Camelot dating Voronezh private ads. Troekurov and Dubrovsky: comparative characteristics of the heroes How Kirila Petrovich feels about Masha

Option 1.

A1. Who is the “little guy in the bag”?

A) Mitrash

B) Vadim

B) Timur

D) Sasha

A2.Name the theme of the story “Thick and Thin”:

A) inequality of people

B) opportunism

C) a long-awaited meeting of classmates

D) everyday problems of the subtle.

A3. What theme is reflected in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “The Cliff”?

A) fun and joy

B) melancholy and loneliness

B) love of life

D) poet and poetry

A4. What is the name of a poetic work written in the form of a letter or address to a person?

A) epigram

B) message

B) anthem

D) romance

A5. How many boys sat around the fire in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Bezhin Meadow”?

A) 7

B) 5

AT 6

D) 4

A6. What was the name of the math teacher in the story “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules”?

A) Kharlampy Diagenovich

B) Alexey Dragovich

B) Rafis Aidarovich

D) Pythagoras Ivanovich

IN 1. Name fabulists you know.

AT 2. Name two or three humorous stories

A.P. Chekhov.

AT 3. Name two poems by Lermontov whose central motif is loneliness.

My first friend, my priceless friend!

C1. How did Kirill Petrovich treat his daughter and how did he dispose of her fate?

S.2. Leskov said: “...where “left-handed” is written, one must read “Russian people.” With this in mind, think about why the oblique left-hander in the tale does not have a name and even his nickname is written with a small letter.

Option 2.

A1. Antipych's dog's nickname

A) Weed

B) Barbos

B) Seed

D) Bobik

A2. What artistic technique does A.P. use? Chekhov in the story “Thick and Thin”?

A) hyperbole

B) antithesis

B) personification

D) allegory

A3. The poem “Three Palms” makes the reader:

A) become interested in traveling

B) think about good and evil

C) regret people's actions

D) admire nature

A4. What is the name of a solemn song in honor of gods, heroes, winners or some important event?

A) message

B) anthem

B) ode

D) dithyramb

A5. I.S. Turgenev “Bezhin Meadow”. Why did the author end up in the meadow at night?

A) got lost

B) was walking

B) looked at the grass

D) an appointment has been made

A6. What was the name of the teacher in V. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons”?

A) Elena Sergeevna

B) Lidia Mikhailovna

B) Olga Petrovna

D) Vasilisa Andreevna

IN 1. Name the pseudonyms of A.P. Chekhov.

AT 2. List the poetic meters you know.

AT 3. What is the name of the estate where M.Yu. Lermontov spent his childhood?

AT 4. Determine the poetic meter:

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds

C1. Why did Dubrovsky look for an opportunity to settle in Troekurov’s house and abandon his revenge?

C2. Why is “on every horseshoe the master’s name is displayed: which Russian master made that horseshoe,” but the name of the left-hander was not there?

How can you title chapters 1, 2, 3 from A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” Chapter 1. There lived a rich landowner Kirila Petrovich Troekurov on his estate.

He was quite rich. They curry favor with him and please him in every possible way. Since Kirila Petrovich was a tyrant, many were afraid of him. Next door to Troyekurov lived the master Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. They once served together. The two masters were friends among themselves, and the rich Troekurov loved and respected Dubrovsky most of all. After the death of their wives, each was left with children. Troekurov has a daughter, Masha, and Dubrovsky has a son, Vladimir. One day Kirila Petrovich gathered guests. Dubrovsky was also invited. After a hearty lunch, Troekurov decides to show everyone his kennel. During the inspection, Andrei Gavrilovich makes a remark out loud that Troekurov’s dogs live better than the servants. One of the hounds is offended by this and allows himself to say: “ It would be nice for some gentleman to exchange his estate for a dog kennel at Troekurov’s.”

PLEASE HELP FIND THE PARTICIPAL PURPOSES IN THE TEXT. Several years ago, an old Russian gentleman, Kirila Petrovich, lived on one of his estates

Troekurov. His wealth, noble family and connections gave him great weight in the provinces where his estate was located. The neighbors were happy to cater to his slightest whims; provincial officials trembled at his name; Kirila Petrovich accepted signs of servility as a proper tribute; his house was always full of guests, ready to entertain his lordly idleness, sharing his noisy and sometimes violent amusements. No one dared to refuse his invitation or on certain days not to appear with due respect in the village of Pokrovskoye. In his home life, Kirila Petrovich showed all the vices of an uneducated person. Spoiled by everything that surrounded him, he was accustomed to giving full rein to all the impulses of his ardent disposition and all the ideas of his rather limited mind. Despite the extraordinary strength of his physical abilities, he suffered from gluttony twice a week and was tipsy every evening. In one of the outbuildings of his house, 16 maids lived, doing handicrafts characteristic of their gender. The windows in the outbuilding were blocked by wooden bars; the doors were locked with locks, the keys to which were kept by Kiril Petrovich. The young hermits went to the garden at the appointed hours and walked under the supervision of two old women. From time to time, Kirila Petrovich married off some of them, and new ones took their place. He treated peasants and servants strictly and capriciously; but they were vain of the wealth and glory of their master and, in turn, allowed themselves a lot in relation to their neighbors, hoping for his strong patronage.

Troekurov's usual occupations consisted of traveling around his extensive domains, long feasts and pranks, which were invented every day and the victim of which was usually some new acquaintance; although old friends did not always avoid them, with the exception of one Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. This Dubrovsky, a retired lieutenant of the guard, was his closest neighbor and owned seventy souls. Troekurov, arrogant in relations with people of the highest rank, respected Dubrovsky, despite his humble state. They had once been comrades in the service, and Troekurov knew from experience the impatience and determination of his character. Circumstances separated them for a long time. Dubrovsky, upset, was forced to resign and settle in the rest of his village. Kirila Petrovich, having learned about this, offered him his patronage, but Dubrovsky thanked him and remained poor and independent. A few years later, Troekurov, a retired general-in-chief, came to his estate; they met and were happy with each other. Since then, they were together every day, and Kirila Petrovich, who had never deigned to visit anyone with his visits, would easily drop by the house of his old friend. Being the same age, born in the same class, raised the same, they were somewhat similar in character and inclinations. In some respects, their fate was the same: both married for love, both were soon widowed, both had a child. Dubrovsky’s son was brought up in St. Petersburg, Kiril Petrovich’s daughter grew up in the eyes of her parent, and Troekurov often said to Dubrovsky: “Listen, brother, Andrei Gavrilovich: if there is a way in your Volodka, then I will give Masha for it; It’s okay that he’s naked as a falcon.” Andrei Gavrilovich shook his head and answered as usual: “No, Kirila Petrovich: my Volodka is not Maria Kirilovna’s fiancé. It is better for a poor nobleman, such as he is, to marry a poor noblewoman and be the head of the house, than to become the clerk of a spoiled woman.”


LOVE - green line

PLEASENESS - brown line

FEAR - black line

INDIFFERENCE - black dotted line

Troekurov Kirilla Petrovich- treated his neighbors arrogantly, even people of the highest rank

Provincial officials- “they trembled at the mention of the name” of Troekurov.

Guests and neighbors- “we were glad to please the slightest whims of the rich master”, “ready to please his lordly idleness, sharing his noisy, sometimes riotous amusements; no one dared to refuse his invitation or not to appear on certain days.”

Peasants and courtyards- they were afraid of their master, but “they were vain about the wealth and glory of their master.”

Shabashkin- he was ready to please, to settle any matter in Troekurov’s favor.

Members of the county courts- “They greeted Troekurov with an expression of servility and seated him in a chair.”

Clerks- stood up at the sight of Troekurov, “put feathers behind their ears.”

Masha Troekurova– loved her father, but was afraid of his tough temper

Anton Pafnutich Spitsyn- he was afraid of Troekurov, so at the trial he bore false witness against Andrei Dubrovsky.

Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirila Petrovich Troekurov- served together, - were in good neighborly relations. A quarrel between two neighbors grew into hatred.

Houndmaster- gave pleasure to his master and humiliated the dignity of the poor but proud Dubrovsky.

Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky– treated his neighbors kindly.

Neighbours- they were jealous of Dubrovsky’s “special” position in relations with Troekurov, and after the quarrel they conveyed Troekurov’s unflattering words about Dubrovsky, altering and supplementing them.

In the district court, the clerks “did not notice” Dubrovsky’s arrival, and the members of the court did not pay any attention to him. The peasants and servants loved their master. Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky - hated Troekurov and wanted to destroy him in a special way, so his estate did not suffer from robbery, but, having fallen in love with Masha, he forgave his enemy. Troekurov - Dubrovsky - robbers do not rob, Troekurov explained, because they are afraid of him, and also “the excellent police force that he started in every village” - he took revenge on his former neighbors for the fact that no one stood up for his father and did not help him in difficult times minute.

Deforge - Dubrovsky- Troekurov liked the enthusiasm in the young man’s hunt - Masha - liked him “for his unlimited zeal and timid attentiveness” - Sasha - liked him because he was condescending towards his pranks - the servants loved him for his kindness and generosity, incompatible with his condition. Dubrovsky - Prince Vereisky - rivals of the Troekurovs - triumphed “at every news of a new robbery” and “scattered in ridicule about the governor, police officers, company commanders”

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The collected works of our beloved poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin total more than 10 volumes. “Dubrovsky” is a novel known to us from our school years. Wide in scope and deep in psychological content, it touches the soul of every reader. The main characters of the novel are Troekurov and Dubrovsky. We will study the main characters, as well as the main events of the work in more detail.

Russian gentleman

The action in the novel takes place in the 19th century. It is described in sufficient detail in the works of many classics of that time. As you know, serfdom existed in those days. The peasants, or souls as they were also called, were owned by the nobles.

The Russian master, the arrogant Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, was very much in awe of him. Not only his serf wards, but also many officials were in awe of him.

Troekurov's lifestyle left much to be desired: he spent his days idly, often drank and suffered from gluttony.

The peasants were in awe of him, and he, in turn, treated them rather capriciously, showing his complete dominance over them.

Troekurov's favorite pastime was mockery and ridicule of animals and people. Suffice it to recall the bear who rolled a barrel with protruding nails and was angry from the pain. This made the master laugh. Or the scene with the bear that was chained in a small room. Anyone who entered it was attacked by the poor animal. Troekurov took pleasure in the fury of the bear and human fear.

Humble Nobleman

Troekurov and Dubrovsky, whose comparative characteristics we will consider in detail, are very different people. Andrei Gavrilovich was honest, valiant, calm in character, he was strikingly different from his comrade. Once upon a time, the elder Dubrovsky and Troekurov were colleagues. But the careerist Kirila Petrovich, betraying his honor, sided with the new tsar, which earned himself a high rank. Andrei Gavrilovich, who remained devoted to his ruler, ended his service as a humble lieutenant. But nevertheless, the relationship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky was quite friendly and mutually respectful. They often met, visited each other's estates, and had conversations.

Both heroes had similar fates: they began serving together, were widowed early, and had a child to raise. But life took them in different directions.


There were no signs of trouble. But one day the relationship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky cracked. The phrase expressed by Kirila Petrovich’s clerk greatly offended Andrei Gavrilovich. The serf said that Troekurov’s slaves lived better than some nobles. This meant, of course, the modest Dubrovsky.

Immediately after this he left for his estate. Kirila Petrovich ordered to return it, but Andrei Gavrilovich did not want to come back. Such insolence offended the master, and he decided to achieve his goal at all costs.

A comparison of Dubrovsky and Troekurov will be incomplete without describing the method by which Kirila Petrovich decided to take revenge on his comrade.

Insidious plan

Having no influence on Dubrovsky, Troekurov conceived a terrible idea - to take away his friend’s estate. How dare he disobey him! Undoubtedly, this was very cruel to an old acquaintance.

Were Troekurov and Dubrovsky real friends? A comparative description of these heroes will help you figure this out.

Kirila Petrovich bribed officials indiscriminately and forged papers. Dubrovsky, having learned about the legal battle, remained quite calm, because he was confident of his absolute innocence.

Shabashkin, hired by Troyekurov, took care of all the dirty deeds, although he knew that the Kistenevka estate legally belonged to the Dubrovskys. But everything turned out differently.

Scene in court

And now that exciting hour has come. Having met at the courthouse, Troekurov and Dubrovsky (whose comparative assessment will be given by us later) behaved proudly and walked into the courtroom. Kirila Petrovich felt very at ease. He already felt the taste of victory. Dubrovsky, on the contrary, behaved very calmly, stood leaning against the wall and was not worried at all.

The judge began reading a long decision. When it was all over, there was silence. Dubrovsky was completely bewildered. At first he was silent for some time, and then he became furious and forcefully pushed away the secretary who invited him to sign the papers. He began to rave, shouting something loudly about kennels and dogs. With difficulty they sat him down and took him home on a sleigh.

The triumphant Troyekurov did not expect such a turn of events. Seeing his former comrade in a terrible state, he became upset and even stopped celebrating his victory over him.

Andrei Gavrilovich was taken home, where he became ill. He spent more than one day under the supervision of a doctor.


The comparison of Dubrovsky and Troekurov is based on the complete opposition of the heroes. Kirila Petrovich, so arrogant and domineering, and Andrei Gavrilovich, a kind and honest person, could not continue their communication for long. But still, after the court hearing, Troekurov’s heart thawed. He decided to go to his former friend and talk.

However, he had no idea that by that time Vladimir, his son, was already in the house of Dubrovsky Sr.

Seeing Kirila Petrovich arriving in the window, the shocked Andrei Gavrilovich could not bear it and died suddenly.

Troekurov was never able to explain the reason for his arrival, and he was never able to repent to his friend for the crime he had committed.

And here the novel changes its turn: Vladimir decides to take revenge on the enemy for his father.

The appearance of Vladimir

It is worth saying a few words about the personality of this young man. Left without a mother early, the boy was in the care of his father. At the age of twelve he was sent to the cadet corps, and then continued his military studies at a higher institution. The father spared no expense in raising his son and provided for him well. But the young man spent his time in carousing and card games, and had large debts. Now that he is left completely alone, and even practically homeless, he feels strong loneliness. He had to grow up quickly and change his life dramatically.

Troekurov and Vladimir Dubrovsky become fierce enemies. The son is thinking over a plan of revenge against his father's offender.

When the estate was taken away and came into the possession of Kirila Petrovich, Vladimir was left without a livelihood. He has to become a robber in order to earn a living. Beloved by his serfs, he was able to gather a whole team of like-minded people. They rob rich people, but avoid Troekurov's estate. He undoubtedly thinks that the young man is afraid of him, so he does not go to him with robbery.

Troekurov in the novel “Dubrovsky” showed himself to be a proud man, but at the same time he is afraid that Vladimir will one day come to take revenge on him.

Dubrovsky in Troekurov's house

But our young hero turned out to be not so simple. He unexpectedly appears at the estate of Kirila Petrovich. But no one knows him there - he has not been to his homeland for many years. After exchanging documents with the French teacher and paying him well, Vladimir introduces himself to the Troyekurov family as teacher Deforge. He speaks French well, and no one can suspect Dubrovsky in him.

Perhaps the young man would be able to bring all his plans for revenge to life, but one circumstance prevents him - love. Unexpectedly for himself, Vladimir is fascinated by Masha, the daughter of his enemy Troekurov.

This love changes the lives of all the characters in the novel. Now Dubrovsky Jr. doesn’t want revenge at all. He renounces evil thoughts in the name of his beloved woman. But Masha still doesn’t know who this Deforge really is.

Troekurov himself began to respect the young Frenchman and was proud of his courage and modesty. But the time has come, and Vladimir confesses to Masha about his feelings and who he really is. The girl is confused - her father will never allow them to be together.

When Kirila Petrovich finds out the truth, he resolves the issue radically - he marries his daughter to the rich Prince Vereisky against her wishes.

Vladimir does not have time to arrive at the church during the wedding, and now she is no longer his Mashenka, but Princess Vereiskaya. Vladimir has no choice but to go far. Kirila Petrovich is more than satisfied with the current situation.


Troekurov and Dubrovsky, whose comparative characteristics are presented in detail by us, are completely different types of heroes. It cannot be said that Kirila Petrovich was a terrible person - he nevertheless repented of his vile act. But life did not give him a chance to be forgiven.

Both Andrei and Vladimir Dubrovsky are very ambitious. The serfs respect them, and they, in turn, do not oppress them in any way. However, Pushkin teaches us all: no circumstances should lead to extreme measures. Friendship is more than just communication, and you need to be able to value it.