The meaning of the word "opponent" Who is an opponent: the meaning of the word and examples of its use Lexical meaning of the word opponent

"Opposition" is a word of Latin origin. More often used in a political context. Who is the opponent? To answer this question, it is worth watching any of the political shows that are regularly shown on television. The article examines the meaning of the word “opponent” and also provides its synonyms.


Before answering the question of who an opponent is, it is worth considering the origins of this term. In a country whose political structure presupposes a multi-party system, the struggle for power is ongoing. But who the opponent was was known in ancient times. After all, as already mentioned, the word came into European languages ​​from Latin. But opposition sentiments reached their greatest peak during the bourgeois revolutions. Representatives of the working class, peasants, united in the fight against the existing regime. Who are the opponents? These are political opponents.

In Western countries, there are two varieties and a non-systemic one. The first type includes social democrats, liberals, members of Christian democrats and the second - groups whose members completely deny the value system that prevails in the country. But who is the opponent of the established regime? Not at all. This is a member of a party that denies the prevailing system, that is, an oppositionist. However, do not confuse the meanings of words with the same root.


People at all times loved to argue. This is evidenced by the origin of the word “dispute”, which, like “opposition”, came into our speech from the Latin language. What does this term mean? A dispute is an argument. But not messy and emotional. This is a process that is subject to formal rules based on a careful analysis of the arguments of each of the disputants. Who are the opponents? This is often what participants in a political debate are called. An opponent is a person who objects to his opponent during a public debate.


The term "opponent" has several meanings. The first is discussed above. This is also the name given to an opponent of a particular idea, theory, or innovation. For example, they say “an opponent of the new law,” that is, a person who considers certain amendments to the bill to be incorrect. The synonym in this case is “enemy.”

Opponents are candidates for any post, politicians who are fighting during the election campaign. A synonym for the word “opponent” is “rival”. But this term is not always used when talking about politics. Opponents are also participants in any verbal competition. For example, rap battle, so popular today.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. One who opposes smb. in a public conversation, at a debate.
    2. trans. One who objects to smb.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from lat. opponens, gen. n. opponentis - objector),..

  1. opponent in a dispute...
  2. The person charged with evaluating a dissertation or report.

Ushakov's Dictionary


opponent nt, opponent, husband.(from lat. opponens - objector) ( books). A person who opposes someone. The speaker was objected to by two opponents. Official opponent (a person appointed in advance to speak at an academic debate).

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book


(from lat. opponens, gen. n. opponentis objector)

1) opponent in a dispute; .a person who raises objections, partially or completely refuting someone’s opinions and judgments expressed in a dispute, discussion, debate;

2) the person entrusted with the evaluation of a dissertation or report.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

OPPON E NT, A, m.(book). A person who opposes the commune. Official Fr. defending his dissertation.

| and. opponent, and (colloquial).

| adj. opponent, oh, oh.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


German – Opponent.

English – opponent.

Latin - opponens (to object).

The word “opponent” came into the Russian language from the German (according to some scientists - from French) language in the middle of the 19th century.

Opponents are people, sometimes specially appointed, who raise objections when reading a report or defending a dissertation. Opponents are also called enemies, adversaries, opponents in a discussion.

Related are:

Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian are opponents.

Belorussian - apanent.

Czech and Polish – oponent.

Derivative: to oppose.

Sentences containing "opponent"

Emotions mainly boil down to how badly Kondrashov acted to publish such a bad letter, and how unhappy he is that he does not know the happiness that his opponents know so well.

Some of Kondrashov’s opponents even began to argue with the assertion that modern scientists are absolutely sure of the origin of man from apes.

Well, if this miracle happens, then Sobyanin’s opponents will no longer have any opportunity to conduct an election campaign at all.

And also whether he will be able to outweigh his possible opponent NN.

OPPONENT, -a, m. (book). A person who opposes someone. Official Fr. defending his dissertation. || and. opponent, -i (colloquial). || adj. opponent, -aya, -oe.

View value OPPONENT in other dictionaries

Opponent M.— 1. One who opposes someone. in a public conversation, at a debate. 2. transfer One who objects to smb.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Opponent- opponent, m. (from Latin opponens - objector) (book). a person who opposes someone. The speaker was objected to by two opponents. Official opponent (person appointed in advance to........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Opponent— A person who raises objections, partially or completely refuting someone’s opinions and judgments expressed in a dispute, discussion, debate. Official O. - specially........
Political dictionary

Opponent- -A; m. [from lat. opponens (opponentis) - objector]
1. A person who raises objections to someone. when defending a dissertation, in a public conversation, debate, etc. Act as an opponent.........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Opponent— Borrowing from Latin, where opponents (literally “objector”) is derived from orropege — “to object.”
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Opponent- (from lat. opponens - gen. p. opponentis - objector),..1) opponent in a dispute...2) A person entrusted with the evaluation of a dissertation or report.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Opponent— - an opponent in a dispute, or a person previously appointed to speak during the defense of a dissertation, discussion of a report, etc.
Historical Dictionary

Opponent- - raising objections to a statement (thesis), cf. PROPOSER.
Psychological Encyclopedia

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The closer the next political elections are, the more often the word opponent appears in the media.

For example, in phrases like this: “all opponents expressed their point of view on the issue of ongoing reforms in the country. and lasted more than one hour, but it was not possible to come to a common opinion.”

Let's figure out who the opponent is, what language this concept came to us from and what meanings it has.

Opponent - who is it?

The word came to us from the Latin language: from oponens or opponentis - object, oppose. If we look into the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedova, we will see the following meaning of the concept:

An opponent is a person who opposes someone.

Not quite clear. Below in the dictionary we read:

Oppose- this means to speak critically of something at a debate, in a conversation or during the defense of a dissertation.


  1. enemy;
  2. rival;
  3. objector;
  4. counterpart;
  5. competitor;
  6. enemy.

The dictionary of modern Russian literary language provides a more understandable definition.

The opponent is the one who contrasts their point of view with the opinion of their interlocutor, and with facts.

“Starting with deliberate disrespect for the opponent, leads to misunderstanding and conflict, at a minimum.”

People tend to argue and disagree with the opinions of others, because we are all different and often have different points of view on the same issue. Therefore, every now and then we have to enter into disputes with others - disputes (from the Latin disputatio - dispute), subject to rules that are based on an analysis of the arguments of each of the disputants.

Participants in a public debate are called opponents.

“Often two people argue very lively, after which they go home, taking away the opinion of their opponent: they exchange views.” A. Schopenhauer. The art of winning arguments.

Opponents in politics

In a country with a multi-party political system, there is a constant struggle for power. There is always a person or group of people who oppose the ruling party. They are also called opponents (sometimes oppositionists).

A political opponent is a peace-loving person who has fundamentally different political views from the current government.

Once this person takes up arms or uses aggressive methods to fight the ruling party, he becomes an enemy of the state, a revolutionary or a terrorist.

Opponents also include candidates for any post, political or public figures during the election campaign.

On television, they are given time to conduct debates, during which voters form their opinion about a particular candidate.

Opponents in dissertation evaluation

But this term is not always used when talking about disputes, debates or politics. As we remember, the explanatory dictionary gives another meaning of the word.

Opponent – this is the person appointed dissertation council for discussions when defending qualifying work for the award of an academic or scientific degree (candidate of sciences or doctor of sciences).

The official opponent may become only competent scientist in the relevant branch of science. It is allowed to evaluate a dissertation or sociological report by philosophers, historians or political scientists.

When defending a candidate's dissertation, two official opponents are appointed; for a doctoral dissertation, three competent scientists are appointed.

“Raspletin, as an official opponent for both my candidate and doctoral dissertations, helped me gain scientific recognition.” Kaverin

Brief summary

It is most common for ordinary people to associate the word opponent with political and government figures.

But you can call it that participants in any verbal competition, disputes, discussions: a lawyer and a prosecutor at a court hearing, rivals in a sports competition or, for example, a rap battle that is popular today.

Every person is an opponent during his life, even in disputes with his friends or relatives.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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