Virgo and Scorpio are compatible. Virgo - Scorpio: compatibility in love relationships. Is there friendship if he is Virgo and she is Scorpio

The compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio can be described as the attraction of opposites, and as you know, plus and minus gives a positive result. These are two incredibly different people. Their mutual attraction is probably, for the most part, due to their belonging to the elements. The earth cannot exist without water, so in such unions the partners are very often dependent on each other. Their passion can be all-consuming and even dangerous.

Character traits

To better understand how strong a relationship Scorpio and Virgo can build, it is necessary to first consider them separately.

Description of Scorpio

Scorpio is a water sign of the zodiac, which is the most incomprehensible and mysterious in the European horoscope. Such a person is accustomed to suppressing other people and subordinating them to his will. Like many representatives of the zodiac, who are protected by water, they are endowed with an almost mystical ability to see right through a person, capture the mood and play on the strings of the soul.

A meeting with a Scorpio is almost always fatal for their partner in a love relationship. He will leave a very deep mark on the soul forever. Most often, such people remain single and very rarely get married, for the reason that their charm and natural cunning very often make them completely unsuitable for family life. Scorpio's passion can be all-consuming, which puts the union in jeopardy. A relationship with this person is comparable to a tsunami, which fascinates with the beauty and power of the water flow, but kills, demolishes everything in its path, leaving nothing but emptiness.

Description Dev

Virgo is an earthly zodiac sign that also stands out among others. Virgos are ruled by Mars, Venus and Mercury. The sexual energy of Virgos cannot go unnoticed, and their aggressiveness brings some zest and adds passion. Mercury moves back and forth, so a person is also characterized by mixed feelings when they choose a partner for life. In relationships, they like to be leaders, scrupulous and hardworking.

Virgo man and Scorpio woman

The compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio will depend on the influence of many factors:

  • what position is the Moon at the time of birth of people;
  • ascendant;
  • year of birth.

The Virgo man is more flexible and understanding, able to smooth out any conflicts. A girl in such a tandem, as a rule, is capable of whipping up a fever.

Compatibility in love

Compatibility in love relationships, to a greater extent for both zodiac signs, lies in the physical connection, and only then in the mental one. In sex, they are both hot and passionate, they never get bored.

The percentage of love compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio is quite high and such a marriage will last a long time, only if it is not overshadowed by financial problems. This is especially clearly seen in the example of couples of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman. Most often, the husband in such a couple strives to get rich and runs a small business, and the wife is engaged in home improvement. In such a tandem, the relationship will be quite harmonious. Scorpio and Virgo must learn to criticize each other's shortcomings less, then it will be easier for them to build a future together.

Are they compatible in marriage?

The marriage of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman is a little different. The guy constantly provokes his girlfriend, he is turned on by her anger and passion. A Virgo man and a Scorpio woman are able to build a strong marriage if they learn to respect and appreciate each other.

In general, often, the Scorpio girl and the Virgo guy are quite happy with their relationship: he earns money, and she raises children and does what she loves; there is usually no place for jealousy in such marriages; they are built on trust.


The friendship between this man and woman often brings out ambivalent smiles. In this case, no matter how hard the guy and the girl try, friendship is simply unrealistic. They will always be irresistibly attracted to each other. This is comparable to how a dry land needs water, and they will also constantly feel the need for something more than friendship. They enjoy spending time together.

The problem is that when they fail to be friends and the relationship does not work out, both signs begin to go crazy because they cannot get what they want. As a result, such communication develops into war. If the relationship has reached a dead end, then after the breakup the guy and the girl will still not maintain friendly ties. A break with Scorpio is a painful event in the lives of both. Such relationships do not end with a mutual decision to calmly part, they always end in an epic scene with scandals, breaking dishes, tears and serious emotional wounds because Scorpio always stings painfully and releases its poison into the soul.

Scorpio guy and Virgo girl

Many reviews claim that such a pair is something impossible. The compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio in love is, in fact, quite real. If a person suits your liking, you can solve any problem.

How compatible are they in love?

This is probably the strangest union imaginable. Scorpio man and Virgo woman seem to be playing a constant game of survival. Sexual energy is in full swing and unites people with all-consuming passion, but whether there is a place for love in such relationships is not known.

Often such couples break up due to a general misunderstanding of each other. Each of them is used to being a leader, and therefore it can be quite difficult for them to get along in the same territory. A girl in such a relationship will be much more romantic and flexible than her partner. There can be only 2 ways out in such a relationship.

  1. The girl will constantly forgive her Scorpio, turning a blind eye to some of his “pranks”.
  2. The guy will agree to compromise.

What will the relationship be like in marriage?

In percentage terms, compatibility for the signs Virgo and Scorpio is not so high, about 50%. But all this is statistical data, but in reality the indicators are different. In family life, a Scorpio man and a Virgo woman find practically no reasons for quarrels. It is better for them to start building relationships in their youth because the formed personality of Scorpio cannot be changed at a conscious age. For Scorpio men and Virgo women, the relationship and the stamp in the passport mean a lot; couples very rarely get divorced.

The compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Virgo woman in marriage and love is greater than that of couples where the Scorpio girl and the Virgo guy are. Such statistics are based on the Virgo woman’s innate quality of self-sacrifice for the sake of her beloved, even to the detriment of herself. But sometimes Virgo is not always able to give in to a friend of her heart and teases Scorpio more, which is like playing with fire. In such a family you need to be able to find common ground. A man can often lash out at his wife over little things, but she needs to be able to stop in time. However, both of these signs love children very much. In such a couple there may be many children, the mother will take care of them, and the father will become a real breadwinner.

Business compatibility

If Scorpio and Virgo decide to be friends, then their different characters and skills will complement each other, like missing pieces of a puzzle picture. They can only communicate if one of them holds clear leadership over the other. Such friendship must be honest and sincere.

The insidious Scorpio, if something does not go according to plan, will begin to play dirty tricks on the trusting Virgo, and when their positions are equal, then there is no point in playing dirty tricks. In general, if partners find a common language, then their friendship becomes strong.

What will the eastern horoscope tell you?

Virgo and Scorpio, depending on the year of birth, may have different qualities that are completely different from those described by the general characteristic. Virgo and Scorpio compatibility according to the eastern horoscope is presented below.

  1. With a Scorpio-Rat marriage, you will have to survive like in a war. The guy has a repulsive character that often scares girls away from him. The Virgo-Rat endows them with an unusual ability for secrecy, which also does not make good wives out of girls, and paves the way between people for misunderstanding and mutual reproaches.
  2. Ox, Horse and Goat make Scorpios softer and suppress negative traits. Such Scorpios are more open than other representatives and have a lot of talents. Scorpio Goat or Horse is an excellent husband who can lend his shoulder to the vulnerable Virgo and treat him like a queen.
  3. The cat has an equally positive effect on both signs. Intimacy in couples where one of the partners was born in the year of the Rabbit comes first; in bed they are good, ardent lovers, and in everyday life they behave with restraint, they know where to give in and where to push, what line of behavior to choose.
  4. Dragon - Virgo builds its relationship on mutual trust, behaves majestically, acts according to circumstances, guided by common sense, such a man can easily attract the attention of Scorpio’s unapproachable girlfriend.
  5. The tandem of a Virgo man and a Scorpio-Dragon woman is unlikely to be able to create a strong relationship. Family life is not for such girls; they prefer to build a career, although in sex there are few who can compare with them; they never make good wives.
  6. The Scorpio guy and girl, who are patronized by the Snake, are not the best match. The snake exacerbates their most negative character traits and makes them even more insidious. But, if Scorpio-Snake falls in love, he will try to win his sweetheart in any way.
  7. Good compatibility between a Scorpio man and a Virgo woman born in the year of the Tiger. This is not a girl, but a dream, it’s like the sun illuminates everything around her with her thirst for life, charging the pessimistic Scorpio with her attitude. Virgo - Tiger loves adventure and is good in bed.
  8. Rooster and Monkey Scorpio girl and Virgo guy can exist together perfectly. The fervor of animals, their irrepressible energy and desire to be the center of attention will definitely interest the Virgo guy. The combination of the qualities of the signs makes the union of Virgo and Scorpio strong and bright.
  9. Scorpio Dog and Pig are an excellent mother; when a child appears, she literally does not leave him a single step, and her natural insight and sensitivity allows her to understand her child perfectly.

The compatibility horoscope for Scorpio and Virgo for 2017 foretells that lonely guys and girls will meet their destiny and finally find the person they have been missing for so long. The warnings say that they need to learn to suppress their negative qualities and borrow their partner’s habits, then it will be much easier for them to trust each other. By finding common ground, earth and water can build a good, strong marriage.

Compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio in love and marriage is 90%. These zodiac signs are ruled by related elements - Water for Scorpio and Earth for Virgo. Just as Earth and Water need each other, so these two will strive to get closer. This union brings development opportunities for both. Spiritual unity between them is possible at the highest level. Their interests coincide in many areas, but they are too different when it comes to intimacy, which can be a source of disagreement. Otherwise they are a compatible couple.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Virgo man

A practical approach to life brings these partners closer together. The Virgo man will be attracted to the mysterious Scorpio woman; her strong character and fearlessness will arouse his admiration. But there is one trait that will not find his approval - this is her stubbornness. She will also feel strangely attracted to a Virgo man. Deep down, she will know that he is exactly the man she needs. He has excellent qualities - he is endowed with an analytical mind, and is as responsible and reliable in character as she is. The Scorpio woman will trust him because his accuracy and cold calculations allow him to avoid many troubles. He often worries for no reason, but she has a wonderful cure for this - her love.

Most Scorpio women have something mystical in their appearance or in their gaze, this will intrigue the Virgo man, because he is attracted to secrets. Although she is secretive, it will not be difficult for him to get her to open up. You can really trust a Virgo man without fear of ridicule and condemnation. They are both understanding partners - she thanks to her subtle intuition, he thanks to his analytical mind. The love relationship between them will quickly become warm, partners can heal each other’s most painful wounds. The union of these two promises to be harmonious, everyone will feel happy.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Scorpio man

This couple has good compatibility. The Virgo woman and the Scorpio man have much in common in character; even their differences do not separate them, but complement each other. Both partners are reserved, but if he controls his passions due to secrecy, then she avoids showing emotions so that they do not prevent her from being effective. The Virgo woman is aware of her own and other people's shortcomings and imperfections; she will not overestimate her chosen one, but will accept him as he is.

The love relationship between them will most likely develop slowly. They are both cautious, considering all the pros and cons of a partner before deciding to open up to love. In a relationship, a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man completely devote themselves to their other half. He is ready to protect her from all misfortunes, will remain faithful to her under any circumstances and will never betray her. The same is true for her. They do not strive to display their love for the whole world to see, but rather express their feelings through everyday care, respect and devotion. Everyone will become an ally, lover and best friend for their partner - all in one. They have room to grow. Virgo strives for perfection, and Scorpio will gladly join her. Their love and marriage have every chance of being happy and long-lasting.

Dear site administrators! I really want to hear the answer!! I’m just at a crossroads, and I really need to decide, I simply can’t cope without you!! Please help(
Me 11/15/92, my son 09/14/2012, husband 10/14/1990, boyfriend 09/12/1993.
Situation: I talked to my husband for a year (he didn’t live with us, didn’t provide for us, cheated a lot on little things, often quarreled, everything became sad with the intimate side), then I met a guy and want to go to him, he offers to take his son and live with him ...Who would be better for me and my child to interact with? What pitfalls can you expect? Please tell me, I don’t know what to do. Should I trust my husband that he will change, or should I start a new relationship?

In-contri: one of those exceptional cases when I pushed the queue for a really serious question. Alexandra, I, of course, looked at the calculation, although I personally already have a 100% answer from the description. So, the calculation speaks of a really strong attraction between chakra partners - 6 out of 7 levels are compatible and the percentages are quite high. In principle, from this side passion, quick marriage and even a child can be understood. And then a conflict of signs according to the horoscope came into play (although in fact there was one from the beginning). The pair of Scorpio (you, Alexandra) and, standing behind your sign, Libra (husband), form a relationship that we call “Best Friend and Best Enemy.” Accordingly, Anna, your sign is “Best Friend”, and your husband’s sign is “Best Enemy” for you. Hence your mistrust, the “crossroads,” and at the same time the belief that your husband will change. You would like to hope so, but, alas, your hopes are not justified. So, Alexandra, your unsuccessful chosen one will not change and I will add, just on my own behalf, that, sorry, of course, but he is not worthy of the title of a man at all. “He didn’t live with us, didn’t provide for us.” While a young wife with a child in her arms had to get out!? And are you ready to leave your child to this low creature? And you also ask, what if the child will feel better with him? I understand your condition and concern for your child, but, Alexandra, don’t do anything stupid, send your husband to hell, forget this year with him like a bad dream, and keep the child for yourself. Only with his mother will he feel good. And a much more harmonious relationship awaits you with a new partner of the Virgo sign, with whom you have excellent compatibility (both even signs, a good combination of the elements of Water and Earth). Well, mistakes happen to everyone, there’s no escape from it. Happiness to you in your new relationship, success in raising an heir! I'm sure everything will work out for you. And don’t worry about that freak: he ruined his karma thoroughly. Fate does not forgive those who abandon their children.

Hello! Please tell me if we have a chance to be together, he is on November 22, 1997, I am on September 16, 1997. He either attracts me, or repels me! Sometimes I ignore it, sometimes I pay attention so that I don’t lose interest!

In-contri: N.a.b, if you are not sure, then you should not start a relationship. Your insecurity in this relationship is a result of a lack of emotional compatibility. Therefore, despite the pressure (the guy has a character of 4, and you have 2) and the obvious interest of the young man (“male” intellectual compatibility 96%), you should listen only to your heart. I think that although Virgo is compatible with Scorpio, it is still better to leave this compatibility within the framework of friendly relations.

Why did we break up? I am 08/30/1986, he is 11/16/1985. We dated for 7 years. Is it worth going back? or stay from 02/29/1984?

In-contri: Elena, 7 years is a serious sentence. And there are good reasons for this - this is the favorable and long-term compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio, two even signs, representatives of the interacting elements of Earth and Water. It turns out that they started dating from their youth - from about 20 years old. That’s when high compatibility on the physical and emotional levels worked. Time has passed and they have passed. But that’s what youth is for, to make mistakes and gain experience. A partner with the highest 1% compatibility (dissonance) cannot be yours for life. It is the highest compatibility, and especially the highest, that is responsible for the long-term perspective. Another conflict in your couple was as follows: according to the horoscope, in your union of signs “Elder Brother - Younger Brother”, the eldest was your sign - Virgo. The younger brother, Scorpio, had a stronger character. And also, if you consider that this Scorpio is young, then for him the conquest (even just for show) of new women is a means of self-realization, then it is not surprising that he wanted to be free, having spent the potential of compatibility with you at the two lowest levels. There was nothing higher for him in these relationships, because... the intuitive level is more likely yours, “feminine”. At the age of 20, a man is rarely able to accept it and share it with a woman. Therefore, there is no need to return to the past, Elena. This would be the advice. By the way, you have already realized that your new relationship is similar in a number of ways to your previous one. But as long as you and your partner are interested and your love has not spent itself, then it is better to be together.

My b.b. 09/21/1986, guy 10/31/1982. The compatibility seems to be good, but the relationship doesn’t work out. Maybe I misunderstood something and is there even a chance to be together?

In-contri: Evgenia, you have one of the most difficult questions that have been received. Yes, according to the author's recommendations, your compatibility is good. There was, judging by the tag. According to Pythagoras, everything is ok, the elements of Water and Earth are complementary (the Scorpio guy is Water, and you are Virgo - Earth), and in terms of chakras there are maximums in emotions and on the physical level, plus high intellectual compatibility. Those. of the three lowest levels, two are maximum and one is simply compatible. From this we can assume that you fell in love with each other at first sight and the initial stage of the relationship was very bright. But any, even the hottest romance, passes. After compatibility on the three lower chakras, the relationship immediately fell into a hole. Among the upper chakras, compatibility is only at the 6th intuitive chakra. And this chakra, as already mentioned here, Eugenia, is conventionally a female chakra. Those. a man feels compatibility much more on the previous creative chakra than on the intuitive one. Although for different men, who are developed and who can feel it, it plays a role. But apparently not in your case. Your Scorpio man seems to have decided, after falling in love, that the relationship had no prospects. And you, judging by the maximum of his character (5), are unlikely to convince him of this. The more rational, logical and firm in character a man is, the stronger his predisposition to the conventionally male chakras - physical, intellectual and creative. I believe that after compatibility on the lower chakras, you feel the maximum of the intuitive chakra, Evgenia, only you are a virgin who knows how to feel subtly. And this does not allow you to forget the man, and you still fall asleep thinking about him. Evgenia, I would like to support you and advise you not to lose heart, write down this experience in your piggy bank and move on. There are many more young people around you who are suitable for you than you think.

Excellent site and informative calculation... I made a calculation of compatibility with partners with whom I had long-term relationships. But I can’t quite figure out which one suited me better overall in all respects. Me 09/14/1987. Partners: 1) 10/25/1984 2) 01/13/1987 3) 07/25/1982…. Help me to understand!!!

In-contri: Lilya, all interesting options. Well, then, in order:
— your first relationship was probably emotional. And here the sympathies are much stronger on your, female side: strong emotional compatibility, and even with a charming Scorpio man. But it was nothing more than a blip, a good experience.
— it was better to leave the second relationship with Capricorn at the level of good friendship.
- Well, and the last relationship... Eh, if I were you, I would try to overcome conflicts and try to develop what I have. Three very strong points of contact and everything is at its maximum: emotions, creativity and higher chakras. In theory, if you somehow overcame the discrepancy between the basic values ​​of your elements and got used to the weaker character of your partner, you could live together for quite a long time. You guys really liked each other. After some time, the potential of the “creative” chakra would be revealed in a man (for a man this compatibility is considered more important) and he would simply move mountains next to you, because he would see you as what is called a “muse”. And over the years, with mutual personal growth, when everyday life and intimacy fade into the background, you could become comrades in spirit, in ideals. A roughly similar situation is described by Maria in the question below, when she achieved success while working on herself.

Lilya, you would like to say that even from your partners it is clear that you, in principle, feel the basis of the relationship - the commonality of the emotional sphere. Therefore, you have a chance to create long-term harmonious relationships.

Virgo and Scorpio are able to dissect any plan and any thought to the bone. They are sure to bring their research to a successful conclusion. This is a defining part of the chemistry of these signs, and the compatibility of the Virgo and Scorpio couple depends on it. There are few couples who can think through a plan more deeply and carry it out more successfully.

Virgo - Scorpio: is there compatibility?

Virgo obliges Scorpio not to lose sight of the end result. Scorpio forces Virgo to remember that passion is necessary for the successful completion of the planned task.

Both strive for excellence. Despite the fact that the compatibility of the Virgo and Scorpio signs is not easy, common ground can be found.

The formula for success is that everyone must play the chosen role as best as possible. Life tests you. Uphold shared values. They are your treasure.

People around you will look at you as a serious couple. Work intensively towards your own goals. You challenge each other in your own ways.

Willingness to serve your partner's interests makes you both grateful. If you are disciplined, you can do anything.

If you have a project, you must put all your energy into completing it. Marriage compatibility Virgo - Scorpio is quite fruitful.

By working together, it is easier to find the way to a lover's heart. You can both quickly discern truth from lies in business. It's great if you know you've given your lover the best he has to offer.

Virgo man - Scorpio woman

A Virgo man next to a Scorpio woman is full of awe. He knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it. This is what a man submissive to Mercury thinks.

But he is not allowed to penetrate the mind of a woman subordinate to Pluto. She knows how to avoid leading questions. This attracts the attention of the Virgo man. He likes the way she goes about things.

Who does she remind him of - isn't it himself? She has a tenacious memory and business acumen. The man submissive to Mercury is excited by her passionate glances, but he is not confident in himself.

Is he able to hold her for a long time? He wants this woman to come into his life, although she will disrupt the usual order. “Let,” he thinks, “without her, life will lose its charm.”

Her deep, charming eyes add spice to the routine of his life. It is clear to her that he is hypnotized by her mysterious soul. The Virgo man is delighted that she trusted him.

“This is real,” he thinks, “how can I explain that I feel strong and confident?” The Scorpio woman understands that the Virgo man is very smart. It seems he was born wise.

He is always different, but she wouldn’t want him to look at life too gloomily. She likes that he listens to her carefully. There's a hint of sensuality in his eyes.

She persistently strives to interest him in herself. She does not want to completely devote her life to him, although he would like this. The Scorpio woman strives to be true to herself.

Otherwise, she is like a lone swimmer in the middle of the ocean. She hopes that the man with longing eyes will allow her to remain herself. She accumulates mental strength.

He doesn't even try to enter her sanctum sanctorum without permission. If he is restrained and patient, she will rush into his arms. But if he is aggressive, she restrains him.

She also craves love, but not possession. He looks at her as if he wants to become her property. She is pleased that a man submissive to Mercury reads her heart.

She appreciated that he courageously faced the truth and lived by his principles. She encourages him.

Woman - Virgo - man - Scorpio

The Virgo woman clearly sees that the Scorpio man studied the world already in his early years. She responds to the demands of his sensitive heart rather than his discerning intellect.

“His cold intellect is testing me,” she thinks. A woman submissive to Mercury and a man submissive to Pluto can do business on equal terms. She knows the world in her own way.

She hasn't been through thick and thin, but she knows what's worth a pound. His vulnerability, which he does not even suspect, pleases her heart. The Scorpio man is strong. She hopes that his strength will further increase in the fight for ideals.

He is a fiery lover. She hopes that she knows everything about the secrets of love. His voice is sexy and enticing. He knows how to evaluate her answers. She likes that he can guess her mood.

She would like him to learn to read her heart one day. She is ready to wait patiently for him. He strives to interest others in himself.

He is shrewd and creative in love, which makes her desire him. The Scorpio man understands that the Virgo woman's mind is always on alert. She reacts quickly and responds resourcefully.

A Pluto-submissive man likes that a Mercury-submissive woman makes him think twice before saying anything. In general, he is reserved, but sometimes he makes mistakes.

The Scorpio man likes that she doesn't leave the ground. She is not a skeptic, but not a reckless optimist either. She trusts people who don't pretend to be too happy.

A man submissive to Pluto prefers people who have a real reason to be happy. He is one of those himself. He wanted to know if their bond would stand the test of time.

The Scorpio man dreams of knowing the love of a Virgo woman. She tries to analyze the inner essence, using all the capabilities of her intellect. She returns his love.

He simultaneously longs for a hug, but is also afraid of her. Not everyone is given the opportunity to penetrate his soul.

The Virgo woman looks at him with curiosity and desire, as if saying: “I trusted you, but I would like to see that when I am with you, your eyes sparkle.”

You love. You are ready to accept the world as a whole. Your love is truly fruitful. You have awakened desire and passion in your partner. This must be handled with care. Desire should not be feared, it should be cherished.

Virgo and Scorpio - a marriage of lovers and friends at the same time. You expect each other to be faithful. You are eager to exchange thoughts with each other. Tired of the hardships of the day, tell your partner everything that has accumulated in your heart.

This will bring you even closer. Share your joys. Don't hide your grief. Let your dreams inspire you. After all, true love cannot be groundless! You both are two parts of one whole!

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Virgo with Scorpio

From Olshevskaya N.’s book “Astrology for Women”:

You are a Virgo, he is a Scorpio: you both strive for self-improvement and make high demands on yourself, while severely criticizing others.

You respect each other's education, thirst for knowledge and analytical abilities; Just don't want your partner to analyze you - it's scary.

Problems include disagreements regarding sex, which Virgo can do without much more easily than Scorpio.

When making love, Virgo can pay too much attention to technique, which offends the more emotional and passionate Scorpio. This combination is more suitable for platonic friendship or business partnership.

You are Scorpio, he is Virgo: if Scorpio knows something for sure, it is himself. You can be very self-critical and go so far as to tear your self-esteem to shreds.

You also have ideas for self-improvement; so if someone annoys you with unsolicited criticism, you may explode!

As in the union of a Virgo Woman with a Scorpio Man, you will encounter various manifestations of passionate feelings.

Scorpio appreciates Virgo's knowledge and skill, but you wish he was less like a clockwork machine - especially in the bedroom.

(I was told that there is one thing that Virgo never takes off, except in the shower, so that it does not get ruined by the water, and that is her watch.)

Do you like to chat in bed? Virgo is an excellent conversationalist: he will not turn over and fall asleep immediately after making love.

From Wolinsky S.'s book "Astrolove":

Physically, this is a couple one can only dream of, because Scorpio’s sensuality, with its depth and insight, reveals in Virgo her own sexual powers, gives her confidence and the opportunity to be useful, and this is what Virgo values ​​so much in love!

But this couple is doing well not only in bed, because with the courageous strength of Scorpio and his ability to protect all the worries and whining of Virgo are simply not needed.

Virgo can see through almost all of Scorpio’s maneuvers, and she is not repulsed, but, on the contrary, excited by his mystery.

But what you shouldn't do is tease or criticize your Scorpio, and he needs to get his jealousy under control.

If any cruel words do escape from one of the parties, it will neither be forgiven nor forgotten. So you should not forget about this, because few relationships are as deep as yours.

Love and compatibility in a pair Virgo - Scorpio

From the book by G. Novoselova “Your Love Signs”:

Have you ever heard of oral sex? (No, that's not a typo.) Well, listen. “I wouldn’t mind, but then my ears will be blocked for a whole week.” Don't think that there is something wrong with your eyes.

Better see what a sign it is. I won’t be mistaken if I say that this is Virgo discussing her sexual projects with her Scorpio partner.

The most hated thing for a Virgo is dirt. Call her unexpectedly - and you will hear water pouring - she is talking on the phone without getting out of the bath, basking in thick foam.

Some Virgos are so pure that they just squeak when you pinch them! (And not at all from pleasure!)

Well, okay, this is all great, until our neat “Mercurian” meets sexy Scorpio and ignites.

Because the first obstacle this couple will face (besides the bedroom door) is cleanliness.

While Scorpio rushes around the bedroom, increasingly burning with passion and dimming the lights more and more (and tripping over the bed), Virgo will carefully check for dust and dirt, looking into every nook and cranny.

(A smart Scorpio will quickly turn off the light as soon as he enters the bedroom - and for this very reason!) She will thoroughly check the sheets before he has a chance to put her to bed.

Have no doubt - a self-respecting Virgo will never go to bed with a Scorpio if he is a slob and smells of sweat. Phew! (Although some of them are capable of some pretty dirty thoughts!)

Finally, when Scorpio is shining clean, they will go to bed and then to the bath, and everything will be very good for them, although usually Virgo and Scorpio achieve great success in family affairs and careers.

But if their union is based only on sex, it is unlikely to be lasting.

The virgin Virgo will have a decidedly difficult time withstanding the attacks of Scorpio's "plutonium" passion, and she will not be able to maintain the fire under this mixture of pepper and garlic.

Although Virgo belongs to the element of Earth, which makes her very thorough (but not restrained!) and emotional, she is ruled by this dwarf Mercury, and she is much more intellectual than Taurus or Capricorn.

As a result, after several passionate and incredibly sensual escapades with her perfectly washed Scorpio (bath before and after), Virgo may decide that all this is a little tiring.

And, perhaps, it’s still too dirty for this “Mercurian”, so she will wash herself all day and night in her pristine bath (the very first water bills can put an end to this romance!).

So, when Scorpio gets her laundry dirty for the tenth time in a row, she will kill his desire in the bud and switch to the ternary system (you, me and TV).

Then Virgo, who values ​​public opinion more than anything else, will jump out without even combing her hair and run to deliver lunches to the disabled (the exhausted “Mercurian”, who did not have time to say “no”, will only have time to grab a sandwich with herring from the tray while she is packing the next batch food, or go to the kitchen to cook your lunch!).

Life will be a little easier if the “plutonium” prince proposes his hand and heart (or something else) to the lovely “Mercurian”.

o Virgo and Scorpio must be very careful - otherwise, in this situation, their ship will face more dangers than a ferry crossing the English Channel during a storm. Oh my God!

From the book “Astrology of Happiness” by Marina Gorets

The union of these souls has every chance of smooth, good relationships. In practice, it really can be successful.

The interaction of the carriers of these two zodiac signs brings out the best in each other. Virgo quite consciously allows Scorpio to pave the way and is completely satisfied, following him.

Scorpio feels like a protector of his fragile partner, filled with doubts, and helps Virgo in all her endeavors.

Representatives of these signs instinctively understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and, in a strange way, like each other.

Scorpio does not in the least regard Virgo as nervous or restless, and Virgo does not seem to regard Scorpio as cold, calculating or dangerous at all.

All that is necessary for the complete success of their union is Virgo’s duty to remember Scorpio’s dislike for comparisons with anything or anyone, and the impossibility for him to bear criticism of himself.

In addition, it is useful for Scorpio to know that Virgo should be treated very gently. The marriage of Virgo and Scorpio shows many opportunities for the realization of a variety of plans.

Psychological games for compatibility in a couple Virgo and Scorpio

Compatibility game “Introspection, or internal analysts”

Games in the marriage of Virgo and Scorpio are based on the fact that the signs at times become too contemplative and neglect the main ideas of the partner. In the process of intense mental work, both sometimes relax.

In the game “Introspection, or internal analysts”, both of you are at times confused when making important decisions or at the moment of choice. Water Scorpio may disappear for the duration of the event.

Scorpio instinctively hides in a hole, well disguised from the outside world, and stubbornly protects his privacy.

Virgo, reflecting on the situation, experiences fear, because the signs submissive to Mercury hesitate, not knowing what decision to make. No method suits them.

Signs even sometimes encourage each other to go a little further than expected. But a short break in a relationship brings confusion into it for a long time.

You are afraid to get close again, and remembering the past makes you irritated. Lack of honest conversation usually breeds mutual dissatisfaction. It's hard to get back on track.

You need to signal each other. The dilemma is who will start the conversation first.

Compatibility game “Constant Passion”

If you get caught up in the web of obligations, you find yourself in a game of Constant Passion. Its distinctive feature is the inability to limit oneself to reasonable limits. Don't overexert yourself. Why?

Virgo simply does not see where to stop. The desire to achieve perfection motivates her to move further and further until she falls exhausted.

Virgo brings herself to a nervous breakdown, not knowing how to deal with the little things. Scorpio is oppressed by control. The reason for the game is the inability to stop in time.

Control makes Scorpio overextend. A deep irrational desire for success or love upsets the balance of relationships.

The desire to achieve primacy at any cost outweighs reasonable caution. Your relationship loses perspective if you make unrealistic demands on each other.

You crave love, but at the same time you are torn apart by numerous extraneous desires. You risk achieving nothing.

Compatibility game "Sabotage"

The reason for the game "Sabotage" is a change of points of view. What you once thought was good now seems bad. This often happens unconsciously, but is nonetheless fraught with trouble.

You make it difficult for your partner to achieve their goals. The game can provoke an outburst of anger or jealousy. Virgo is not happy that her opinion is ignored.

Scorpio is offended, believing that his partner is trampling on his feelings. Virgo gains strength by achieving the embodiment of her ideas.

Scorpio feels a surge of energy if his partner helps him. Scorpio goes ahead, ignoring the opinions of others, but he will be indignant if he is betrayed at the last minute.

You both want your ambitions to be fulfilled. By refusing to support each other, you create minefields in your path. Remember that together you are much stronger than each of you alone.

Behavior strategy

In the game "Introspection or internal analysts" you need to remember the main component. Have you guessed what it is? Yes, you are right - we need to talk!

Silence in itself is not dangerous. Virgo can think things through. Scorpio needs solitude to relive the past or make new choices.

Through your connection, you both have the best of all worlds. To do this, do not stop communicating. You don't have to worry about whether your partner has the necessary space to act.

Do not allow him to move too far, otherwise the ice will break. Your talent for foresight can be successfully used in business.

You are signs who are able to collaborate successfully in business transactions. Don't let your lover's mood changes scare you. Although, of course, time is needed to discuss difficult problems. Passion excites.

By influencing your partner's nervous system, you will inevitably encounter a response from time to time. When one or both of you seek privacy, explain to your partner why you are doing so.

And remember that the smartest thing to do is to help your partner solve problems. Support him if he doubts what to do, but don't fetter his initiative. Otherwise, there is a danger that your partner will lose interest in you.

By encouraging each other to be courageous, you strengthen your bond at the same time! The game of Constant Passion requires discipline to curb your appetite.

Put yourself within reasonable limits, then you will get more joy from life. When you take on a difficult task in ignorance, you become furious when it fails.

Success can motivate you to work even harder. There's nothing wrong with this. Problems begin when your ambitions or desires finally fade away.

You cannot withstand the limits that must be taken to implement your plans. Sometimes you have to work more than you want to. But the hot time will not pass without benefit.

Virgo and Scorpio get to know each other deeply and completely. Keep your eyes on your partner. Don't be a workaholic. Marriage compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio is based on passions, think about romance.

The Sabotage game encourages you to refrain from making negative and unproductive comments. By hurting your partner, you are actually hurting yourself. Indulging in anger means losing the game.

By denying everything, you will achieve nothing. You have great penetrating power. If you start a civil war, you find yourself flying in a plane with failed engines.

Isn't it better to use your energy not to fight, but to help each other? When you overcome this game, love will bring you true joy.

Do you want to fly high without paying attention to each other? Defuse the negative atmosphere and soar towards the sun!

Virgo compatibility with other signs:

5 /5 (8 )

The compatibility of these signs can be called relatively high. Of course, they differ significantly in temperament, which, however, does not prevent them from approaching life almost identically: most of all, Virgo and Scorpio value a serious attitude towards everything and stability. You will definitely have to get used to some of the partner’s characteristics, but in general there are much more positive aspects in this union than negative ones. Let's consider Virgo and Scorpio compatibility more details.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Scorpio man

This ratio helps to build a harmonious union. Scorpio's temperament and activity will lead him to the position of family leader; his strong character gives Pluto's ward the opportunity to be responsible not only for himself, but also for his chosen one. And the calm and quiet-looking Virgo has an unbending core inside, allowing her to reliably protect the family rear.

The union will turn out to be truly balanced: Scorpio is ready to move mountains, feeling the shoulder of a faithful lover nearby, and Virgo will always come to the aid of the chosen one in any difficult situation.

A water man will help his lady to open up and become truly sensual. For the emotions received, the earthly beauty will provide her life partner with family comfort. The heavenly bodies look with favor at this union: although quarrels and conflicts also happen here, they never affect the principles of the partners and quickly fade away.

In love

Most of all, the Virgo woman and the Scorpio man value constancy in relationships, and in this union everyone finds the seriousness that they were looking for. The secrecy inherent in both signs in these relationships quickly disappears: the partners completely trust each other and express their thoughts directly.

Conflicts in relationships often arise due to the jealousy inherent in Virgo: her energetic partner has never been deprived of the attention of the opposite sex.

5 out of 8 Scorpios change relationships for freedom

The restrictions of Scorpio's personal space will not be to his liking; he will do anything to regain his former freedom, even to the point of completely breaking all ties with his former lover.

Such a crisis is inevitable for any Virgo-Scorpio couple. But those who have left behind quarrels caused by jealousy will be able to build a harmonious union, close to an ideal relationship. Moreover, every year the strength of the connection between the earthly lady and her water gentleman only increases, gradually negating the likelihood of separation. The most important thing is to build relationships based on mutual understanding.

Watch the video. Compatibility Virgo and Scorpio.

In a relationship

Scorpio understands: finding a life partner like Virgo is very difficult and you need to try to keep her with all your might. Pluto's ward will make a vow to himself: emotions must be locked up from now on. Therefore, the beginning of life together will be the most favorable: Scorpio will throw all his efforts into providing for the family financially, and a happy Virgo will flutter around the house, putting things in order in the already sparkling nest of her lovers.

But soon an unexpected situation will happen. While Pluto's ward is at work, the water supply will flow in the house. The pragmatic Virgo will immediately turn off the water and call a technician for repairs. At this moment, Scorpio will return home. He won’t look into it too much: the plumber will quickly fly out the window (he will be extremely lucky if the apartment is on the first floor), and the upset Virgo will run out the open door. Soon the water man will come to his senses, and when he sees a puddle of water on the floor and laid out tools, he will understand the absurdity of what is happening. The plumbing foreman will be picked up from the ground and carefully brushed off, and will leave the scene a little dazed, but overall satisfied: in his pocket there will be a bonus the size of several months' salary.

An upset Virgo will take refuge in the safest place in the world - in her own home. There she will give free rein to her tears and allow her friends, who have come running in alarm, to fuss around her and scold the rude man who offended the beautiful lady. An unplanned bachelorette party will be interrupted by the trill of the doorbell. Seeing the uninvited guest, the girlfriends will immediately run away: Pluto’s gloomy ward will be standing on the threshold, dressed in the best suit and with a chic bouquet at the ready. He will solemnly kneel down and take out the ring he bought for his chosen one from his pocket. How can you resist such a man? Virgo will not find an answer to this question and will agree to marry an emotional lover.


Even the stars cannot say exactly how successful this union will be, let alone astrologers trying to interpret their signs. However, there is a clear pattern: the longer Virgo and Scorpio stay together, the stronger their connection will be. Even in the first months after the wedding, the life of a couple will not be as wonderful as after many years of marriage.

Passion in such a union will never come first. Partners see each other first of all as reliable life partners, and then as lovers. In everyday life they are well compatible, although the earthly lady’s excessive pedantry sometimes infuriates her emotional husband.

Quarrels over finances are excluded: extravagance is not characteristic of either Pluto’s ward or his thrifty companion.

Activity and emotionality are also characteristic of Scorpio in intimate relationships. Virgo is inferior to him in these indicators, but over time, the partner’s energy will be transferred to her, and the earthly lady will show her chosen one all the facets of her sensuality. In adulthood, the union of this couple is more harmonious than in their younger years. Young Virgo and Scorpio can be overly harsh and often provoke conflicts.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: spicy details of the Virgo woman’s compatibility.

In friendship

The emergence of a friendly relationship between the signs is more than likely, but constantly spending time with each other is contraindicated for them. And the point is not at all a lack of mutual understanding and trust: Virgo and Scorpio are completely fine with this.

The problem lies in the love of these signs to criticize others. This trait is especially characteristic of an earthly lady. Pluto's ward most often turns a deaf ear to her remarks, but if a Virgo woman touches the deep strings of his soul, he is quite capable of breaking off even long-term friendships.

A meeting of two signs in the same company is unlikely: Virgo prefers to spend the evening at home, and Scorpio would rather go to a noisy party. The couple's mutual interest will increase significantly if they discover a common activity. Only time can strengthen this friendship even more.

In sex

In bed, partners must completely forget about all the skills they had previously: they will have to learn to know their bodies all over again. However, over time, lovers will become more and more aware of each other's needs and, in the end, this kind of relationship will completely satisfy both.

90% of Virgos experiment in bed

For complete intimacy, partners need to open up to each other completely. It will be especially difficult for Virgo to do this: part of her soul will constantly strive to abstract herself from what is happening, as if her feelings remain unaffected. Moreover, the reason for this phenomenon is unclear even to the most earthly lady. However, there will be no negativity between lovers, especially if Mercury’s ward reveals a secret passion for experimentation.

In progress

Virgo, with her pronounced punctuality and criticality, will cope with any task assigned to her “excellently”. She will excel in pedagogy and medicine, but leadership positions will not frighten Mercury’s ward. Scorpio's hard work and strength will also help him succeed in any chosen field from sports to nuclear physics.

Work for Virgo is the second “I”; she will work until she falls exhausted, achieving her intended goal. In the company of a water partner, she will be able to demonstrate all her qualities and achieve unprecedented success. He will be her protection from unscrupulous competitors who, as soon as they see Pluto’s pet, will run away in horror, forgetting about their intentions.

Money does not attract an earthly lady - a meager amount is enough to satisfy her needs. Scorpio also does not pursue wealth, limiting his needs to basic necessities. Perhaps it is precisely because of indifference that banknotes love to find refuge in the pockets of earthly and aquatic business partners.

In percentages

The stars predict high compatibility for this couple, their rating is 80%.

Partners will have to learn a lot to build a strong alliance, but intelligence and excellent analytical skills will help the Virgo woman and her water beau find a common language in almost any situation. They will teach each other a lot and enrich their already extensive life experience.

Psychological compatibility

The union of two signs is dynamic and at the same time extremely contradictory. Virgos love to keep everything under control, and Scorpio every now and then throws tasks at the earthly lady that require her immediate intervention. Their sphere is very diverse: the ward of Mercury sees the problem both in the manifestation of feelings in crowded places and in competition for a place under the Sun. Moreover, Neptune’s ward does the latter both with his companion and with those around him, sincerely enjoying such confrontation.

The Virgo woman always stands guard over her family and is ready to rush into battle at the slightest threat, but she makes a large number of concessions to her husband, forgiving what she could never forgive another person for. Very soon, Scorpio will notice his privileged position and begin to use it without any hesitation. But from any noisy party, he will in any case return to a cozy family nest, created by the skillful hands of an earthly lady. He will ask for forgiveness and swear eternal love, and the Virgo’s tender heart will beat faster from his words.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Scorpio man.

But long trips outside the home will continue. At one fine moment, one of two things will happen: either the limitless patience of Mercury’s ward will come to an end, or Scorpio will forget to return after the next holiday, despite the fact that he respects Virgo for her intelligence and ability to create comfort out of nothing.

The stars still rate the compatibility of the signs quite highly, although they emphasize that the water gentleman would be better suited to a noisier and restless partner, who has both perseverance and a strong character.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Scorpio woman

Despite all the rationalism of the Virgo man and his brilliant mind, it is very difficult for him to make decisions that radically change the existing state of affairs. He clearly lacks courage, which the Scorpio woman has in abundance. In this pair, the ward of Mercury will receive the constantly missing support from his companion. She is able to make any decision and change any circumstance in the life of the family. It is difficult to overestimate the merits of his chosen one that the husband has built a brilliant career. This circumstance allows us to judge the union as very fruitful.

A quiet haven – this is what the water lady lovingly calls her life partner. A conservative with a calm disposition, the ward of Mercury will always be able to keep his reckless partner from taking a risky act, and she will not commit another stupidity. But feedback is also not excluded: in the company of Scorpio, Virgo becomes more relaxed and the fire in her soul burns brighter.

However, quarrels and conflicts will not bypass lovers: both signs are critical of people, even the closest ones, but demonstrate this in different ways. The water lady begins to deliberately point out shortcomings, trying to strike the object of her criticism more painfully, and, moreover, in the most vulnerable place. And Virgo expresses her opinion about the wrongness of what is happening without any hidden subtexts, but a man born under this sign does not want to offend his partner, but to point out to him the mistakes he has made. But it's not that simple. Although Scorpio’s attacks are more painful, he perfectly feels the edge and knows when to remain silent. Virgo will speak in any situation, regardless of the feelings of her water lover.

In love

When meeting, a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman will see kindred spirits in each other: both strive to create a strong union and maintain seriousness in the relationship. Fleeting connections are of no use; they are not looking for entertainment, but strive for constancy. Both partners are indifferent to noisy parties, but Scorpio, in search of the necessary communication, still occasionally attends such events.

The main unifying force of the couple is practicality, which forms both of them with a similar attitude to life.

80% of quarrels are due to criticism of each other

Minor conflicts cannot be avoided in such an alliance, but they are not able to destroy the happiness of young people. More than anything else, the wards of Mercury and Pluto love to criticize, and quite often the object of their comments is their significant other. But both partners take such words lightly, never harboring a grudge against the chosen one.

In a relationship

At the beginning of their life together, the Virgo man will forgive his water partner all the wrong actions, in his opinion. To earn forgiveness, Pluto’s pet will only have to give her chosen one affectionate hugs. But reckless antics deeply hurt an impressionable man who is very worried about his beloved. And she seems to be deliberately finding more and more new adventures: either she will sign up for a parachute club, or she will go at night to explore the ruins of a haunted castle.

The Scorpio lady will return home dirty and with eternal cuts and bruises. At first, the pedantic earthly gentleman will remain silent and wash stubborn stains from grass, machine oil and something resembling blood from his clothes by hand. Then the soiled items will be sent to the washing machine, and when the Virgo gentleman’s nerves are already on edge, he will transfer the responsibility of cleaning the clothes to dry cleaning.

Watch the video. Astrology: psychological portrait of a Virgo man.

But even the limitless patience of Mercury’s ward will sooner or later come to an end. He will arrange a huge scandal for his chosen one, which the lady, however, will turn in her favor, accusing her lover of mistrust, and then of treason. But this does not mean that the lovers will separate: as in many other cases, they will be reconciled in bed, where the encouraged gentleman will make a romantic proposal to his unpredictable lady.


These signs are quite capable of creating a strong family. Both value the comfort of home, and although the Scorpio lady still sometimes spends the evening in a noisy company of friends, she always thinks about her partner and misses him. The budget of this couple was outlined point by point immediately after the wedding celebration. Irrational spending disgusts partners; they would rather save money for a rainy day. Moreover, the supply of funds will constantly increase.

Financial disagreements will not arise between the Virgo man and his chosen one: they completely trust each other in material terms.

Intimate relationships are developing quite well. Of course, the temperaments of partners differ: the Scorpio woman is characterized by excessive emotionality, and the Scorpio man values ​​honed skills most of all. The development of relationships depends primarily on the water lady: it is her delicacy and developed intuition that will help you find out your partner’s secret desires and achieve affection and attentiveness on his part.

In friendship

A Virgo woman and a Scorpio man have every chance to build a strong friendship. They can make general plans and, most importantly, carry them out. Their responsibilities and many talents will serve a common purpose. A love of criticism will also serve you well: your friend will take comments addressed to him calmly and try to improve. Hiding the truth and hypocrisy are definitely not companions of friendship between earth and water signs, so such a connection between them is more than real.

In sex

In the ward of Mercury, two completely different personalities coexist: the true Virgo and some mysterious hypostasis. And the word “Scorpio” is synonymous with passion in the intimate sphere. The water lady is emotionally superior to most signs. They take every love to heart, no matter whether it happened in the past or the lady is experiencing it at the moment.

In progress

The Virgo man is an ideal worker. For all his criticality towards others, he treats himself even more strictly, worrying even about minor shortcomings in his work. The Mercury pet spends his entire life trying to become the best in business. Any field of activity is subject to him, provided that he works in a conscientious team and clearly understands his responsibilities, regulated by certain rules.

Lady Scorpio has rightfully earned the title of a strong-willed person. A strong character helps her achieve her goal in any situation - Pluto’s ward will carry out her plans in any case. She is not afraid of anything; on the contrary, she boldly challenges her fears, looking them straight in the eye.

Both water and earth signs can safely be classified as decent and honest people. Lady Scorpio has a truly hypnotic gift of persuasion, so if she is not a millionaire, she is usually close to it. Most likely, the only thing stopping her from getting into the top ten richest people on the planet is her insatiable desire for charity, where she invests huge amounts of money. A pedantic Virgo man, working under the guidance of such a strong-willed boss as Pluto’s ward, will quickly feel in his place and achieve dizzying success in his career.

The signs will never compete with each other in the business sphere - the earthly gentleman will gladly hand over the reins of power to the Scorpio lady, and he will zealously guard her peace, discouraging all arrogant competitors from joint business. And even though the partners won’t become the richest people on the planet, they will earn their first million very quickly. And this is just the beginning!

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Virgo man.

In percentages

The overall percentage of compatibility is 90%.

If certain conditions are met, the couple will be able to create a strong family union or open their own business that brings in a lot of income. What makes this union difficult to call ideal is the lack of strong compatibility in the intimate sphere, where Virgo will have to get used to her passionate partner.

Psychological compatibility

The obvious proximity of the signs in the zodiac circle (they are separated only by Libra) a priori makes such a union favorable. Their elements are completely compatible, which contributes to building almost ideal relationships.

Each partner has their own deep traits. A man born under the earth sign is endowed with a high sense of responsibility and is able to take upon himself the solution to any problem that arises. Lady Scorpio quickly copes with every task assigned to her. But different things motivate them. Virgos strive to benefit others. They will do everything to ensure that the business develops in the right direction and bears fruit. Scorpios, who have the ability to calculate events in advance, simply will not allow problems to arise.

The similarity of characters and common views on life attract representatives of these signs to each other better than any magnet. Living together with a Virgo man will help the water lady learn to trust her loved one. This is due to the fact that the ward of Mercury never hides anything, preferring to tell the truth in person, even if it is extremely unpleasant for the interlocutor. And Scorpio will be able to give the earthly gentleman support, and even some kind of protection from external circumstances that disturb Virgo’s mental balance.