Why can't you go to the cemetery at night? Is it possible to go to the cemetery in the afternoon, in the evening, on Sunday, and what are the norms of behavior? How to get to the cemetery at night

Roughly speaking, in the year 1996, I made a bet that I would go to the cemetery alone at night and mark myself there, like, on a dead tree that stood in the middle of it (by the way, it also adds to the surroundings... at the slightest wind it starts to creak so disgustingly), I'll draw a cross with a felt-tip pen...
Taking it for courage, he went. I took a flashlight (not a headlamp, I remind you, from 1995-97, an old Soviet miracle in your hands, with round healthy batteries), in the other hand - a radio receiver (as I remember now, it was something like a Sanya.. or Sonya. :) .
I’m walking, the weather is warm, 18-22 degrees, I think the moon is shining into the balls, so full, beautiful, bright, I’m already casting a shadow. The mood is good, vodka is splashing in the young body, the radio is playing the only one in those golden times, “Avtoradiu”.. I still remember a song that caught my attention, something from the “Blues League”, it’s called “don’t believe me” or something.
The only thing that darkens the mood is the distant rumble of a thunderstorm, which, leisurely, is approaching from the side of the 54 km train stop.
Well, I think the war is bullshit, I’ll have time to run here and there 10 times, to hell with it. I go around the forest with the cemetery along the “road” (who knows, he will understand, there was no road there yet from the mosquito to the shore, there was only a “road-like-path-well-maybe-a-tractor-will-pass”). Well, and, in fact, I went down to the river, found a path and dug into the forest.
This is where glitch number one came to me. There was a break in the radio program, the DJ hesitated for something, and I clearly heard cheerful children's laughter from the river... Damn. Well, there was no one there, no. I passed there, and further, where I didn’t go, I shined a flashlight, well, I would have seen a tent... Well, to hell with it, I think if I hadn’t lost my laughter, maybe from the other side such audibility was not bad.
I stomp on. And near the churchyard itself there is a place, such a tricky one... The path goes under the fir trees, you make your way through the twigs, usually you fall (especially if you can’t see horseradish, and you’re not sober), you fall out into a clearing about 10 meters wide, you cross it (nettles , branches, disgusting), and you climb under the fir trees (they grow very densely, you lower your head so that your eyes don’t meet the branches), you crawl through, raise your head and look at the monuments. The first time I walked, however, such an effective appearance made an impression on me.
And the cemetery is divided into 2 parts, the new one, where people have been buried since the 50-60s, and the old one, where even the crosses have rotted, only graves remain.
Since I’m tired, I sit down on a bench near the grave, open the flask, congratulate myself on the finish, it’s fun, and I notice (how I didn’t notice it before, I don’t know, well, although, I was bursting through the branches, like a bear, everything was cracking, I didn’t even listen) that from the radio, more and more often there is a crackle of static instead of a program. The thunderstorm, however, somehow approached very quickly, since the thunder was quite close, and the breeze began to rise, and it was so beautiful, lightning reflections began to run across the tops of the fir trees from time to time, a vile creaking began, as if a board was being twisted (not about the tree). have you forgotten yet?), and in general, without a radio it somehow becomes very uncomfortable... well, what a bullshit, I turned it off, put it in my pocket, and then, damn it, the flashlight suddenly went down. Coincidence? Yeah.. Right now.. you can say that now, but then I got hooked on treason.. moreover, I actually started to get pounding. Especially when I looked at the cross. There is a forest all around, it seems like it should be dark, but now the light from the moon is falling on the cross (well, it’s not a windfall, it’s a cemetery, after all, the trees are not very dense, and the moon has risen higher), and the shadow from it is just touches my feet. And then such a long discharge of lightning, its shadow like a strobe light, falls on the grave, and in the place where it ends, the earth begins to crumble. It's funny, isn't it?
I already care about a felt-tip pen, about a tree, about everything, I decided that it’s time to move as quickly as possible towards my beloved, good, bright, cozy, safe dacha, but figs. I can’t get up from the bench out of fear... I can’t... And I see a hand sticking out from under the ground (I know, it doesn’t happen, I’m just saying, it’s a glitch..). Well, this is how... in my opinion, this is what a hand should look like, sticking out of a grave... and scraping the ground... scraping... And the cloud reached the moon, covered it, the wind became so strong, the tree, infected, creaked, and again children's laughter rang out. In a cemetery in the forest.. In a thunderstorm.. But I can’t get up.. I feel it, I’ll scream now, and I’ll just pass out.
And here, the apogee of history. I noticed in the network of lightning (by the way, I have never seen such a frequency again), earth fell onto my shoe from my side of the grave..
Here, the legs turned on... everything turned on.. It’s good that the receiver has already put the flashlight in my pockets..
Have you seen how Kenyans run? Quietly they run... along their paths... I set a world record, through the forest, through branches, trees, grass, road... and, hell, I ran to the bottom of the river, rushed along the shortest vector to the village. And he ran all 2 kilometers. He ran quickly.. He even outran the thunderstorm, but it didn’t rain on me, as I had hoped..
Well, that’s all, actually.. I lost the argument.. I caught a glitch, a lot of adrenaline.. Okay, sorry I didn’t shit my pants..
The only thing that still worries me is that I heard out of the corner of my ear from the grandmothers who live in the village that near the grave, supposedly near which I was sitting, palm prints were found, and a trace as if someone was crawling from it. Grandmothers sinned against relatives who swelled and fell there. Maybe.. everything can be.. Why and how the traces weren’t washed away at night, and in general, whether it happened that day or another, I don’t know...
Why didn't I check this morning? Would you go there the next day?? I was pounding and squashing for another week
P.S. The dispute, by the way, arose because local grandparents told horror stories about this churchyard, scaring kinders at night.

According to popular belief, walking through a cemetery does not bring anything good. You can disturb the souls of the deceased and bring disaster upon yourself. Nowadays there are few people who believe in ancient signs. And yet there are many arguments against walking through the churchyard, not only at night, but also during the day.

Cardiologists warn

Despite the fact that some people find the cemetery a peaceful and contemplative place, ideal for leisurely walks, doctors clearly warn against such a pastime. Coming to a churchyard, a person subconsciously prepares to meet the dead.

A reflex is triggered that encourages living organisms to avoid carrion and anything that in some way relates to the topic of death. It is layered with cultural experience: one remembers legends about the dead rising from their graves, tales about vampires and werewolves, legends about witches digging up remains to carry out their ungodly rituals.

All this prepares the psyche accordingly. Without even realizing it, a person walking along the cemetery grounds is in an extremely tense and excited state, literally at the limit of mental strength. Any extraneous noise - the rustling of leaves, the knock of a stone rolling away from under your feet, the hooting of an owl - can cause a breakdown.

At such moments, a huge amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, which encourages the body to fight or flee. This protective mechanism helps perfectly in situations where real danger threatens, but “adrenaline storms” greatly wear out the heart.

Giving yourself such shocks while walking around the churchyard is very harmful. Especially if a person already has heart problems. An innocent, at first glance, walk through the place of the last resting place can end in quite a real funeral. A heart attack is not such a rare occurrence among “dared souls” who dare to wander into a cemetery at night.

Material hazards

Many cemeteries have existed for many centuries. The oldest tombs are gradually falling into disrepair. The soil in the graves crumbles, “falls in.” A person walking through a cemetery, being in a state of nervous tension, does not always notice such dangers. Internally, he is preparing for completely different horrors: the risen dead, ghouls and other inventions of folk art.

Falling into a grave that has collapsed or been opened by vandals is dangerous in many ways. Firstly, it in itself is extremely stressful. Secondly, any unexpected fall can result in a broken limb. Even if a person fell from a small height. Getting out of an open grave with a broken arm or leg is still “pleasure.”

We must not forget that any cemetery is a place of burial of remains. The latter decompose and in the process release many substances dangerous to living people. We are talking about cadaveric poisons: cadaverine, spermine, putrescine, etc. Even in an old grave, these substances can remain, as well as bacteria, the vital activity of which is concentrated in places where corpses are rotting. If a person cares about his health, he should not contact them.

Negative energy

The last argument against walking on cemetery land is expressed by psychics, parapsychologists and other specialists in the field of soul energy. They are set unambiguously. The graveyard is the most energetically dirtiest place. It collects all the negative charges from natural and violent deaths: murders, poisonings, long and painful dying from cancer, unexpected deaths of babies, etc.

All this gloomy energy “hangs” over the cemetery like a black cloud. By coming into contact with it, a living person causes serious damage to his energy field. From a psychological point of view, any communication with bad people - and even more so with criminals - disrupts mental balance and leaves a negative mark on the psyche.

Walking through a cemetery produces a similar effect: it leaves a black, dirty trace on a person’s energy field and can subsequently “attract” big problems or even death to him.

Since ancient times, people have tended to believe in various signs and forecasts. Many people are interested in the horoscope, some believe in fortune-telling, and others try to observe all the beliefs and prohibitions, the history of origin or the main causes of which are probably unknown to them today.

But today we want to remember some signs that are related to why you should not go anywhere at night.

Why can't you go to the bathhouse at night?

It's no secret that we often visit the bathhouse in the evening, and sometimes at night. This is the optimal time to get rid of stress after a hard day or even a week, take a good steam bath, and maybe drink something alcoholic. However, there is a belief that you should not go to the bathhouse at night.

If you dig a little deeper, the history of this sign says that after 12 at night, devils come to the bathhouse to wash. That is why it is undesirable to encounter them, because who knows how it might end. And this will probably not end in the best way.

However, as you understand, all these are just beliefs and ordinary “horror stories” that have no scientific evidence. Therefore, if you want to visit the bathhouse at night, and are not prone to superstition, you can do it without any problems.

Why you shouldn't go to a cemetery at night

There are many beliefs about why evening and night time is not the best time to visit a cemetery. For example, there is a belief that in the evening the souls of deceased people are not near their bodies, so visiting the graves of your relatives and loved ones may be pointless.

In addition, there are beliefs that, as in the case of the bathhouse, are associated with devils. Many people believe that visiting a cemetery at night risks attracting devils to visitors.

However, in any case, even the very thought of visiting a cemetery at night is very strange, and in order to understand that this is not the best idea, there is no need to even read all sorts of beliefs and signs.

Why you shouldn't go into the forest at night

As for the sign about why you should not visit the forest at night, it says that at night there is a high probability of meeting goblin there, who go berserk at night.

However, if we discard all the signs and supernatural beliefs, the obvious fact remains on the surface - it is very easy to get lost in the forest at night, and meeting wild animals can have very unpleasant consequences. That is why night visits to the forest should also be avoided.

A cemetery is a place where the dead are buried. There are many superstitions and creepy stories associated with this place, the personal choice of each person to believe in. There are people who avoid cemeteries and do not visit them unless absolutely necessary.

And there are those who find the alleys in such places romantic and exciting. Some even dare to visit the cemetery at night. But how safe is such entertainment?

Why is a graveyard at night dangerous?

There is a bad omen that says that visiting a cemetery at night means death. But if you put aside the mysticism, you will find that this place is fraught with no less, if not more, real dangers.

The first and most obvious is the high probability of running into a cemetery guard. This territory is a protected infrastructure facility, for which illegal entry is subject to a fine.

But a considerable fine is not the worst thing that can happen to someone who likes to walk through a cemetery at night. And even if there is a chance of avoiding a meeting with a guard, you will probably meet a guard dog. In addition, in cemeteries there can be not only guard dogs, but also stray dogs, which also pose a great danger.

Also, do not forget that at night the entrance to the cemetery is usually closed, which means that in order to get into the territory, you will have to either break the gate or climb over a fence of considerable size. And the latter can lead to physical injury in the event of a fall.

But it also happens that there is no security at cemeteries, and the entrance there is not closed at night. In this case, there is another danger - the so-called “informals”. Such places are a favorite meeting place for Goths and Satanists. Representatives of these subcultures can be unpredictable and aggressive, which can turn disastrous for those who come across them.

In addition, in unguarded cemeteries there are people without a fixed place of residence who look for food on the graves and sometimes stay overnight. You can also expect anything from these people.

It is worth mentioning the fact that lighting in the territory of cemeteries, as a rule, is either very poor or absent altogether. And this is already fraught with serious physical injuries. Even with a flashlight, the likelihood of not noticing the danger ahead is quite high.

For example, graves dug on the eve of a funeral are dangerous. Although their depth is not great (1.5-2 meters), a fall there can be very disastrous, especially if the soil below is hard.

Walking through a cemetery at night can also be unsafe for particularly impressionable and superstitious people. The fact is that such people have a high risk of suffering psychological trauma as a result of the unpleasant and shocking experience they have experienced.

Let's sum it up

Let us once again list the dangers that can await a person who decides, for one reason or another, to visit a cemetery at night:

  • Cemetery guards and their faithful assistants are guard dogs.
  • “Informals” and homeless people, not always friendly.
  • High probability of physical injury due to poor lighting in the cemetery.
  • Possible psychological trauma in impressionable and superstitious people.

It is worth keeping all of the above dangers in mind before deciding to take a walk through the cemetery at night. You can get “vivid” impressions during the daytime; there are many ways.

And if you have a great desire to see any famous places in a particular cemetery, then you can always sign up for afternoon or morning excursions, which are often conducted by some excursion bureaus.

Burial places inspire awe in some people even during the day, let alone in the evening. There are several reasons why you should not go to a cemetery at night.

Superstitions and signs

In ancient times, darkness itself was hostile. With sunset, many people preferred to lock themselves in their houses. Usually only marginalized people remained on the streets. As for the cemetery, all the negativity accumulated in this area, which manifested itself especially strongly at night. God-fearing citizens preferred to bypass the last refuge, believing that with the onset of dusk the ghosts of the dead began to walk through the graves.

It is better to visit the burial grounds of the deceased in the morning. Psychics say that it is advisable to do this before lunch, that is, before noon. If you go later, negative energy can cause headaches and irritability. Particularly superstitious people believe that walking through a cemetery at night can lead to death. This sign has been played out more than once in popular culture - from children's horror stories to world cinema.

Objective reasons not to visit graves at night

After sunset, the cemetery begins to live its own life. If the area is guarded, the guard closes the gate and lets the dogs out. You can get a fine for illegal entry.

If the space does not have security, it attracts various dark personalities - vagabonds, adherents of strange cults, youth. Meeting them at night can end in disaster. In addition, after sunset, stray dogs begin to flock to the churchyard looking for food.

The burial place of the deceased is poorly lit at night. This means that without a flashlight, there is a high chance of getting injured by tripping over a root or falling into a freshly dug grave. There may also be remains of old fences, branches, etc. sticking out of the ground.

Impressionable people often follow the lead of their friends and agree to an extreme visit to the graveyard at night. However, anything can be seen in the dark, and psychological trauma is not far away.

A cemetery can be dangerous whether a person is superstitious or not. There are plenty of other interesting places for romantic walks. And it is better to visit the dead in daylight, even for those who do not believe in mysticism.