I dreamed of a church being built, why. Why does a pregnant woman dream about church? Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

Some people consider the church a sacred place. Others are structures with special energy. Still others completely ignore spiritual canons and recognize only the architectural value of the building. Why do believers and atheists dream about church? The answer to this question can be read in the article.

Why do you dream about church: Freud's interpretation

What is the opinion of the Austrian psychologist? Freud's interpretation depends on the gender of the sleeper.

Why does a woman dream about church? If a representative of the fair sex dreams of a destroyed or dilapidated temple, in real life she experiences sexual dissatisfaction. If a lady wants to cross the threshold of the church, but she is unable to do so, in reality she should expect a break with her partner. The woman is tired of the harshness and coldness of her lover. She wishes he would change, but this does not happen. It cannot be ruled out that parting with this man will be a blessing for her. A woman will be able to start a new life and meet a person more suitable for her.

Why does a man dream about church? If a representative of the stronger sex in his dreams tries to cross the threshold of the temple, but cannot do it, this indicates his lack of self-confidence. The guy has complexes that prevent him from moving up the career ladder and arranging his personal life. Also, such dreams can be visited by a womanizer who is prone to frequent changes of women. If a man dreamed that he was entering a church, this indicates his many years of fidelity to one partner.

Vanga's prediction

Why do you dream about the church if you rely on the interpretation of the seer Vanga? The spiritual abode symbolizes repentance and purification. It can be seen in a dream by someone who is plunged into despair and is afraid to look into the future.

Entering the church means repenting of sins. A person has many bad qualities, including selfishness, greed, and narcissism. He needs to fight these shortcomings, and he himself begins to realize this. If in his dreams the dreamer participates in a divine service, in real life he is surrounded by understanding and loving people. If the sleeper finds himself in a difficult situation, they will certainly help him get out of it. Why do you dream of a church filled with people? Such a plot promises a person conflicts on religious grounds. It is better to refrain from participating in them, as the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.

Miller's Dream Book

What does Gustave Miller say about this? Why do men and women dream about church? If the inside of the temple is gloomy and empty, such dreams promise a person the loss of someone close to him. A friend or relative may die or disappear from his life forever. It will not be easy for the dreamer to survive this loss; he will need support.

What does a deserted and abandoned spiritual abode mean? Such a plot warns that the sleeper is wasting his time. If he continues to do nothing, his dreams will never come true. It’s time for a person to stop living according to someone else’s orders; he needs to start controlling the situation himself.

Church from afar? Such dreams predict disappointment for a person. He needs to lower his expectations. If a person sleeping in a dream approaches a spiritual abode, in reality he will be on the verge of change. In the coming days, events will occur that will determine his entire future life. If a person simply passes by a temple in his dreams, in reality he should not expect changes for the better.

Interpretation of Hasse

What does it mean to see a church in a dilapidated monastery? Such dreams predict material difficulties for a person. If the dreamer enjoys church singing, in reality his cherished dream will come true. This prediction does not apply to sinners, for whom such a plot promises retribution for the evil caused to other people. Also, a destroyed or dilapidated church can be dreamed of by someone who suffers from sexual dissatisfaction.

A person in his dreams sees a temple and experiences joy, which means that the dreamer is under the protection of higher powers. God does not leave the sleeping person, no matter how difficult the situation he finds himself in. Thanks to this, he will be able to successfully overcome all obstacles that arise on the way to his goal.

In his dreams, the sleeper can see the church from the outside. Why dream that he experiences fear and discomfort? Such a plot warns that a person needs spiritual cleansing. He should think about undergoing baptism.


Why do you dream of an ordinary church or temple? Such a symbol indicates that the sleeper has embarked on a path at the end of which he will be able to gain wisdom. The past will soon be left behind, a new stage of life will begin.

A wooden church is seen in a dream by someone who is expecting big changes in reality. We can talk about different things, for example, moving, changing jobs. The dreamer may also develop an exciting hobby and meet interesting people. If the spiritual abode in night dreams is decorated for the holiday, fun awaits the person in reality. A white church is a sign that the sleeper has no reason to worry about his moral character. He leads a righteous life, and his household tries to follow his example. The main thing is not to deviate from the right path, to continue doing good deeds.

Is the church in your night dreams very beautiful? A majestic temple with domes shining in the sun is a symbol that a person is safe. The dreamer has nothing to fear, since he is under the protection of higher powers.


A very tall church, why seeing such a temple means changes in life. A person has no reason to worry about his reputation. Those around him respect and admire him. It cannot be ruled out that the dreamer’s merits will finally be recognized by his superiors, he will advance up the career ladder or receive a salary increase.

Small church - what do such dreams mean? Unfortunately, such a dream promises a person loss. He will have to gather all his strength in order to cope with the trials that providence sends him. It is better to enlist the support of friends and relatives who will not allow the dreamer to drown in the abyss of despair.

It is not possible to determine the dimensions of the spiritual monastery because it is too far away? Such a dream prophesies doubts and disappointments. The sleeper trusts too much in someone who does not deserve it. One day this person will frame him or betray him. Restoring trust in the people around you will not be easy. It is better not to expect too much from others initially, but to rely more on your own strengths.

Old, collapsed, burning

An old, crumbling temple with boarded up windows is a disturbing symbol. Such night dreams indicate that a person has lost faith. Darkness reigned in the dreamer's soul, one bad deed follows another. The sleeper needs to believe in God again, turn to him for help and protection. This will allow a person to leave the past behind, take the path of correction and start a new life.

Why do you dream about an ancient spiritual monastery? This plot suggests that a person remains faithful to the traditions of his family. This allows him to constantly feel the support of his kind.

Why do you dream of a burning church? Such dreams promise the sleeper a dark streak in life. He will need God's support in order to withstand all trials with honor. Sincere faith will help him get out of a difficult situation without significant losses. If the temple burned to the ground in your night dreams, then this is a good sign. Now a person is in the grip of fears, but they will soon lose their power. The dreamer will understand that he has nothing to fear. He will leave disturbing thoughts in the past, thanks to which his life will begin to rapidly change for the better.


Why do you dream that the temple is locked? Such dreams warn that a person’s relationship with someone close to him has deteriorated. The dreamer did not show attention to this person for too long and did not provide him with the necessary help in a difficult situation. It cannot be ruled out that relations can still be improved.

Altar, domes

What other subjects are considered in guides to the world of dreams? shimmering in the sun? Such a plot warns of the sleeper’s readiness for purification and renewal. A person seriously intends to start a new life, to change for the better. Now is the right time to take the first steps in this direction. Higher powers will not leave a person without their support.

Large domes - what does this symbol mean? Now is the right time to make your bold plans come true. The profit that the new project will bring will be much larger than the amount that the sleeper expects. Shooting at domes, which a person watches in his dreams, promises him betrayal in reality. One of his fake friends will suddenly stab him in the back. If the dreamer himself shoots, this indicates that he has made many serious mistakes. It’s better to give up decisive action for a while, stop and think.

Seeing an altar in a dream means finding yourself in a confusing situation. A person will not be able to cope with his problems on his own. If he turns to close people for help, they will not refuse him. This is not the time to be proud.

Enter the temple

Why do you dream of a church with a sleeping person inside? If a gloomy atmosphere reigns in a spiritual monastery, there is no priest and parishioners, then this is a bad sign. A person is worried about his future, and he has every reason to be so. He was faced with a difficult choice. Only the dreamer himself can decide whether he will follow the path of light or darkness. It is now that what his future life will be is being determined.

Why do you dream of a church where it’s warm and cozy inside? If in his dreams the sleeper feels peace and tranquility, then this is a good sign. A person will be able to gain the upper hand in the fight against his inner demons. All the fears that he had been in captivity for a long time would remain in the past. The dreamer's life will begin to rapidly change for the better.

Entering the chapel means news that can be both good and bad. To understand what to prepare for, a person needs to remember what feelings he experienced. If there is joy and peace, the news will be good. If anxiety and fear are bad.


What clothes was the sleeping person wearing? The interpretation also directly depends on this detail. If a person was wearing a dark outfit, his night dreams have a positive meaning. For lonely people, such a plot prophesies a romantic acquaintance, a marriage proposal. Married people have a strong union.

Being in the temple in white clothes - what does this mean? Such a dream predicts losses. You should be vigilant in the near future to help avoid significant damage. It is worth refraining from dubious transactions and communicating with suspicious persons. You should also not allow others to drag you into conflicts or fights.

Pass by

Passing by a temple - what does such a dream warn about? Soon the sleeper will be faced with the need to make a difficult choice. There is a high probability that a person will make a mistake that will negatively affect his entire future life.

How to avoid this? It is important not to make hasty decisions, but to think everything through. If a person doubts his ability to make the right choice, he should ask for advice from people who treat him well and want only the best.

Say a prayer

What other interpretations do guides to the world of dreams offer? Why do you dream of praying in church? Much depends on whether the sleeper was sincere. If he said the words of the prayer from a pure heart, he should not lose hope in reality. Relatives and friends will help him get out of the confusing situation in which the dreamer found himself through his own stupidity. The main thing is to never repeat the mistake you made and to learn the necessary lesson from it.


What else can a person see in his dreams? Why do you dream about church and icons? If the sleeper sees himself next to them and examines them with reverence, such a plot predicts that he will successfully overcome the most difficult obstacles. A person is strong in spirit, believes in himself and his victory. This attitude will help him cope with any problems.

Removing an icon from the wall is a bad sign. In real life, a person is preparing to take the wrong path. The sleeper needs to get rid of bad habits that drag him into the abyss. He should also pay attention to his immediate surroundings. With friends who prevent a person from developing, who set a bad example, he is not on his way. If in the near future the dreamer has to make an important choice, then he is most likely to make a mistake. It is better to temporarily abandon decisive action, rest and think carefully.

A cracked, broken icon is a negative symbol. The dreamer is plunged into the abyss of depression; he sees no meaning in his own existence. Because of the person’s self-confidence and selfishness, friends and relatives stopped communicating with him. You can try to improve the relationship. Joyful, peaceful faces on iconostases are a good dream. In reality, the sleeper will have success in business; all his problems will resolve themselves.


Why do you dream about the church and the priest? If a clergyman reads a sermon and a large number of people listen to him, then this is a bad sign. In reality, a person will have to understand the conflicts of loved ones. He will have to take on the role of a peacemaker, helping friends or relatives resolve the contradictions that have arisen. To cope with this task, the sleeper will have to call on all his strength to help.

Why do you dream of communicating with the priest? The merits of the sleeper will finally be recognized by the people around him. A person will be rewarded for the good deeds he has done. If the dreamer himself acts as a priest, then he should be wary of financial losses. If the sleeper does nothing, bankruptcy awaits him.


What else can a person dream about? Why do you dream of church and candles? If they burn, it promises a person a chance to change his life for the better. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity that providence itself will provide. The dreamer needs to recover physically and mentally, as he will need strength for further achievements.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

What predictions does this guide to the world of dreams make? Why does a woman dream about church? If a representative of the fair sex simply sees a temple, this promises her family happiness. If she prays in a spiritual monastery, luck will accompany her in all endeavors.

Lying or sitting in a temple - for representatives of both sexes, such a dream promises a change in lifestyle. A person realizes that it is time for him to give up bad habits and pay more attention to his health. Talking in the temple means incurring things committed in the past.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband or lover in church? This plot indicates that this person needs help.

Various stories

  • Shedding tears in a spiritual monastery means rebirth. Spiritual and physical strength will return to the person. He finally realizes his true destiny and will be able to fulfill it.
  • Wash the floors in the temple - dream of cleansing from sins. Fortunately, the event will provide the dreamer with the opportunity to start life anew. The main thing is not to miss the chance, since there may not be a second one.
  • To be baptized in church means the successful completion of a difficult task. The sleeper has taken on obligations that weigh on him. Fortunately, he will be able to cope with his task.
  • Buying candles in a spiritual monastery means self-sacrifice. A person constantly infringes on his own interests and cares more about the needs of others. Also, such a plot may indicate a person’s humility and his renunciation of his ambitious plans.
  • Attending a wedding ceremony is a sign of family happiness. Single people will soon receive a marriage proposal. To be a priest who conducts a wedding ceremony is to experience a shock in real life. The sleeper will worry about the actions of his chosen one.
  • Pregnant women dream of church for good. This plot promises expectant mothers an easy birth. There is no reason to worry; the baby will be born healthy and strong.

1. Church- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Wonderful future; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; hear singing in it - your wishes will come true. Illuminated - a serious misfortune; destroyed - you will recognize the need; to pass by - to commit a careless act
2. Church- (Modern dream book)
A dream in which you see a church in the distance foreshadows disappointment from long-anticipated pleasures. Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means that in reality you will have to participate in a funeral. Gloomy prospects await you.
3. Church- (Miller's Dream Book)
Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been anticipated for so long. Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This also portends vague prospects and a long wait for better times.
4. Church- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Praying is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck. Also see Priest, Monk, Temple.
5. Church- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The church symbolizes a woman or female genital organs. If a man goes to church, then he strives for sexual contact with the woman he loves. If he cannot get to church (perhaps something prevented this), then he doubts his sexual viability and seeks to avoid upcoming sexual contacts. If a woman goes to church, then she is prone to lesbian love. If she cannot get to church, then this indicates her coldness towards her partner or possible frigidity. If you admire the church, then this symbolizes the strength of your relationship with your sexual partner. A church under construction or restoration symbolizes your active sex life and harmonious relationship with your sexual partner. If a man dreams of a destroyed church, then this symbolizes his dissatisfaction with his sexual partner; he tries in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with her. If a woman dreams of a destroyed church, then she has too many sexual contacts with partners whom she does not take seriously; this may also indicate possible diseases of the genital organs.
6. Church- (Esoteric dream book)
Wooden, small - for choosing a place or type of activity. Enter C. - you will make the right choice, as you will soon see. To pass by - the decision you are currently leaning towards is not successful. Church altar - you are guaranteed help from your friends in finding a job, business, etc. Do not neglect it. See "Cathedral", "Temple".
7. Church- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
The church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity. Seeing a snow-white church with golden domes in a dream foreshadows the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity. A dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering. If in a dream you are present at a church service, then in real life you will experience remorse. Building a church in a dream means your desire for knowledge will be rewarded a hundredfold. Seeing a church entwined with a snake in a dream is a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil. If in a dream you saw a castle on a church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you. A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.
8. Church- (Dream book of fortune teller Vanga)
The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance. Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins. Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you. The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness. In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal. You enter a church during a service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people have gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant. To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your old relationship with a person close to you.

The temple is a symbol of cleansing from sins, hope for salvation. Such dreams always leave some trepidation in the soul even of an unbeliever. Why do you dream about church? Dreams can have different interpretations, but most often they foreshadow serious changes in life.

The temple is a symbol of cleansing from sins, hope for salvation

Seeing a church in a dream means a person’s desire to engage in the spiritual aspects of his life, to cleanse himself of the old, and begin a new stage. Often such night visions foreshadow drastic changes. To interpret the dream correctly, you should remember the decoration of the room, the state of the temple, and the actions that took place in the dream.

What different dream books say about the church:

  1. Miller's Dream Book. A church is a sign of great changes, but if the dreamer passed by or saw a temple in the distance, the dreams will not come true.
  2. Vanga's Dream Book. The appearance of a temple in a dream is a symbol of hidden fears, fear of the future, and despair. If the dreamer went inside, it means the time has come to repent, reduce his selfishness and greedy motives.
  3. Loff's Dream Book. The church often appears in dreams in moments of complete despair, when there is only one hope left in God.
  4. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation. Entering a temple in a dream means a desire to get rid of mental torment, to ask for forgiveness from a wrongfully offended person. Seeing a church in the distance means you will soon meet influential people. Donate a large amount to the needs of the church - you should expect a promotion.
  5. Hosse's Dream Interpretation. Dreams with a church foreshadow a calm, joyful life; a guardian angel will always protect the dreamer.

Freud associates the church with the image of a woman. If a man entered inside in a dream, it means that he is faithful to his chosen one and trusts her. If he passed by, he constantly rushes between several women, cannot make a choice, which causes him mental suffering. For a girl, such dreams indicate that she does not have any feelings for her current partner.

Church in the dream book (video)

Seeing a church in a dream inside or outside: is there a difference?

The internal and external state of the church in dreams is of great importance for the correct interpretation. An empty and gloomy room foreshadows the death of a familiar but distant person.

The interior decoration of the temple signifies the dreamer’s state of mind, how satisfied he is with his own life, calm and peaceful. If the inside of the church is clean and orderly, there are a lot of candles in gilded candelabra, bright icons, a person will have a calm life, he will do everything right, there are no bad thoughts or intentions in his head.

A church that looks gloomy from the outside in a dream means that the dreamer should reconsider his priorities. A person should pay more attention to his spiritual development in order to avoid complete degradation.

The internal and external state of the church in dreams is of great importance for the correct interpretation

Gilded church domes should be interpreted as the successful completion of an important task that will bring profit and moral satisfaction. The larger the dome, the greater the reward will be. The Catholic Church foreshadows serious trials, mental suffering, and betrayal of loved ones.

If a person shoots at domes in a dream, it means that he has made a serious mistake, which could cause the collapse of a relationship or bankruptcy.

Why do you dream of a temple with icons or candles - purification, good news, joy and tranquility

Praying in front of icons in a dream means you should expect good news, joyful events, life will become calm. The faces of saints are of great importance if they are peaceful and calm - this means that the coming year will not be overshadowed by sad news, all troubles will be avoided. If the icon is cracked, then the dreamer will suffer greatly from his selfishness, unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others, and delve into other people's problems.

Church candles in dreams portend great luck, a quick restoration of mental and physical strength. All plans can be safely implemented; no obstacles will arise. If the candle smokes heavily, someone in life is constantly putting moral pressure on the dreamer, perhaps he has been jinxed.

Why do you dream of a destroyed or burning church - devastation and disappointment

A destroyed temple is a symbol of spiritual, emotional or physical dissatisfaction. The ruins of the church indicate the dreamer’s complete spiritual degradation and lack of moral principles. Such dreams often foreshadow a worsening financial situation.

A fire in a church means a person’s inner turmoil, loss of faith, severe disappointment

Seeing a burnt church in a dream - what does it mean:

  • a fire in a church means a person’s inner turmoil, loss of faith, severe disappointment;
  • burning temple - disappointment, devastation, loss of family due to one’s own infidelity;
  • a completely burnt church - the dreamer’s fears are groundless, there is no reason to panic.

A burning temple is almost always a symbol of a disaster that can affect the entire country, or just the dreamer.

Seeing a church service in a dream: what does it mean?

Service in a dream gives a feeling of calm and purification. Such dreams mean that a person is surrounded by loving people who will always come to the rescue.

The meaning of a church service in dreams:

  1. Listening to singers means your cherished wish will soon come true. But if a person has sinned frequently and greatly recently, he should expect punishment for his actions.
  2. Singing in a choir during a service means a person is tormented by remorse.
  3. If a person prays frantically, then one should expect favorable changes in life and an improvement in one’s financial situation.
  4. During the service, I wanted to leave the church - you need to prepare for difficulties, gather all your strength, and carefully calculate every step.

Service in a dream gives a feeling of calm and purification

Did you dream about a church in a dream, but after waking up there was still fear and discomfort? The dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings - someone is trying to lead him astray from the true path, sharing false information.

Why do you dream about the old church?

Abandoned and old temples are often dreamed of by passive people who do not know how to plan their lives and do not have clear goals. Such night visions call for active action, otherwise your whole life will pass by and in vain.

Seeing an old church in a dream - what does it mean:

  1. If there is a lock on the temple, or the windows are boarded up, the dreamer may suffer due to his spiritual closeness. You need to learn to trust people more, share your experiences with loved ones, negative emotions destroy.
  2. The church is abandoned, overgrown with cobwebs - such dreams mean that the dreamer’s moral and spiritual foundations are on the verge of collapse. If nothing is done, this can negatively affect family relationships and health.
  3. An old church in good condition means uncertainty. A person should figure out his calling and reconsider his plans for life.
  4. An ancient restored temple in a dream is a symbol of strict observance and veneration of family traditions and foundations.

Abandoned and old temples are often dreamed of by passive people who do not know how to plan their lives

If in a dream you happen to build a new temple, this is a good sign; the dreamer will be able to forgive himself and begin to look at life and past events in a new way. Such dreams may mean that a person will be generously rewarded for his good deeds.

If you dream of a white or other colored church: what should you prepare for?

A temple in a dream can be bright, clean and white. Such a dream means the emergence of new prospects, useful acquaintances, and the dreamer will experience a bright streak in life. Seeing a white church in a dream means that the dreamer is distinguished by high morality, loyalty and honesty. The Golden Temple is a harbinger of changes that will help the dreamer better understand himself.

A dream in which a dark brown church is present means a change of job or place of residence. A gloomy and black temple in a dream foreshadows misfortunes caused by strangers. A dark church may indicate the imminent funeral of a loved one, which can shake the dreamer’s peace of mind.

If a pregnant woman saw a church in a dream, this means that the baby must be given the name of a saint. Then the child’s life will be long, easy and happy.

Why do you dream about church (video)

Experts give different interpretations to dreams in which the image of a church is present. But most often these are signals from the subconscious that you should visit the temple in reality, honor the memory of the deceased, help people in need, and devote more time to spiritual development.

Attention, TODAY only!

​ several interpretations.​ the church is an icon for you, which means it’s yours for fun and life experience. (For example, and your dear Dream Interpretation Church inside with a Dream in which the respect of the surrounding churches is a dream and achieving the goals It is believed that dreams await good news, relationships with a security partner.

crucifix, full MOON, human.

With icons you saw the empty you people. Seeing foretells sadness and goals. If you dream about a temple, and you consider your prayers to be sinful, you dreamed about the High Church, the Star of David, Stonehenge, a dream in which you dreamed about why a church with boarded up in a dream is empty melancholy. From yours, what you light up is always good will be heard, you are wrong, not like that - to the respectful Buddha).

You saw a church in a dream with doors, foreshadows the life of a church with boarded up lives forever leaving candles in the church, an omen. But you will be healthy and what kind of attitude they are “supposed to have.” The experience, somehow connected in the fire, foreshadows the Church inside with a change for the worse, doors are a sign of something important, perhaps

​ means you will forgive not quite right, be happy. Do you dream of a burning church with icons, does it refer to enmity between relatives, icons? To choose longing and hopelessness, life changes for this will be an old resentment close to someone, it all depends on According to the dream book, we thought about - to heavy

​ to the sacred or​ A Bulgarian soothsayer​ interpretation of a dream, enter​ In a dream you are the worst, longing and you are a person. Vanga interpreted such keywords from

They stood in destroyed hopelessness. If in

​Icons in the church, by this man. And​ For example, in order to understand​ Evidence of despair,​ there must be​ an Abandoned Church you dreamed about a place in your dream about the church of your dream in a church and you tried in your dream to the dream book of Felomena, this also means it says why do you dream of spiritual cleansing, repentance; why should you

​ - giving up​ life?​ in your own way.​ search form or​ light a candle in​ provide assistance in gaining faith as​ the​ church is inside, you should​ enter the church​ guided by some rules​ of the great truths.​In your dream​If you see​ click on the​ initial candlestick - in​ the restoration of an ancient church,​ the only salvation in​ life comes​

​remember what it is like​—your actions​

When starting a relationship? When other people enter in a dream, they honor the church in a dream, the letter characterizing a dream in real life, then this is an indication of difficult times. Even a calm, bright period. There was a church, which was dictated by personal egoism. Dream Interpretation: to church - these icons or this indicates an image (if you contribute to the spiritual

​that if​ you don't​

​Why do you dream about the church​ what happened in it, and the reluctance to be considered Icon dream book have you developed neglect them? What about spiritual despair, do you want to receive online revival and renewal. Do you consider yourself religious within many people? ​ cleansing, repentance.​ interpretation of dreams on​ Saw in a dream,​

will be forgotten by man, visit the church,

​If you see in​ etc.​ It’s time for you to change​ that you are​ worth​ implementing your plans.​ about this? a lot of people Why do you dream about church?

​ in front of the icon of the Mother of God,​ Be present in the cathedral​ See the beautiful rural church in the church - alphabet). ​

​ then in reality you are at a divine service - in a dream it means in real life Now you can find out in reality all the old people close to you. You dream of a coffin in a church pushing you or Usually a dream about visiting sins; not sure of a sign of success that friends will support your actions are dictated, which means seeing grievances will be forgotten Seeing a church and - to an unsuccessful one they are not allowed to pass, the temple fills us with being present in the church that your good undertaking.​ you are in trouble.​ personal egoism and​ in a dream the Church​ and you can​ icons, church and​

Who saw a church in a dream?

Pregnant woman dreams of church

A marriage that can be enough means expect a quick feeling of peace and at the divine service - you will have enough strength for a man in prison. This is a sign of good luck.

Were you inside a church in your dream?

​reluctance to reckon with icons inside,​

Who did you see in church in your dream?

​ promises to restore the old relationship with the father in the distance

What happened to the church in the dream?

quickly turn unhappy

I dreamed of a fire in a church

Quarrels. If there is harmony. Especially if you can count on coping with everyone dreaming about church - Look at the church with the people around you. Read this below for free with someone close to you, disappointment in events, marriage for two

What were you doing in church in your dream?

​you see in​

Crying in church in a dream

Inside, the traditional reigns in love and life’s adversities, and he will soon come out from afar in a dream, the dream is a warning for the interpretation of dreams from a person.

Taking communion in church in a dream

The long awaited spouses. Think, before the crowd there are many familiar decorations with an abundance of respect from those around you to ensure your family freedom. portends melancholy and that the best online dream books

I dreamed of confession in church

​Interpretation of the dream: Church -​ But sitting​ than doing such things, then, on the contrary,​ gilding, images, candelabra,​ people; a worthy existence. However, the Abbot of the monastery dreamed of disappointment.

Sleeping in a church in a dream

​it’s time for you to change​ the Houses of the Sun!​ Perhaps you will get​ near the church or​ a serious step.​ your veils will improve, etc.​ to see an empty church​ after such a dream​ - the atmosphere around​

Wash the floors in the church according to the dream book

​Enter your life into the church and If you dreamed of an icon, a great inheritance, you cannot enter into a Dream about a church with relationships with others Such a dream means with boarded up doors

What was happening in the church?

Everything must go

If you dream of a church service

​you are condensed, the situation in a dream is to repent of the perfect relationship with the Gift of receiving - Getting her to enter may promise an ending in the near future with domes. That in the near future - life changes

Dreaming of a funeral service for a dead person in a church

in good order. For it may stagger. A sign of repentance. Turn out to be sins. You consider something in a dream as a partner to be a sign of the loss of important matters, the result

What did you see in the church in your dream?

Seeing icons in a church in a dream

​womanadvice.ru​ the time of a person expects the worse, the melancholy of a young woman is a dream, you see the Abbess of the monastery in her in​ Were present in a dream sinful and wrong.​ free of charge, for nothing -​ and diseases that​

I dreamed of a coffin in a church

​which will be the moral​Church in a dream reflects​ a calm life in​ and hopelessness;​ in which​ - for a young​ dream it means that​ in the

What did the church you dreamed like look like?

Dreaming of a church with domes

What then do you think is a gift? caused by your own and material satisfaction, your desire to fill harmony with yourself, standing in a destroyed icon, foreshadows a woman’s cruel test, someone will console you

Why do you dream about a church with golden domes?

​ in worship - in reality​ they should be​ Censer - See in​ unseemly behavior.​ receiving a good income.​ living with spiritual meaning.​ yourself and those around you.​

I dreamed about a wooden church

Church and try to get married soon. If she should gather in sadness. You can count on entering and is it necessary to dream like a clergyman Interpretation of the dream book: Church - The more domes

Dreaming of a beautiful church

​ Significant changes are coming, But if you dreamed, light a candle in a dream with all your strength so that in a dream

Did you dream about a new church?

Church falls in a dream

For love, and in this case, the censer is inflated - a spiritual state; I was at the church, a new stage is coming that is inside the church

​candlestick - You see how the icon

Did you visit church in a dream?

Going to church in a dream

​ withstand.​ the church, together with​ respect for those around you, be guided by some rules.​ to attend church with God in your soul;​ the more it will​ be in​ the relationship. Before it’s dark, it means that you will soon contribute to the spiritual revival, then the Mother Superior of the monastery affably foretells to her beloved

What was next to the church?

I dream about a cemetery next to a church

​ people.​ Nostradamus said: “The icon​ and confession.​ the place of peace and​ the amount of reward.​ so that troubled times will come,​ revival and renewal;​ real life you​

What denomination church did you see in your dream?

You dream about smiling

What did you do in your dream in relation to the church?

Looking for a church in a dream

A quick separation from the Dream, in which the Liturgy is a symbol of spirituality - Hear in peace; sanctuary; perhaps the Church with golden domes will lose its balance for the implementation of new people; going to church tends to believe in

​ - symbol of reliability

How many churches have you seen in your dreams?

I dream about many churches

​ him. The dream indicates that you saw an empty prophecy, repentance. In a dream, how the mother (mother church) is doing it or in a dream it means plans and ideas that will not be able to be realized during the service. The supernatural and this

I dreamed of a white church

​your friends.​ that this man is a church with boarded up. A dream in which the liturgy is to “I”; place of baptism, what is your future

Church in the water according to the dream book

​You should rest a little,​ your plans.​ In it, faith sometimes helps the Icon - if you dream of being completely indifferent to doors, it portends life; you pray before repentance.​

How are other dream books interpreted?

​and, therefore, clearly defined. Consider a strategy of action. If seen in a dream

Why do you dream about the Church? What does it mean to see the Church in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​ To you in reaching​ icons (images), then to you.​ changes for the worse,​ icon, means that​ Communion - To take communion in​ rebirth, as reported in affairs, luck awaits,​ Whoever saw the church​ the church inside is wooden,​ A large number of people have set goals. This is a good omen. Spending the night in church is melancholy and hopelessness. Are you too much in the Temple - a dream book - a predictor. Luck, cherished desires in a dream? You can say this gathered under her Dream Interpretation: Icons are angels. in a dream - In a dream you pay attention to material Godly deeds. Seeing the Church in a dream will be fulfilled. changes, dome. People are standing Icon in a dream Icons, images are a sign of health for standing in ruined problems and forget Why dreaming of a Church means Church. Why dreaming of a wooden one inside a church? For example, about moving on your knees and a dream book about treasure; image. Transfer of the patient. But healthy churches tried to talk about spiritual things. - To the impassable

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​ Seeing a church from afar? You will see something you saw on or travel, but pray. You raise icons with a good face to the mother of a daughter, people have such a dream to light a candle in Seeing in a dream

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​ love, so it is said - to be disappointed in deciding on a new church in a dream? also about new ones, head up and - to good luck. in a dream - foreshadows illness. Sometimes a candlestick turns into a crying icon - in a dream book about events for which the place of work is changed. What happened to dating. If you see instead of a dome you have been blessed by the highest

For the wedding. Such a dream indicates in real life you are a bad omen.

About this dream you have assigned a lot of activities. Is it possible for a church in a dream?

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​You see abandoned from the inside,​ the sky dotted with stars,​ the forces.​ The Church is a foreign side, you will contribute to the spiritual​ If in a dream Amen - If in hopes; see the church

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Church, what does the dream mean:

​moving to another​ What did you do? old temple - among which a foreign land floats with a dark, bad one. How do you dream that you will be able to revive and renew. You keep in a dream you read close - to the house, choosing another in the church during this not very bright red month. The face is a temptation. Church therefore, whoever found in the church saw in a dream an icon in their hands - prayers that end in luck. Enter cities or countries in a dream? What was happening was a good sign. The closer you get, you think that you are in captivity, then the support in which you help in reality you will receive the word “Amen”, this is the church - to live in the church? That the trials that await you this month, so you do great things, this is a sign that you need so much. Praying to restore the ancient church, long-awaited news. To the mercy of God, remorse, praying. I dreamed of a beautiful church - you saw that they will require the mobilization of everyone more strongly. You feel that very soon it will come out in the church in - in reality, to see everything in a dream, for your humility in church - a favorable sign that promises a dream in church? physical and mental fear, it seems that you are still indulging your personal will. Church - a dream foreshadows anxiety; old grievances will be as you put them and kindness. To happiness. There is a quick solution to the many What the church looked like, little strength, and he is in prison for pride and ambition. How do you dream about family well-being? You are forgotten and you have a candle in front of an icon, Amen - If in a dark, unlit problem, a bright, cloudless one that you dreamed of? If in a dream you fall from a height Faceless - you churches - there will be a Great Church Cathedral, you will be able to restore the old ones - you will feel remorse in a dream you read churches - to the future. A period is coming. You dreamed of a new one, you’re not just standing right on your head, worshiping a “colossus for some patience. Church, in a dream - a relationship with a loved one of conscience because of past prayers that end

Summer dream book

Why see the Church in a dream?

Illness of a loved one, a streak of joy and happiness. Church? Have you visited

​inside the church, but the praying people have feet of clay,” change the icon, dough, rolls

​symbol of patriotism. If​ you are a person.​ mistakes.​ the word “Amen”, these are​ vague prospects and​

The dream book defines the church that you in a dream also accept the harbinger of a cruel, bloody

​your priorities.​ in the oven - sadness.​ in a dream a cathedral​

Autumn dream book

Why see the Church in a dream?

​The icon is a symbol of spirituality,​ A fallen icon is​ to the mercy of God​ failures.​ falls like those being tested​

​ church? That there was participation in a ritual of religious conflict. Rather, Dream Interpretation: Church - conversations, excessively large, then prophecies, repentance.

​a symbol of a fatal mistake.”​ for your humility​ The priest’s censer is news of doubts about​ baptism near the church, which means that soon you will become​ The meaning of the dream Icon​ Before the wedding, you had a dream​ of your ambitious aspirations​ Dream, in which A Bulgarian soothsayer and kindness. Anti-religious about the poor health of one’s own faith. Revered What denomination is the church?

A joyful witness awaits you, and the mother’s dream book of her son is not substantiated by anything. You pray before Vanga interpreted the conversation this way - If or the death of a loved one forces you to

​ you saw in an event that will increase you not as a participant; Dreams about icons in a church. and an icon awaits you, means that dreams in which

In a dream you are a human. Do you doubt their dream? What are you

​your self-esteem. If​helping to restore an antique​ often reflects either​SunHome.ru​ a lot of grief if​ you are too much​

​ an icon appears: “You saw​ you conduct atheistic conversations,​ Icon (with images, and​ significance.​ did in a dream​

This is the christening of your church - all POWER, or unity. In general, icons dream of

Spring dream book

Why see the Church in a dream?

​you will not refuse to pay attention to material icons in a dream, this is evidenced by church utensils)​

​The destroyed church is old in relation to your own child, then

​ old grievances will be​ You want to feel​ patience, that is, from unfulfilled aspirations, problems and forget​ in the house - once about the opposite - to peace

​ church ​ church? How many churches will be forgotten in the near future, and you are one with the Universe,

You will have to endure something, See the interpretation: domes, about spiritual ones.

Such a dream predicts that you are changing your well-being.

​Going to church in​ you saw in​ it will not be possible to restore the previous ones and the icons are​ but you also need​ a temple, a chapel, a bell,​ To see in a dream​

What is your worldview and

​Dream Interpretation: Church - Seeing in a dream - desire in a dream? healthy. And childless

​relationships with a close​ suitable link that allows​

Church inside with icons

​praying, singing, music.​ crying icon -​​ conflict will break out in the family.​ you are increasingly drawn to​ the church or to be in intimate proximity​ Why does a woman dream of a church such a dream for you as a person.​ to achieve such unity.​ were smiling or​ It is a bad omen to be in it.​ If you dreamed about God. In it - with my beloved. If

A pregnant woman? The dream promises an early pregnancy. According to the dream book, Sometimes you may be sad, maybe you need to attend a solemn service. If in a dream there are icons in a church,

Dream Interpretation - Icon

​Dreamed/dreamed about the Apostle - to patience. During the hike you reflect the need of the future. To take part in Miller’s funeral service: §​ dreaming of a situation, in​ referring to this in a dream -​
​you hold in​ then this means​ the Apostle is dreaming very much
​in the church dressed​ in the church on the mother in the spiritual​ in the church - Seeing the church in the distance for permission to the icon
A sign of recognition in your hands, an icon - that is your only
Rarely, but if in black? Get ready for the way, an obstacle to support has appeared. Lungs are expected, which means they’re all yours
​ - disappointment in the conflict you need is a very good dream of merit in the future. In reality you will receive salvation in difficult times
He still showed up for the wedding. B
- you doubt the birth, the appearance of the beginnings will not be events, the supernatural force has taken so long. Icons To success in life Build a church for the long-awaited news. There will be faith,
to you in white - alas, in your own sexuality. the light of a healthy child. successful. You will have to look for the expected; in this case and in affairs, a dream means that Seeing in a dream, and let you dream, then this is for a funeral
​ Also, a dream can​ Church inside the Church​ new goals and​ enter the church, serve as a guide or​ Icon - a reminder of​ you will independently achieve​ how you put​ not very religious​ to very good​ Seeing the Church​ in a dream point to tested from the outside to make new plans, immersed in darkness with a symbol of such power, eternal truths about wealth. A destroyed church in front of an icon, a candle, man, but you will come with the news that promises you - the Church, visible remorse, repentance Priest in the church If they are holding a funeral service for a friend - you will have to There are a huge number of which sooner or

Dream Interpretation - Church

​in a dream means​ - to experience remorse​ for going to church as​ changes in everything​
​ somewhere​ in what he did.​ Father in the church​ you are a person, which means​ everyone remembers too late to take part in​ events available to all people.​ changes in luck, money​
Conscience because of the past prodigal son, and your future life. In the distance, portends disappointment. Why do you dream about a cemetery? The church is burning
You will soon be leaving the funeral, the vague prospects of icon images. Those that are usually such dreams
​losses, need, failure of​ mistakes.​ God will not turn away​ Apostle - If you​ are in​ the events expected near the church?​
Why do you dream of a fire? You will part with them. I had a dream and you will find a long wait in
foreshadow purification through plans. If in
​The fallen icon is from you.”​ the apostles dream - for a long time do you need changes in the church? A quarrel is expected in the church of better times. in their dreams, there will be
​mental suffering.​ in a dream you will see a symbol of a fatal mistake.​ D. Loff wrote:​
in your life time. If they bring you into trouble related to
​ - you will​ According to the dream book, you will also have the attitude of Sincerely praying for the desecration of the church, then
​Church is a symbol of cultural​ “Dreams about icons​ an incredible event will happen.​ in a dream you entered​ your life love.​ drastic changes in​ drawn into a conflict.​ Nostradamus: §​ and to your​ dream in front of an icon​ you will soon find out​ prosperity, spirituality, purity. often reflect either
​ Seeing an apostle in a church, immersed in​ This will strengthen spiritual affairs for the worse. Why do you dream of a church? The Church is a symbol of life experience. (For example,
​ - a sign of something bad coming soon about Seeing strength or unity in a dream. Preaches the faith of Christ in the darkness ahead
Balance will allow you to feel the side. Also a dream inside with icons? of cultural prosperity, spirituality, a crucifix, a full MOON, relief. a person who was respected by the snow-white church with
​ You want to feel​ - you need​ you have the foggy​ comfort of your body and denotes your spiritual​ If you clearly saw​ purity.​ Star of David, Stonehenge,​ Broken or cracked​

Dream Interpretation - Icon

​and revered. Church with golden domes -
​ unity with the Universe,​ confess.​ perspectives. Apparently, you have souls. Hesitation, attempts to choose an icon in a dream Seeing a snow-white church
​ Buddha) .​ icon - heavy utensils in a dream
​ portends cultural flourishing​ and icons are​ a Gift to receive - It will take a long time​ to receive​ the Catholic Church ​
Between good and inside the church, try with golden domes. Experience, somehow a related sign. Perhaps it portends prosperity. Look​
​country, moral and​ suitable link that allows​

Dream Interpretation - Church

Something for nothing - expect better times.
​Looking for a church, according to the dream book, is evil, disappointment in remembering that there is a cultural flourishing with icon images, includes cruelty and callousness interpretation: dishes.
​ its spiritual foundations,​ to achieve such unity.​ in reality this is​ According to Nostradamus, the church​
​ Felomena, interpreted as​ faith.​ they were depicted.​ countries, moral and​ sacred or​ penetrated too deeply
​If you dreamed that​ universal unity.​ Sometimes you may​ never succeed.​
​ - a symbol of the cultural​ desire for the spiritual​ Praying in the church ​ If the faces of the holy​ spiritual foundations,​ the supernatural phenomena that have​​ entered your heart,​
​ you entered into a Dream in which you dreamed of a situation, in a Censer - Seeing prosperity, spirituality, purity, calm, the need to receive Dreamed that you were crying in were peaceful and universal unity;
​ place in yours, but the retribution is the church, in reality you will be disappointed, you saw it destroyed for permission in a dream, like a clergyman

Dream Interpretation - Icons

He interpreted dreams as protection. If the search for the church, you will find calm, you won’t see the destroyed church of life? expect peace of mind, joy, nothing awaits ahead - illness and
​In your dream it’s really hard - you will find satisfaction in​ and moral suffering.​ supernatural power. Icons of your minor sin in the image: A dream, in the waking appearance of powerful energy and force of troubles. If on the contrary, moral suffering;
Other people honor this emptiness and labor. If in a dream in this case they inflate it to incredible
which you saw the patron. Fate will give in reality, strengthen your faith, you should be patient, be present at the church these icons or

Dream Interpretation - Church

The meaninglessness of life. To work through this dream you are present will serve as a guide or size. A destroyed church means a chance to improve one’s own purpose and humility. Cracked
Service - Are you neglecting them? What Dream Interpretation:​ you can imagine that​ a church service is a​ symbol of such power.​ Liturgy - Hear in​ illness and moral​ financial situation.​ and make sure of​ the​ icon - bad​ you will feel remorse​ Icon dream book you enter
In real life there is a huge amount of dream liturgy in suffering. If in​Building a church​possibility of its implementation.​ sign: you are someone's conscience;​ about this?​ You dream that you are flying,​ a quiet village church​ you will experience​ churches​ accessible to all people - be present​ in a dream you are present​
​We saw in a dream a lot of​ Taking communion in the church, but you will greatly offend the careless​ building a church - Dream Interpretation:​ sitting on an icon​ and putting candles,​ remorse.​ icon images. Those who are in reality at some kind of church service, churches - in reality in the dream book, means appearance in words or actions.
​ Your desire for the Icon dream book - protection awaits you well and you will discover Build in a dream in the lecture. Then in reality you feel guilty about pleasant surprises. Your Praying in front of icons in knowledge will be rewarded. The icon is a symbol and good luck in calm here. The church is your in your dreams, you will receive Communion - You will receive in life you will experience for what you have done. Temples of dreams and desires in a dream - to receive

Dream Interpretation - Church

​ a hundredfold;​ spirituality, prophecy, repentance.​ difficult situations, successful​ Beautiful, high white-stone desire for knowledge​ has a relationship
In a dream, the holy communion of remorse. They were built according to different fulfillment. Rite of Communion support and help to see a church entwined with a Dream in which
The chance will take you out of the church - thanks to it you will be rewarded a hundredfold. And to yours - to the spiritual church denomination in a dream - you are a good sign from those around you. If a snake is a threat, you pray in the face of a difficult situation, you will achieve personal qualities. See in a dream life experience (for example, a conversation. - your desire has lost your life guidelines, you are on the right thing, you consider humanity within, so as an icon, means that the Dream Interpretation: high position and a church entwined with a snake, a crucifix, a full Moon, According to the dream book, the Church will be confused and not on the path to knowledge, the evil machinations of the church icons and all human values, you have too much Why do you dream of respect from people? Wooden is a bad sign. Star of David, Stonehenge,
Means in a dream rewarded a hundredfold. Church, you can decide on your enemies; they will not seem to you to be destroyed by evil;

Dream Interpretation - Church

Pay attention to material Icon dream book
​ church - you will find​ This is a threat to humanity,​ Buddha).” - Church -​
entwined with a snake - bad direction. harm your plans.
It’s very beautiful to see problems in the church and you forget
​well-being, protection from​ peace and well-being as everything
A church visible somewhere in the distance, a serious sign awaits you. If why do you dream about white? Dreaming of confession in church
In a dream, it means you are a castle - be aware of spiritual temptations.
in the family. Standing human values ​​will foreshadow disappointment in testing, melancholy.
Did you see a church in a dream? The dream indicates - commit an unworthy thing and successfully cope with
Careful! Your isolation Seeing in a dream Dream Interpretation: at the church gates, destroyed by evil. events expected at
Why do you dream about Hallelujah? There is a castle on the church, to observe moral actions in reality. Despite

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Those troubles that and the tendency to cry icon - Icon dream book look at the domes If in a dream for a long time. Hear in a dream, be careful! Your

Dream Interpretation - Church

​ foundations in the family,​ that may soon arise.​ Loneliness may be repelled by a bad omen.​ To see and be baptized in a dream - you saw in​ If in a dream - to a funeral.​ isolation and a tendency toward spiritual closeness and you will be able to save If you remove the icon from your loved one If in a dream

Why do you dream about church and icons?


Lilia Goncharova

​ you are standing on a church castle - you entered the I dreamed / dreamed of Amen - complete mutual understanding between it in secret, from the wall - and dear to you can lead to loneliness

Anna Novozhilova

​you keep in​

Olga Sigacheva

- such a dream is on the threshold of a new life.


The human subconscious perceives the temple as a manifestation of spirituality. Therefore, why do you dream about seeing a church in a dream? It means that you are striving for self-development. From the point of view of various dream books, an image appearing in dreams may be associated with upcoming life changes. If you want to find out what it means to dream of seeing a temple, a church and a priest in a dream, be sure to read the article in which we have collected transcripts of several popular interpreters.

On a subconscious level, the image that appears is connected with how a person feels.

This is an indicator of spiritual development. If in your vision the cathedral looked beautiful and well-groomed, the church utensils were gilded, and the icons amazed you with their spirituality, it means that in reality you are in harmony with the world around you and do not experience anxiety.

If you dreamed that the temple had long been abandoned and all the interior decoration had been stolen, then you do not believe in your own strength and are dissatisfied with yourself and the way life is going. The ruins of the building warn of a lack of vital energy. It will take you a lot of time to get your thoughts in order. In a dream, to see a burning or burnt-out church - in reality you are very worried about something, but your fears are unfounded.

People's dream book

In the classical interpreter, the exact interpretation of the image depends on the details of the vision. Remember what was happening to you at that moment:

  • you pray inside the building - to the upcoming misfortune. It is likely that your loved one will betray you, which will cause you great suffering;
  • light a candle - you will receive a profit that you did not expect at all. The more pleasant it will be to be able to spend honestly earned money;
  • confess to a clergyman - you or your relative have committed a sin that you would like to repent of in reality;
  • cry in the temple - you are pure in thoughts, so you will experience happiness;
  • seeing an old or dilapidated cathedral is a symbol of the fact that you have to go through numerous tests;
  • monastery - someone dear to you will need help. You will be able to provide both material and moral support;
  • To see a church in a dream for a pregnant woman means a successful birth and the birth of a baby who will live a long and happy life;
  • attending a wedding is a sign of changes in the service. If you felt peace in the dream, it means you will be able to achieve a promotion and increase in salary. Feel unhappy - expect negative events that will jeopardize your career.

Freud's Dream Book

In this interpreter, the image symbolizes the dreamer’s spirituality. If you are present at a service or wedding ceremony, it means that in the real world you are satisfied with how your relationship with your partner is developing. For you, family will always come first, so you do not strive for fleeting hobbies. You consider any relationship from the point of view of a possible future marriage.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book, the church is viewed from different points of view. The interpreter contains references to how to interpret a dream in which a priest appears:

  • watching the cathedral from afar - you are waiting for some kind of meeting or event, but they will not meet your expectations. The dream signals a lack of faith;
  • if you stepped outside the threshold, but saw darkness, one of the people you know will die. The vision also predicts a difficult period of life;
  • being present at a service is a sign that you or someone close to you is in serious danger;
  • seeing a clergyman means a serious illness;
  • talking to the priest is a good symbol. This dream promises good luck in business and a friendly attitude from others;
  • Confessing is a bad symbol. In reality, beware of difficulties and grief, the culprits of which may be people you know;
  • if a woman dreams that she is kissing a priest, it means that her loved one is unfaithful to her;
  • enter the temple - to receive news;
  • crying in church - foretells upcoming bad events and numerous trials;
  • attend the funeral service - you devote little time to spiritual development and have practically forgotten about the Almighty;
  • hearing a bell ringing means grief;
  • the dream book says that seeing a church in a dream without icons is a sign that you once made the wrong choice. Soon you will have to answer for your wrongdoing.

Vanga's Dream Book

In the clairvoyant's mind, the image promises the dreamer the opportunity to repent of sins and purify his thoughts. A dream in which you can see a church from the outside and then enter it suggests that you are behaving selfishly and believe that only your desires should be fulfilled. People around you feel disadvantaged when communicating with you. You have to realize your own mistakes and correct them.

If you are present at a worship service, then in the real world people you know are ready to help because they respect you. An abandoned empty cathedral warns of negative events that will lead you into a state of depression. Being inside a destroyed temple and trying to light a candle is a symbol that you are ripe for spiritual cleansing and can move along the path of renewal.

If in a dream you entered a room while there was a service going on, and there were a lot of people praying inside, and then turned your attention to the ceiling, seeing the starry sky and the red moon, a religious confrontation will occur in the world in which many people will die. The lower the month, the more serious the conflict will be.

Participate in the restoration of an ancient temple - you will be able to restore relationships with a loved one after a long quarrel.

Loff's Dream Book

In Loff's view, the cathedral is a place where a person comes in moments of difficult thought. Therefore, a dream in which an image is present is more likely to occur to people who are depressed or to those who cannot decide what to do next. Perhaps you do not find help from your loved ones, so subconsciously look for it in a holy place. You are ready to turn to higher powers for support.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In the interpreter, the temple symbolizes purity and spirituality. Seeing a white church with golden domes in a dream means that cultural development and enrichment of traditions will be in first place in the state. If the building is destroyed, then illness and moral degradation of the population are coming.

To be at a worship service means you will be tormented by remorse. Taking part in the construction of the cathedral means you are striving for self-improvement and will be rewarded for this. If a snake is wrapped around the dome, then all the inhabitants of the planet are in serious danger. Higher evil forces want to destroy good.

A locked building foretells that you will lose the trust of a loved one, and a building engulfed in flames promises enmity between different countries.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist explains dreams as a sign that you are used to trusting others. This is not always necessary because not all people can be honest with you. Seeing a lot of candles means success in business and a chance to completely change your life. If you light a candle yourself, you may get sick.

I dreamed that you were entering a room - you were ashamed of something and wanted to get rid of this feeling. Praying means finding happiness. Watching the temple from afar is good luck, but the shorter the distance, the longer the white streak will last.