Joanna Lindsay - Let Love Find You. Joanna Lindsay: Let love find you Joanna Lindsay let love

A stunning romance novel called “Let Love Find You” is published as part of the “Reed Family” book series. In addition to this book, this book series also includes the following novels from writer Joanna Lindsay: “The Devil Who Tamed Her,” “My Villain,” “The Savage and the Simpleton.”
Joanna Lindsay is a German writer. It was in Germany that she was born more than half a century ago. Her father was an American soldier in the army, so the family of the girl Joanna Lindsay constantly moved. When her father died, the girl's mother moved with her daughter to Hawaii. Joanna Lindsay has always loved this place. Here she lives to this day - writes and creates in the literary field. After graduating from school, she married her husband - unfortunately, the husband of this wonderful writer is already deceased. Joanna Lindsay gave birth to three beautiful sons-heroes.
The book “Let Love Find You” is a romance novel. In general, Joanna Lindsay specializes in modern love and erotic prose. When Joanna Lindsay was sitting at home with small children and doing housework, she very quickly became addicted to romance novels. I started reading such works myself. Women on maternity leave very often do just that. So Joanna Lindsay was no exception to this rule. Perhaps it was then that the first thoughts and ideas about the book “Let Love Find You” came to the young mother. After all, as the writer says, she loved to read about love; she wrote her first love story out of a whim. This was her hobby. She never dreamed of a career and fame as a popular writer. Moreover, the author of love stories. Now Joanna Lindsay does not see herself in any other field other than writing. That is why her books, for example, “Let Love Find You,” are so frank, sincere, touching and romantic. Today, her books have been published in more than twelve languages ​​of the world, and the love novel “Let Love Find You” is considered one of the most widely circulated books by this magical writer.
So what is the book “Let Love Find You” about? Devin Baldwin is London's most fashionable high-fashion "matchmaker" or "matchmaker". He knows how to select matches based on mysterious “magnetism”. Dark-skinned handsome Devin Baldwin is the “Cupid of the capital.” That's what London society called him. But who could have guessed or predicted in advance that handsome Devin Baldwin would fall in love himself? And will his amorous arrows play against him? Amanda Locke, the daughter of a London aristocrat, is so beautiful and educated. The girl wants to ask Devin Baldwin to find her a groom. Nothing prevents her from getting married, because she is such an enviable bride.

On our literary website you can download the book “Let Love Find You” by Joanna Lindsay (Fragment) in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Joanna Lindsay

Let love find you


© Johanna Lindsey, 2012

© Russian edition AST Publishers, 2014

Reprinted with permission from Gallery Books, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. and literary agency Andrew Nurnberg.

The boy stood at the bedroom window and watched the snow fall, covering the pavement. It probably won’t melt this time; it’s quite cold outside. The boy loved snow. The streets littered with it looked so bright and clean, especially at night when the lanterns were shining. His bedroom windows faced the street. He often stood at the window during the day and watched beautiful carriages pass by. And at times, when he couldn’t fall asleep right away or woke up for some reason, he stood here at night. It was then that he saw a carriage that stopped at the door of the town house where he lived with his mother Elaine. The same carriage stopped at the front door now. Moreover, he never came during the day, only at night.

A tall man came out of the carriage, throwing up the tails of his coat, turned to close the door, and said something to the coachman. The carriage drove off, and the man hurried to the house. He had his own key. For as long as the boy could remember, this man constantly came to their house.

The boy grew up in an ordinary London house with several servants. During the day he could come to his mother at any moment, and he went to bed quite early, so for a long time he did not know that everything changed at night.

He had just turned six and couldn't remember the first time he asked his mother who this man was. He just knew that it had happened a long time ago. That day, my mother was very surprised that he even knew about the existence of this man.

“Lord Wolseley is the owner of our house, that’s all.” He comes to see the condition of the building.

- So often?

- Well, we became friends. We became close friends. He is not a very happy person, and I can offer a shoulder to cry on. “She smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder. – You know this well, because you yourself often cry on it, right?

The boy recalled feeling embarrassed that day. She talked about bruises and bruises that would never have made him cry if she hadn't held him and comforted him. He tried to imagine the tall man crying on her shoulder, but he couldn't.

He was told that his father died when he was still a baby, and his mother refused to tell anything more about him.

“These memories make me cry,” she said. “Someday I’ll tell you all about him, but not now.”

But she never said anything. The only time in his life his mother got angry with him was when he asked questions about his father too persistently. And when I asked about him for the last time, tears actually came to her eyes. After that the boy stopped asking her questions.

And the owner of the house continued to come to them at night, and the boy heard the door to his mother’s bedroom quietly opening and closing. Sometimes he would go out into the corridor and hear his mother’s laughter on the other side of the door. If this man can make her happy, why don't they get married so that he can be happy with them too?

Recently curiosity overpowered him, and he asked his mother:

– Is he going to be my new father?

His mother hugged him tightly and replied:

-What are you thinking about, honey? Lawrence has a family - a wife and children. He's just a friend. You see, I get a little lonely sometimes, and it’s so good to have someone to talk to.

Soon after this, the boy began to think that Lawrence Wolseley was his real father. As soon as this thought arose, it would not let him go, but he was afraid to ask his mother. She didn't want to talk about this man and she didn't want to talk about his "dead father." It hurt to think that his mother was lying to him. The boy hoped that he was wrong, but he understood that he simply had to find out everything.

So tonight he snuck out into the hallway. The door to my mother's bedroom, as usual, was tightly closed. He didn't knock. He heard laughter, then voices, but so quiet that he could not make out a word. The boy did not press his ear to the door, he simply sat on the floor, cross-legged, and waited.

He had to wait a long time, he almost fell asleep, but eventually the door swung open. The boy instantly jumped to his feet to avoid being stepped on. Until now, he had never seen this man so close. He turned out to be taller than the boy thought - very handsome, well dressed, with hair as dark as the boy's. He threw his coat over his arm, and a ring with a precious stone sparkled on his finger.

The boy quickly, before he lost his presence of mind, asked his question:

-Are you my father?

The man, who had not noticed him until now, looked down and frowned:

“You should have been asleep a long time ago.” Go to bed!

Frightened by his stern tone, the boy froze in place, but he was already hastily walking down the corridor. The door to the bedroom remained open, and the boy looked inside, wanting to make sure that everything was okay with his mother. She sat at the dressing table at the far end of the room and admired a necklace that the boy had never seen before.

He hurriedly returned to his room, scared and confused, hoping that the man would not tell his mother about the question he had been asked - to which he never answered.

Later that week, the mother called the boy down into the hall. In the doorway, holding a hat in his hands, stood a man whom he had never seen before - large, fair-haired, with blue eyes like his mother. And mom was definitely angry. For a boy? Or at the stranger at whom she cast angry glances?

She looked at the boy and said:

- This is your Uncle Donald, my brother. We haven't spoken for many years, but now Donald wants you to live with him for a while on his horse farm in the country. You'll really like it there.

The boy opened his eyes wide. He didn't know that his mother had a brother! More frightened than he had ever been in his life, he rushed to his mother and grabbed her around the waist. Is he being sent away from home? He doesn't understand anything!

- No Please! - he shouted. – I will never, never ask anything again, honestly!

Mom hugged him tightly.

- Quiet, darling. I'll come to you soon. You will have so much fun in the village that you won’t miss me.

- No! I want to stay here with you!

She pushed him towards his uncle.

– Take him away now, otherwise I’ll burst into tears! - she shouted to her brother.

The screaming boy was dragged from the house he had never left. He tried to jump out of the carriage, but his uncle did not allow him. Then he leaned out the window and began calling his mother. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He could still see his mother standing on the porch waving after him.

But she turned out to be right. Of course, he missed him terribly, but as the months passed, he realized that he liked living with his uncle and aunt on their large estate in Lancashire. Because his aunt gave him his own puppy, and many other dogs constantly lived in this huge house. Because here he made his first real friend, the son of one of the workers, and they became inseparable. Because there were much more interesting things to do here than in the city. But first of all because there were horses here. So much! He was allowed to look after them, and very soon he got the hang of cleaning and feeding them and fiddling with newborn foals.

He never saw his mother again. Never alive. The day his uncle and aunt came and told him that she had died of pneumonia, all the pain of her leaving him came back. That year he turned eight years old, he was still too young to be able to hold back the tears streaming down his face.

“She left you this.”

He looked at the porcelain horse that Donald placed on his palm. His mother deprived him of her love, abandoned him, and never even visited him once since she sent him away from home! Now he wanted nothing from her, his heart was broken, and in a fit of anger he raised his hand to throw the figurine at the wall and break it, just as his mother had crushed all his hopes of their meeting. She died, making sure that they would never be together again.

Let love find you Joanna Lindsay

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Title: Let love find you

About the book Let Love Find You by Joanna Lindsay

Joanna Lindsay is a famous American writer. Her first novel was published back in 1977. Since then, readers around the world have been captivated by the thrilling love stories of her more than 50 books. Joanna Lindsay is deservedly called one of the most successful writers of our time, whose romance novels are read by millions.

The book offered today, Let Love Find You, is part of the Locke family saga. The author has made it a rule to write novels about members of famous families of the past.

So, meet aristocrat Devin “Cupid” Baldwin. He received the nickname cherub for a reason. Several acquaintances of young men and women from high society arranged by Devin ended in successful marriages. Moreover, “Cupid” acted on the principle of sexual attraction. As soon as he notices a spark of passion in the looks of young people, he immediately introduces them. Subsequently - a wedding.

And none of those around him could even suspect that behind the image of a dark, handsome and rude aristocrat was hidden the tender and vulnerable soul of a boy who had once sworn on his mother’s grave not to love anyone. But one day an arrow from his colleague Cupid strikes his own heart...

Amanda Locke is a girl of marriageable age from high society. For several seasons in a row she has been trying to find a worthy match for herself. But everything is not the same... And the years go by.

19th century London is cruel to beauties. If you don't get married before you're 20, you'll be considered an old maid. Amanda has no choice but to use the services of a fashionable matchmaker. "Cupid" agrees to help the rich bride. But very soon he realizes that he is not the master of the situation. The traitorous colleague has already fired his arrow...

World-renowned Joanna Lindsay knows a lot about writing romance books. Her heroes are beautiful, passionate, morally strong. Reading stories like this means truly loving life.

The novel is written in excellent literary language and is read in one breath. The author’s imagination is amazing; every time she comes up with the most interesting plot! And this novel is no exception.

The main characters go a long way from misunderstanding and irritation to true love. Conflicting feelings overwhelm young people. What makes them cross the line beyond which is heaven?

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Let Love Find You” by Joanna Lindsay in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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The most fashionable matchmaker of the London elite, Devin Baldwin, selects ideal matches based on mysterious “magnetism”. The dark, mysterious handsome man, who has already been nicknamed the capital's Cupid, knows no mistakes.

But one day the arrow of love strikes his own heart...

The daughter of an aristocrat, Amanda Locke is pretty and educated - so what's stopping her from getting married? The girl involuntarily decides to use Baldwin’s services, but soon begins to understand: she will find true happiness only in the arms of Devin himself.

All that remains is to conquer a man who has studied all the subtleties of women's tricks!..

Joanna Lindsay

Let love find you


The boy stood at the bedroom window and watched the snow fall, covering the pavement. It probably won’t melt this time; it’s quite cold outside. The boy loved snow. The streets littered with it looked so bright and clean, especially at night when the lanterns were shining. His bedroom windows faced the street. He often stood at the window during the day and watched beautiful carriages pass by. And at times, when he couldn’t fall asleep right away or woke up for some reason, he stood here at night. It was then that he saw a carriage that stopped at the door of the town house where he lived with his mother Elaine. The same carriage stopped at the front door now. Moreover, he never came during the day, only at night.

A tall man came out of the carriage, throwing up the tails of his coat, turned to close the door, and said something to the coachman. The carriage drove off, and the man hurried to the house. He had his own key. For as long as the boy could remember, this man constantly came to their house.

The boy grew up in an ordinary London house with several servants. During the day he could come to his mother at any moment, and he went to bed quite early, so for a long time he did not know that everything changed at night.

He had just turned six and couldn't remember the first time he asked his mother who this man was. He just knew that it had happened a long time ago. That day, my mother was very surprised that he even knew about the existence of this man.

Lord Wolseley is the owner of our house, that's all. He comes to see the condition of the building.

So often?

Well, he and I became friends. We became close friends. He is not a very happy person, and I can offer a shoulder to cry on. - She smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder. - You know this well, because you yourself often cry on it, right?

The boy recalled feeling embarrassed that day. She talked about bruises and bruises that would never have made him cry if she hadn't held him and comforted him. He tried to imagine the tall man crying on her shoulder, but he couldn't.

He was told that his father died when he was still a baby, and his mother refused to tell anything more about him.

These memories make me cry,” she said. “Someday I’ll tell you all about him, but not now.”

But she never said anything. The only time in his life his mother got angry with him was when he asked questions about his father too persistently. And when I asked about him for the last time, tears actually came to her eyes. After that the boy stopped asking her questions.

And the owner of the house continued to come to them at night, and the boy heard the door to his mother’s bedroom quietly opening and closing. Sometimes he would go out into the corridor and hear his mother’s laughter on the other side of the door. If this man can make her happy, why don't they get married so that he can be happy with them too?

Recently curiosity overpowered him, and he asked his mother:

Is he going to be my new father?

His mother hugged him tightly and replied:

What are you thinking about, honey? Lawrence has a family - a wife and children. He's just a friend. You see, I get a little lonely sometimes, and it’s so good to have someone to talk to.

Soon after this, the boy began to think that Lawrence Wolseley was his real father. As soon as this thought arose, it would not let him go, but he was afraid to ask his mother. She didn't want to talk about this man and she didn't want to talk about his "dead father." It hurt to think that his mother was lying to him. The boy hoped that he was wrong, but he understood that he simply had to find out everything.

So tonight he snuck out into the hallway. The door to my mother's bedroom, as usual, was tightly closed. He didn't knock. He heard laughter, then voices, but so quiet that he could not make out a word. The boy did not press his ear to the door, he simply sat on the floor, cross-legged, and waited.

Joanna Lindsay

Let love find you

The boy stood at the bedroom window and watched the snow fall, covering the pavement. It probably won’t melt this time; it’s quite cold outside. The boy loved snow. The streets littered with it looked so bright and clean, especially at night when the lanterns were shining. His bedroom windows faced the street. He often stood at the window during the day and watched beautiful carriages pass by. And at times, when he couldn’t fall asleep right away or woke up for some reason, he stood here at night. It was then that he saw a carriage that stopped at the door of the town house where he lived with his mother Elaine. The same carriage stopped at the front door now. Moreover, he never came during the day, only at night.

A tall man came out of the carriage, throwing up the tails of his coat, turned to close the door, and said something to the coachman. The carriage drove off, and the man hurried to the house. He had his own key. For as long as the boy could remember, this man constantly came to their house.

The boy grew up in an ordinary London house with several servants. During the day he could come to his mother at any moment, and he went to bed quite early, so for a long time he did not know that everything changed at night.

He had just turned six and couldn't remember the first time he asked his mother who this man was. He just knew that it had happened a long time ago. That day, my mother was very surprised that he even knew about the existence of this man.

Lord Wolseley is the owner of our house, that's all. He comes to see the condition of the building.

So often?

Well, he and I became friends. We became close friends. He is not a very happy person, and I can offer a shoulder to cry on. - She smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder. - You know this well, because you yourself often cry on it, right?

The boy recalled feeling embarrassed that day. She talked about bruises and bruises that would never have made him cry if she hadn't held him and comforted him. He tried to imagine the tall man crying on her shoulder, but he couldn't.

He was told that his father died when he was still a baby, and his mother refused to tell anything more about him.

These memories make me cry,” she said. “Someday I’ll tell you all about him, but not now.”

But she never said anything. The only time in his life his mother got angry with him was when he asked questions about his father too persistently. And when I asked about him for the last time, tears actually came to her eyes. After that the boy stopped asking her questions.

And the owner of the house continued to come to them at night, and the boy heard the door to his mother’s bedroom quietly opening and closing. Sometimes he would go out into the corridor and hear his mother’s laughter on the other side of the door. If this man can make her happy, why don't they get married so that he can be happy with them too?

Recently curiosity overpowered him, and he asked his mother:

Is he going to be my new father?

His mother hugged him tightly and replied:

What are you thinking about, honey? Lawrence has a family - a wife and children. He's just a friend. You see, I get a little lonely sometimes, and it’s so good to have someone to talk to.

Soon after this, the boy began to think that Lawrence Wolseley was his real father. As soon as this thought arose, it would not let him go, but he was afraid to ask his mother. She didn't want to talk about this man and she didn't want to talk about his "dead father." It hurt to think that his mother was lying to him. The boy hoped that he was wrong, but he understood that he simply had to find out everything.

So tonight he snuck out into the hallway. The door to my mother's bedroom, as usual, was tightly closed. He didn't knock. He heard laughter, then voices, but so quiet that he could not make out a word. The boy did not press his ear to the door, he simply sat on the floor, cross-legged, and waited.

He had to wait a long time, he almost fell asleep, but eventually the door swung open. The boy instantly jumped to his feet to avoid being stepped on. Until now, he had never seen this man so close. He turned out to be taller than the boy thought - very handsome, well dressed, with hair as dark as the boy's. He threw his coat over his arm, and a ring with a precious stone sparkled on his finger.

The boy quickly, before he lost his presence of mind, asked his question:

Are you my father?

The man, who had not noticed him until now, looked down and frowned:

You should be asleep long ago. Go to bed!

Frightened by his stern tone, the boy froze in place, but he was already hastily walking down the corridor. The door to the bedroom remained open, and the boy looked inside, wanting to make sure that everything was okay with his mother. She sat at the dressing table at the far end of the room and admired a necklace that the boy had never seen before.