality - they are mainly thermal coals and they are used as much as possible in the energy sector. Southern India is rich in deposits of bauxite, gold, and chromite. Iron ore deposits are located in the central part of the country. Unlike coal mining, which is aimed mainly at the domestic market, mining of ore minerals is export-oriented. The coastal strip of the Indian coast has reserves of monazite sand, which contains thorium and And the question of what minerals India is rich in can be answered - all. And the presence of large deposits of precious metals - gold and silver - allowed India, literally, to become the main source of jewelry in the world.

Ore minerals

The western lowlands of the country and the mountainous northern lands of the state of India are practically devoid of ore mineral resources. The topography and minerals in this country are interconnected. Therefore, almost all ore deposits are associated with the Deccan Plateau. Its northeast is rich in huge deposits of various resources - iron, chromium, and manganese are mined here. Iron ore reserves are estimated at twelve billion tons. And ore is mined on such a scale that the local metallurgy does not have time to process it.

Therefore, most of the mined ore is exported. Indian and chromites are famous for their high content of useful substances. And the countries are rich in zinc, lead and copper. Separately, special fossils should be highlighted - monazite sands. They are found on many of the world's coasts, but India has the largest concentration of them. Minerals of this type have a large component of radioactive ores - thorium and uranium. The country took advantage of the presence of this component on its territory, which allowed it to become a nuclear power. In addition to radioactive substances, monazite sands contain sufficient amounts of titanium and zirconium.

Non-metallic minerals

The main mineral of this type is coal, which accounts for ninety-seven percent of Indian coal reserves. Most of the deposits are located in the east and northeast of the Deccan plateau and the Chhota Nagpur plateau. Explored coal reserves are the seventh largest in the world. But the extraction of this mineral accounts for seven percent of the global value - the highest figure among other countries.

Coal is used mainly as fuel for thermal power plants. Only a small amount is used in metallurgy. Production in the country is insignificant. This fossil is used only as fuel. The northeastern lands are also rich in oil reserves. Until the middle of the last century, these were the only oil deposits that India knew. Since that period, minerals of this type began to be explored throughout the country and large deposits were found in the west of the country and on the shelves of the Arabian Sea. The country produces more than forty million tons of oil annually, but this is not enough for the rapidly developing Indian industry, so the country has to import a significant part of the oil.

Jewelry leader

What else is India famous for? Mineral resources that are of significant importance in the life of the country are listed above. Almost all - only precious metals and precious stones were not mentioned.

For several millennia, all the world's diamonds were mined in India near Golconda, in the eastern part of the Deccan Plateau. By the eighteenth century, it turned out that these deposits were practically empty. At the same time, large deposits were discovered in Africa, Canada, Siberia, and Indian diamonds began to be forgotten. Relatively small diamond mining by world standards and the presence of platinum and gold components in the ore deposits of the east and northeast of the country have made India a world leader in jewelry.

Relief of India In India, the Himalayas stretch in an arc from the north to the northeast of the country, being a natural border with China in three sections, interrupted by Nepal and Bhutan, and in the state of Sikkim, the highest peak of India, Mount Kanchenjunga, is located. The Karakoram is located in the far north of India in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, mainly in the part of Kashmir held by Pakistan. In the northeastern appendix of India are the mid-altitude Assam-Burma Mountains and the Shillon Plateau. Coast of India The length of the coastline is 7,517 km, of which 5,423 km belongs to mainland India, and 2,094 km to the Andaman, Nicobar, and Laccadive Islands.

The coastline of mainland India has the following character: 43% sandy beaches, 11% rocky and rocky shore, and 46% wattle or marshy shore. The poorly dissected, sandy coasts have almost no harbors, so large ports are located either at the mouths of rivers (Calcutta) or artificially constructed (Chennai). The south of the western coast of Hindustan is called the Malabar Coast, the south of the eastern coast is called the Coromandel Coast Natural resources and minerals of India The minerals of India are varied.

The main deposits are located in the northeast of the country. On the border of the states of Orisa and Bihar there are iron ore basins that are among the most important in the world (the largest is Singhbhum on the Chhota Nagpur plateau). Iron ores are of high quality. General geological reserves amount to over 19 billion tons. India also has significant reserves of manganese ores. To the north of the iron ore fields there are the main coal basins (in the states of Bihar and West Bengal), but these coals are of low quality.

The country's proven coal reserves amount to about 23 billion tons (total coal reserves in India, according to various sources, are estimated at 140 billion tons). In the northeast of the country there is a particularly favorable situation for the development of heavy industries. prom.

Concentration of minerals. The state of Bihar is the most mineral-rich region in India. minerals of South India - bauxite, chromite, magnesite, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, monazite sands. Central India (eastern Madhya Pradesh) also has significant deposits of ferrous metals and coal. Radioactive thorium contained in monocyte sands may become an important source of energy.

Uranium ores have been discovered in the state of Rajasthan. Climate of India The climate of India is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert, causing the monsoons. The Himalayas serve as a barrier to the cold Central Asian winds, thus making the climate in most of Hindustan warmer than at the same latitudes in other regions of the planet.

The Thar Desert plays a key role in attracting the humid southwesterly winds of the summer monsoon, which provide rain to much of India between June and October. India is dominated by 4 types of climate: tropical humid, tropical dry, subtropical monsoon and alpine. Most of India has three seasons: hot and humid with the dominance of the southwest monsoon (June - October); cool and dry with a predominance of the trade wind (November - February); very hot and dry (March - May). During the wet season, over 80% of the annual precipitation falls. The windward slopes of the Western Ghats and Himalayas are moist (up to 6000 mm per year), and on the slopes of the Shillong plateau is the rainiest place on Earth - Cherrapunji (about 12000 mm). The driest areas are the western part of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (less than 100 mm in the Thar Desert, dry period 9