Complex puzzles for first graders with answers. Fascinating puzzles, puzzles and puzzles for adults and children (11 photos). Basic rules for composing puzzles

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Do you know how intelligence officers tested their logic? What riddle was used to determine the degree of development of logical thinking among schoolchildren in Soviet times? No? Then we recommend visiting this site. On it you will not only find answers to these questions, but you will also be able to test your attentiveness, and also determine whether you have the makings of an analyst and the talent of a strategist. In any case, you will not regret visiting this site, because you will spend your time interestingly and usefully.

If you want to develop your intellect, be known as an interesting and erudite conversationalist, with whom you will not be bored either at a party or on the road, then you should visit a puzzle site. Having looked here once, you will probably become a regular visitor, because logic problems for every taste are collected here. For supporters of the exact sciences - tasks in mathematics and physics, for lovers of fine literature - charades, anagrams and pseudoscientific nonsense, and for those who just like to have fun - frivolous problems.

Money problems and joke tasks, word games and mazes, mathematical tricks and puzzles, charades and encryption - you will find all this on the site, the creators of which have made sure that your stay on it is exciting and educational. The catalog of puzzles contains tasks for attention and spatial thinking, logic and erudition. Here everyone will find a riddle to their liking, and if you want to prank your friends, throw them a puzzle that has no solution - there are those here too.

Do you like to puzzle over logical problems and find non-standard solutions? Do you consider yourself an erudite and think that there is no question to which you do not know the answer? Do you love tricky puzzles? Then you've come to the right place. The site we bring to your attention presents logical tasks for every taste. By voting, users identified three most interesting puzzles. Want to know which ones? Click on the site address, go to the main page and go for it.

Do you think you can handle any mind-blowing task? Are you considered an erudite and crack the most complex logic problems like nuts? Then welcome to the world of logic and non-standard solutions! The site that we recommend visiting contains more than one puzzle that intellectual analysts have broken their teeth on, who have repeatedly proven that they have logical thinking and the ability to calculate possible options. Compare your strength with the best, and may the best one win in the end!

The presence of logic, the ability to act in extreme situations and make quick decisions are often decisive in building a successful career. The author of this site suggests checking how flexible your thinking is and whether you are able to see a way out where there seems to be none. The puzzles collected here will allow you to evaluate your own capabilities and decide what type of activity is best for you to engage in. Simple problems, the answers to which not every adult can find.

This site deserves your attention because you won't find such a diverse collection of puzzles anywhere else. Erudition questions will force you to revive the knowledge gained in your school years, paradoxes will teach you to look for non-standard solutions, card problems will improve attention and memory, and sophisms will prove that even in illogical statements there is logic. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive new riddles by email. You can also post your own puzzles on the site.

It would seem that what could be simpler and more primitive than an ordinary match? But with these mini-sticks you can come up with the most exciting puzzles that will make you sweat and rack your brain. The authors of this site have posted on its pages a selection of logical riddles with matches. From them you need to assemble figures, solve tricks and redo examples so that the correct answer is obtained. A very interesting activity that will feed your brain and help you switch to the positive.

On this site you will find riddles, flash games, puzzles and photo jokes. However, most of this resource is devoted to puzzles. Convenient grouping by topic will allow you to choose puzzles about winter, animals, physics, computer science, geography and birds. For those who are just taking their first steps on the path of solving puzzles, the authors of the site have posted a hint article that tells about methods for solving these fascinating puzzles. We wish you to spend your time interesting and useful!

Good afternoon, our curious readers! Puzzles for 1st grade in pictures are very useful to solve not only for children, but also for adults. They help pass the time with an exciting activity, and also develop imagination, ingenuity and logic.

Do you want your student to give his brain a good workout? Practice yourself first. We have selected for you 15 types of entertaining puzzles that will use the student's knowledge in writing, mathematics and other subjects. All puzzles come with answers.

Why are puzzles needed?

Teachers sometimes offer to solve puzzles in class and sometimes assign them to the children at home. In modern textbooks for the first grade, for example, in Goretsky's alphabet, you will find many similar tasks. These unusual puzzles allow you to:

  • increase the student’s interest in perceiving new information;
  • develop flexibility of thinking;
  • look for non-standard solutions;
  • expand your horizons;
  • relieve unnecessary stress during the study process;
  • add variety to your classes.

You can print interesting encryptions for every taste from the Internet. You can also sit your child down at the computer so he can solve puzzles online.

Basic rules for composing puzzles

Has it ever happened to you that your son or daughter asks you to help solve a puzzle, you eagerly take on it - and cannot solve it? We know why this happens. You should learn the basic rules for composing such tasks.

Upside down picture

If the picture shows an upside-down object, then its name should be inserted backwards into the answer.

For example, the solution to this puzzle looks like this: “KA” + inverted “CAT” = “KA” + “TOK”.

Answer: "Rink".

Using commas

This is one of the most common techniques. The comma in the figure means that a letter needs to be removed from the word. The number of commas always equals the number of characters to be removed.

In this case, commas to the left of the image mean that you need to remove the first letters, and commas to the right of the picture call for discarding the last ones.

Answer: "Boar".

The letter next to the picture

The letter next to the picture will definitely become part of the answer. If it stands before the image, then its place is at the beginning of the word, if after it, then at the end. Such tasks are simple, so it is best to start introducing a first-grader to puzzles with them.

Answer: "Screen".

Strikethrough letter or equal sign

Often a crossed out letter is written next to the picture, and another is indicated next to it. This means that the crossed out letter in the word denoting the depicted object must be replaced with another. Follow the same principle if you see a mathematical equal sign between letters.

Answer: "Cow."

Numbers below the picture

If you see numbers under or above the image, then write the name of the picture and rearrange the letters in the specified order.

Answer: "Strongman."

There are also more complex versions of such puzzles. If there are fewer numbers written under the image than there are letters in the given word, then from the name we take only those characters whose numbers are indicated in the picture.

Horizontal line

The horizontal line that divides the riddle into upper and lower parts indicates that in the middle of the word there will be a preposition “above”, “under” or “on”.

Answer: "Ditch".

Letters inside the image

A letter or object located inside a symbol or geometric figure means that the preposition “in” will appear in the answer.

Answers: “Crow”, “Harm”.

Drawing after drawing

If the images seem to be hiding one behind the other, then it’s time to use the word “for.”

Answer: Kazan.

A letter consisting of small letters

When small characters are made up of one big one, feel free to use the preposition “from”.

Answer: "Below."

Sheet music

The image of the notes in the puzzle serves as a reason for using their names in the solution. Children who don't know the notes are usually given a hint.

Answer: “Share”, “Beans”.

Symbols holding hands

If the letters are holding hands, then to guess the answer we use the preposition “and” or “s”.

Answer: "Wasp".

Running symbols

When cheerful letters run away from each other or joyfully run towards each other, we use the preposition “to” or “from”.

The answer is “churn.”

Numbers next to letters

If the picture shows letters and numbers next to them, then in the answer we use the name of the number in combination with the indicated symbols.

Answer: "Parking".

Some numbers may be encrypted under different names. For example, the number “1” can sound like “one”, “one” or even “count”.

Answer: “Fork.”

Mathematical operations

In rebuses you can encrypt not only words, but also numbers. For example, to guess these seemingly simple examples, you have to think carefully and use your knowledge of mathematics:

A triangle denotes a number with one digit. Moreover, if you add it 4 times, you get a single-digit number, indicated by a square, and if you add it 5 times, you get a two-digit number, indicated in the figure by a circle and a diamond.


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8,

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10.

Combined encryption

Offer your student different variations of puzzles more often, and soon he will be able to solve them on his own with ease. Now you can move on to more sophisticated task options. For example, how do you like this option?

Answer: "Oar".

Let's learn with interest

Well, are you convinced that solving puzzles is a whole science with its own concepts and rules? We hope we were able to help you understand it. How to instill in a child an interest in such a creative way of learning? "Eureka" will give some simple tips:

  • Start with the simplest tasks and gradually move on to more complex ones.
  • Act unobtrusively.
  • Come up with puzzles yourself and involve your child in this activity.
  • Use puzzle solving as a competition with prizes for the winners - for example, at a children's birthday party.
  • Help your child if he cannot complete the task for a long time.
  • Praise him for correct decoding and be gentle if he fails.

We are happy to dispel the myth that studying is difficult and boring. We hope we succeeded! Convey a positive attitude to your young student and share your impressions in the comments to this article. See you soon!

When parents hear the words “educational games,” they most often think that this refers to preschoolers. It is for children from one to 7 years old that mothers carefully select educational games, coloring books and tasks. When children get older, and especially when they leave elementary school, parents worry about more serious things than playing.

They are more concerned about their children’s performance in mathematics, the Russian language and other serious subjects. Meanwhile, children aged 11 and 12 continue to love games, and an educational game for this age could well help schoolchildren chew the granite of science more successfully. Interesting puzzles for children aged 11–12 years with answers are one of these methods, but far from the only one.

Of course, if you offer a younger teenager simple coloring books or riddles, he will proudly refuse, considering himself too old for them. But you can choose something more complex for them. The repertoire of educational games for this age is much wider than for preschoolers.

Crossword puzzles for school-age children help consolidate knowledge and encourage them to search for missing knowledge in almost any subject - from geography to literature and history. Riddles and coloring books familiar from preschool years are modified, becoming more complex and more fun, but can still captivate a child of 11 or 12 years old, helping to develop logical thinking, attention and the ability to concentrate.

Charades, scanwords, puzzles, and various puzzles for children aged 11–12 years can be an excellent training for intelligence and the ability to think logically. The main thing is that the game should not be too simple to be interesting, but overly difficult tasks can also turn kids away from them.

A crossword puzzle or cross word is an intellectual game where you need to enter answers to questions and riddles on some topic into rows of cells intersecting vertically and horizontally. The rows and the questions corresponding to them are indicated by the same numbers. The beauty of a crossword puzzle is that you can adjust the level of difficulty not only by the questions asked, but also by the complexity of constructing the crossword puzzle itself. Simple, with a small number of intersections for beginners, more complex and voluminous for advanced ones.

Scanwords are a Scandinavian crossword with a large number of intersections, where the task may not be riddle questions, but definitions or even pictures. Another difference from the classic crossword puzzle is that the task can be located directly on the playing field, and the direction where you need to enter the answer is indicated by arrows. For children aged 11 and 12 years old, this form of crossword puzzle is available if they have already mastered the classic crossword puzzle well.

Many collections are now being published for schoolchildren, including crossword puzzles, scanword puzzles, coloring books and other educational entertainment in accordance with their age.

Charades and puzzles

Charades and puzzles are another educational entertainment that can be interesting for children aged 11-12 years. Both charade and rebus are a game that is based on the fact that words - riddles are divided into syllables. But if in a rebus the syllables of the hidden word are presented in the form of a picture or coloring page, then in a charade each syllable is hidden in word riddles. For example:

My first syllable calls to itself,

Second syllable – house backwards

First syllable – note – (note fa)

And the second syllable too, - (note G)

And the whole word looks like a pea. (beans)

At 11 and 12 years old, children are already good at solving verbal riddles. The rebus requires solving the riddle presented in the picture.

Puzzles for children with answers

How to solve them

Rebus is a game that develops logic, associative thinking, and consolidates knowledge of the Russian language. He can hide one or more words inside himself. You can create such riddles in pictures yourself, using, for example, coloring books for this. But to do this you need to know certain rules for designing a visual riddle.

  • The word shown in the picture must completely or partially match part of the hidden word.
  • If the picture is upside down, this means that the word is read backwards.
  • Commas before or after the picture mean that you need to remove the letter at the beginning or end of the drawn word, respectively. The number of commas standing indicates the number of letters to be discarded.
  • Crossed out letters mean that they are excluded from the picture word when solving the puzzle. If there is another letter under the crossed out letter, then replace the crossed out letter with it.
  • The completed letters are added to the syllables from the picture word. If the letter is written in front of the picture, then the guessed word begins with it. If after the picture, then we deliver the letter to the end of the rebus picture.
  • In the rebus we can also encounter numbers. Firstly, the numbers can be part of the hidden word (7ya or o5). Secondly, numbers can indicate the serial number of letters that are taken from the rebus picture to solve the puzzle. Or if a number is crossed out, then, on the contrary, it is removed.
  • If there is a plus sign between the parts of the rebus, this means that both of these parts together make up one word.
  • The = sign between the letters means that we replace one letter everywhere with this other.
  • If the picture and letters stand above each other, separated by a line, this means that when solving the riddle you need to use the prepositions “on”, “above”, “under”.

How to solve and solve puzzles

Mathematical games puzzles

Charades and puzzles primarily help children better remember the spelling of words. But they also use puzzles in mathematics lessons. They develop well the logical thinking necessary for this science. In addition, mathematical games include puzzles that contain numbers, + and = signs.

For example, in this rebus from a word represented by a picture, the child needs to take the letters under the serial number indicated by the number. Then put them as written under the picture.

Mathematical games also include puzzles that contain terms and concepts from mathematics.

Puzzles with letters

Sometimes a rebus does not contain pictures, but only letters. Here, in order to solve it, you need to take into account the arrangement of letters or syllables. When looking for an answer to a riddle, you will have to again use the prepositions “in”, “on”, “for”, etc. If the rebus is represented by a large number of identical letters, then they need to be counted. Such puzzles are not used for children, only for schoolchildren.

If you decide to create puzzles yourself with your child, take coloring books as pictures, cut out what you need and use these rules to compose your own riddle. If there are a lot of pictures on the printed coloring book, then you can use arrows to indicate the one you need for the rebus.

Puzzles with answers in pictures

Mathematical games puzzles in pictures for schoolchildren of grades 5-7

Klochkova Natalya Konstantinovna, mathematics teacher, Bukharay Secondary School, Bukharay village, Zainsky district
Description: This work can be used in mathematics lessons in grades 5–7. Solving puzzles can be offered to students when performing mental calculations, and can be offered as didactic material for homework. This work can serve as a guide for extracurricular activities and electives. Solving puzzles develops a child’s intelligence and teaches him to find a way out of difficult situations, which, of course, will be useful in life. By solving puzzles, children replenish their vocabulary, develop attention and imaginative thinking, train visual memory, learn to write correctly and remember new words.
Target: development of intellectual abilities, formation of logical thinking.
Educational: teach students to solve puzzles with a mathematical theme.
Developmental: expand students' horizons in the field of mathematics.
Educational: to cultivate a conscious attitude towards mathematics as an important subject.
A rebus is a puzzle in which a word is encrypted. This word is given in the form of pictures using letters and numbers, as well as certain shapes or objects. Rebus is one of the most interesting puzzles.
The word COMPUTER is encrypted in this picture.

There are certain rules for solving puzzles.
1. A comma at the very beginning of a word indicates that you need to remove the first letter in this word, and a comma at the end means that you need to remove the last letter in the word. Two commas - remove two letters. In the word mosquito we remove the last two letters AP, in the word iron we remove the first letter U and the last letter G.
2. Crossed out numbers indicate that the letters standing in this place are removed. In the word five we remove the second and third letters, that is, YAT. If letters are crossed out, they are also removed from the word.
3. Numbers that are not crossed out indicate that the letters in places 2 and 3 must be swapped. In the word iron, the letters T and Yu are swapped YUT. Now we read the word in full.
This picture encrypts the word PERPENDICULAR.

4. If the picture is upside down, then the word guessed using the picture is read from right to left. The word read is not turnip, but aper. The first letter A is removed. In the word stump, the last letter b is removed. The word whale is read backwards. In the word chair, the first two letters ST are removed. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case.
5.An “arrow” or an “equals” sign indicates that one letter must be replaced by another. In our case, in the word tick, the letter T must be replaced with the letter D. Now the word can be read in full.
The word EAST is encrypted in this picture.

6.Letters, words or pictures can be depicted inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. Then prepositions are added: IN, ON, ABOVE, UNDER, FOR. Our letter O contains the number STO, so it turns out B-O-STO-K.
The word MAP is encrypted in this picture.

7.The numbers under the picture indicate that from this word you need to take the letters located in places numbered 7,2,4,3,8 and compose them in the order in which the numbers are located. In the word cheesecake you need to take the letters 7-K, 2-A, 4-P, 3-T, 8-A. You can read the word.
Let's try to solve a few puzzles in the field of mathematics.





















All tasks are decorated with bright pictures and interestingly illustrated, so the puzzles will captivate the children. Or you can try and make it yourself. This will be even more interesting.

Extracurricular activity for elementary school students “In search of escaped puzzles”

Target: development of attention, innovative thinking, creative imagination.

Equipment: the teacher has a table for puzzle No. 1; Students have colored pencils, a squared notebook, and matches.

Teacher. Guys, a librarian I know came to me asking for help. The fact is that trouble happened: a book with puzzles escaped from the children's library. It was in a single copy and was in demand. But last summer, none of the readers took an interest in her even once. This is understandable: the summer was hot, and young readers tried to spend all their free time somewhere closer to nature, to water. But the school year has begun, and they are asking for this book again. However, the puzzles were offended, felt unwanted in the summer and ran away, leaving a note. Here she is.

The teacher shows the card.

The recording is encrypted, that is, it is a puzzle. Let's try to decipher it. Guess which “key” you need to use.

Independent work.

Children write down the deciphered text in notebooks. Examination.

Answer.“Nobody needs us! Let's go to the Island of Eternal Summer. Farewell". We read from bottom to top from right to left.

I suggest going to the Island of Eternal Summer and finding the escaped puzzles there. Maybe they will agree to return.

To find yourself in a land where the waves of the warm sea splash, where palm trees grow, magnolias bloom and where there is lots and lots of sun, it is enough to use our imagination, which never fails us. We close our eyes... Kreks-pex-fex!.. We open our eyes. We are on the Island of Eternal Summer! The island is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Let's walk along the coast. On the right the sea is blue, clean and gentle; on the left - wherever you look - palm trees, vines, coconuts, bananas... And under your feet there is light warm sand. Wow, it's hot! Need a swim. What is that splashing on the waves there? Let's swim closer. What a success! A tiny raft, on it is an open book, and next to it, with their bellies up, lie little men with large heads, thin arms and legs, sunbathing. On the raft stands a flag with the inscription:


What is this word? Maybe someone has already guessed?

Answer. PUZZLES. We rearrange the “scattered” letters.

Oh, that's it! The puzzles specially encrypted themselves so that those around them would puzzle over who was in front of them. Guys, draw at least one puzzle as you imagine it.

Children draw. Exchange of impressions.

Hello puzzles! We specially arrived on the Island of Eternal Summer to persuade you to return to the library, because the children miss you so much!

Puzzle. Is it really special for us? We miss the boys too. We were offended that they forgot about us for the whole summer. And so we decided to escape to this island. Let the readers feel that they feel bad without us.

Teacher. Readers have already felt that life without puzzles is boring. And we are happy to solve them right now. Come on, turn us to a more difficult page!


We'll look at the table

And we will see faces on it,

Unfamiliar faces -

Sad, happy...

Now take a closer look

Look at them, my friend.

What pattern

Are they subordinate?

Answer. Each horizontal row has one round, oval and square shaped face, the faces have different shaped headdresses, different shaped noses, mouths and eyes.

The teacher covers one of the faces and asks the children to draw the hidden face in their notebook, after checking for a pattern in their answer.


There is an “extra” concept

Literally in every line.

You, having thought well,

Mark it with a dot.

1. Birch, wood, maple, poplar, rowan.

2. Addition, multiplication, addend, division, subtraction.

3. Bitter, hot, sour, sweet, salty.

4. Precipitation, rain, snow, frost, hail.

5. Comma, period, colon, union, dash.


Needs to be made out of matches

Various items.

Keep a strict count of matches

It follows this.

Lay out: a) a vase of 8 matches; b) an envelope of 8 matches; c) a Christmas tree made of 9 matches; d) a tower of 9 matches.


Twin proverbs

In the list you will find,

From English to Russian

Draw an arrow.














Answer. Silence is the smartest thing. The word is silver, silence is gold.

Clothes don't make a man. They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.

And a good shooter can miss. And Masha sometimes makes a mistake.

Fear has long legs. Fear has big eyes. You can't catch the wind with a net. You don't apply water with a sieve.

The meaning of proverbs is explained.


So that the words are known

Be able to decipher

Multiplication table

Great to know.

Clue. To insert a letter instead of a number, for example, 4, you need to look at the code and think about how to get 4 by multiplying one of the numbers in the vertical line by one of the numbers in the horizontal line. Only if you multiply 2 by 2. Their intersection is the letter C. And so further.

Answer. SEVEN SPANDS IN THE FOREHEAD. This is what they say about a very smart, outstanding, talented person.

Puzzles. And you guys are great. You crack the puzzles like nuts! We agree to return to the library, but on the condition: you will not forget about us, including in the summer.

Teacher. Guys, do you agree with the condition? Then we all leave the Island of Eternal Summer together.